Greedy Bingo

2 months, 15 days ago
2 months, 15 days ago
24 7388

Chapter 1
Published 2 months, 15 days ago

Reverie has a little greedy fun during the month of March - she may be a more gluttonous demon, but she's not opposed to engaging in some other sins from time to time...

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Candy Crook

Reverie may not be a demon of wrath, but she wished she was— if only to have an excuse to kill the next bully who tried trifling with her or Noah.

It was a Halloween night, and Reverie had managed to hype her kid up enough for him to go trick-or-treating with her. There was still some paranoia for him, of course, but she promised that nothing would happen to him... and by the Hells, she would keep that promise.

With some effort, they got dressed in their matching costumes as a queen and her little prince, heading outside to fill up Noah’s candy bag! It wouldn’t fill itself, after all. The two walked side-by-side towards their neighbor’s house, with most of the kid’s anxieties quickly forgotten, when—

Noah dropped to the ground like a tree from a sudden impact, scraping his hands as he hit the pavement. Before tears could fall from his face, Reverie swooped him up into a gentle carry, digging into her bag to find something to help with his new scrapes. She'd done this a thousand times before, but she hoped that this incident didn't set his progress back. She managed to cover up the new scrapes without him crying, which was a hell of an accomplishment... no pun intended. She'd need to get him extra candy for that— it'd be on sale after Halloween, right?

“HAH, mama’s boy!” yelled a shrill voice from behind the two. Reverie’s ears almost perked up as she turned to look at the source… only to find a boy who easily could’ve been in middle school in a horrendously-crafted creeper costume. His mom was following behind him with a smug smirk on her face that would beat Supervisor Cash’s.

Reverie’s disguise was on the verge of dissolving, but the demon didn’t even mind as she stomped up to the mother. "Are you allergic to watching your damn kid? Did he just shove mine?!"

Despite her harsh tone, the mother didn't budge. "He was just playing around, he didn't mean any harm... boys will be boys, you know."

That was the moment something snapped in Reverie. It may have been the repressed anger at the supervisors or at Noah's biological parents, or it may have been her genuine connection with her kid. After centuries, she finally had someone to care about again, and these bastards wanted to hurt him? She couldn't let them leave this interaction unscarred.

In the blink of an eye, Reverie dropped her disguise. She smiled at the mother with impossibly sharp teeth, putting a clawed finger to her mouth as candy started to float out of the bully's bag and into Noah's. The mother started to stammer, her face turning a beet red as she moved to fight the demon, but four simple words kept her from following through.

"Nobody will believe you."

At that point, both the mother and her son sprinted away, on the verge of sobbing. Reverie disguised herself again with a small sigh, putting down Noah and continuing to walk hand-in-hand with him, holding his suspiciously-filled candy bag as they moved to the neighbor's house.