Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 19
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 29: Scarecrow

It was starting to get dark on halloween, the fog machines were being turned on and the special light-up decorations could really be shown off. There had been a lot of kids trick or treating before it got dark, and now it was a bit slow before the chaos. Still, there were a few kids here and there.

And the costumes were still quite interesting to watch. Some kids were falling over their costumes, while others wore something fairly simple for the purpose of being able to actually walk around. The detailed ones always had proud parents nearby too.

"Tr-trick or treat!" A child had walked up while Veo was daydreaming or thinking about things it seemed, and tried to get his attention a bit. Finally snapping out of it though, he offered the kid a few pieces of candy and they walked off.
It started to pick up soon after though, and Veo tried to keep track of how many kids versus how much candy will be left. They seemed to keep coming from a dark abyss almost, but he didn't want to gorge himself on a bunch of candy either.

Finally it got late, and the demon started to actually get sleepy believe it or not. He wasn't used to interacting with people, let alone smiling so he didn't look too scary for kids.
But there was one last child that came up to get candy, looking fairly exhausted as-is. The costume was fairly well put together, and held up well based on how late it was and how tired he looked. There was hay pieces stuck to his face, and all over his clothes. And tattered, patched up clothes with bites of dirt and mud on them. Even his little face was covered on patch-like facepaint.

Veo guessed he was just some scarecrow, but considering that can be a common costume, this one looked really neat. Needing to head inside anyways, the demon just dumped the last five pieces into the kid's candy bag and called it a night. The child seemed quite thankful, and waddled away happy.