Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 5 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q6. Which of your OCs stays up the latest? Who gets the least sleep, if it's not the same person?

I mentioned in another question that my darling Volkmar gets very little sleep thanks to them awful devils that torment him almost every day and night. As for mortal characters, he likely gets the least amount of sleep, but for total sleep I'd say my charming fellow, De Jack sleeps the least, mostly because he doesn't need to sleep if he doesn't want to. His energy comes from his direct link to the god of life, so he technically has an endless flow of energy backing him. He doesn't have to tap into that power all the time though, so he is capable of becoming tired. He also works almost nonstop at three seperate jobs, having three versions of himself in multiple places at once, and they collaborate with each other on a regular schedule. His "lightest" load goes to the version that works as band teacher, but since he has more free time off school hours he ends up doing other errands his other selves cannot. His busiest version works at a huge bar/info center in the busiest trade city in the Eternity. His workplace never closes and he rarely takes breaks, but he does have other employees to split the work. His third version works as a DJ at a huge dance club in the center of the Eternity. The parties never stop, so he never does either. The only time Jack rests is when people force him to slow down and make him realize he's actually overworking himself, since even his band teacher version goes months without sleep sometimes. He can crash for a few days once he lets himself rest.

Now, the one that stays up the latest is me because I'm a dork and get distracted on working on these dang profiles until 6am regularly and have now become accustomed to working off 3-6 hours of sleep most days. Uh, *cough* I mean, I think it would be Erik. He overschedules himself with classes because he wants to try and learn so many things, and he hasn't decided on a major yet. While he enjoys having many different classes and experiences, he ends up staying up late all the time and exhausting himself.


Q6. Which of your OCs stays up the latest? Who gets the least sleep, if it's not the same person?

None of them really stay up much later than what's considered normal for them. Aluran sometimes has issues sleeping, though, because of nightmares. Pera also sometimes stays up because he's watching camp, and probably gets the least sleep in general.


Whoops! I almost forgot that I hadn't put a question up yet! Anyway, it looks like we've hit the one-week point! Hooray! Thank you guys for all of your interest and support, I'm glad you like this thread as much as I do!

Q7. Which of your OCs is the most forgetful?

I'm not actually going to answer this one quite yet! My answer to this one would be an OC I don't have a Toyhouse profile yet, but I might have time to make it later and I'll answer then! So for now, it's just like... a mystery or something. Suspenseful. also i just wanna hurry up and get the question out here before the sun sets


Q7. Which of your OCs is the most forgetful?

I'd have to say my darling Hal is the most forgetful, but unfortunately it's not just because he's absentminded. Poor fellow got hit by a drunk driver a few years ago which left him with a bad head injury and in a coma for months. He now suffers from frequent short term memory loss and tends to forget things if he doesn't focus on a task entirely. He always makes sure to keep his schedule totally planned out and written down physically and also on his phone, which he checks often to make sure he's not forgetting to do something. He had a bit of a rough time with being forced into taking ballroom classes and his inability to remember a lot of the steps and routine caused problems with him and his very-dance-serious partner. ^^; But they've worked things out, and know they're dating. Funny how things work like that.


Q7. Which of your OCs is the most forgetful?

Nina is The Ditz, so... him. Trauta lets time get away from him pretty often because he zones out while fishing and wandering.


Q7. Which of your OCs is the most forgetful?

I think Lady would be one of the most forgetful out of all my OCs. She forgets small things a lot. Mango's also forgetful, she rambles a lot and sometimes forgets what she was doing while talking, or forgets what she was talking about.



iBrBz yes good..... ANSWER THEM ALLLLL

Alright! Looks like I slept in again, whoops. But I'd say it was worth it... I had this cool dream, after all! Which gives me an idea for a question...

Q8. Do any of your OCs have notable dreams, or at least any recurring themes that appear in their dreams?

Dicro doesn't dream that often since he's always busy hanging out in other people's dreams. Well... usually their subconsciouses as opposed to active dreams, but that's close enough for me. Bonnie generally either has nightmares or incredibly lewd dreams, or one that turns into the other. Orange has a lot of dreams that involve eating, Umbra has a lot of dreams that involve fragments of memories that aren't her own, and Thyx has a lot of dreams about coming to school in only his underwear. How embarassing!

I don't really have any profiles up for some of my more interesting dreamers, whoops! And I never got up the bios I needed for yesterday's question. I'll get around to it someday!


Q8. Do any of your OCs have notable dreams, or at least any recurring themes that appear in their dreams?

 Jinx has dreams of lots of different things, but normally she dreams of things that are going to happen in the future. She rarely dreams about the past, she's already been to the past! John Smith dreams about him being the king of Arcadia a lot, and Hystery dreams of himself being in significant historical events, which most of the time turn into nightmares.


Q7. Which of your OCs is the most forgetful?

That would definitely be Minera, simply because she's a Novakid. Novakids naturally have incredibly short attention spans. While they're very smart and can retain information, they often are so caught up in the present that they forget about the past and don't think about the future. She's the same way. Doesn't remember where she came from, barely remembers how she got her ship, and only remembers things since her ship was damaged because she is aware of her short attention span and tries to keep logs.

Q8. Do any of your OCs have notable dreams, or at least any recurring themes that appear in their dreams?

The most notable dreams are those of Apoc Man. He's read several books from before the world burned, and,ever since then, he's dreamed about being there, before it all went to Hell. He's dreamed of forests, cities, snow, rain, all of it. He wishes nothing more than to make those dreams real, but he knows it will never be like that. Also of note is Ulti and the dream parasite he had, once. It turned his usually positive and bustling dream city into an apocalypted nightmare filled with broken dreams and one huge bug. 


Oh my, this one's gonna be wordy. XD

Q8. Do any of your OCs have notable dreams, or at least any recurring themes that appear in their dreams?

There are a few reoccuring themes for my characters dreams. One such theme is prophetic types of dreams, or them forseeing future or potential future events. An example of someone with such dreams would be my darling Lute, who often has dreams about him fulfilling his destiny set by his clan to serve as the host to the god of darkness and engulf the world in shadow. He wants to avoid that at any cost, but the notion that it could happen should he be captured and taken back tends to give him nightmares.

Some characters have deja vu types of dreams, such as my dear Brandt, except they're not really dreams and just him "waking up" from a different possible route in his life. He's kind of stuck in a cycle where some jerk is playing out the same events in his life over and over again while changing different variables to get the worst possible outcome for them. Each time a cycle ends, Brandt starts a new scenario by waking up in that new setting, so he takes them as reoccuring nightmares.

And then there are a buttload of characters that have reoccuring nightmares due to traumatic events of the past. My dearest Jasper has some awful nightmares about his mother and what she used to do and what he thinks she'll do to him if she ever found him after he ran away. Kotaka here is still tormented by the virtual genocide of his race and destruction of his homeworld, so his dreams usually aren't pleasant if he can get to sleep. My poor Nathan has frequent nightmares involving horrible creatures trying to devour his soul, and he attributes them to the voices he heard in his head during the day. My dear Prince Numor here is frequently haunted by the fact he couldn't protect his mother during an invasion on their kingdom and his magic wasn't strong enough as a child to heal her fatal wounds. He's also very attuned to magic and spirits, so some pretty weird things can enter his dreams to commune. Vincent has far too many night terrors involving his terrible childhood with his awful, abusive father, and his mother isn't a lot better so he didn't get much support until she remarried and Vicent made friends with his stepbrother. And I've already mentioned my dear Volkmar gets nightmares from the devils that torment him if he falls asleep.

On a more pleasant note, Mac often has pleasant dreams involving worlds made of food and fluffy stuff. XD My beloved Neoka has weird dreams that usually involve his weird friends doing ridiculous things that make for interesting phrases to shout when he's woken up. My psychotic but nonetheless darling Zy (who is Volkmar's father) still hasn't gotten completely over his wife's death, but he only ever seems to have good dreams about her and their time together. He sometimes dreams about them as a family, since she died from childbirth, so it's kind of his way of imagining how she and Volkmar would've interacted. It's also how he thinks things would've gone if he'd actually been more present in Volkmar's life, since he ended up leaving him in the care of his wife's brother since... well, Zy's not exactly a good father figure or role model. ^^; He's certain he would've done better if his wife was around to reign him in.