|Vok:Scrolls of Eventuality |

4 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
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Chapter 44
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

|A place where Safiri & Pride Members can store their tales|

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Journey to the trinity tree #13


                     ₩ⱧɆⱤɆ ĐØ ₩Ɇ ₲Ø....

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As the two young lovers wake from their slumber of smog and smoke they just stare at each other slightly confused on how they came from point A to point B. They had been dragged to a safer resting spot by the spirits of the deceased who had fought along with them. Most felines were all ready awake not realizing that the rain had squashed most of the flames but well angered the rest of the fiery inferno. All they did was watch as both trees burned to nothing but stump. All that Achilles and Letaba had fought for was gone, they should have just left with Diablo and saved them selves from the the horrors of the flames. They were both too weak and tired from carrying water and inhaling oxygen but it seemed like the O2 was all ready back in action to ignite the taunting flames. The eerie silence bothered both sides to the point some cats and lions were trying to run back into the fire to fight it once again. There was no point all they could do is wait in safety and watch their new world burn to pieces in pure agony yet sustaining peace.

The two managed to keep up hope in each other as they fled deeper and deeper into the woods to get away from the horrors of the fires that singed the souls of the lions who graced the inside of the trees. Achilles noticed Letaba dragging along and coughing her lungs out. He stopped and gently let her rest her weary body on his as they had to get away from the traveling smoke. Achilles watched her crumple to her paws and gently rested his body next to hers so she wouldn’t be laying in the mud but it did cool the scorches on both of their pelts and Achilles wings. Letaba’s lungs had been slightly messed up from dealing with so much smoke inhalation that she passed out in the cool mud puddles forming from the storm above. They just hoped and prayed that the lions and cats that had made their homes in the massive tunnel system below had made it out alive but they would find out when they returned later after the flames and sinister smoke died down. Achilles gently licked his mate’s ears and dirty cheek fluff and made a wretched face at the taste of ash and spot but it definitely had to be done.

Letaba was having visions of what the the last eleven days were like for her. The imps before being chased through the portal. Achilles growing up quickly to protect the trees and the spirits inside them. The first ever battle of venomous mud creatures that raked boils across many cats and lions skins. Then the siren song the stole many Feline Champions away from the respective side.it then it just got worse from there for them. Two more battles yet her mate came back to her but then was lost all together to demon spirits. As more visions of her life slithered by her fluttering heart. It seemed like the last few day were a blur but she did remember Diablo going through the portal with two strange lions and the biggest fight ever in the world between her mate and his father. Oh how she wished she could have pushed them through the portal again especially with his kid sister roaming around still. This other world had brought lions and felines she would never never thought she would be close with in her life. But they did mean everything to her well not Jovano he could have actually done better with Achilles as she was stuck loving on a sobbing lion. Then fires that would never ever stop as rain broke down twice.

Achilles looked at his passed out mate who obviously was envisioning something. He gently nuzzled her cheek before picking her up and carrying like a small cub. Achilles climbed the massive tree and leapt from branch to branch before nesting them into a comfortable spot in the massive sycamore tree. He gently scrubbed the soot of her fur and gently applied some sap to adhere the Smokey scent that clung to them. At least up here they could breathe better for once. He wrapped up protectively around her and saw a squirrel resting it’s knot hole. Achilles smirked at the sleeping squirrel and got up quietly shifting his weight to make sure not to mess with his sweet mate. He gently snatched it out of it’s hole as it woke up and started fighting to get out of Achilles strong jaws and chattering it’s heart out. Achilles slammed it down on the trunk and stepped on the squirrel to keep it from fleeing away from him. Soon he slaughtered the squirrel and pressed the blood to Letaba’s lips for her to lap it. He smiled softly as her eyes darted up and open to him as she softly drank the hearty blood.

Letaba smiled woozily as her mate nursed her back with some squirrel blood. She pushed the squirrel away from her lips and cleaned the blood of her jaws. Soon she divided the meat between her Achilles and ate up the scrawny portion she got as her mate soon did the same. But the blood did help her and her scratchy throat from the flames.

“Thank you Achilles for saving me....” Letaba said softly as she curled up into her mates warm chest.

Achilles smiled and nuzzled her warmly,“Always for you even if I have to put my life on the line especially with a fiery inferno. Your my hope Letaba and we will reinvent ourselves from this horrifying time...”

Letaba nodded softly at him and licked the soot of his nose and made a wirery face at the absolutely disgusting taste of it,“You are my hope also especially through the storm and all the battles. I never would have expected this to happen but here we are. A new hope together....”
