Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
|| Q1 || Q2 || Q3 || Q4 || Q5 || Q6 || Q7 || Q8 || Q9 || Q10 || Q11 || Q12 || Q13 || Q14 || Q15 || Q16 || Q17 || Q18 || Q19 || Q20 || Q21 || Q22 || Q23 || Q24 || Q25 || Q26 || Q27 || Q28 || Q29 || Q30 || Q31 || Q32 || Q33 || Q34 || Q35 || Q36 || Q37 || Q38 || Q39 || Q40 || Q41 || Q42 || Q43 || Q44 || Q45 || Q46 || Q47 || Q48 || Q49 || Q50 ||
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|| Q101 || Q102 || Q103 || Q104 || Q105 || Q106 || Q107 || Q108 || Q109 || Q110 || Q111 || Q112 || Q113 || Q114 || Q115 || Q116 || Q117 || Q118 || Q119 || Q120 || Q121 || Q122 || Q123 || Q124 || Q125 || Q126 || Q127 || Q128 || Q129 || Q130 || Q131 || Q132 || Q133 || Q134 || Q135 || Q136 || Q137 || Q138 || Q139 || Q140 || Q141 || Q142 || Q143 || Q144 || Q145 || Q146 || Q147 || Q148 || Q149 || Q150 ||
|| Q151 || Q152 || Q153 || Q154 || Q155 || Q156 || Q157 || Q158 || Q159 || Q160 || Q161 || Q162 || Q163 || Q164 || Q165 || Q166 ||

Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!

Muri Isoprene

Oh, goodness... seems this thread needs a soothing voice and a gentle touch before it devolves into a robot fight, hmm? Can't have that, now can we? So, let's see here... I suppose it's time I seek out some kindred spirits, yes?

Q130. Which OC of yours is the biggest personal space invader?

I've been... criticized before for my lack of a concept of personal space. Little do they know, of course I know about personal space! I just don't care for it. There's nothing quite like curling around someone and throwing your arms around their shoulders, taking in the soul aura that vents through their delicious flesh... ah, I could melt just thinking about it!

It's so unfair that so many people will try to push me away or run screaming into the night... I can be reasonable! Just a little nibble won't do anything bad to your soul, you know! Now, I may be bad at controlling myself, I'll admit, but you ought to take that as a compliment! It should be an honor to be devoured by the likes of me! Isn't the thought of becoming part of someone so lovely and ravishing enough to make you go weak at the knees? ♥

[ Well, there's really no contest here, Muri definitely wins this one! She's... very touchy-feely. Very. Good thing Halyn doesn't have a profile up here yet or else she'd have some competition! Barazia is also worth noting, but he's not quite Muri tier. ]

Euphesme Misericordia Isoprene

...I see. It's my turn to ask a question. Hmm...

Q131. Which OC of yours is the most vindictive?

I won't act as though I'm an innocent woman. Those who wrong me will pay, simple as that. I do not tolerate and I do not forgive. It's just a matter of math, honestly. You subtract from me, I subtract from you with vigor.

[ Though Euphesme most certainly is a vindictive person, Memen is the most revenge-oriented of them all. It's hard to wrong her, but once you do she'll never forgive you and will spend the rest of her life hunting you down and destroying everything you've ever built. Just don't piss off powerful goddesses, alright? Common sense. If only Hadris had realized that earlier... ]


Q97. Which OC of yours is the most innocent?

i have so many precious, innocent cinnamon rolls that are too good for this world, too pure...

  • one of the ones that has a profile on here is lora - she's so innocent and naive that she believes that there is good in everyone. including her brother, who's a selfish *insert expletive here* who makes her do everything for him and annoys everyone just for fun, a living dress that makes a girl's life 10x worse than it already was, and a powerful demon who wants to plunge the whole world into darkness and despair.
  • and then there's westley, but honestly what else can you expect from a little kid who loves warm hugs?
  • ricky's pretty innocent too. it's nearly impossible to stop him from smiling - he's always so cheerful and happy and he wants everyone else to be cheerful and happy too and it's just asdfjliklfvui //tackle hugs this precious bab
  • one of my characters that doesn't have a profile yet is a robot that doesn't know about the dangers and horrible things in the world, so naturally they're pretty innocent. also they will. not. stop. hugging one of my other characters and it's adorable

i refuse to say which character is the most innocent cuz i simply cannot choose one over the others //hugs them all

Q98. How many OCs do you have in total?

in total, i have 67 characters. out of those, only 22 have profiles on here. i'm planning on making profiles for all of them, though!

Q99. Which OC of yours is the most like you?

hmm, that's a tough one... because there's a little bit of me in quite a few of my characters:

  • calvin and violet are pretty shy, just like how i am in real life. i also used to be really into reading books, like how violet is.
  • eleasha plays animal crossing like i... err, used to (i should seriously get back to playing on it), and her favourite villager is one of my two absolute favourites - melba!
  • i have four other characters that like to play video games - mostly nintendo ones too, just like me.
  • i just want to sleep all morning instead of having to go to school or anything like that... kinda like haimon, only he wants to do it all the time.
  • cheesecake is life imo... and logan would totally agree, although he just thinks that all kinds of cake are life. and tbh i found out about my love for cheesecake long after i found out about logan's, so i don't think this one really counts.
  • cherry enjoys drawing, and i do too even though i don't do it as much as i used to.
  • on some nights in the summer i would totally just go outside and look at the stars cuz they're so damn pretty, just like luna likes to do.

i've probably forgotten about loads more examples... but seriously, i have no idea which character is most like me, because most of them only have one or two things in common with me.

Celesca Isoprene

Ooh, I see... saving the best for last. I'm very honored... then, what will I ask...? I have an idea, but... I can't say it's terribly fitting for a finale... but that's just life, isn't it?

Q132. Do you have any OCs who are robots, androids, cyborgs, AIs, etc?

[ Celesca and Hellscream are both Murderbots(tm) who were built by opposing colleges. Celesca was built by Heaven College and made of demonic souls, while Hellscream was built by Hell College and made of angelic souls. They essentially exist to spite the opposing school. I have a few other robotic characters, but those two are the only ones I have up right now! ]


Q100. Who was your very first OC? If not the same character, who's the earliest OC you created that you still have?

probably some random kid i made up for a story waaaay back in primary school. her name was lucy and she had blonde hair and brown eyes... and that's all i know/remember about her lol. ...actually, now that i think about it, that description could be used to describe lora appearance-wise... maybe i changed lucy until she became lora? idk.

 Q101. Which of your OCs is the best liar? The worst liar?

the best is liam, without a single doubt.  he's so good at it that nobody knows whether he's lying or not until it's too late. he does this by trying to make his lies seem as believable as possible, and changing the amount of lies he tells depending on how much the other person trusts him. if people assume he's always honest, he'll throw in a few lies to trick them, but if people then assume he's always lying, he'll tell the truth sometimes to mess with them. deciding whether or not to believe something he says can turn out to be pretty risky because of this. as for the worst, probably lora. because of her personality, she's practically unable to even lie in the first place, and if she ever did, i'm sure it would be blatantly obvious if she was. ...or maybe not, considering she's known for being honest.

Q102. Which OC has the longest hair? The shortest? (in proportion to their body)

the characters with the longest hair are probably arrie and her clone/au self (haven't decided yet) arabelle. both have long hair that goes down to well below their waists, but as their hair is also pretty... voluminous (is that the word? basically their hair goes very high up, like maybe even a whole foot above their heads, then goes back down to below their waists), their hair is quite a bit longer than that. arabelle can even make her grow even longer than that! as for the character/characters with the shortest hair... i have quite a few characters that have hair that doesn't even go down to their neck, but their hair is all around the same length, so i have no idea. some of my characters that have hair like that are luna, ricky's sister and like 95% of my male characters.


SuperStar2361 Yeah, I'd say volumnious is the word! gotta love big floof hair

Alright, my-ocs-ask-questions week #2 is officially over! And now for a return to our beloved friend, National Day Calendar! Somehow pennies inspired this one:

Q133. Which OC of yours is the most prone to hoarding things they don't need?

BARAZIA!!! No contest. Anything that falls into his lair is automatically his, and he'll keep it forever. He has piles of junk that he has no interest in and will never need nor really want - he just likes having huge masses of things so other people don't get to have his huge masses of things. If someone tries to steal his "treasure" he'll get angry and act as though it has deep meaning to him, but the truth is that he just likes to take things from others because it makes him feel good about himself and overall superior.


Q113. Which OC of yours is the most loyal?
Arthur is really loyal to his friends, and would do lots for them, always being helpful. But as for his boyfriend... He is loyal to him in the way that he is really devoted to him and would give everything for him but... he's still a cheater.
Cherinee devoted his life to his tribe, and nothing is more important than his tribe. He would give his life to save the village or any of his tribe fellows.
Alastyn is totally loyal to his familly (his father and his brother). They are the only important things in his life and nothing else matters. It is all about the three men, everything in his life revolves around them.
They are my most loyal characters, but I would not say one is more loyal than the others as they are loyal to different things... Kinda? Or maybe Arthur would be a bit less loyal than the others as he could totally survive without his friends, while Alastyn would not survive without his dad and bro, and Cherinee would probably not be able to handle the loss of his pride neither.

Q114. Which OC of yours is the hardest to calm down?
Diey. Just try to calm down a fucking god who has the power to kill you and will probably do it without a second thought if you are not devoted enough. And as he does not need food, offerings won't help. Amongs mortals, Wes and Alnitak have quite dangerous angsts too and it can be really difficult to calm them down. They may become dangerous and they may go really far... And probably regret it afterward.

Q115. Do any of your OCs believe in the paranormal?
Amadeus belives in god, angels, miracles, the devil...anything the Bible talks about. Not sure if it counts as "paranormal" though. He does not really believe in ghosts, but if he heard some weird noise or see some weird white shape, he will freak out.
If we are talking about ghosts, I may say Cherinee and Elijah believes in them, as they believe their shaman can talk with their ancestors.

Q116. Which OC of yours is the most likely to make their password "password"? Whose passwords are so secure that they can never remember them?
None would be stupid enough to use "password" as their password. But if Amadeus had a pet or a kid, his password would probably be the pet or kid's name. But as he doesn't, his password probably is something like "ZebraZebra" or some similar shit. And if Bleykasten was using the internet, his password would probably be the name of his Jolteon.
Arthur has some complex passwords for things that needs to be secured, like, business things. His password would probably look like $qmG!dzre63. The kind of thing you takes months to remember. Eden has one password who is just random letters but he uses the same one everywhere then it is not really secured.
But none of them constantly forget about their passwords... Otherwise they would use another technique... Passwords are useless if you constantly forget them.

Q117. Which OC of yours has the most uneventful life?
Most of my characters have a rather uneventful life. I love them that way, actually. Developping them in a normal every day life, slice-of-life style. Then, Arthur, Amadeus, Eden and Kaoru does not live more events than normal real people.
The Verae lions have a quite normal life too... Despite some pesky wars against neighbour tribes, like, one set their village on fire...

Q118. Are any of your OCs involved in the military in any way, or any sort of in-universe equivalent of one?
Elijah is a warrior to his tribe. Well, he's a hunter when at peace, and a warrior when in war. Also, I am not sure yet, but Wilfried may be some military as well.

Q119. Do any of your OCs have children?
They all are so young. One who had children is Eden's pet bird. Ellianne had an adventure with the pet bird of another character, and layed 3 eggs. One felt to the ground, the second two hatched. The birds were given to the owner of the father bird. Okay, who cares.
Also, all of my lions had kids. Because, they're lions, so they breed. Some of their cubs had designs and name but I am not interested into them anyway then I just threw them away. Beside Viao, I threw her parents but not her. Not yet. Soon.
Oh, god, I forgot Cherinee. He is the father of Elijah, so, yes, of course, he had a child.

Q120. Which OC of yours is the most prone to losing things?
Amadeus. He always has his head in the clouds and forgets about everything, or put things somewhere and then forget about them and go away... Like, if there is a coat rack in a restaurant, he will probably forget his coat.
Kaoru loses things a lot too, but he loses them in his own room, then he always (or almost) end up finding them again.

Q121. Which OCs would play video games for fun and which ones would play to win?
Amadeus, Arthur, Eden and Kaoru would play for fun. Wes and Wilfried would play to win. Others would not play.

Q122. Which OC of yours has the strangest life?
.......none? They had all some "special" little things in their background but nothing really "strange". Like, most of what happened to them may happen in the real life (if you're unlucky). There are some fantasy or sci-fi things for sure, like for the ones who lives in the future or in some fantasy tribal past, but nothing I would call "strange".

Q123. Which OC of yours has the darkest sense of humor?
Hippolyte, but he does not have a profile yet.

Q124. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to blame someone else for something that they did?
Wes. If he may get troubles for what he did and do not want to deal with them, then he will find a victim to blame.
Mephialtès may act the same just to save the face. And I would not fully trust Elijah on this neither. Oh, and Murtagh, of course.

Q125. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to take the blame for something they didn't do?
Amadeus. Because he wants to be the nice and helpful guy and wants to be loved, then if he can feel useful and "save" someone by taking the blame for them, he'll do.

Q133. Which OC of yours is the most prone to hoarding things they don't need?
Amadeus hoards zebras. Who need zebras? Not real ones, of course. But everything about zebras. Mostly figurines, toys and little sculptures, but also lots of stuff like pen and erasers, mugs, postcards...
Also Malédice loves to hoard things he may find in the street, like a glove someone lost, or a broken toy, or anything he may find and bring back to his place.


 Q103. Do any of your OCs use drugs recreationally, or have they at least ever tried any drugs? If not, who would be the most likely to?

probably none, as i've never really thought of any recreational drugs that could be in my character story/universe thing, mainly because i've never tried any real-life recreational drugs, nor am i willing to. also most of my characters are too young to really be using drugs...

Q104. Which OC of yours is the worst with names?

probably arrie, seeing as she's pretty bad at remembering things in general. 

Q105. Which OC of yours is the closest to nature?

haimon's literally the closest to nature, seeing as he lives in a forest, although there's a lot of things he doesn't like about nature - for instance, he'd definitely like animals more if they could just keep still so he could use them as a pillow or something lol. when it comes to actually liking nature, i guess lora would be closest to nature. she really likes going outside and seeing all sorts of plants and animals, and she would totally try and get other people to look after the environment by getting them to not litter and recycle and stuff like that.


ok so i accidentally made this post while answering yesterday's questions,but i kinda figured i could use this post for my answers to today's.


Q106. Which OC of yours is the most willing to take risks?

definitely liam and marina - honestly it's probably their favourite thing to do. after all, life is pretty boring if you stick to what's safe and familiar.

bonus mention goes to haimon's dad, who definitely took a big risk to bring his son back to life. of course, from just looking at hai you can see how well that turned out... 

Q107. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to hug a total stranger?

i have three who would be totally willing to hug a total stranger, all for different reasons. westley would do it because he just love giving and getting hugs, so he'd totally hug anyone and everyone. i also have an unnamed robot character who would hug someone they've never met because they get so many hugs from two other characters of mine that they think it's totally normal to hug everyone all the time. haimon would also be willing to hug a stranger. however, if he ever offers to give you a hug and you barely know him, don't let him hug you because he only wants to use you as some sort of body pillow while he sleeps. and he always wants to sleep, so you may never be free from him once he's got his (literally) bloody arms around you. not even his friends would be safe from him, if he had any - it's probably a good thing that he hasn't met anyone else in the forest he lives in.

out of those three, i'd say westley's the most willing to hug a total stranger, as he's the only one who really wants to...? i mean, if the robot saw a total stranger they'd be more like 'oh a person... i'mma hug them cuz idk what else to do', and haimon would be like 'whoa a living body pillow that gives out heat... i'mma hug it cuz it'd be perfect for sleeping', whereas westley would be like 'aaaahhh a new friend i'mma hug them so they can give me lots of hugs and then i can give them even more hugs yaaaaay!'

Q108. Have any of your OCs been through a natural disaster of some kind?

at the moment, i don't have any characters that have.


Sorry for the lack of a question yesterday, guys! Waking up late and having to go to work late and then having to learn how to make dinner is one heck of a wombo combo.

Q134. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to be a Wine Mom?

NOTE: the OC in question doesn't have to actually drink wine or be a mom. Here are some more examples if you aren't up to date on the latest internet memes/hip young lingo:

honestly this question is really more "who would be the biggest facebook mom" tbh

her bio isn't done yet BUT mycena, all the way. she probably is a wine mom already minus the being a mom part tbh, and aranaea is totally the vodka aunt to her wine mom. venith too, and let's be real hadris is totally a wine dad


(I HAVEN'T DONE ANY OF THIS BUT I LIKE DOING THESE so I'm going to pick a bunch randomly hahah)

Q3. Which of your OCs sleeps the most? Who's the hardest to wake up, if it's not the same person?
Leo sleeps the most; Oliv is hardest to wake (and also the one who gets grumpiest when woken).

Q4. Which of your OCs is the cleanest? Who takes the longest showers/baths, if it's not the same person?
Oliv showers a lot. And sometimes for a long time just to annoy Jason. Or just because they can. Money.

Q8. Do any of your OCs have notable dreams, or at least any recurring themes that appear in their dreams?
Leo has a lot of recurring dreams and is also someone who will like, yell or cry in his sleep. Usually, the dreams are actually nonsense.

Q16. Do you use the links feature between your own characters? If not, why not?
Yeah like... a lot hahah. Mostly, I just don't know where else to put relationships.

Q17. At what rate do you tend to create OCs? How has this changed over time?
Really slowly. I don't really make OCs without like, a reason?? I don't know, I tend to get really latched on to a few and just make OCs if I feel like they contribute to my universe/story hahah. Aside from my five like, developed characters most of my other characters are their relatives.

Q18. Which of your OCs is your favorite, or who are a few of your favorites? Why?
My favorite is Oliv no contest hahah. They're the one I've had longest/have developed most and also my favorite aesthetically. I'm also really attached to Mal and Leo though

Q21. Do you have any fan characters?
Not now, but all of my (current) characters used to be KND OCs? But even when they were, looking back I'm not really sure how well they fit into that universe.

Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?
Probably Mal, he is good company generally?

Q39. Which of your OCs get into the most (physical) fights?
Oliv and John are pretty tied here.

Q42. How do you choose which OC(s) of yours to feature? If you don't use the featured character feature, why not?
I kind of just feature the ones who are most developed/I like best?

Q44. Do any of your OCs play an instrument or otherwise make music?
Amy is a struggling musician?

Q46. Which of your OCs' looks are the most deceiving?
Errmrrrhr probably both Velasquez siblings. Oliv likes to look scary/intimidate people but is still a friendly person, Jason is like... the reverse of that.

Q48. Do you have any OCs who have radically changed from their original concept?
Oliv Mal and John have all changed like. A lot. Oliv started out as a KND villain based around rambling/sound, Mal was like.... a sad hippie or something and John was just supposed to be like, a circa 2012 hipster hahah.

Q49. Do you have any OCs who have had their designs radically changed from when you first conceptualized them?
Oliv and Mal! Oliv pretty much took a full out 180 over time, Mal was less radical but still pretty drastic?

Q51. Do you have any joke characters, or at least any characters who primarily serve as comic relief?
This is actually something I really avoid doing. All of my characters are meant to serve pretty important roles, story wise! Some have senses of humor and stuff, but no one is made just to be funny. I feel like, especially in a lot of cartoons and stuff, that a lot of really cool characters get reduced to only comedy roles and I find this really disheartening? (I mean, for example there's a huuuuuuuuge lack of serious fat characters in media?)

Q55. Which of your OCs have the hardest time controlling their anger?
Leo easily! Mal also has some trouble with letting anger fester then explode?

Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships?
Oliv and Leo are? Otherwise, so are some parent characters I haven't made toyhouse pages for yet.

Q76. If your OCs were Pokemon, what types would they be?
Mal - Normal/dark
Oliv - Fighting/dark
Leo - Water/psychic
John - Electric/ghost
Amy - Electric/ghost
Sadie - Ghost/steel
Jason - Dark
Paula - Ghost/dark
(I have more characters but I'm just going with the ones who have pages right now)

Q84. Have your OCs (or anyone else's) ever been in one of your dreams?
Euuehehehe yeah.

Q85. Which OC of yours is the calmest in the face of danger or stress?
Amy definitely.

Q89. Do you have any specific voices imagined for your OCs?
Yes! But voices are really hard to describe xx;;

Q90. Which OC of yours is the worst person?
Oh god, Jason.

Q91. Which OC of yours needs the biggest hug?
Leo and Sadie pretty easily.

Q94. Do you have any OCs whose designs you just can't get down?
Not really design but Mal is the one I have a lot of trouble drawing consistently?

Q98. How many OCs do you have in total?
About 15 at the moment??

Q100. Who was your very first OC? If not the same character, who's the earliest OC you created that you still have?
My first ever OC was a catastrophic Pokemon character, hahah. Earliest that I still have is Oliv.

Q101. Which of your OCs is the best liar? The worst liar?
Best liar is Jason, worst is Oliv.

Q102. Which OC has the longest hair? The shortest? (in proportion to their body)
Mal's definitely the longest, shortest is probably Leo?

Q104. Which OC of yours is the worst with names?
Amy's pretty forgetful with names.

Q113. Which OC of yours is the most loyal?
Oliv is very loyal?

Q114. Which OC of yours is the hardest to calm down?

Q124. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to blame someone else for something that they did?
Eeeuuuuuuuh Amy probably.

Q128. Which OC of yours tends to cause the most destruction, intentionally or otherwise?
Uuuuh definitely John.

Q131. Which OC of yours is the most vindictive?


Just noticed I skiped questions o__o  I did not recognize your posts as you posted IC.

Q126. If you could make one of your OCs really popular, which one would you pick?

Eden, because he's my favourite one. He has nothing special, he's just my fave.

Q127. Which OC of yours is the best leader?

Arthur is a good leader. He is comprehensive, humane and wants his workers to be happy at work, he knows how to do the job himself and works seriously, he is friendly and outgoing and loves to chat with everyone, but he still knows how to be strict and firm when needed, and he does not tolerate deliberate flaws or lazyness. He makes his people work and will be stringent with those who does not work well enough, but he is still the kind of boss that brings rolls to the office.

Q128. Which OC of yours tends to cause the most destruction, intentionally or otherwise?

I probably already mentioned how Diey can kill his follower just because he's bad mooded. He is one of the most powerful gods and control the elements, then can inflict floods or fires to his villagers if they did anything wrong. When he does not want to punish the entire village, he may make one blind or something like that. 

Q129. Do any of your OCs collect anything?

Amadeus collects anything and everything about zebras. He does not have much stuff because of how poor he is, but people often gifts him some zebra things, like, figures, plushies, toys, or office supplies with zebra patterns or such. And now, when I see zebra stuff in shops or at flea markets, I am like "aw, Amadeus would love this!" and then I want to buy it, until I realize Amadeus actually does not exist, at least not in this world, and then I would not be able to gift him the things I found.... ;___; last day I found an entire set of zebra desk furnitures, like, diaries, pouches, pencils, and a so pretty pen with a metallic zebra head on its top... I was so sad not to be able to buy these things for him ;__; 

And Seiden collects rubber ducks (you'll see some on his art), and stuff related to Pokémon and The Lion King.

Q130. Which OC of yours is the biggest personal space invader?

Amadeus loves to befriend people but has no idea how to do it, then he may force himself into your personal space, sticking too much to you, always asking questions.... He does not know what can be asked and what cannot, and he often asks tactless questions by trying to sound polite, as he thinks it is polite to ask lots of questions about yourself. 

Q131. Which OC of yours is the most vindictive?

Wes would kill you if you did anything bad to him. He would dedicate his life to his revenge if needed.
Also Diey. Speak bad about him, tell one wrong word about him, and he'll make you regret it for sure. But he's an ass.

Q132. Do you have any OCs who are robots, androids, cyborgs, AIs, etc?

Not really OCs to say... But I am writing a book about robots and AIs, so, yes, sure I do. But they're not humans, they do not think and act like humans. They would be more like... Asimov-like robots. Human enough to be interesting, but still robots. I created a profile for one of them but it is 100% empty for now...


Q135. Have you ever had an OC inspired by something unusual?

In essence, this question means have you ever had an OC that wasn't inspired by a role you needed in your story or a design you came up with out of nowhere, etc.? We're looking for OCs that were inspired by things, but maybe by something someone wouldn't expect an OC to be inspired by if that makes sense? Here are my examples, feat. some OCs who don't have Toyhouse profiles yet whoops:

  • Not a character I have a profile for or ever will, but Heroine Chick Lass was inspired by the little baubles on someone's boots.
  • I was gonna save dream stuff for when I got around to a question I missed, but what the heck! Azior came from a dream where he kidnapped me, but he was actually a pretty nice guy who calmed me down and took me to the local video game rental place, hooray!
  • Istra was sort of inspired by my experiences with (gross mayb??) skin infections and my complete nonchalance toward them taking over my face.
  • Everything about Langer kind of came out of nowhere. He was originally just a nameless side character who was there for a joke, but then he got picked up by someone. Then he later got asked about his name and past, and while he doesn't remember his name I just kinda started making stuff up as I went along for backstory. Eventually it turned into Asthenopia, which is one of my most important and beloved universes! Right on.
  • One time I had a dream where there was an orange-scented bust of Gig from Soul Nomad made of soap and I woke up and was like "welp that's an OC now," true story
  • Memen is another dream character, where she was some kind of boss standing in a lake and you had to fight her in a plane and also she was like your mom or something??? wild
  • I saw a gijinka of Uboa from Yume Nikki on Uboachan once at like 3 am several years ago and I was just like... "welp, that's an OC now," true story (though I've tried to make her design distinct from that)
  • Tintra came from when I was looking at my old childhood stories and art and found this one story I made about a cat named Tintra who came back from the future to keep cats from becoming illegal because in her future cats were constantly getting kidnapped by "cat-catchers". It was pretty weird, but I took said cat's design and made a new character out of it!
  • Back on a site I used to go on, we had a "quiz night" one night where we all found a bunch of personality quizzes and just started answering every single one. They were the kinds of ones that would tell you what weird hair color you should have, what your name would be in x time period or country, what your greatest fears were, etc. I compiled all of my answers and turned them into Cel!
  • Tigel and Seems were both NPCs in an RP thread I did once, the latter of whom was dead and the former of whom was on the verge of death and only had enough time to hand whoever interacted with him an important piece of evidence. It was a mystery thread, so they were just meant to be evidence and not even characters, but coincidentally the character who found Tigel was good at healing and the one who found Seems was a necromancer. So, they wound up sticking around and I built things around them, forming the parts of Asthenopia that Langer didn't!
  • Vitrail and Carisel came from... well, this.
  • Beatrice came from a character I rolled in Misuterii High once who was the murderer. I was terrible at it because Misuterii (and most games, honestly) is really hard to play on a laptop with a trackpad. Still, I thought her name and design was cool, so I wound up drawing her and keeping her around!
  • I've made a lot of OCs entirely through DreamSelfy's randomization feature! Way too many to list and link here!

I have plenty more examples, but a lot are for characters without bios anywhere or more stuff about dreams, which I figure I'll discuss whenever I answer my own dream question. For anything not on TH I decided to just stick with the non-dream stories! But, yeah, how about you guys? Have any interesting character creation stories?