Greedy Bingo

2 months, 19 days ago
2 months, 19 days ago
24 7388

Chapter 17
Published 2 months, 19 days ago

Reverie has a little greedy fun during the month of March - she may be a more gluttonous demon, but she's not opposed to engaging in some other sins from time to time...

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Champagne Cup

For Reverie, it'd been a long night of attempting to get Noah to go to bed, which required more chasing and bribing than she'd like to admit, but... hopefully, the promise of good candy would keep him asleep until the morning came.

After all, when was the last time he even had candy? From her experience, his family sustained themselves solely on shitty salads. She tried to get her previous owner to branch out their culinary taste to something more decadent, but the fear of anything more delicious than a blank sheet of paper stuck to the family like moths to a flame that was on the verge of extinguishing itself.

She would never understand their lack of gluttony; it was the sin that sustained her, after all. She always restrained herself from indulging in it around Noah, but... he was asleep right now. His parents weren't here to see her, either. They'd been gone for a few days now, and Reverie was the only thing keeping the kid alive at this rate.

She might as well reward herself for that.

She summoned a bottle of champagne in one hand and a glass in the other, and she couldn't help but contemplate drinking it straight from the bottle. She wasn't that far gone yet, though, so she poured it into her glass, relishing in the atmosphere around it all.

She put the bottle off to the side, sitting on the couch and taking a drink out of her cup. The wine tingled in her mouth, and she reveled in the sensation before swallowing it. In her mildly tipsy mind, there was only one thing repeating; she needed to do this more often.