

All geckons are long, have paws, a roundish head and long ears. Some mutations have been recorded finding some with horns or antlers, vestigial wings, sabre teeth and there have even been a few who can change colour.

They can be any colour, but the military geckons are more likely to be dull and more mud coloured than wild geckons, who can be the brightest or darkest colour imaginable.


All geckons are herbivores, but they have been known to feast upon scraps left out by humans, including meat and artificial products. Geckons consider cheese to be the highest delicacy.


Wild geckons range from the size of a house cat to a car, whereas military geckons have been known to get much, much larger. There have also been sightings of tiny, pencil long geckons.


Geckons have a very wide range of dialects and languages. As of now, 37 dialects and several different languages have been recorded. They also seem to be partial to cursewords and music.