Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
|| Q1 || Q2 || Q3 || Q4 || Q5 || Q6 || Q7 || Q8 || Q9 || Q10 || Q11 || Q12 || Q13 || Q14 || Q15 || Q16 || Q17 || Q18 || Q19 || Q20 || Q21 || Q22 || Q23 || Q24 || Q25 || Q26 || Q27 || Q28 || Q29 || Q30 || Q31 || Q32 || Q33 || Q34 || Q35 || Q36 || Q37 || Q38 || Q39 || Q40 || Q41 || Q42 || Q43 || Q44 || Q45 || Q46 || Q47 || Q48 || Q49 || Q50 ||
|| Q51 || Q52 || Q53 || Q54 || Q55 || Q56 || Q57 || Q58 || Q59 || Q60 || Q61 || Q62 || Q63 || Q64 || Q65 || Q66 || Q67 || Q68 || Q69 || Q70 || Q71 || Q72 || Q73 || Q74 || Q75 || Q76 || Q77 || Q78 || Q79 || Q80 || Q81 || Q82 || Q83 || Q84 || Q85 || Q86 || Q87 || Q88 || Q89 || Q90 || Q91 || Q92 || Q93 || Q94 || Q95 || Q96 || Q97 || Q98 || Q99 || Q100 ||
|| Q101 || Q102 || Q103 || Q104 || Q105 || Q106 || Q107 || Q108 || Q109 || Q110 || Q111 || Q112 || Q113 || Q114 || Q115 || Q116 || Q117 || Q118 || Q119 || Q120 || Q121 || Q122 || Q123 || Q124 || Q125 || Q126 || Q127 || Q128 || Q129 || Q130 || Q131 || Q132 || Q133 || Q134 || Q135 || Q136 || Q137 || Q138 || Q139 || Q140 || Q141 || Q142 || Q143 || Q144 || Q145 || Q146 || Q147 || Q148 || Q149 || Q150 ||
|| Q151 || Q152 || Q153 || Q154 || Q155 || Q156 || Q157 || Q158 || Q159 || Q160 || Q161 || Q162 || Q163 || Q164 || Q165 || Q166 ||

Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q16. Do you use the links feature between your own characters? If not, why not? Yes! Especially if my rp partner uploaded their OC and I want to link them

Q22. Which of your OCs is the shyest? It is a tie between     Melina &Luciana

Q43. Do any of your OCs sing?      Melina




Q48. Do you have any OCs who have radically changed from their original concept?Tei Regas 
CL OL Tei's Character Progress Meme by RumbyFishy Tei originally I wanted him to be white haired but due to my bad skills in drawing guys, went with black. As I improved he started to look better and have a more complicated design. His current design is the silver-gold design above

Q49. Do you have any OCs who have had their designs radically changed from when you first conceptualized them? Yes same as above lol

Q65. Which OC of yours does the most reading?  Luciana



Q71. Which OC of yours would want to pilot a giant robot the most?
Michael, for the irony.

Q72. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to eat something strange?
ALICE he eats strange shit on a daily basis!!!! also Gauge and Teeth!

Q73. Which OC of yours is the most welcoming of death?
Kei is aggressively suicidal and when he isn't he drops a lot of dark humor hints. He feels as if he wanted to die ever since he was born. On the other hand he knows what dying feels like and he doesn't like it. He has mixed feelings.

Q74. Which OC of yours is the wealthiest? Who's the poorest?
Azira is very wealthy! And excluding the ocs that consistently rob and commit crimes, Kei would be the poorest!

Q75. Which OC of yours does the most eavesdropping?
Draneska, HaneulHong and Michael. Haneul and Hong do just to be gossipy, Draneska IS gossipy but on a higher level and Michael somehow ends up being third wheel a lot or just stand there and eventually he... knows things.

Q76. If your OCs were Pokemon, what types would they be?
This is an evil, evil question and I'm sorry but I love this. ok so

  • Aelia: /
  • Agni: /
  • Alice: /
  • Allegria: /
  • Asen:
  • Azira: /
  • Brevyn:
  • Californio: /
  • Capsaicin: /
  • Ceena:
  • Charo: /
  • Circe: /
  • Clint: /
  • Cseren:
  • Dario: /
  • Doritos: , / in magic aus
  • Draneska: /
  • Dymka: /
  • Edelmira: /
  • Elten: Changes between , , and everyday.
  • Gauge: / with a dash of
  • Ghost Hunter:
  • Gingerol: /
  • Haneul:
  • Hong: /
  • Kei: right now he's whatever but i'd say
  • Kerae: /
  • Leppo: /
  • Maeve: /
  • Mauna: /
  • Menthol: /
  • Michael:
  • Moke: /
  • Monty: /
  • Naomi: , /?
  • Nicanora: /
  • Noneccie: /
  • Numai: /
  • Penta: / (2nd type varies on her development and powers)
  • Piperine: /
  • Rafael: /
  • RAW: /
  • Ruffles: , / in magic aus
  • Sayan: /
  • Teeth: /
  • Zareth: /

As you can see I lack electric OCs haha I used to have one but I abandoned her rip

Q77. Which of your OCs is the messiest?
A lot of them are messy, but the current Fucking Disaster is Moke 'cause he's desperate and all that.

Q78. Which OC of yours likes animals the most?
Ceena loves animals, especially since there aren't many of them in her city!

Q79. Do you have any AUs for your OCs?
Of course, I'm my own fandom. I have a mafia AU where Asen is the head of a mafia and Californio is their weapon, and they meet Ceena and Cseren later on in the story, it's fun. There's also the magic AU with Ruffles and Doritos where Ruffles is a witch and Doritos is her companion. And uuhh there's this weird yaoi highschool au with Leppo and Clint where Leppo is obsessed with him and tries to get him to solve a murder.

Q80. Are any of your OCs religious?
I don't make them so religious 'cause I'm not very religious myself, but RAW is! Even though they're not very good?? at what they do?? And I guess Charo is as well, religious to her native deities and spirits!

Q81. Which OC of yours does the most planning ahead?
Mostly Kei 'cause the Smartz

Q82. Which OC of yours is the biggest procrastinator?
I wish I didn't have to say Penta but GOSH... It's Penta. Haneul does a good job procrastinating as well, but mostly when she feels insecure about something.

Q83. Which OC of yours is the most easily discouraged?
RAW already has a hard time doing stuff, they can be discouraged without even trying.

Q84. Have your OCs (or anyone else's) ever been in one of your dreams?
YES I've actually dreamed up Asen!! Otherwise yeah I've been in OC dreams before and it's great 8))


Q85. Which OC of yours is the calmest in the face of danger or stress?
Azira and Yellow bc they don't have feelings. Scixynn is also very calm, but she cheats by supressing the concept of stress from her. Ruffles and Penta are also very calm but mostly because they're detached from most situations- if something stressed them enough, they'd react in non conventional ways! Kei likes danger 'cause he likes pain so in danger he's chill. Gauge is excited by danger and potentially fatal situations but they're not as calm as the others.

Q86. Which OC of yours is the luckiest?
Oh that's difficult! Edelmira is supposed to always be winning card games like UNO against the other members of the bookshop crew (especially Elten) so to keep it quick I'd say her, but then again she has some things to counter that luck so... shrugs??

Q87. Which OC of yours is the unluckiest?
Gauge, ClintKei and Moke... Have shit luck.

Q88. What comes first when you create an OC?
Concept & design! A lot of the times I base the concept off of the design tho!

Q89. Do you have any specific voices imagined for your OCs?
For some, yeah. It's mostly seiyuus bc I'm a huge weeb. Kei's voice is Yuki Kaji, especially as Shion in No.6 (ironically 'cause Shion is a gift from the heavens and Kei is a garbage man). RAW's voice is VIP tenchou, my fav utaite 'cause I'm... that much of a huge weeb. Alice's tentative voice is Megumi Ogata as Komaeda, mostly for the joke but it Fits. Charo's voice may be Miyuki Sawashiro because she gives me that Celty vibe. I've always imagined Numai with Zebra's voice for some reason, and Zareth with Yoshimasa Hosoya's voice too... I picture Draneska with Yuu Kobayashi's voice but mostly of her masculine roles like in Maria Holic?? For some reason I feel like it fits her. Haneul's voice is Sayaka Ohara as Yuuko from xxholic. Michael's voice is fuckin.. Naruto.

Ok but seiyuus aside there are special voices for certain characters! Edelmira has this horrible raspy voice that's no fit for a shoujo protagonist but she doesn't care. Leppo's voice is like many voices at the same time! Clint's voice is a little quiet, it resembles a voice of someone that has been crying for a while. Rafael is supposed to have a pretty voice! Monty's voice is guttural and monstruous.

Q90. Which OC of yours is the worst person?
Leppo. Definitely. He strives to be the worst fucking thing in the world. I have plenty of terrible people tho!

Q91. Which OC of yours needs the biggest hug?
Clint!! Please hug him. He needs affection he's so sad!

Q92. How do your OCs handle alcohol?
Most of them handle it pretty well! Aelia can't get drunk and I'm sure Kerae can't either. Honestly none of the ghosts can get drunk, and some more can't either. So... yeah, for the ones who can, highlights: Dario uses it as an escape from anxiety. Alice talks really fast under the influence of alcohol. Kei becomes a honest drunk which is embarrassing since he'll overshare way too much.

Q93. What do you do with your OCs? Are you writing a story with them, making a game about them, creating a webcomic about them, or do you RP with them at all?
I make webcomics (Californium 252 and Main Element, but they're in hiatus AND in spanish!)! I have one game (Creation Cycle Project: Human) and I try to write about them (Brevyn and Moke have this short piece of writing titled Angsty Trees that I only started and have abandoned lol) and sometimes try to make quick stories (like now with the Scoville Scale Sisters), and I also rp a good share of them (RP folder, though I also RP Ruffles and Gauge over here)! I love doing all of that, it's my calling.

Q94. Do you have any OCs whose designs you just can't get down?
I draw Ceena so little that I forget where her asymmetry is placed )8 I messed up on inktober with her OTL Otherwise I think I have most of them well memorized! Some time ago I'd tell you I can't draw Clint bc I have a hard time with him but I think I can get him down now!

Q95. Which of your OCs get the most character development throughout their story?
Hehehe funny you'd say that. A lot of them do, I think most of them, really. Only it's not usually in a goodhearted way! Some of them become very bitter :( Others understand more about life and that helps them become better people!

Q96. Which OC of yours has killed the most people, if applicable? If none of your OCs have killed before, who would be the most likely to?
Gauge. Runner ups are AllegriaHong and Teeth.

Q97. Which OC of yours is the most innocent?
Brevyn, I hope.

Q98. How many OCs do you have in total?
In toyhouse I have 50, but if I wanna count literally everyone, even the spoiler ones, I'd say it's closer to 60! I feel like it's so little haha


basically just posting here because i had a dream about two of my ocs last night, and i remembered that that had something to do with one of the questions sooooo... here i am

 Q144. Have any of your OCs been in any of your dreams?

yep!! like i said earlier, i had one last night. i only remember bits and pieces because it was kinda a long dream with all sorts of weird stuff going on, like a ufo coming outta nowhere and an 'alien' (i say it like that because... well, they looked pretty much 100% human lol) coming out to get one of my little sisters over the fence of the house next door's back garden and into our back garden by grabbing her, stretching their arm really long and throwing her over the fence. ...i have no idea why my sister was in next door's back garden in the first place. .-.

anyway, there was one point where my family and i were going shopping with izzy and luna. i remember izzy and luna going into a shop without my family and coming back out with these weird sort of ball things. they looked kinda expensive to me for some reason, so i was worried when luna was throwing and kicking her ball thing around on some grass while the two were on their way back to my family, who had been waiting for them. i can't remember if i told her not to do that, but when luna's ball thing got near me i could see that it had mud on it. tbh i don't think she's the kind of person to kick and throw around an expensive-looking thing she just bought like it was a toy, but it was a dream - anything's possible lol

Q129. Do any of your OCs collect anything?

not sure on anyone else, but i have an android dude from the future who collects and plays video games, especially ones from what would be considered his past (which is basically all the video games that have ever existed up until now irl).

Q130. Which OC of yours is the biggest personal space invader?

i have a few characters who are pretty big space invaders:

  • westley would totally go up to somebody he's never met before and give them a hug, so i guess he's sortof a personal space invader. of course, there are no evil intentions behind this at all - he's just a little kid that loves warm hugs, and when he sees a stranger, he thinks of them as another person to get hugs from.
  • haimon would also give hugs to total strangers, but for a different reason. he sees everyone as basically living body pillows, so if he hugs you you can guarantee that he's just doing it to fall asleep on you.
  • alex is a personal space invader too, because she shares her body with and eldritch abomination that doesn't care whether or not a total stranger wants eyes and tentacles and other weird things to appear all over their body for seemingly no reason. don't worry though, it's harmless, they eventually go away and the two just do it for fun.
  • if rena invades your personal space (which can happen fairly often), it's to try and eat you.
  • also remember that lust deity i mentioned in an earlier question? he's a pretty nig personal space invader as well.

i... i'm not sure who's the biggest personal space invader tbh


Q99. Which OC of yours is the most like you?
Sweats I mean every OC has a little bit of me, but let's say Alice...Cos he's literally based on me when younger.

Q100. Who was your very first OC? If not the same character, who's the earliest OC you created that you still have?
Probably a rozen maiden self insert I'm not even sure. Current OC that I still use?? is Michael probably! I created him in 2011!

Q101. Which of your OCs is the best liar? The worst liar?
Leppo is the best liar! RAW is the worst liar!

Q102. Which OC has the longest hair? The shortest? (in proportion to their body)
I love long hair bruh. It's a tie between Hong, PiperineSayan and ScixynnCseren has the shortest hair.

Q103. Do any of your OCs use drugs recreationally, or have they at least ever tried any drugs? If not, who would be the most likely to?
Ruffles and Doritos are drug addicts. Kei has done weed before. I feel like Piperine would use these hallucinogen mushrooms every now and then just 'cause she's bored but the effects on her would be different than on humans.

Q104. Which OC of yours is the worst with names?
AlicePenta too but she's just pretending.

Q105. Which OC of yours is the closest to nature?
BrevynMenthol and Nicanora reluctantly. Though a lot of my ocs have ties with nature!

Q106. Which OC of yours is the most willing to take risks?
Penta, Gauge, MichaelClint & Ghost Hunter. Half of them take risks cause they feel like they have nothing to lose lol and they might be right.

Q107. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to hug a total stranger?
Ruffles and Edelmira! Ruffles just tests waters when engaging in physical contact with strangers while Edelmira is just excited and happy to be here.

Q108. Have any of your OCs been through a natural disaster of some kind?
Numai went through a forest fire! It wasn't the most natural of all of them, but it's still something that scarred him a bit.

Q109. Which OC of yours is the most prone to talking on and on about things?
RAW talks while thinking and rambles a whole lot. Michael can also get excited when talking, as well as Alice when it's about his special interests. Edelmira and Elten love answering questions so they can also talk a lot! Dymka rants about justice related things as well.

Q110. Which OC of yours is the most appreciative of the fine arts?
MontyHaneul and Scixynn probably.

Q111. Which OC of yours is the best at saving money (or really saving anything)?
Not on toyhouse yet but Xzavis has impressive money management skills, and very well can save money as much as people need! Otherwise, I'd say Maeve but she's not that spectacular because she DOES buy fast food a lot. Charo would be very good but she ain't about the capitalistic life.

Q112. Which OC of yours is the most honest?
Mauna, Charo, Dymka, RAW... Teeth Monster... and Kei when drunk.


Q113. Which OC of yours is the most loyal?
Charo, Dymka, ClintAlice & RAW.

Q114. Which OC of yours is the hardest to calm down?
EltenAsenGauge I suppose!

Q115. Do any of your OCs believe in the paranormal?
Most of my ocs are from a fantasy setting so this is a given. In fact most of them ARE the paranormal. The ones that aren't in touch with the paranormal and are human... Well, I'd say Cseren probably does! Though he's more on the alien side.

Q116. Which OC of yours is the most likely to make their password "password"? Whose passwords are so secure that they can never remember them?
Not as far as 'password' but Dario would have an awfully generic password like his name or his birthday. Alice probably forgets a shitton of his passwords just because he has shitty memory.

Q117. Which OC of yours has the most uneventful life?
That's hard they're all fucked one way or another. I guess Haneul and Naomi? Though they had their share of stuff happen.

Q118. Are any of your OCs involved in the military in any way, or any sort of in-universe equivalent of one?
Bruh I had a military turtle gijinka who was the son of the military leader of his island BUT I don't use him anymore. The closest thing I have now is Californio, being a military experiment... And the ghost police isn't a military but it figures I guess!!

Q119. Do any of your OCs have children?
Alice will have one with Teru at some point B)K and is supposed to be at least 0.0001% of Kei's mom so yeah. Brandon has a daughter but it's not a nice story, he had a hard time coming to terms with her.

Q120. Which OC of yours is the most prone to losing things?
RAW is very clumsy! They lose more conceptual things tho.

Q121. Which OCs would play video games for fun and which ones would play to win?
AliceNicanora (she wins cos she's good but she prefers to have fun), Edelmira, Haneul, Naomi, Michael, NumaiRuffles and Charo all play for fun! EltenKeiAgni play to win.

Q122. Which OC of yours has the strangest life?
By FAR it's Kei. That whole thing about being a key lime pie at first and now being a demigod who's virtually immortal... It's very strange. He loathes how much it sounds like a joke, too.

Q123. Which OC of yours has the darkest sense of humor?
Kei is the lord of dark humor because of many facts, but mostly cause he's kind of very depressed and cynical. Clint also has a very dark sense of humor and he doesn't smile when telling jokes so people can't tell when he's joking.

Q124. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to blame someone else for something that they did?
LEPPO lives like this. PentaGauge and Ruffles do it as well. Kei and Alice do it when they aren't in a good mental place.

Q125. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to take the blame for something they didn't do?
RAW definitely! Charo did it in the past and now tries not to!

Q126. If you could make one of your OCs really popular, which one would you pick?
GOsh... I always say Leppo. Honestly I'd be happy if any of them became really popular, though I feel like it's difficult.


Q127. Which OC of yours is the best leader?
Charo and Noneccie have good leadership skills. Agni is an efficient king therefore a good leader! Asen has good leadership skills as well. Azira has a lot of power in her hands and while she keeps a low profile most of the time, she can be a brilliant leader.

Q128. Which OC of yours tends to cause the most destruction, intentionally or otherwise?
Aelia and Kerae have this as their goal. Alice is very consistently destructive... But I'd say Californio has caused the most destruction! I mean, exploding an entire city isn't something you'd take lightly.

Q129. Do any of your OCs collect anything?
Edelmira is a dragon and hoards shiny things and money but spends the latter in cute clothes and more shiny things! Draneska collects knives and swords and those objects with hidden knives in them. Alice collects or used to collect dead animal bodies. Leppo collects identities ;) and Scixynn collects concepts!

Q130. Which OC of yours is the biggest personal space invader?
Edelmira but she doesn't know what she's doing she's just so excited. Leppo also invades personal space to get kisses for a bad reason.

Q131. Which OC of yours is the most vindictive?
Leppo will get mad at you for literally any reason and will have that as an excuse to haunt your ass. He's awful.

Q132. Do you have any OCs who are robots, androids, AIs, cyborgs, etc?
RAW was supposed to be an organic android (made out of seaweed), but they changed so right now I don't have any :( which is a shame because I'm so fond of the genre! Maybe someday!

Q133. Which OC of yours is the most prone to hoarding things they don't need?
Scixynn doesn't need so many concepts but she keeps them anyway and they're billions of concepts. Edelmira and Alice both hoard shit they don't need but Alice is far worse and I'm glad he stopped for the most part.

Q134. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to be a Wine Mom?
Draneska. She won't and shouldn't have children but she'd the one who'd chug an entire bottle of whisky instead of handing it to the airport security. Otherwise it's Numai's mom, probably, but she's not a major character.

Q135. Have you ever had an OC inspired by something unusual?
I try to have original stories so I don't know what really qualifies as unusual. Is the scoville scale unusual?? Probably?? Well then there you go.

Q136. Which OC of yours would fare the best on a deserted tropical island?
I was going to say Brevyn but he's not tropical idk how he'd fare HAHA. I guess it'd be PiperineCharo and Teeth would survive!

Q137. You're throwing a party, and you can invite 5 of your OCs. Who do you pick and why?
Fffuuck man I don't want to invite even 3 of them. ok let's see

  • Ruffles OBVIOUSLY I can't miss that. She's probably going to destroy the party but c'mon.
  • Doritos also obviously you can't throw a party without doritos
  • RAW they will have a bad time but they're adorable and I want to see their face
  • Charo she's chill with everyone
  • Michael! 'cos at least he'll have a good time :)

But the party's gonna be a disaster.

Q138. Have any of your OCs lost any of their loved ones?
Yeah. Haziel is the lost loved one actually but he misses his family and gf as well, though he knows he can't see them anymore so he's trying to forget about them but that's impossible :(. Kei lost about everyone he cared about. RAW did as well but didn't have such ties with them... Or so they try to tell themselves. Ghost Hunter lost her boyfriend but she hated all of them so she doesn't qualify BUT she claims she lost them and that she's sad about it. Clint probably already lost all of his loved ones but it doesn't matter because he hasn't seen them in years. Circe lost Dymka once and met her again :). Agni lost his parents in the dimension where he's king. Gauge lost a good portion of their family in an accident. Rafael was abducted when he was like 8 and never saw his mom again but knew of her death a while back :(. Elten lost Sayan, his gilfriend at the moment, and it's still a sore wound... And you'd say Azira lost her as well but she doesn't have feelings, though she pretends she misses her.


Q131. Which OC of yours is the most vindictive?

izzy and luna can definitely be considered to be vindictive. just ask liam, who ended up nearly killed by those two twice (and actually killed once) in an rp they've been in. and that all started only because he annoyed izzy too much. yep.

there are seven deities in my characters' universe that are based on the seven deadly sins. the one that's based on the sin of wrath firmly believes in an eye for an eye. and an arm. and a leg. and the deaths of all of your loved ones.

Q132. Do you have any OCs who are robots, androids, cyborgs, AIs, etc?


  • spade's a cyborg with arm cannons instead of hands. he thinks his life sucks because there's a lot he can't do because of that.
  • lightning is another cyborg who will totally give you an electric shock if she doesn't know you very well because she hates almost everyone. i say 'almost' because she's actually just a tsundere who can be totally sweet to her friends. oh, and she's really, really gay.
  • allie's a cinnamon roll cyborg who actually hates being a cyborg.
  • there's also melody, who is (you guessed it) a cyborg. actually started off as being male, but now... i'm not even sure what their gender is anymore lmao
  • reese is another cyborg who you should stay away from, not because of his personality (because he's really friendly) but because clumsiness + super strength in a robotic arm = disaster.
  • i also have neo, who doesn't have a profile yet like melody, and is also a cyborg (hE'S THE LAST ONE I PROMISE)
  • as for androids/robots... rain is one! they're so smol compared to most of my characters. in fact, excluding my shapeshifters, the only characters shorter than rain are jasper and westley!
  • emerald is another, who is a precious cinnamon roll who must be protected from all the dangers in the world. unlike rain, they're pretty tall, possibly taller than logan (who is like seven and a half feet tall :o )
  • then there's makoto, an android from the future, who you honestly wouldn't be able to tell is an android from the way he looks and behaves. he spends a lot of his timein the past (literally) because he's a time-traveller who wants to find out what life was like in the past. he's also obsessed with video games, to the point where he'll casually throw in references to things like true gentlemen leaving no puzzle unsolved, friendliness pellets, princesses being in another castle, nohrian scum and being the super high school level gamer in conversations.

Q133. Which OC of yours is the most prone to hoarding things they don't need?

lora's probably REALLY bad for this. she gets tons of gifts because of her kindness towards everyone, and of course she'll refuse to throw them away because she doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. there's also arrie, who has so many clothes that there's no way she'll even get to wear them all at least once in her lifetime. then there's makoto, who has so many video games that he can't even remember owning half of them.


Q150. If you could only keep 10 of your OCs, who would you pick? Why?

1. Ghost (he is my baby)
2. Vulcan (my second baby XD A very pretty baby)
3. Airik (I love this guy, he's going to have a comic (eventually) and everything)
4. Merci (I just love his design and he's so cute and fun to draw)
5. Izanvi (haaaa, this is like a cheat. But these two are also one of my favorites)
6. Sammy (Sammy is precious, sammy is love)
7. Irado (this guy is new but I absolutely love him at the mo)
8. Lucian (incubus go rawr. Not so pretty incubus too XD)
9. Wysteria (he's pretty but not completely precious)
10. Ibris (a wild Ibris appears. I love his design~)


Q139. Which OC of yours speaks the most eloquently?
Kei (and Yellow), Leppo, AziraHaneul and Michael a bit!

Q140. Do any of your OCs have someone who lives far away that they still keep in touch with?
While it's not as much as before, Gauge and Penta keep in touch but they may 'live' very far apart at times. Maeve keeps in touch with her sister back at the gorgon land. Capsaicin and Gingerol keep in touch with some other chemical witches, it's like a community of penpals- only they use instant messaging nowadays.

Q141. Which OC of yours has the biggest family?
Dario has a huge family, so huge they have the culture to not care so much about what the youngins do after a certain age. He's supposed to be an adult with a job who hasn't done anything bad- so he doesn't contact them anymore. Charo and Clint also have a big family (or had, in Clint's case) and Alice has a lot of siblings and his parents are married and has many cousins and aunts so he qualifies too.

Q142. Have you ever recycled an old OC?
Michael is very much recycled! He was a completely different thing back in 2011!

Q143. Which OC of yours makes the most videos or otherwise does the most video recording?
Alice!! It's one of his special interests! He edits videos and they look similar to cyriak's

Q144. Have any of your OCs been in any of your dreams?
Yes! actually I dreamed with Teeth Monster yesterday. I dreamed a girl gored her :( so it wasn't as nice.

Q145. Which OC of yours is the most likely to smile creepily?

Q146. Which OC of yours is the most affectionate?
Edelmira, RafaelBrevyn and RAW!

Q147. Which OC of yours has the healthiest eating habits?
NicanoraCharo and HaneulNaomi try rly hard!

Q148. Which OC of yours is the most likely to engage in retail therapy?
Haneul! She wouldn't miss an opportunity to get material goods as an excuse when she feels bad. Draneska would too because she fills the void with money.

Q149. Which OC of yours has the worst relationship with their family?
Hahah... ha... there are so many. here's highlights

  • Californio had an awfully toxic family that wanted him dead and achieved it but not as well as they wished. He doesn't remember any of it though.
  • Draneska cut ties with her family because they didn't treat her like 'a princess'. In all fairness, she was neglected a lot when she was a child and on top of it she WAS entitled as hell
  • Gauge hated their awful relative to death until... she died. Now they don't have any close family.
  • Haneul has a wonderful relationship with her family but she hates her stepbrother so much it's worth a mention.
  • Kei is a family trainwreck, he had an uncle that hated him and his mom... Well... His mom did a lot of horrible things to him. Now that mom is Alice and he resents Alice but he's slowly trying to separate both people and understand that Alice is his own person.
  • Michael has abusive parents :( his aunt and cousin are nice to him tho but it doesn't fix the abuse sequels

Q150. If you could only keep 10 of your OCs, who would you pick? Why?
not only im gonna throw all of my other ocs under the bus, but i'm gonna list these by priorities

  1. Leppo
  2. Clint. both of them cause they can't be separated. no matter the story I need these losers in my life
  3. Asen !!!
  4. Californio both of them as well! they can't be separated and I love Asen so i don't want them to be alone
  5. Alice is impossible that he wouldn't exist given he's me but younger... or something like that
  6. Kei this is a formality almost. he's his own person already, so i can't leave him out. besides, he helps me through some issues so!! nice
  7. RAW is so beautiful!! I've always thirsted over them, I wouldn't wanna lose them
  8. Gauge is my role model!! maybe in a next life they'll have a different design, but it doesn't matter♥
  9. Scixynn she's the most overpowered oc i have and she's such a nice aesthetic achievement. plus i get to bring the cosmic bitches together so ;)
  10. Charo! I love capybaras, and she's the socialist I need!

I finally caught up /o/ yay!!


Meant to start this up again yesterday, but I thought it was Sunday until it was pretty much Tuesday... whoops! Anyway, let's get this show back on the road!

also i can't believe i asked the dream question twice....... rip my life

Q151. Which OC of yours gets bored the fastest?

I'd say Barazia. He loses his passion for things quickly and has become a pretty greedy person because of it, constantly trying to obtain new things and abducting new company to enliven things once more. It's rare that anything or anyone manages to hold his attention for more than a week, at which point he becomes bored and goes back to plotting against his fellow princes of Hell in order to get their cool shiny things for another brief rush of entertainment.


Q151. Which OC of yours gets bored the fastest?

Probably Shinobu, the poor (ironically) girl doesn't really have many things to entertain herself, so she just builds things whenever she can. She would love to just do that but then she has go to school or go to boring parties or... sleep.