Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 5
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 11: Blind

Today was highly strange, and it seemed Veo was still thinking about. Was he dreaming? He's never had a dream so realistic though...
Normally things don't bother him so much, so it was a little strange. But the noticeable difference affected some close friends of his that he was meeting up with that day. It had been a lunch to catch up and say hi after some busy schedules they all had. Something most of them were looking forward to for a while, so seeing Veo kinda sit backseat of each conversation was more than odd.

He didn't quite notice at the time though. So, later on that evening, he was reminded of how absent he was at lunch. Veo was kinda surprised by this concern when messaged about it later at home. Both in how he was feeling, asking if something was the matter, and how vacant and bored he seemed with his friends, even by mistake.
Rethinking how he acted, he did seem pretty out of it he thought... oops. He of course reminded them he appreciated hanging out, the day had just been a little odd for him is all. Thinking about how he was so lost in thought made him almost forget to reply to the group chat though, ironically.

Maybe he'd need to make an effort not to get so spacey, or possibly just shove that weird dream away to decode later. Chatting with his friends a little bit before bed that night seemed to reassure everyone though, and they agreed a do-over for lunch might be best.
A bit of joking was shared here and there, and then most of them had to head to bed themselves. So Veo decided to try sleeping himself, and got all comfy. Laying in bed, he was a little worried about having such a vivid dream again, and how absent minded he was today. Getting kind of overwhelmed, he tried to shove those thoughts away. And thankfully, he was able to sleep okay finally.