
"The Voqui are are the lost souls who died before they were even born, at the very beginning of the mutliverse, when the Complex was just a seed, a thought, a vibe. They lurk at the edges of reality, watching, waiting, for just the right thing to happen. For just the right time to arrive."

As far is as known, the voqui have existed from the very beginning of the multiverse, when even the afterlife had not yet formed. Hence, why their souls wander at the edges of our reality. They have no concept of time, of life, of death. They simply are and always will be.

Voided and Complexities have reportedly seen them from the corner of their eyes, or as a shifting expanse out in the void. It is impossible to view them directly, for they, in all laws of life and physics, should not exist and out brains cannot handle what they are.

There have been very rare cases of voqui inhabiting a physical body. It is barely documented because of how rare it is, but what little knowledge there is is that the person either appears to be posessed or has come back to life. So far it has only happened with a mere handful of Voided and even fewer Complexities.