|Vok:Scrolls of Eventuality |

4 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
63 43020

Chapter 29
Published 4 years, 4 months ago

|A place where Safiri & Pride Members can store their tales|

|Please do not steal the detailed stories|

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12 Days of Winter Scroll #20


The Pride celebrates the end of the year, well the decade around January 25th.They believe that their is too many holidays so pushed together in the winter time so they looked at their ancient calendars and moved the end of the year to the middle of January.This year they will be initiating a new tradition during the New year since they don’t have any.They will be creating lanterns and painting them with clays and berries and hanging them in the trees the week leading up to the new year.Then the night of they will use their left over lanterns and with their family and friends mark them with a paw print and light the inside.Then when the new year starts at Midnight, they will the send the lanterns up to the guardians as a sign of unity and humbleness from the year they had and the year they will have.