Origins and more

DDD was orginially a safe haven for dragonbloods in the Middle Ages. Set up by Arianwen Inger, it was a cavern found on Svalbard. Over the years to come, shelters were set up inside the cave, becoming more organised and well built until there was an entire functioning community. It lasted until the 1800s, when hunters discovered the cave and managed to capture a dragonblood, whom they took back to their base in . More hunters were sent out, but by then the dragonbloods had abandoned their home.

A few moved back there years later, but it never grew as a community again.

At the beginning of the 2000s, a small corporation founded by dragonbloods found the cavern and decided it the perfect place to build a safehouse. There wasn't much left of the original safehouse, most of it having been stolen, but there was evidence scratched into the walls that there had been people living there. Some walls in DDD today have been left to show this evidence.

Over the next 20 years, the corporation grew and became what it is today.

The current owner is Jach Oscar, who is the son of the founder, Syver Oscar. He has carried on the original work while also campaigning for DB Rights, a social movement focused on giving dragonbloods the rights to be themselves, as dragons, and to abolish dragonblood hunters.