Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 3
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 9: Spell

Staying up fairly late talking to friends on his phone, as usual, the idea of getting drunk and casting a random spell from his old childhood spellbook was brought up. It was almost a dare at this point, he had to try it for how crazy the outcome to even be.

'The Children's Guide to Everything Magic' is what the book was called, and it had anything from basic spells to truly difficult ones. As an easy example, there was the age old classic of turning an egg into a chicken and vice versa.
That was on page 37, and with a hefty warning of parental guidance since sometimes turning the chicken into an egg could trap a miniature chicken inside an eggshell. There seemed to be many kids who got the spell wrong for whatever reason, and it was fairly common. Something with the pronunciation or whatever.

Stumbling from sleepiness to head over to the fridge and down a beer quickly, he agreed to the idea fully. And after finding the book, it was like finding an old and annoying friend. Most of the pages had been ingrained in him for sure, though a good few he actually didn't remember when flipping through now.

His friends were excited though, and picked a random page number that Veo would have to do the spell of. Not knowing what's even in this book, they all spouted random numbers one after another, but eventually agreed on 5. Should be a simple spell then, yea?

Flipping to the correct page, he soon realized what spell this was. It was one he had trouble with as a child, and wasn't able to master fully because of a slight lisp messing with how it was said. Knowing this would get all kinds of messed up, he wasn't too sure...
But he read the contents of the page anyways and... well his phone got dropped yet again on the floor for the second time recently. This time because the spell for two left feet, behaved the same as when he was a kid. It instead swapped his left foot for his left hand, and he would need to wait out the spell expiring just like all those years ago.

But it wasn't all bad, his friends though it was quite funny actually.