Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q151. Which OC of yours gets bored the fastest?
Definately Jason. He has like, the worst patience/attention span.


Q152. Which OC of yours has the most mysterious demeanor?

Hopefully this makes as much sense to you as it does to me! Essentially, who's that character who inspires a "whoa, that person is so ~cool and mysterious~" reaction in people? Who's the kind of person who doesn't speak much, keeps a lot of secrets, gives vague answers, acts in strange ways, etc.? If it still doesn't make since, then my answers might help out!:

Euphesme definitely qualified... heck, as a ghost she kind of qualifies even more! She's always been an enigmatic and cold person who acts like a detached goddess and reveals very little about her personal life and inner thoughts. Even her surroundings always have a mystical quality to them and, despite having a huge presence in her world, much about her remains a mystery. She has a way of speaking and a particular sort of body language that could make someone doubt her honesty when she tells them the sky is blue.

Umbra would be another big one! She's standoffish and laconic, appearing to kill someone or save someone with incredible power before disappearing much more. She's a private person with a cool and collected demeanor who lives only to win the Competition. She's cold, merciless, edgy, and her motives are just a big question mark.

...Which is actually pretty far from the truth! Her ~mysteriousness~ is a big, intentional act that serves to unite the Test Reality against her and get the Competition over with by making everyone involved willing to kill. Though she's certainly introverted and has good control over her emotions (externally, anyway), she's actually a very kind and friendly person who only wants to protect others. She's also a big tsundere (she has a hard time accepting affection because she's not very used to it) and a huge dork who loves playing Pokemon and Super Smash Bros and secretly eating chocolate cake at 3 in the morning. Needless to say, she tries very hard to cover all of that up from anyone but her most trusted associates, since she can't afford to show any weakness. But, really, the truth is that the most mysterious person in the Test Reality is actually just a big nerd... a cool nerd, but still a big nerd!!


Q151. Which OC of yours gets bored the fastest?
Scixynn doesn't 'get bored' fast as she gets bored when a concept becomes too common too quickly, and it happens a lot in modern society. Ruffles gets bored quickly of people and several activities.

Q152. Which OC of yours has the most mysterious demeanor?
Nicanora is supposed to! Xzavis is incredibly mysterious tho. Azira, Sayan, Scixynn, HazielMenthol and Charo all have a lil bit of mystery to them for different reasons.


Q134. Which OC of yours would be the most likely to be a Wine Mom?

i have absolutely no idea... .-.

Q135. Have you ever had an OC inspired by something unusual?

not too sure if these count as unusual but...

  • some point last year, i was messing around with some avatar creator apps on my phone because i was bored. i was looking through the options on one of them when i saw this really big bow at the back of the character thing. i was like 'dang that's huge. like so huge that it could be used as a pair of wings or something.' then suddenly i had a living dress that has a really huge bow on her back that she can use as a pair of wings.
  • speaking of avatar creator things, some of my other characters were also made when i was messing around in them. lora was first made while i was messing around with the mii channel on the wii, and i got the ideas for makoto's appearance from messing around in dreamselfy (although his appearance now looks different to the dreamselfy thing i based him on). there are some other characters that i made this way, too.
  • i once had a character that was inspired by... a comment on a miiverse post. yep. but then stuff happened that led to said character becoming spade. so i guess you could say that spade was partly inspired by a comment on a miiverse post :o
  • ok, so sometimes i look around tv tropes, either out of boredom or to see if anything on there gives me any ideas for characters. the designs for a few characters of mine are actually inspired by some of the stuff i've seen as a result of going on there. i guess they'd count as unusual because i wouldn't have known said things i saw which gave me inspiration for the designs of some of my ocs even existed if i hadn't gone on random pages on tv tropes lol

Q136. Which OC of yours would fare the best on a deserted tropical island?

in terms of actually surviving... any of my deities, angels, demons amd haimon because they're immortal and can't be killed by things like a lack of food because (apart from the deities) they're already dead lmao. 

but apart from those... i'm not sure. something tells me that all of my mortal characters would actually be p bad at surviving on a deserted tropical island.

but when it comes to actually attempting to get off one after being stuck there... spade can just fly off of the island using those arm (and... foot? leg? idk) cannons of his lol. which means that they aren't quite as useless as he often says they are.


5inthemorning *mysteriously appears on a mysterious lamppost* (mysterious voice) i'm simply doing my job........ *tips mysterious hat mysteriously, mysteriously falls off of the mysterious lamppost and ends up with a mysteriously large hospital bill*

Q153. Which OC of yours is the worst customer to deal with?

As in, who's going to keep asking for the manager? Who's gonna get angry about the way someone bags their groceries? Who refuses to acknowledge that businesses are big things with a lot of moving parts and the poor employee they're speaking with doesn't have the power to do anything, no matter how much they're yelled at?

Barazia's back at it again... he's a very entitled and self-centered person who just sort of expects any given business to function in a way that's as convenient to him as possible. If he's even mildly, briefly, insignificantly inconvenienced or displeased he'll be extremely vocal about it and will seek vengeance by either ordering them to get down on their knees and beg for mercy or by ordering that their superior(s) fire them with extreme prejudice. He'll throw a fit about not being sucked up to, and anyone who doesn't move Heaven and Earth to please him - whether they're actually able to or not - is in for a bad time.

Needless to say, Barazia's much better off in Hell than he is on Earth... and any poor cashier or waiter who's forced to serve him will quickly understand why he's one of the princes of Hell. There's truly no unholier punishment... For the record, Wisteria is pretty much the exact same way, though she's a bit harder to take seriously.


Q153. Which OC of yours is the worst customer to deal with?

FUCk like there are several, different reasons why my characters would be the worst

  • Draneska is an awful insidious person. She does most of her shopping online, I'm sure, but if she ever were to buy something outside- especially food- she wants it to be the very best, cos that's what she deserves!! She does threaten with calling the manager, but mostly is an annoyance for the clerk. She's dangerous if angered, as she's a powerful witch!
  • Kei actually isn't that awful in a stereotypical way because he knows how shops work so he knows some things are difficult for the clerk to handle, BUT he already assumes everyone is a lesser being than him, so there must be situations where he's an even more insufferable piece of shit with people who serve him. At least he doesn't mistreat them, he's just very conceited. He's probably the kind who won't tip over very small mistakes or will demans a percentage off if something isn't 100% great.
  • Alice is a disaster when in a shop, except when it's a restaurant. Whenever he goes to, like, a pet shop, he uses his powers to confuse and gaslight people so he can steal successfully. but that's not the issue. the issue is that he's a VERY indecisive person and is very bad at doing the math while simultaneously wanting very specific arrangements for what he wants. sometimes it seems he makes it complicated on purpose. he kind of does, he's somewhat hostile towards strangers. in the end he's a better customer when he steals omg
  • Dealing with Gauge must be terrible. they already steal and WON't pay, but before stealing they check the shop and it's just terrible, they're loud and won't respect other's property AND is a danger to society.
  • Ruffles is probably another annoyance but more on the celebrity side. like she will bring paparazzi. she will do drugs in the shop. she will try stuff on and throw it on the ground. she's very disrespectful but what can you tell her?? to fuck off? she'll try to fuck you off. that's terrible but that's how she works. if she's sued she'll just pay it or disappear and change her name lol

Q154. Which OC of yours is the best at reading people?

Definitely Venith! Reading people is one of her most powerful skills, and it's something she's been good at ever since she was a kid. She's only gotten better at it with age, helped by the fact that she's a very sociable person who loves to pick at people to gain a deeper understanding of them. It's something she's really just honed with experience. Aranaea is also notably good at reading people, and like Venith it's something that's been strengthened by her extroverted nature and busy social life. Both of them use their powers for good, with Venith particularly interested in comforting and healing others while Aranaea focuses more on breaking people out of their shells and helping them realize their true potential.


Q154. Which OC of yours is the best at reading people?

the irony of this is that I'm so, so, so painfully bad at reading people that my characters with empathy or mental powers are actually the worst ones when it comes to understanding people. HOWEVER I don't want to include ones with a lot of power (like Scixynn or Yellow) because they're Cheaters when it comes to understanding people. so someone who's genuinely good at reading people...

Well, he has a lot to learn, but Michael is very good at it. Unlike with the bunch of manipulative bastards I have, Michael is capable of reading people because of abuse u_u and he doesn't do anything with it, really, other than getting to know the people around him more. I can't believe he's 14 and he's better than a bunch of adults. To be fair Dairoe is supposed to be very good at reading people but she doesn't act like it because she doesn't want to come off as considerate even if she probably is.


happy cowboy day, folks *tips 10-gallon hat*

Q155. Which OC of yours likes (or would like) Westerns the most?

If you're not familiar with Westerns (not sure how visible they are outside of America), check out this link!

It probably doesn't come as a surprise that Azior is a big fan of Westerns, given that he's got a cowboy getup and everything. Where do you think he got his aesthetic from? They didn't actually exist back where Langer was from, but I figure he'd like them a lot too and has probably seen a lot of them since the whole dying-and-becoming-a-chinchilla thing. Which makes me think that Seraye has a secret love for them, too... and I could see Umbra enjoying them a lot... and Agatha... ok this is all canon now


Q156. Do you have any OCs who hate their job(s)?

Nolan would normally enjoy his career as a doctor just fine, but... well, it got hijacked by a particularly unpleasant angel and it's been a living hell since. Mycena has a similar angel problem: she loves teaching a lot, but Heaven College is a bit corrupted and she can't defy the Overkings or try and leave lest her girlfriend become a target. But the despair isn't just limited to angelic causes!! 2cro wasn't particularly fond of working for a demonic conqueror, if you want to count that as a career.

...listen i don't have a lot of ocs with normal jobs up here yet alright

then again i also don't have a lot of ocs with normal jobs in general... or ocs who even have jobs at all honestly