
What are Stats?

Stats are attributes applied to your character. There are two types of stats in Beanling-Patch, Mind and Body.


The mind stat represents all kinds of mental attributes including intelligence, wisdom and charisma.


The body stat represents all kinds of physical attributes including strength, dexterity and constitution.

What are stats used for?

Stats are used to determine which kinds of quests will suite your character. They also determine your characters chances of find rewards from questing. The higher the stat the higher the reward. Higher stats reflect a higher level of experience and knowledge.

Stat effects:

1 Point = 15% chance to find a reward.

2 Points = 30% chance to find a reward.

3 Points = 45% chance to find a reward.

4 Points = 60% chance to find a reward.

5 Points = 75% chance to find a reward.

6 Points = 90% chance to find a reward.

7 Points = 100% chance to find a reward.

8 Points = 100% chance to find a reward. 10% increased chance to find uncommon rewards.

9 Points = 100% chance to find a reward. 20% increased chance to find uncommon rewards. 10% increased chance to find rare rewards.

10 Points = 100% chance to find a reward. 30% increased chance to find uncommon rewards. 20% increased chance to find rare rewards. 10% increased chance to find legendary rewards.

How to increase your stats

You can increase your stats via a number of ways:
- Beans: You can spend beans  to buy stat points when you grow your beanling into a flowerling.
- Specialty shop: Every now and again Stat potions will be available in the shop for Beans, USD and Points.
- Questing: There is a small chance to receive a Stat potion (Legendary drop) as a reward from questing.
- Crafting: You will be able to craft Stat potions using materials found from questing.


Please keep in mind that increasing your beanlings stats is designed to be a long term goal. The higher the stat denotes how much experience your beanling has acquired during their life. All beanlings and flowerlings by default have 1 point in each stat.