Greedy Bingo

2 months, 19 days ago
2 months, 19 days ago
24 7388

Chapter 3
Published 2 months, 19 days ago

Reverie has a little greedy fun during the month of March - she may be a more gluttonous demon, but she's not opposed to engaging in some other sins from time to time...

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Author's Notes

A direct continuation of "Flower Hoard" :)

"You Keepin' That?"

The patch of wildflowers was a comfortable level of quiet for a while, with the occasional interruption of songbirds chirping or bees buzzing. Reverie took a deep breath in, watching a tabby cat trot across the garden as a gust of wind hit the demon's back. Wait... that cat was translucent. Was that a ghost?

Before she could follow the cat's path, another ghost floated into the lawn, swirling around a blue rose bush. Reverie rushed over to the ghost, muttering infernal curses under her breath as she examined them. At least it was a human this time, with two black braids and a deep scar in her chest.

"...Who the fuck are you?" Reverie asked, staring at the floating woman like a puzzle to be solved. The ghost blinked, as if she didn't expect to get caught in the garden. "I'm a demon, that's why I can see you. I know I don't look it, but disguises are useful, y’know. So, why are you even here? Go on, spit it out. If you're in my garden, there may as well be a reason for why."

The ghost looked down at herself, as if trying to recall her own identity before she answered. "I'm... Molly Terzi, ma'am. Are you keepin' those blue roses, or...? I need somethin' to put on my girlfriend's grave, and... her code name as a soldier was Blue Rose."

Reverie's face paled at Molly's words, silently handing her a rose. "I... oh. Wow. I'm sorry for asking, then, just... take it. You can hold it, right?"

Molly nodded, taking the rose with an appreciative smile before both she and it vanished in mid-air. Reverie continued to stare at the blank spot where the ghost was, her brain still trying to process even the translucent cat. Why did she always have to be the one with the weird supernatural encounters?