Clouds and Currents - VoK & HW 2021 Event Prompts

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
50 32583 1

Entry 48
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

A place to store all of my prompts for the Valley of Kings and Hunter's Woods 2021 event, Raging Sea, Storming Skies.

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Author's Notes

Days later, after the chaos and fear and fighting, the world is still. The ocean is calm and flat, the sky is clear. On the black sand island, the white stones are almost blinding under the midday sun. Instead of just white and black and grey as the colors dominating the shrine, there are all sorts of specks covering everything. Looking closer, you identify some of them as paper, cloth, ribbons, strings. Some of it seems celebratory, while others are there to honor things and citizens lost.
You see the Scribe helping a small kit reach the top of a rock much bigger than her to leave a painted seashell on the very top of it. She is busy, but she sends you a grateful look and a wave of her thick tail.
It has been a long few weeks but you made it. You all did.

Day 15 - The Scribe's Shrine

   Bora watched quietly as the scribe set the kit back down, and the little one scrambled off. He gave her a soft smile when he approached.
   "I would apologize for being unable to save everything in time," he said, turning to look at the seashell where it sat atop the pillar, "but it seems we've found new records to take their place."
   The scribe chuckled. "It seems we have," she agreed. "I suppose you will be returning with your copies of these writings to your own realm soon?"
   He nodded. "Mintovo, Nahia, and I... There's still business in this world we need to wrap up. But yes, we shall be leaving soon." He paused. "But, for what it's worth, I did enjoy my time here. And, should the need... or opportunity, for that matter, arise, I will gladly return. With my own copies of these records, should they ever need to be referenced."
   "Let us hope that it is the latter that brings you back, then, and not the former. I think we could all use a break from needing heroes to come forth to fight off disaster," she joked. "Sincerely, though, I appreciate all your assistance."
   "I was glad to provide it," the smilodon said, bowing his head respectfully before he turned to leave. But then he paused. "Oh, yes. Before I go, there was something I wished to leave here as well." And from the pouch around his middle he pulled a clay tablet carved with claw marks and still hardening. "You asked the others, the some time ago, to record tales of heroics and impossible feats, and to honor the memories of someone or something. I was busy with our work then, but I found the time in this past day or so to offer up my own response." He placed it on the black sand between them. "I hope it proves a worthwhile addition to your catalogue," Bora said, and with another nod, he turned, and left for real this time.
   When the scribe looked at the tablet, it was hard to tell what her feelings were. But it bore an image of a stony lion with a mane of moss, continuing to protect the records of those long gone, and the ever-growing ones of those still living, even in the face of insurmountable odds. Perhaps not what most would look to as heroics, in the face of what had occurred recently... but they were memories that would last, at least in the knowledge god's mind.
   Whatever her thoughts, she smoothed the rough edges around where the smilodon's claws had cut into the damp clay, and placed it in the warm sun to finish drying.

Author's Notes

Wordcount: 449 (Out of 100, 200, or 300)
Reward: 3 Ancient Coins