Ancient Werewolves

Status: Extinct
Reputation: Dangerous
World(s): OU1, OU2
Habitat: Desert


Ancient werewolves, also known as anibus, were creatures dictated by the moon. In dark moon, they were creatures of shadow and legend, only ever percieved at the edges of sight. As the moon waxed to full they became more noticed and feared, more like the monsters people imagine today.

Ancient werewolves died out in the early AD centuary, after being forced to extinction by modern werewolves hunting them.


It is said they were once people who had gotten lost in the deserts and had succumbed to wild insticts, becoming a beast somewhere between human and wolf.

They feed only when strong, taking the unwary, the elderly, the drunk. It is not known what is done to these people, because only bones picked clean are found afterwards.



In appearence these werewolves are humanoid with a wolfish head, legs, ears, eyes and tail. Fur is little to non-existant and what little there is is usually dark. Their skin tends to be grey or pale.

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