Greedy Bingo

2 months, 19 days ago
2 months, 19 days ago
24 7388

Chapter 22
Published 2 months, 19 days ago

Reverie has a little greedy fun during the month of March - she may be a more gluttonous demon, but she's not opposed to engaging in some other sins from time to time...

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Snake of Eden

It was another day full of nothing for Noah's schedule, and Reverie intended to make the most of it. The kid may have still been sleeping, but she'd been awake for far too long, and she needed something to do soon. What could she do, though...?

An idea came to her as the birds chirped to greet the rising sun. She looked outside the window, seeing her flowers waving in the wind— as if enticing her to join them outside. It wasn't as if she could say no, so she tossed on the first nightgown she could find, flimsily applying her glamor magic as she rushed out the door to sit on the ground. She found herself beneath her apple tree, and she gladly picked an apple to eat.

She had no clue what she would do on the ground now that she was here, but it felt like the right place to be. Maybe she could cook herself in the sun over the next few hours? Meditation could work as well...

She was interrupted from her thinking session, however, by a literal rainbow snake slithering onto her lap and curling up.

Reverie froze, looking down at the creature in her lap and reaching out to it with two fingers to hesitantly pet it. It flicked its tongue in approval, continuing to get cozy in her lap. If she, a demon, was sitting in this garden while petting a snake underneath an apple tree, did this make her garden a recreation of Eden? Hells, she hoped it did, it'd be fucking funny.

Before she could continue on her train of thought, the snake eventually fell unconscious in her lap. Well, shit, she couldn't get up now. She didn't want to interrupt the little guy from her rest— that left her with only an apple as her food for the morning, though.

Well, human foods and drinks were overrated anyways.