Greedy Bingo

2 months, 19 days ago
2 months, 19 days ago
24 7388

Chapter 8
Published 2 months, 19 days ago

Reverie has a little greedy fun during the month of March - she may be a more gluttonous demon, but she's not opposed to engaging in some other sins from time to time...

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Author's Notes

The spot for this one is “Trinket Collecting (Goblin Style)” :)

Fountain Coins

Reverie walked with her kid through the huge mall, marveling at the various shops and attractions. Seriously, since when did malls have indoor theme parks in them? It wasn’t as if she was complaining, though; it just meant more self-indulgent stuff for her to consume and more things for her kid to enjoy!

There was only one problem, and that was her lack of money. She lived off whatever she could shoplift or summon, but it wasn’t as if she could summon tickets or shoplift the rollercoasters. Of course, such desperate times call for desperate measures.

Without so much as a warning to her kid, Reverie started to move towards the mall’s fountain, bringing Noah with her.

“What are we doing…?” Noah’s little hesitant voice rang.

She made both of them invisible, so as to not worry passersby. After all, it was quite an unconventional way of earning money, and she didn't want the cops to be called on her.

“Just grabbing some cash— don’t worry, hon!” She reached the fountain and placed her hand in the water, pulling out a few coins from the bottom of it. She put them up to the light, watching them sparkle in the light as water dripped off of them.

On the other hand... maybe she could just keep these coins and polish them so they shine like that forever! Besides, they also work as legal currency once she gets bored. So, with a huge grin on her face, she practically dove into the fountain to get more coins for her new collection.