Greedy Bingo

2 months, 19 days ago
2 months, 19 days ago
24 7388

Chapter 21
Published 2 months, 19 days ago

Reverie has a little greedy fun during the month of March - she may be a more gluttonous demon, but she's not opposed to engaging in some other sins from time to time...

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Author's Notes

Since the actual bingo spot isn't the title of the chapter: the spot for this one is "Non-Demonic Deals" :)

Deals Over Drinks

How much did Reverie even have to drink tonight? The local bar distracted her for maybe two seconds during her night out with her hellish friends, and now the world was spinning and her arms were wrapped around her friend Tide's shoulders as if she'd collapse if she didn't. Did Journey swap her alcohol out for something from Hell? Xe was a bartender... but if xe did, how did xe even manage that?

Fuck, she needed to take care of Noah tomorrow. He got hit with some nasty illness, and the last thing he needed was her going out of commission because of a particularly wild night out. She'd just have to power through it, then.

Journey glided over to her location, patting her back and moving her into a seat. "Rev, you're okay. You're fine. Take a seat right here." Xyr voice was calm but commanding— everything it needed to be in the moment. Reverie could see why that falling angel Francesca liked xem so much.

She nodded, leaning backwards into her new chair. Was her disguise flickering, or were those humans staring because of how hammered she was? "I absolutely just fucked up... the wine was so good, though..."

"Yeah, we can all tell." Tide looked her up and down, holding back his laughter.

Journey smacked Tide with some restraint, hushing him. "Shut it, Tide. It's not as if she can un-drink all of that... but— Reverie, you're listening to me, right?" With an affirmative thumbs-up from the drunk demon, xe continued, "Let's make a deal, the three of us. We're all wasted, right? So... whoever still has the most control of their magic gets to... uh... spend $1000 on whatever they want, courtesy of me. Sound like a deal?"

"Deal," Tide said, little sparks of magic already accumulating on his fingertips.

Reverie nodded with a grin. Wait... she could un-drink her alcohol. Hells, was she really so lost in the alcoholic sauce that it took a sarcastic comment to remind her that she was a demon of gluttony? The mental fog cleared with a quick spell, allowing her to win the deal on a landslide and leaving the other two demons none the wiser!