Clouds and Currents - VoK & HW 2021 Event Prompts

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
50 32583 1

Entry 41
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

A place to store all of my prompts for the Valley of Kings and Hunter's Woods 2021 event, Raging Sea, Storming Skies.

As of 2024, VOK and HW have been rebooted for hosting on Toyhouse - My prompts from this event are being archived here for posterity, with plans to rewrite the storyline for more cohesion at a later time. Stay tuned!

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Author's Notes

The Scribe, it seems, isn't fighting the Titan. She is busy trying to uncover these new stones, digging out the half-sunken ones, gathering fragments and trying to sort through an impossible puzzle. To her alarm, the close proximity of the Titan is causing the other stones to lean and tremble.
Do you even have the time or energy to try and understand all this? It is worth trying to save if it is all going to crumble to dust?

Day 11 - The Scribe's Shrine

   He'd not been able to see the scribe in some days, but now, Bora returned in between his search. The island was in disarray, and the scribe herself seemed much the same, her previously calm demeanor now replaced with hurried alarm. And it was easy to understand why - The titan was closer than ever, and its approach was shifting the very earth that formed the island, leaving pillars leaning, no doubt well on their way to falling over. And even as she tried to keep them upright and intact, the scribe was also scrambling with smaller fragments and stones, trying to keep them together, dig them up from where they'd fallen and wound up buried, decipher whatever it is they might hold.
   The scribe looked up from her work to see him there, and nodded. "Ah, good. You're back." She gave a huff of exertion as she tried to push a pillar back upright. "If you could lend a paw-"
   Bora nodded and joined her in her efforts, and, with some effort, the two managed to get one of the columns back in its place. But it would only be temporary, no doubt. "The titan is nearly here," he said. "It's not safe here. We're going to do what we can to hold it off while the hero takes care of the... underlying problem, so to speak, but I can't guarantee that it will be enough to prevent the destruction it's set to bring."
   The scribe shook her head. "I am aware of this, obviously. Look at this place. It's not exactly in the best state right now." She flicked her tail and continued. "But this place must be preserved. There's too much here, and not enough time. There's still so much we need. I have to stay. There must be something."
   The smilodon was quiet. The relics here, the stories they held, fragments of cultures long gone... he understood her feelings. To let it all crumble away and disappear forever, forgotten... Preventing that was part of his very duty as the god of knowledge. And yet... what could be done? She was right that there was simply too much here, and not enough time. He couldn't help her, not if he was to help fight back against the titan.
   He closed his eyes in focus, and as he did so, the air in front of him shifted. Something was changing, forming there... a rift.
   "Scribe," he said, opening his eyes to look back at her. "Stay safe. There is something I must do. I will return." And he stepped through the portal and vanished, the path closing behind him.
   "...Hm. Well, I'll be damned."

   He kept his promise. He did return, only a few minutes later - This time, with help. Another feline, a lion this time, with silver-white fur and wings, dotted with leopard spots, followed him through the shimmering air when it again appeared.
   "So, this is the place?" The lion asked, looking around at the falling pillars. "Some old ruins? Hah! Seems like your sort of place, Bora!"
   Bora shook his head, smiling a bit in spite of himself. "Yes, yes, we've taken rather different paths, I'm aware," he replied. He gestured to the coast, back towards the mainland. "The titan approaches from that direction. Do you see the chains?"
   "Yes, yes, I see them! I may be older than even you, but I haven't lost my eyesight yet!" he laughed. "The hero you speak of, she'll be there? And Nahia as well?" When he received a nod in response, he laughed again. "Surprised you didn't grab her by the scruff of her neck and toss her back through when you got your paws on her! But fine." He stretched his wings and rolled his shoulders. "I'll take care of the titan, then. You do whatever it is you do here. Don't go getting yourself killed, you hear? I don't want to have to go finding another disciple to train to take your place if you beef it, Bora! Not sure I'll be able to find another like you!" The lion grinned and took off at a sprint, running over the water which froze beneath his paws to create a path back to the mainland.
   The scribe looked incredulously at the smilodon. "That is...?"
   He chuckled. "My mentor. Mintovo. Quite the character." He turned his attention to the stones. "Well. I can't guarantee that this place will be salvageable in its current form, but I will do my best... and I can promise that I will record the carvings here in my own way, and ensure that they are preserved elsewhere." He reached down, and from his mane, he pulled a great many scrolls and a sizable pot of ink. "Where shall we begin?"

Author's Notes

Wordcount: 800 (Out of 100, 200, or 300)
Reward: 3 Ancient Coins

The introduction of the first of the gods I received from Kitten 👀 Welcome to the pantheon, Mintovo.