Spooky Happenings

Veo Show More
2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
21 7019

Entry 9
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Veo's life involving the spookiest of seasons (halloween) ; part of the 2021 warpatober prompts!

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Day 16: Cut

"Ooh- ow" Veo softly squishes his finger, seeing how bad the pinprick was. Only a little bit of blood comes out thankfully. He had been trying to sew on a few creepy looking extras to his costume. Some old buttons he found in his attic, a bit of lace that looked haunted by itself. But he's never been good at physical art.. so sewing was defiantly a weak point of his.

A bit of blood seeped through the lace though, and he yelped a bit. Was the costume ruined now?? Veo rushed to first get a bandaid, and secondly think about what to do to fix this...
A few ideas came to mind, he even wanted to just try ripping off the additions he sewed on... but it was a lot of work... hmm

Eventually he realized he could add some fake blood or something to the other bits of the costume, to both even it out and look a bit more frightening... yea that sounds great actually! Running to grab the food coloring from the kitchen, he wonders how to even go about this...
Maybe he should hold the costume over the sink and just dribble it on? That could work, he supposed, and got the costume in a position that would work. Eventually the food coloring did as he thought, and stained the white lace beyond repair. But also looked ghastly and as if he had a wound himself, or from someone else.

Excited now, Veo tries to finish sewing on the costume's extra bits, and pricks himself a few more times in the process. A lot of it was due to the fact he was watching movies while sewing, not even looking at where his hand was. Now he's not too worried about it though, he only yelps for the half second that he pokes himself. But maybe, later on, he should get better at not inflicting pain in the process of sewing something...