Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 5 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q49. Do you have any OCs who have had their designs radically changed from when you first conceptualized them?

yup! several of my characters have had their designs changed since i created them. i think the characters that have had the biggest changes to their design are lora and liam. when i created lora (who was actually called annie at the time), she wore glasses and often wore the colour orange instead of light blue because that was her favourite colour at the time. around 1-2 years later, i changed her design, and got rid of the glasses and made her have longer hair. she's had another design change since then, and now her hair is around the same length as it was when i created her, and she usually wears light blue as that is her favourite colour now. liam, though... i think he actually started off being a girl called elizabeth (i can't remember if he actually was or not, but i did have a character with the exact same personality as liam before i created him, so...).

Q50. Which of your OCs like to answer questions about themselves the most?

hmm... i'm not too sure, but lora probably would. knowing her, she'd find a load of personality quizzes on the internet, answer the questions on them, get her friends to answer them, then get everyone to compare their results to each other to try and make everyone become closer friends.

Q51. Do you have any joke characters, or at least any characters who primarily serve as comic relief?

not really... .-.


Happy National Take a Chance Day! And National Talk Like Shakespeare Day! And National Cherry Cheesecake Day!

no i don't check every day for question inspiration............. shut the fuck off

also 5inthemorning i want sam and dicro to be best friends and adopt 200 cats

Q106. Which OC of yours is the most willing to take risks?

A lot of them, really! A lot of my OCs kind of live on the edge and are confident in themselves, so they don't hesitate to take chances. Azior, Hellscream, Lausac, Loligo, Porphyra, Kameila, Lysis... Hellscream and Porphyra in particular are generally willing to risk anything since they both have either enough power or authority to, uh... "fix" things if they happen to lose. When it comes to money, Azior is totally willing to put whatever on the line since he figures he can just rob back whatever he lost later. As for Kameila... well, she's still pretty young and is even more immature than most kids her age, so she takes risks all the time without ever thinking of the consequences for her or the people around her. Whether it involves Pokemon, money, pride, friendship, or really anything, Kameila doesn't see anything wrong with risking anything because she's always convinced that nothing can stop her and she'll always win all the time!

Dicro gets a special mention, though; though he's afraid to take risks when it comes to interpersonal relationships and things like that, he doesn't hesitate to when it comes to basically anything else. He makes a good adventuring pal since he'll merrily be your poison tester, meat shield, etc. He spends a lot of time in the dreamscape constantly taking chances to further progress through people's different subconsciouses, and more often than not the risks he takes leave him dead. Of course, death is totally inconsequential to him, so hey whatever it's cool!

Nolan is also worth mentioning, but, ya know...... spoilers.


Q105. Which OC of yours is the closest to nature?

In terms of animals, probably this fellow here. He's the host of the deity of animals, so animals are just naturally drawn to him, but even without that he's very good with animals and sensing their feelings through their behavior and mannerisms. He tends to prefer the company of animals and being in nature more than being around people and in society, aside from his closest friends and his adoptive family. Shrike is most definitely an outdoor person and chose to live on a remote island with nothing but nature, the local wildlife, and all the birds he breeds and raises. He definitely has living without modern commodities down to a science. Ein totally loves animals, especially exotic ones, and his parents have made it a point to build huge indoor and outdoor areas for various nature related purposes, like all their crazy pets or for their extensive gardens and whatnot. Ein kind of comes off as a very chill nature loving hippie at times just by his demeanor and the way he gushes about animals and the environment and all that jazz. Shakuru is also very much an animal person, although it's specifically for marine animals. He spends a lot of his time in the ocean or on the beach and utterly loathes people that disrespect nature or pollute or whatever.

On another note, Torenn and Aelita are close to nature because they're part dryad. Aelita has a knack for controlling nature and is very sensitive to its balance, whereas Torenn simply has a symbiotic relationship with the plants/fungi that grow with/on him. I'd say that Caltharsis and Marlex are very close to nature as well considering they're forest elves, although their current situation has their forest occupied by a ruthless empire... so that's rather problematic. Adrian and his mother always loved exploring the forest out in the countryside they visited every summer, although... that's gone rather wrong too. ^^; Although Adrian ended up meeting his eventual wife, who's also a nature person, so I suppose it worked out in the end. Caelus always preferred nature to civilization, especially since he lived in a time where the world was still being actively created by the gods around him. I'd be into exploring nature too if that was the case. And as much Char loves modern technology and advanced civilization, he comes from a village in a jungle at the bottom of a volcano with no technology for miles around. As much as he prefers to learn about all the fancy lights and sounds of the city, he's really more comfortable roughing it outdoors with treacherous terrain and dangerous wildlife all over. Lute is definitely more comfortable in nature, although he's more accustomed to the mountains and snow covered areas, but he adapts well to other environments. And he has a keen sense for the balance of nature and the spirits of the earth.

Gage is obviously more at ease in nature since he was born and raised in one during his childhood, but of course since he left and has lived in modern society for years now he's more adapted to that too. But of course he'd rather be out and about in nature and keeps his visits to the city as brief as possible. Same goes for his buddy, Xel, since he comes from a valley with no electricity and prefers roughing it to the coziness of modern settlements. But what else do you expect from a centaur and a dragonfly winged wannabe pixie thingy...? Trevor was Gage's mentor and was rumored to be a physical embodiment of the spirit of the forest. Whether that's true or not, he's very attuned to nature and the forest and just has a knack for navigating the wilds and keeping in touch with the wildlife.

And Kikea is the queen of fairies and originates from the forest, so she's very attuned to nature, especially since many fairies from that particular world are born of nature in some way. I also have a nature gal, Neai, who's a missionary for the goddess of nature, but her profile is currently private since it's pretty much empty at the moment. ^^; But she basically is sent on missions to heal the earth across the Eternity when needed with her magic plant powers or whatever you wanna call it. Let's see... Nokken lives exclusively in a deadly ghosty swamp of sorts and knows nothing but the swamp. Nyfringe also was born and lived in a swamp for a long while, although he's more worldly. He still prefers the solitude of nature and sitting out in the rain to meditate.

Q106. Which OC of yours is the most willing to take risks?

I have a buttload of characters that are risk takers, but if I exclude the people that are like "reckless and risky unless it involves the people I care about" then... Hm... Tilia's always the risk taker. She's not always considerate about who she affects with her actions and she loves provoking people into fighting her all the time. She never tries to avoid conflict or trouble unless someone in her family is basically dragging her away from confrontation by the ear. Xel is also a risk taker in basically any situation, and although he knows when he ought to just keep his mouth shut or stay out of things... more often than not he just doesn't and gets others worked up just because. Gage usually has to keep him in line, which is rather difficult. And although Xel doesn't like doing things that put those closest to him at risk, he's even more willing to do crazier stuff FOR those people he cares about rather than letting their involvement stifle his enthusiasm. So basically, take all the risks he wants, but if things go wrong he doubles down on his risk taking to get those people out of the trouble he started.


national cherry cheesecake day is a thing?? omg yesss i love cheesecake! i didn't have any today tho *cries in a corner*

anyway, i'mma answer some questions...

Q52. Which OC of yours is the most lustful?

a lot of my characters are too young to be having sex and stuff, so i'd have to say none of them. the closest character i have to one that's lustful is an unnamed character who does a lot of the 'catching z's' kind of sleeping around, not the 'having sex' kind.

Q53. Which OC of yours is the most envious of others?

it depends on what it is that other people have, really. if you have food, logan will want some, and he will try to find a way to make sure that he gets it (especially if you have cake). if arrie thinks you have better looks than her, she will get super jelly. if you have loads of money or something valuable, or something that can be used to play pranks on other people, you better not let liam find out, or you might find that your money/valuable thing/thing that can be used to play pranks on people has been stolen. or at least, he's tried to steal it.

Q54. Which OC of yours is the most greedy?

probably liam. like i said in the previous question, he's the kind of guy that'll steal from others to try and have all the money for himself. he'd probably do other things, too.


5inthemorning still crying @ that pic... thank you for this gift

SuperStar2361 [the closest character i have to one that's lustful is an unnamed character who does a lot of the 'catching z's' kind of sleeping around, not the 'having sex' kind.] relatable

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that my laptop's hinge is all fucky and the... casing???? ... is kind of popping off, so I'm hopefully getting it fixed tomorrow! This means that there won't be a question tomorrow, since if I did post one it would be really late in the day, anyway! So, time to use tomorrow's days for inspiration. Happy almost... hug a plumber day...?

Q107. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to hug a total stranger?

Probably Hare, seeing that she already does that all the time! She's an extremely trusting and affectionate person, so she'll treat any given person she runs into like they're the best of friends! And what kind of best friend doesn't give out loads of hugs as congratulation or consolation?? Ouray is also a strong contender, what with their enthusiasm for all things and their generally poor understanding of social norms. In fact, they'd almost be more likely to hug someone unfamiliar than someone familiar! Especialy if they're dangerous. Hugging dangerous beings is fun and exciting!

There's also Muri, but, well,

  1. Q11. Which of your OCs is the laziest? Jack the Kid. He's a kid and when he doesn't want to do anything, he'll often lay around and do nothing. 
  2. Q12. Which of your OCs is the shortest? Jack, he's a kid. Obviously he's the shortest.
  3. Q13. Which of your OCs is the most exuberant spender? Darius, he does work in technology, so I can only imagine how expensive things can get.
  4. Q14. How do your OCs feel about Christmas? They all love it! 
  5. Q15. Which of your OCs is the stingiest with money? Clara. She was a former thief, so I can assume she doesn't like giving things up, especially money.
  6. Q16. Do you use the links feature between your own characters? If not, why not? Not currently. There's really no links between my characters. I plan to use it if it ever occurs though.
  7. Q17. At what rate do you tend to create OCs? How has this changed over time? I have only created 1 original OC. Others have some original stories. So, it would be a long time before I make another one.
  8. Q18. Which of your OCs is your favorite, or who are a few of your favorites? Why? Clara and Starla. They have most interesting ideas for stories and stuff.
  9. Q19. Do any of your OCs have pets? If not, do they want any? None of them have pets! Although Jack and Starla wants one for themselves!
  10. Q20. Which of your OCs is the best at driving? Who's the worst? The only ones that would drive would be Clara and Darius. Unless you count Mira driving a tractor! Darius would be the best out of all 3 though.

Q55. Which of your OCs have the hardest time controlling their anger?

that would definitely be hera! you'll want to stay as far away from her as possible when she's angry, otherwise there will be a VERY high chance that she'll punch you in the face, or worse. and she's fairly strong, so unless you can't feel pain very well (or at all), it's gonna hurt. what makes things even worse is that she'll often lose her temper over the slightest thing. second place would go to lightning, though she's nowhere near as bad as hera. 

Q56. Which OC of yours has the simplest design? Who has the most complicated design?

hmm... i'd say that most of my human ocs have fairly simple designs. as for the most complicated, i'd say that this guy's design is pretty complex compared to my other characters.

Q57. How do you decide birthdays for your OCs (if your OCs have birthdays)?

tbh i've either forgotten most of my characters' birthdays or haven't even decided on them yet. sometimes i try to make an oc's birthday fit in with their powers, personality etc. - for example, calvin's is february the 1st. i chose his birthday to be in winter because it was pretty fitting considering the kind of powers that he has. sometimes i decide to make a character share their birthday with the release date of a video game i really like - for example, izzy's is september the 15th, and according to my research that was the day undertale came out. and then i have a few characters where i just seemed to pick a completely random date for their birthday to be on. like... i have no idea why i chose lora's birthday to be july the 21st.


Q107. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to hug a total stranger?

Mac hugs everyone. Even people that have tried to kill him. Even people that are actively trying to kill him. DX

"TIME TO DIE" "Aw, does someone need a hug?" "DIE YOU PUNK" "...So how about that hug?" "NO" "But hug! D:"


Q58. Do any of your OCs like to dance (regardless of talent)?

yay, another question i have to skip. T_T

Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?

i just used a random name generator to get most of my characters' names, so most of them don't have special meanings. 

Q60. Which of your OCs is the quietest?

 that'd be cherry, mainly because she can't talk. violet and calvin are also pretty quiet, but that's because they're both very shy. i'd also say that melody's quiet too because he/she/idek anymore, but they can actually be pretty loud thanks to all those instruments that are attached to them.

 Q61. Which of your OCs is the loudest?

i sorta answered this one while answering the previous question. apart from melody, i don't know which of my characters are the loudest.

Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships?

i haven't decided if most of my characters are in relationships or not, but i do know that lora, luna, liam and calvin are single. izzy used to be a single pringle, but now she has a boyfriend, who doesn't have a profile on here yet. travis and lily are another oc couple of mine (neither have profiles yet tho), but it's a little one sided. tbh i think travis might not really love her, but he's way too afraid to admit it because of what she might do. he'd definitely admit it if she wasn't a yandere...


Q3. Which of your OCs sleeps the most? Who's the hardest to wake up, if it's not the same person?

Shiloh for both, he's weak strength wise because of health issues, therefore, he needs more sleep than the average person, because of his body pain caused by his health issues, he also hates waking up.

Q4. Which of your OCs is the cleanest? Who takes the longest showers/baths, if it's not the same person?

Miles, he hates being smelly, dirty or having anything around him be smelly or dirty, he loves taking long baths and showers and takes one about twice a day if not more.

Q5. Which of your OCs has the biggest sweet tooth?

Mickeydespite Miles being a cook and pastry chef, Mickey has the biggest sweet tooth, often causing him to have lots cavities.

Q6. Which of your OCs stays up the latest? Who gets the least sleep, if it's not the same person?

Joseph usually stays up extremely late surfing the web for more fashion ideas. Miles gets the least sleep, he's usually pulling all-nighters writing new recipes or staying up late making pastries and then waking up early to open shop.