Greedy Bingo

5 months, 21 days ago
5 months, 21 days ago
24 7388

Chapter 9
Published 5 months, 21 days ago

Reverie has a little greedy fun during the month of March - she may be a more gluttonous demon, but she's not opposed to engaging in some other sins from time to time...

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Author's Notes

Since the actual bingo spot isn't the title of the chapter: the spot for this one is "You? Take This From Me?" :)

The Last Piece

The two demons Reverie and Journey sat across from each other at the local Italian restaurant, on what may have been the oddest platonic date in their lives. Journey donned xyr iconic crimson suit and tie, while Reverie went for a stunning satin dress to match xem. One might call them overdressed, but they merely dressed to impress.

Usually, these dates happened in Hell, but Reverie had a deal to stick to, and she'd be (doubly) damned if she abandoned her kid's entire realm for a single night out. Despite Journey's own commitments in Hell, xe insisted on giving her a break... and here they were, in the first place they could find with half-decent food.

As the duo dug into the tray of calamari in front of them, Reverie wondered how they looked to anyone without context: a femme and butch couple looking to unwind after a long day, perhaps? Not even the disguises could cover their dark circles. That couldn't be further from the truth, however; Journey preferred to date fellow butches, and Reverie preferred nobody.

Well, if she had to choose a type, she supposed it would be someone who didn't take the last damn piece of calamari.

Reverie adjusted her sunglasses to show her unhuman eyes through her otherwise human disguise, glaring lightheartedly at her friend as xyr claws plucked the delicacy from its tray. "You dare take that final piece from me? How dare you? I thought we were friends..." she whined in an exaggerated tone.

Journey grinned, holding up xyr treasure. "Look, I know you're a demon of gluttony and all, but surely you can handle having one less piece? We're following this up with a whole pizza pie, anyways... you'll live."

"You're just saying that because you're a demon of greed!" She laughed, batting xyr head. It always felt so weird when xe didn't have any horns... "Let's split it in half, and maybe we can keep having these dates."

Journey nodded, barely managing to not break out laughing as xe grabbed a plastic knife and sawed into it, giving Reverie the smaller piece. "There. Is our friendship saved now?"

Reverie looked down at her half for a moment, examining every inch of it, before nodding. "Fine. Yes, it's saved. Thank you for being such a valiant hero," she joked as she devoured it in one bite.

Journey ate xyr own piece, and with that little spat solved, they continued to enjoy their platonic date... with maybe a few more arguments about the size of their pizza slices. Who could blame them, though? It was just in their nature.