Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 2
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 8: Summon

Being a slow and mostly boring day, filled with procrastination, Veo does what any demon would do when he doesn't feel like doing much of anything. Pulling out an old family heirloom, a book of 'calling' spells, he wipes the dust off and coughs slightly. Even opening the book and flipping through pages causes a bit more dust and stale air to shift around in an unpleasant way. Eventually he finds the one he wants though!

With purpose and intention, just like how he was taught, he says the magical words and holds out his arms, slowly pulling them upwards as if to draw something from the depths. The lights begin to flicker uncontrollably, which is quite a good sign! Veo is understandably pleased, and puts a little more power into his words with the excitement.
Eventually, a black tar material escapes from below and through his floor. Even though he knows it's an illusion, a day full of thinking about chores makes him almost stop completely to go clean it up. But continuing, a little pair of horns start to appear amidst the tar. Then a curious little head that follows, and jagged movements as it turns it's head to find out why it's being summoned here.

Finishing the full recitement of words, Veo takes a few much needed breaths then grabs the broom. Much too big for this maybe foot tall creature, barely able to keep it's teeny tiny glasses on it's face properly. It looks up to Veo with questioning eyes... and Veo just replies with a "Well? Go ahead, the basement needs a good sweeping". The silent creature nods in understanding and waddles over to a corner of the room to start. Meanwhile the owner of said dusty basement goes to grab a beer and relax some more on the couch. It was a tiring calling afterall, he needed a little bit of rest right?