Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 5 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q135. Have you ever had an OC inspired by something unusual?

Juo and Alnitak appeared several times in my dream (a few others as well but they do not have a TH profile. At least not yet). After having dreamt of them several time, I got attached to them and wanted to do something with them. But for now they did nothing else than appearing in my dreams, I am not sure yet what to do with them. Note that Alnitak had the same story and the same personality but not the same design in all of my dreams. In the first one, he was really dark, almost melanistic, with a few lighter red spots... He was so handsome! But weirdly I chose to use his "simple" form to keep as a character...
But is this really unusual ? I do not think so but as you talked about characters who comes from dreams, here are mines 8D 


 Q109. Which OC of yours is the most prone to talking on and on about things?

that's most definitely ricky... he spends most of his time talking on an on about things, but he's a thousand times worse when he's talking about something he likes, as he will NEVER shut up about it. he's pretty lucky that he has a friend that doesn't mind this at all, due to said friend being really shy and not saying much at all.

Q110. Which OC of yours is the most appreciative of the fine arts?

hmmmmmmm... i have absolutely no idea.

Q111. Which OC of yours is the best at saving money (or really saving anything)?

again... i don't know.

Q112. Which OC of yours is the most honest?


like seriously, she has never told a lie before. like, not even once. she's so honest and innocent that she wouldn't even think about lying.

Q113. Which OC of yours is the most loyal?

again, probably lora. she'll do anything for anyone, as long as it doesn't involve directly hurting other people. what i mean by this is... well, it's probably best to use examples to show what i mean. if somebody told her to punch someone in the face, she wouldn't do it. however, if someone told her to get an ingredient or something for some poison for the person to use to kill someone, then as long as they didn't tell her what it would be for, then she would do it, because she's too innocent and trusting of others to believe that they would want her to get something for them to help them do something horrible.


Q134. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to be a Wine Mom?

I'm willing to bet Joy already is one. XD I mean, she's not really social or anything, but you can bet she'd be posting about alllllllll of her babies' achievements. I can see it... sitting on the porch of her coastline manor watching the sunset and sipping some white wine and writing up how dang proud she is of her babies for owning half the buildings in the city and likely all the ships floating out on the horizon before promptly "they-grow-up-so-fast bawling."

Q135. Have you ever had an OC inspired by something unusual?

I've already mentioned that a buttload of my characters were inspired by weird dreams, or more accurately entire stories have been inspired by incredibly specific and vivid dreams, so I won't rehash those. Let's see, the main cast of Spirit Anima was inspired by me playing with a bunch of bouncy balls in my dark closet and I suddenly had some epiphany that I was going to write a story about these balls manifested into humans that could transform into animals and shoot magic out of their faces. I wish I had as much inspiration as I did in 3rd/4th grade. XD Those characters included are the one without a first name, Delyless, Mariena, Mark, Marcie, Sparkie, Matt, and one more that doesn't have a profile yet. I should totally upload him though, he's the cool old man mentor that I have a very strange crush on for some reason. Darn that redesign of him back in 5th grade that made him look like a hot grandpa. I'm both ashamed of myself and totally shameless.

Oh, Adrian and Mysty were both randomly inspired by a song from a video game (that I've never even played, mind you; I watched my sister play it XD). It was Rumbling of the Earth from Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean. I don't think either of us were incredibly blown away by the game as a whole, but it had some nice music in it and the battle system was pretty solid. I think the song kind of gave me this weird mental movie at some point of a guy in this weird spirit realm of sorts with a bunch of bad stuff chasing him though some ancient ruins, but this girl and a bird spirit were guiding him away from it. Just by the song you can kind of see where Mysty's design was inspired, and the spirit stuff has remained in their storyline as one could gather by reading Adrian's backstory section. Hoo, this was back in 2003 or 04. XD


Q114. Which OC of yours is the hardest to calm down?

definitely hera. like, don't even think about trying to get her to calm down when she's angry (which is pretty much all the time), because you're pretty much guaranteed to get punched in the face. in fact, there's a good chance that she'll punch you in the face anyway, so it's probably safe to just stay away from her completely.

ricky is also very hard to calm down, but not when he's angry (cuz that never happens) - when he's excited about something, it's nearly impossible to stop him from jumping up and down, yelling and talking about whatever it is that he's so excited about.

and jasper's pretty difficult to calm down too, because he's so scared of everything that just when he's about to stop crying, he'll get scared by something then start all over again.

Q115. Do any of your OCs believe in the paranormal?

in my character story/universe thing, demons exist, but not many people have met one due to the fact that the demons have only figured out fairly recently how to travel between realms (they live in a separate realm to humans/monsters etc.). angels haven't quite figured out how to yet, so nobody's really seen any. ghosts also exist somehow in there (though i'm not really sure how - maybe they're dead people who weren't good enough to become angels, but at the same time not evil enough to become demons?), and although they live in the same realm as humans/monsters etc., not many people know they exist because they can only be seen by certain people. magic is a common thing in my story/universe thing, however.

because of all that, some people believe in angels and demons, while others don't. some people have actually seen demons, but don't believe in angels. some people believe in ghosts, while others don't. some people believe in all three, while others believe in ghosts, but not angels or demons, and some believe in angels and demons, but not ghosts. i'm not really sure who out of my characters believes in what, but haimon's family have all met a certain demon, so they know demons exist in my universe thingy (well, maybe except for hai himself and ricky, cuz ricky was too young to remember much about kronan, and hai's lost all his memories of his past life). eleasha probably either believes in only demons or none at all, because she thinks that if angels existed they'd try to make her life better. luna doesn't believe in any of them, while izzy is more willing to believe in ghosts, but not angels or demons.

...wait, demons, ghosts and angels would count as paranormal in my universe, right?


SuperStar2361 I'd say that counts, yeah! If they're something unnatural that's not something common and well-known I'd say that still makes them paranormal despite those things and magic all existing.

It's getting pretty hot out these days, and you know what that makes me think of? Deserted tropical islands!

Q136. Which OC of yours would fare the best on a deserted tropical island?

Essentially, who has the wombo combo of survival skills, ability to deal with heat, lack of fear of bugs, and ability to cope with being alone to last on an island in the middle of nowhere for who knows how long?

My answer is definitely Loligo, since she was born in raised in such an environment and spent much of her life traveling to similar places, living off of the land and learning to call such places home. She wouldn't be super happy about being totally alone, but it's not like she hasn't been alone before. She could deal with it.


Q136. Which OC of yours would fare the best on a deserted tropical island?

Shrike already lives on a deserted tropical island. XD He moved out there because aside from his family, he doesn't like people or modern society in general. He really prefers to rough it by himself, although I suppose he's not entirely by himself. It's just him, the native wildlife, and all of his birds, particularly his best friend, his falcon named Roc. He does visit home every once in a while when his brother Cornell picks him up, but other than that he has little issue just spending his time by himself and being self sufficient.

Wes Seiden

Q136. Which OC of yours would fare the best on a deserted tropical island?

Wes can survive in the dessert then he would probably be fine on a tropical island too. He knows how to hunt for food, save water and ressources, handle harsh climates, and does not need any human companion. Also, now that he has a good Pokemon team, they would be good allies on the island too, his Feraligatr can easily fish for him. 


I kinda like questions like these, so let's do some more.

Q137. You're throwing a party, and you can invite 5 of your OCs. Who do you pick and why?

First off, definitely Aranaea! She's the life of any party and knows how to really get them started. It would be rude not to invite her! Same with Mycena... can't really leave her out! Third is Laejizhar because he'd bring the best snacks and also it's good to help a sad Eldritch dad loosen up a little! Fourth would be Memen because she knows all of the best party games, and then finally Thyx because he CLEARLY is the only option for music here. Totally metal!!!!


I think I misunderstood, so please ignore this post @.@


Q137. You're throwing a party, and you can invite 5 of your OCs. Who do you pick and why?

This is probably the worst idea ever, but Demi, Isaac, Neoka, and two others that don't have profiles yet, named Dravix and Tith. I've already written about the first three having multiple ridiculous parties before, but I think the best one to date is one that included all of them plus a buttload more while they were having a lumber-say arty-pay that included excessive amounts of timber, the purchase of a sculpture, a variation of Spin-the-Missle that turned into Spin-the-Bottle because of lawsuits and then turned into Do-Whatever-the-Hell-Demi-Says because Truth or Dare is for semi-sensible parties. Oh, and a huge battle between planks of wood and plants. HAIL HYACINTH


TheLadyAnatola sounds like my kind of party tbh

It's Memorial Day today! Would your OCs be doing any remembering?

Q138. Have any of your OCs lost any of their loved ones?

Oh goodness, yes! 2cro is an obvious mention here, seeing that his entire world was destroyed, wiping just about everyone he ever cared about from existence and leaving only him and his Marionette behind due to 2cro's soul bonds created through subconscious exploration. Fray couldn't hang on for long and eventually faded too, leaving him with only Purple Satan(tm) to lean on. Eventually 2cro wound up killing him (and a lot of people, really) too, and effectively destroyed Entirety before hopping over to a new one in hopes of keeping another him from suffering the loss that he did.

Hadris is motivated by the loss of many of his friends and allies at the hands of Memen, something which drove off his significant other (who couldn't really cope with all of the loss). Memen, meanwhile, is only so hellbent on making Hadris suffer because he slaughtered most of her planet eras ago.

Laejizhar lost his wife to illness, which led to his retirement and melancholic attitude, which hasn't been helped by the revelation that his son is slowly dying from the same disease that killed his wife. LaPlata's demeanor was similarly changed by the disappearance of her boyfriend, Langer, which also had a huge impact on Ouray and Zhirael.

Loligo's journey first began because her mother disappeared, followed by her father. To make a long story short, it turned out that her mother was dead, it was her father's fault, and her sister subsequently had to sacrifice herself to become the new goddess. She's had... kind of a rough time.

Orange lost all of his family (save an estranged older brother) in a terrorist attack, which led to him moving into Hadris' dimension and becoming close to said evil overlord. Septicemia lost her friends thanks to some people trying to play God, an experience that's left her with lasting trauma.

That's actually a shorter list than I was expecting... but that's kind of a good thing for my OCs, I guess!


Q116. Which OC of yours is the most likely to make their password "password"? Whose passwords are so secure that they can never remember them?

arrie would definitely have her password set to 'password', because she's very forgetful and she probably wouldn't understand that when you first set up an account for something, you don't have to type 'password' into the password box. ...then again, would she even know that she'd have to have an account to use certain things? would she even know how to use a computer/phone/tablet etc. to set up an account for something??? probably not lol

if haimon was able to use a computer or something, he would totally make his password 'password' too, simply because he's too lazy to even think of anything else to have as a password, let alone actually try and remember it.

as for who would make their passwords ridiculously secure... probably most people who know liam would try making their passwords more secure after meeting him. he's totally the kind of guy who would try and hack into other people's accounts to cause trouble. liam himself would probably make his password super secure too, to make sure that if he does manage to hack into somebody else's account, they can't get their revenge by hacking into his. and arabelle would have a password so secure, that only she would be able to remember it.

Q117. Which OC of yours has the most uneventful life?

a lot of my characters have pretty eventful lives, from dying and being brought back to life (haimon), to gaining magical powers (every character of mine that has '____ magic' under the powers section of their profile), to having a really terrible life (eleasha)... but i suppose this guy's had a pretty uneventful life... but only because i haven't done much with him yet lol

Q118. Are any of your OCs involved in the military in any way, or any sort of in-universe equivalent of one?

most of my characters are probably too young to be in the military, so no.


Q138. Have any of your OCs lost any of their loved ones?

oohohoooooo man.... alright so Nikolai had a wife, right. they had a son, Alexandre, and shortly after, Nikolai's niece Mayda was left in their care. Sometime after the two ran away after one of them almost got killed, Nikolai's wife (i haven't given her a name yet) fell very ill. being very frail and all, this was something that used to happen to her a lot. Unfortunately, this time she wasn't able to make it through the awful sick and she passed away. So, Nikolai lost her, and is the only one of the three who knows she's passed on. At least from the point in time i'm probably gonna be rping them from anyway. Al and Mayda are going to be so heartbroken when the find out tbh

Alice lost the man she considered to be her father, exactly how though I don't know yet.

Octavia and Velinar both lost their parents thanks to this asshole, though only Octavia remembers the events. You see, Veli was too small at the time to be able to remember things two decades later.

Iorano and Yslei's parents getting ripped was because of an assassination attempt from someone hired by the asshole mentioned in the above paragraph. It was supposed to be set up to look like an accident while the parents and Yslei went to the ruins to pay their respects to the grave made for Octavia's parents, but then that happened and it looked like Yslei was the only one who survived, though just barely.

Meanwhile, Sarina lost her older brother to an assassin. It's thought that the real target was Iorano because her brother was dressed in some hand-me-downs when it happened, but there's no way that could've happened because of their drastic difference in height AND appearance. tl;dr: the real reason was because he got too close to finding out the truth of the "accident" mentioned above. Iorano and Velinar are also still pretty fucked up by his death tbh

holy shit this got really convoluted i am so sorry


Q138. Have any of your OCs lost any of their loved ones?

BOY HAVE THEY I mean *cough* I'm sure some of them have. Let's see... This is gonna be dark, so those who don't like these kind of subjects steer clear. XD

Zy lost both his parents and his wife (which means Volkmar technically lost his mom, although he never really knew her since she died from childbirth), Zetheriz lost both his parents and probably his older brother (but he believes his brother survived the destruction of their village years ago), Wenona's husband (who is Purity and Buffy's father) passed away long ago, Victoria and Lee lost many of their relatives due to werewolf attacks, Tymerth's consort and their entire brood were killed by the Enlightened, Tommy and Alcata were technically the lost loved ones since they got killed by Zy, Tiffany and her friends all lost their families in a raid on their town by the Enlightened, Theo lost his brother in a shootout and his mother died from illness, Thaddius's mother died of illness and then he got killed years later (and his father ended up killing himself out of grief), Terakuin's mother also died of illness and his father (who is Goeirthe's son) was later killed during a trial for the blood god they worship, Goeirthe's wife also has passed away, and Tera lost both her parents in an Enlightened attack as well.

*deep breath* Syke's entire planet (which includes his older sister) was destroyed by a false death goddess's influence, Kotaka and Katako were part of that planetary genocide but were the only ones to survive, Steve's dad was lost in a blizzard and his mom died in a lab accident, Slamen and Lester lost their mother to illness and their sister was basically eaten from the inside out by a demon and they have no idea what happened to their father after their hometown was destroyed by the Empire (heck, they didn't know what happened to each other for years too), Silverado's older brother was killed by a fugitive clone while trying to protect him, Shinda was forced to kill both his parents, the Shank family lost their father Ragnarok when their youngest accidentally killed him, Sean lost his mother when she commited suicide, Sam's older brother was killed while on deployment, Derek and Alec lost their dad in a drive-by shooting and their sister Kally in an accident of sorts, Red's dad and Kit's parents (who were Red's dad's Pokemon) were killed while fighting a monsterous lab experiment mutant Pokemon of sorts, Rath can't remember his past but his parents are indeed dead, Pyro's parents died in battle, and Numor's mother died during a monster attack on the castletown/the castle.

*deeper breath* Idramae and Nuke lost both their parents under complicated circumstances, the Prophet triplets (Adrian, Caleb, and Austin) lost their father at the same time they were cursed and their mother is still missing/assumed dead, Neuman's parents were killed by the Empire, Neoka and Nakeeta's mom is dead, Nelly's sister Lynnette was killed by a devil, Dmitri's biological and adoptive family are dead and he adopted Mira after her parents were killed in a spaceship crash, Matt doesn't remember his family but his mother died during the event that resulted in his memory loss, Mary's grandmother was eaten by a wolf, Marlex's family was killed by a different empire than previously mentioned and so was Caltharsis's family and Arlyth's father, Mara's parents were killed by clones, Kira lost her son Mac when he died during the First War, Katherine's boyfriend was killed in an "accident," Justin's parents were also killed by the Enlightened, Jeff's mom was killed by water elementals, Jane's father was killed by the vampires that ended up turning her into a vampire, Jake and Randin's parents are dead, Hurricane's mother died of illness, Gage lost both his parents and his mentor in a tribal civil war, Exodus's family was killed by the Enlightened, Lute's mom is dead, Demi and Deminic lost both their parents to demon hunters, Darke's parents were killed by clones, all of Criss's siblings are basically dead, Cal's mom is dead, Bolt's parents are dead, and Aaron lost both of his parents to cancer.

Boy oh boy, so many sick moms and so many Enlightened attacks. XD I'll link everyone later, maybe.