Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 6
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 12: Altar

Mmm.. Veo felt pretty groggy today, even sipping coffee wasn't helping. He got some good sleep, that was for sure. But his body was all squishy and his energy was really low.. maybe he was sick? Ugh that would be terrible if so, he's got a few halloween parties lined up and he can NOT get sick for those.

Wanting to take the easy way out as always, Veo remembers a good health spell he found while flipping through his childhood spellbook. It wasn't supposed to cure illnesses or even last too long, but it could help if he was catching a cold for sure. Plus it just called for basic things, meant for children to be able to pull out of their spice cabinet or whatever.

Fiddling around in the bookshelf, he found the book again and looked in the index. Not recognizing the name of the spell anywhere, he began to just flip around in the pages. One page led to an altar placement that he remembered increasing any spell's power. Maybe adding that to the health spell could help? He figured it wouldn't hurt to try.

Veo then spent a few hours rummaging around trying to find what was needed. A while candle here, a black candle here, some salt, preferred dried herbs, and a tablecloth that's not... too flammable..
Eventually he got everything in place, and it actually looked good. And just like the photo in the book!

His child-like pride in his little setup almost made him forgot the entire purpose of making it to begin with though. Rushing over to the book and reading what the spell itself needed, he gathered those supplies too. And soon enough, everything was set up and ready.
All he had to do was a series of lighting candles, some chanting, a small offering, and then burning a preferred herb. A little worried at first, he eventually got the rhythm of it and hoped it worked. In the meantime he better put his seasonings and spices back in their cabinet and clean up.