Greedy Bingo

2 months, 19 days ago
2 months, 19 days ago
24 7388

Chapter 20
Published 2 months, 19 days ago

Reverie has a little greedy fun during the month of March - she may be a more gluttonous demon, but she's not opposed to engaging in some other sins from time to time...

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So Much Jewelry

Out of every holiday Reverie reveled in, her favorite had to be birthdays. They weren't much to most demons, considering the huge lifespans and the looming concern about consuming a new soul. With so many other worries, things such as a date of birth quickly become irrelevant.

In Reverie's eyes, though, the humans had the right idea when they invented a holiday to celebrate someone's existence. It was the most hedonistic thing she had ever witnessed, and she adored it. Why should birthdays be restricted to them?

With that thought, she decided her own birthday on a whim. April 4th. At long last, she'd have a day for herself, to focus on her wants and needs! It was a dream come true.

She knew nobody else would indulge her in this, but that didn't mean she couldn't indulge herself with some shoplifting! Reverie used glamor magic to appear more human, putting on sunglasses and a long dress just in case it failed mid-trip. Besides, it also worked to disguise her on the cameras. It might be fun to shock folks with her demonic visage, but she'd rather return from her trip alive.

With her preparations set, she headed for her favorite jewelry store to steal from. It was a large company, not a mom-and-pop shop; she wasn't that evil. It was technically closed at the moment, but when did that ever stop her from getting what she wanted?

A small smile was stuck on her face as she teleported into the shop, grabbing every fancy piece of jewelry she could find. From statement chokers to intricate rings, if she wanted it, she got it. It wasn't as if anybody tried to stop her either, so might as well help herself!

After nearly an hour of meandering around, she left the building, shining in the sunlight like a diamond with the sheer amount of jewelry on her. Hells, she couldn't wait to surprise Noah with her new finds when she got home... maybe he could try some on himself! That'd be cute...