

facet-ZL3K cut-Y03

Statelikely deceased
DiamondYellow, Pink
Age, Era8600 (if alive), 1
Born onCirny 3
RankMiddle upper class

Character & skills

physical strenght 0/6

physical durability 0/6

Agility 3/6

Close combat 0/6

Range combat 6/6

Machinery combat 2/6

"MAGIC" level 1/6

shapeshifting 6/6


  • explosions
  • blowing up buildings
  • sand drawing


  • socialising
  • Pretending
  • most things


  • losing


Rude, apathetic, spiteful, direct, patient, decisive, honest




1. Slow fall

2. Hidden gem

3. Four arms

4. Charged shot

1.Thanks to the "magical" cape, watermelons can slowly and elegantly fall down from high places.

2.Watermelons are surprisingly fragile and therefore must make sure to protect themselves adequately. One way of doing so is to completely submerge their gemstones inside the physical form.

3. Elbaites have so well developed coordination skills that they can easily control another pair of arms. So why not take an advantage of it and shapeshift them from time to time.

4. After fully charging their weapon, it becomes extra deadly.

Other talents

Knowledge of explosives

desing & weapon


Height: 144 cm / 4'9

Gem placement: ?

Headcanon links

Voice claim

Theme song
Machine Gun

Battle theme
Classic Pursuit (cYsmix)



Sniper rifle

A long range weapon sharp enough to detonate bombs. Its regular shots are pretty average. Once fully charged after 3-5 minutes, it's a death sentence for any gemstone that isn't hard as a diamond. The energy consumption, however, makes it impossible to fire more than 2 charged shots in a row.


  • Thorn was created with the sole purpose of dying in my main oc's backstory
  • Thorn is inspired by kiwano melon and emos
  • Her ship with Berry started as a joke, now it's unironically canon

story & relations

Thorn was one of the seven elbaites who traveled with Blue's diplomats to Pink's colony. She was ferociously against working with the other six. Unlike most elbaites, Thorn never had the capacity to talk or go on disguise missions. Trying to pretend how adorable, friendly, vulnerable, and powerless she is around assassination targets made her sick. Alternatively, she perfected her regular sniper methods as well as learn a thing or two about explosives.

Because of her lack of fakeness, Thorn made it abundantly clear how little she enjoys being surrounded by different gems. She was brutally honest with her opinions, which ironically made her well respected if not liked by her teammates. When the official war began, Thorn was by far the most effective in battle. Instead of shooting single targets, she sometimes prepared a whole minefields not even Homeworld soldiers knew about and then detonated them with her shots.

As years went by, two elbaites from her squad managed to die. Although evidence suggested their shattering wasn't an accident, Thorn didn't care. To some extent, she was grateful their passing made tourmalines work independently again. The third victim, however, touched her in a way nothing else ever did. As a result, Thorn had a reason to find who's attacking her fellow comrades and put effort into stopping them once an for all. She was quick, stubbornly determine and prepared... Maybe TOO prepared...

Late at night, 5140 b.S., a distant explosion shook a Homeworld camp. Upon further investigation, a crime scene where two gems seemingly fought for their lives was discovered. Although no bodies were immediately found, Thorn's disappearance didn't look like an accident. Soil analytics later confirmed dust particles from the nearby area contained tiny pieces of an elbaite gem, declaring Thorn as the fourth victim of the elbaite assassin.



Facet-K04 Cut-2H0

I thought she's toxically sweet and fake like the rest. Oh how wrong I was... Although she mostly lost her mind, at least she's putting it into use. Sane or not, she always tried to stop the murderer. I'm not interested in helping HER. Till this day, I wasn't concerned about the lives of any other elbaite... Any... besides one... ...You know what, screw it! I AM SHATTERING THAT CLOD MYSELF. Tell 2H0 to back off, she's been worthless so far. This is MY KILL. I'LL BLOW THEM UP IN THE GREATEST FASHION!! (...Especially if it's her all along).


Facet-H7W7 Cut-1A9

Good riddance.


Facet-B3B3 Cut-G1F

She was so annoying. Seriously, since when snipers work together...? What a fool.


Facet-S7R Cut-A08

...The only one who understood me.


Facet-M1L6 Cut-4K2

She's quiet, likely enjoying the unfolding chaos. Heh, I used to be genuinely grateful for her silent and calm nature. Nowadays, it's a threat...


Facet-PW2L Cut-8S0

Someone has been invading my personal space a biiiit too much lately. I have my eye on that off color. She better has her eyes on my mines~!



Pleasure getting missions from someone with warehouses full of explosives. Am I taking them legally? Of course not! Does anybody important complain? Not a single gem.

Opinions & details

The diamonds: "Yellow freed me from disguise missions and Pink provided me with a military playground. That's cool. Otherwise, I don't care."

Crystal gems: "Target practice."

The war: "Heh, I totally could have shot Rose the day I arrived. But then again, I can blow up more rebels this way."

Earth: "This planet is corrupted from the inside. Pink should find a new one."

Cross-gem fusions: "Bigger targets, bigger fun."

Disguise missions: "Why should I pretend to be a clody idiot when I can shoot from afar."

Elbaites: "I really don't care about any other elbaite as long as they don't steal my kill... Except Berry. I would let her kill whoever she pleases."

Nickname: "I haven't agreed with being called 'Thorn'. However, I don't have the energy to force others to stop using it either. Guess this is me now. At least the nickname isn't as stupid as some others."

Bombs: "My element of surprise. No one expects an elbaite to be equipped with pyrotechnics."

Talking: "It's a waste of time. Snipers need no words."