Greedy Bingo

2 months, 19 days ago
2 months, 19 days ago
24 7388

Chapter 5
Published 2 months, 19 days ago

Reverie has a little greedy fun during the month of March - she may be a more gluttonous demon, but she's not opposed to engaging in some other sins from time to time...

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Reverie poured her pile of patches onto Noah's bed, looking at the array of colors with a grin on her face. Hells, who would've guessed that a single festival over 40 years ago would lead to her having an entire box full of patches? It was the first thing in this realm that was truly hers, and every patch in her collection was selected with the utmost care.

A large part of the obsession was seeing which one she could use to fix up her next rip, but the patches also looked amazing when they were combined with her old jean jacket, which was ironically gifted to the demon by an angel— the same one knocking at the door. 

Reverie smiled as she realized who it was, opening the door to see Francesca, their favorite falling angel. They wore a black crop top and purple pants, and despite the minimalism of the outfit, they still wore it with a confident ease. Hm, their wings seemed a bit darker than they were last time. Was their partner Journey having that much of an impact on them?

"So... saw your patches, they're hella cute!" Fran started with a grin. "I was just wondering if—"

Before the sentence could even form, Reverie cut in. "Sorry, dude, I don't share 'em. Especially not with an angel. Thanks for the compliment, though!"

Fran huffed, but their smile remained. At this point, arguing was their platonic love language. "Oh, c'mon. I'm barely even an angel anymore, as far as Heaven's concerned... you see how black these damn wings are getting?"

"Either way, you're still an angel until the second those wings fall off. Once that happens, then maybe we can negotiate a few patches goin' your way. We'll both still be around, either way..."

"Ohh, damn! Playing hard to get. You know that'll take far too fucking long. Those patches will disintegrate. Literally, I just want one, and I'll never bother you about it again. Please?"

A smirk blossomed across Reverie's face. "Either get Journey to ask me for one, or steal one. Either way, you're not getting them through any legal methods. Good luck, Fran!" She patted the angel's head.

"...Is this your way of getting me to fall further?" They burst out laughing. "Fuckin' clever... fine. I'll see what I can do. Until then!" With a quick wave, they turned back around, soaring back up into the sky with not a single human noticing.

The demon chuckled, and with a sigh, she closed the door and headed back to keep sorting her patches. She'd need to hide her favorites from the thief-in-training, after all.