Achievement Directory


"For your generous effort, I have a token of appreciation."


Welcome to achievements! You can earn achievements by participating in the group. Achievements are mostly fun little trophies that you can display on your player profile if you have one, there are also some achievements that give small rewards.


#01 - Blank Slate.

Achieved by submitting 10 quests or prompts to the group featuring the NPC Blank.
Unlock a Common MYO Beanling Token! *
*This reward can only be redeemed once per player*


#02 - First Birthday.

Achieved by submitting 12 monthly prompts to the group.
Unlock 10 bonus Beans !*
Unlock 1 Legendary Mutation Potion.*
*This reward can only be redeemed once per player*


#03 - Mental Master.

Achieved by getting 10/10 points in the mind stat.
Unlock 10 bonus Beans !*
Unlock 1 Legendary Mutation Potion.*
*This reward can only be redeemed once per beanling*


#04 - Body Builder.

Achieved by getting 10/10 points in the body stat.
Unlock 10 bonus Beans !*
Unlock 1 Legendary Mutation Potion.*
*This reward can only be redeemed once per beanling*


#05 - Like a God.

Achieved by getting 10/10 points in both the body and mind stats.
Unlock a Legendary MYO Beanling Token!*
*This reward can only be redeemed once per beanling*

#06 - Winter Touched.

Achieved by participating in the Winter Wonderland Event.

#07 - Adventure Expert.

Achieved by participating in 10 quests.
Unlock  1 x Dragon Eyes ddhwmj1-dfffd7b0-f61e-4d07-a96e-c8ee14ab!
Unlock 1 x Dragon Bone Dust ddhwmj6-86e8c2ee-9ff1-4e5b-b88c-57a61a1d!*
*This reward can only be redeemed per beanling per 10 quests*

#08 - Bean around the world.

Achieved by depicting your beanling on all seven Islands for seven different prompts (Monthly, guild and questing).
Unlock  1 x Dragon Eyes ddhwmj1-dfffd7b0-f61e-4d07-a96e-c8ee14ab!
Unlock 1 x Dragon Bone Dust ddhwmj6-86e8c2ee-9ff1-4e5b-b88c-57a61a1d!*
Unlock 1 Legendary Mutation Potion.*
*This reward can only be redeemed once per beanling*

#09 - Decked Out.

Achieved by equipping your beanling with a basic weapon/focus, basic armour/robes and basic familiar.
Unlock 1 Common Mutation Potion.*
*This reward can only be redeemed once per beanling*

#010 - All about that bling.

Achieved by equipping your beanling with an ornate weapon/focus, ornate armour/robes and a greater familiar.
Unlock 1 Uncommon Mutation Potion.*
*This reward can only be redeemed once per beanling*

#011 - Raiding Party.

Submit 10 quests featuring 2 or more beanlings.
Unlock  1 x Dragon Eyes ddhwmj1-dfffd7b0-f61e-4d07-a96e-c8ee14ab!
Unlock 1 x Dragon Bone Dust ddhwmj6-86e8c2ee-9ff1-4e5b-b88c-57a61a1d!*
*This reward can only be redeemed per beanling per 10 quests*

#012 - Unlimited Power.

Achieved by equipping your beanling with both an ornate weapon and magic focus, ornate armour and robes and a basic and greater familiar.
Unlock 1 Legendary Mutation Potion.*
*This reward can only be redeemed once per beanling*

#013 - Crafting Master.

Achieved by crafting 10 items.
Unlock 1 x ornate item of your choice.*
*This reward can only be redeemed once per player*

#014 - Rngesus Blessing.

Achieved by having 10 quest rolls return no rewards.
Unlock  1 x Dragon Eyes ddhwmj1-dfffd7b0-f61e-4d07-a96e-c8ee14ab!
Unlock 1 x Dragon Bone Dust ddhwmj6-86e8c2ee-9ff1-4e5b-b88c-57a61a1d!*
*This reward can only be redeemed per beanling per 10 quests*

If you would like to claim an achievement, see the Achievement Forum.