Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
|| Q1 || Q2 || Q3 || Q4 || Q5 || Q6 || Q7 || Q8 || Q9 || Q10 || Q11 || Q12 || Q13 || Q14 || Q15 || Q16 || Q17 || Q18 || Q19 || Q20 || Q21 || Q22 || Q23 || Q24 || Q25 || Q26 || Q27 || Q28 || Q29 || Q30 || Q31 || Q32 || Q33 || Q34 || Q35 || Q36 || Q37 || Q38 || Q39 || Q40 || Q41 || Q42 || Q43 || Q44 || Q45 || Q46 || Q47 || Q48 || Q49 || Q50 ||
|| Q51 || Q52 || Q53 || Q54 || Q55 || Q56 || Q57 || Q58 || Q59 || Q60 || Q61 || Q62 || Q63 || Q64 || Q65 || Q66 || Q67 || Q68 || Q69 || Q70 || Q71 || Q72 || Q73 || Q74 || Q75 || Q76 || Q77 || Q78 || Q79 || Q80 || Q81 || Q82 || Q83 || Q84 || Q85 || Q86 || Q87 || Q88 || Q89 || Q90 || Q91 || Q92 || Q93 || Q94 || Q95 || Q96 || Q97 || Q98 || Q99 || Q100 ||
|| Q101 || Q102 || Q103 || Q104 || Q105 || Q106 || Q107 || Q108 || Q109 || Q110 || Q111 || Q112 || Q113 || Q114 || Q115 || Q116 || Q117 || Q118 || Q119 || Q120 || Q121 || Q122 || Q123 || Q124 || Q125 || Q126 || Q127 || Q128 || Q129 || Q130 || Q131 || Q132 || Q133 || Q134 || Q135 || Q136 || Q137 || Q138 || Q139 || Q140 || Q141 || Q142 || Q143 || Q144 || Q145 || Q146 || Q147 || Q148 || Q149 || Q150 ||
|| Q151 || Q152 || Q153 || Q154 || Q155 || Q156 || Q157 || Q158 || Q159 || Q160 || Q161 || Q162 || Q163 || Q164 || Q165 || Q166 ||

Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q160. Which OC of yours has your favorite name?

Ohh so hard to choose a favorite! I have to be frank with my inner pretentious self and admit I like Scixynn a lot. It's a name that didn't appear in google search before I made her up (though it does correct you for a medicine omg). I also like Alice Somnificus because it sounds ooh so mysterious but it's actually derived from my middle name (Alí -> Alice) and the latin word for narcotic. I also like Xzavis Gottschalk, idk it sounds nice to me. ohh and Kerae deserves a mention, I just think it sounds nice and it's clever (alchermes -> kermes - kerae)


Q160. Which OC of yours has your favorite name?

Definitely Aito Macchi, it's a pun on Macchiato if you put the last name first  

Mage and Magi because they sound so nice together


Q160. Which OC of yours has your favorite name?

 I really like Quain's name... But! I also like Shibunoro's. I like most of the characters from Shibunoro's story, actually, because I like coming up with/choosing Japanese names... One of my simpler ones from that story that I really like the name for is Kumo. It's super simple but it works for him. Given his personality.

Also because... he hates it and it cracks me up.



As a note, I'll still have internet access tomorrow, but we start moving early in the day so I'm not sure if I'll have time to ask a question. I'll try to squeak one in, though, since today's isn't super meaty and I won't be back until the 3rd or 4th!

anyway happy get gnarly day my dudes... stay hip

Q161. Which OC of yours uses the most slang?

Bonnie speaks almost entirely in shitposts and meme lingo, making it difficult for anyone who doesn't live on the Internet to grasp what he's saying. Xenia is similar, though she has her own little language, honestly... she's prone to completely making up words and using slang from language and dialects she has no experience with, making things even more confusing since she tends to misuse words due to just assuming that they mean what she wants them to mean. Aranaea uses a lot of Australian slang (because her home planet is really Australian for some reason??? damn spiders), which can cause a little confusion here and there but can't really compare to Xenia's mockery of the concept of language.


Alright, I won't be around until Wednesdayish, so I'd better make this question something meaty!

Q162. You have to form a Pokemon League with your OCs! Who are your 8 Gym Leaders, who are the Elite Four, and who's the Champion?

If you don't know much about Pokemon, Gym Leaders are essentially the game's boss battles, I guess? You have to defeat their Gyms to get badges and continue on with the game! Each of them will be themed based on a specific type: for example, in the first game the Gym Leaders go Rock > Water > Electric > Grass > Poison > Psychic > Fire > Ground and are challenged in order of weakest to strongest. Okay you can kinda sequence break and do the Grass, Poison, and Psychic gyms in whatever order I think but ANYWAY. They might have a Pokemon or two of a different type, but for the most part a Fire Gym Leader will only have Fire-type Pokemon! Sometimes there will be more than one leader in a given Gym: in one of the games a pair of twins you have to double battle run a Psychic Gym, and in another game the first Gym is either fire, water, or grass based on what you chose for your starter.

The Elite Four are a gauntlet of four powerful trainers you have to beat at the end of the game. They're always based on a single type as well, but their type will never overlap with a type already used by a Gym Leader. After beating the Elite Four you immediately face off against the Champion, AKA the most powerful Pokemon Trainer in the entire Pokemon League! The Champion might have a type theme, but more often than not they'll use a variety of Pokemon.

That's 13 different characters, so if you have less than 13 OCs then just go with the 8 Gym Leaders! If you have less than 8 OCs, just go with the Elite Four and the Champion! If you have less than 5 OCs, then... rip

You can be as brief or in-depth as you'd like! You can just list what types everyone would be, you can come up with Pokemon teams and maybe even movesets for everyone, you can come up with what their badge would be called and/or what it would look like, you can describe what puzzles or decor their Gyms/rooms would have... don't worry about making a super long post (I don't mind them at all!), though if you want to go super in-depth and feel a little self-conscious about it anyway you're welcome to make a bulletin or something and link it back here!

now i want to answer this real bad but i gotta move boxes all day... ;__; life is hard


Q151. Which OC of yours gets bored the fastest?
Alastyn always is bored of anything and everything then he would be the one, as he's bored before anything even starts. But that's kind of part of who he is.
Eden gets borded quite fast too. He may be motivated at first, but his motivation would only last a few hours or even a few minutes. Like, if he is studying, he will get bored after 10 or 15 minutes at most. When he is out with some people, he gets bored quite fast too and just want to go back home. Most games does not entertain him neither.

Q152. Which OC of yours has the most mysterious demeanor?
Alastyn definitely does not look cool, but he sure does look mysterious. When I was roleplaying him, lots of people (both players and characters) were really intrigued by him and wanted to know him, and why he acts this way. But nobody managed to learn the truth about him. He acts really strange but not in the "cool guy" way. He is not the kind of manga "dark" character who attracts every girl. He is more of the "why the hell does he act that way??" kind of guy.
If you want a "aw, he's so cool and mysterious" kind of pretty boy, there is Eden.

Q153. Which OC of yours is the worst customer to deal with?
Have you ever worked in a clothing store and had this one customer who is unfolding every folded cloth and don't even put them back in the right place? That would be Wes. He's also the kind who gets mad and yells on the cashiers for things they cannot help.
Esteban may be quite annoying too because he is extremely picky and things are never good enough for him, then if you are doing some custom work (like, if you're a tailor), he will make you change every single details, maybe several times, until he's finally satisfied... Or until he changes his mind and decides he will not be buying it. Or, at the restaurant, he would send his meat back saying it is not cooked enough, and when you bring his plate again, he will deny it because "it's overcooked now, I wanted it a little more cooked than previously but not that much neither". And you'll have to do another steak for him. But at least he always stays calm and polite.

Q154. Which OC of yours is the best at reading people?
Arthur is really good with reading people. He is really sensible to other's opinions and feelings. Not as much sensible than Amadeus, but Ama' is too emotive and his own emotions may alter his view of other's emotions then he may interprete things in a wrong way, while Arthur stays objective. He quite easily feels other's state of mind and adapt his own behaviour accordingly.
Elska is quite good with reading people too, because she is really attentive to them, and she can feel lots of things. She can smell hormons and pheromons too, and these things says a lot about your current state of mind.

Q155. Which OC of yours likes (or would like) Westerns the most?
Wes does not have a TV but if he had one, Westerns may be ones of his favourite kind of films. But what would a Western look like in the Pokemon universe? Wait, it cannot exist, there is no Far West in there. Well, not Wes, then.
Elijah may like the genre too, but, same, the FarWest does not exist (or not yet) in his prehistoric universe neither. TVs neither, of course. Kind of same with Hyrokin. He would love it a lot if he wasn't living in a medieval setting. Soo I guess no one amongst my characters watches Westerns.

Q156. Do you have any OCs who hate their job(s)?
Amadeus is just doing small jobs and they usually does not last long. He often has jobs he really does not like, like, picking up dog poos and other kind of trash in the street. Who would like this job ?

Q157. Which OC of yours dislikes change the most?
Alastyn cannot really accept changes. His life always have been the same until a certain critical point of his existence, and he never wanted it to change. He was perfectly fine with having the same life routine since his birth and wanted to keep it until his death.
Kaoru does not like changes much neither, because he is afraid of new and unfamiliar things. If he does not know how things are going to be, then he may let fear overwhelm him.

Q158. Who's that OC who NEEDS their coffee in the morning to function?
None. But Amadeus NEEDS his orange juice in the morning to function. Vitamins yay.

Q159. Which OC of yours texts the most? Which OCs would text each other the most?
Amadeus used to text a lot when he still had friends to text. He loves to chat and randomly talk about what's happening to him (like, "I just saw such a beautiful cat!") but he is really uncomfortable with phone conversations then he sticks to texts. But he lost most of his friends then, the one who texts the most now probably is Arthur. He does not text that much (he's not these kind of addicted people who cannot put their phone back in their pocket for an hour), but still texts quite often. And often texts Eden.

Q160. Which OC of yours has your favorite name?
I love most of my OC's names.... Let's think about this.
Alastyn is a name I found while looking for a nice name for my strategical Kingdra. And I was like "aw, that name sounds so cool, I should give it to some character someday". When I created that specific new character a few years later, I thought of this pretty name, and decided to give it to that boy even if it does not make sense at all (he should have had a Norwegian name).
Alnitak is a name I love a lot as well. It is the name of a star and it just sounds really cool.
Amadeus was the name I wanted to give to my own son when I was a kid. When I grew up, it appeared as an evidence that I would never have a kid, then I gave that name to a character instead.
Eden looks so nice as well. It sounds like my own name, to give you an idea of how much I like the sound.
Iezael sounds so cool I want to give that name to another character that would be more important.
Elijah, Anael, Hyrokin, Chesterfield, Mephialtès, Bleykasten and Maledice all sounds really cool too, but maybe I do not love them as much as the others.
Then, my favourite names would be Alastyn, Alnitak, Amadeus, Eden and Iezael. I.... I really cannot pick just one.

Q161. Which OC of yours uses the most slang?
I am not sure what slang is, is it some specific unformal language used in some specific environment (like, car mecanic specific words), or is it more like cusses and swear words ?

Q162. You have to form a Pokemon League with your OCs! Who are your 8 Gym Leaders, who are the Elite Four, and who's the Champion?
Actually, I do have a Pokemon League as I own a Pokemon fan-region.... So, yeah, even if they do not have a profile yet (because they have no art and I still have to write down or translate their profiles), I've made all 8 gym leader characters, with their Pokemon teams, their favourite companion, their personality, backstory, aims and goals... The only one who has a profile is Shiro, but his profile is still empty.
About making up a Pokemon League with my non-Pokemon OCs.... Uh. I don't feel like making up a Pokemon League with anthro and animal characters, it would look too weird, and I have not enough humans for this xD
If you're ever interested into my Gym Leader characters, I may talk about all of them. But I doubt anyone is interested.


Q162. You have to form a Pokemon League with your OCs! Who are your 8 Gym Leaders, who are the Elite Four, and who's the Champion?

Omggg what a cool question, Iso, I love it.

→ Your first Gym Leader is Gaskin! He's not very strong-- in fact, the biggest challenge you'll have is fighting one of the Gym trainers, Cat, leading up to him. Gaskin's a Normal type Gym Leader, who'd start off with Whismur and then has a Stantler. He's easy to beat because he's always getting distracted during Gym battles...
→ Second Gym Leader is Brie, who uses Bug type Pokémon. He has a Surskit, Kriketune and a Yanma-- for some reason, he doesn't seem to like spiders much... Watch out for that Yanma, though, because he likes taking people out with it at high speed!
→ Third Gym Leader is Anya, who's a Fairy type leader. He has a Jigglypuff, Floette, but his real champion is his Clefairy. Erm. Try not to mind if he waxes poetic during battles.
→ Fourth Gym Leader is Adess, who uses Ground type Pokémon. He has a Phanpy, Krokorok, Sandslash and a Camerupt he uses to wipe out anyone who tries to take him out with a grass-only team. He seems distracted during battles, like he'd rather be other places...
→ Fifth Gym Leader is Mercés, who seeks honour in Pokémon battles and uses all Fighting types. His team consists of Machoke, Gurdurr, Hitmonchan and Lucario. If you use dragon types against him, he tends to get angry.
→ Sixth Gym Leader is Rem, who's Poison type team is nothing to scoff at. He might be all politeness and good nature when you first meet him, but that demeanour dissolves once you really get to fighting him. He uses Whirlipede, Stunky, Arbok, Dustox and Toxicroak.
→ Seventh Gym Leader is Foley, who's easy smile hides a ruthlessness when he battles with his Electric type team. He uses Flaaffy, Zebstrika, Luxray, Magneton and Electrode-- He usually saves the best to last, and orders it to Self-Destruct, even though that means he'll lose. He likes taking down others with him... Foley, why.
→ Eighth Gym Leader is Yamanu, who perturbs trainers with his appearance. He specialises in Dark types. He coldly tests those about to go on to face the Elite Four. His team consists of Cacturne, Absol, Zoroark, Pangoro and Malamar.

The Elite Four starts off with:
→ Adrien, who uses mostly Ice and Ice + other type Pokémon. Calm and unflappable, he's a hard introduction to the Pokémon league and can frustrate people with his patient strategies. He uses Dewgong, Cryogonal, Froslass, Jynx, Mamoswine and his most powerful Pokémon is his Rotom (Electric + Ice).
→ The second member of the Elite Four is Gable, always smiling even during the middle of battle. He challenges people with his array of Grass type Pokémon. His team consists of Meganium, Leafeon, Abomasnow, Roserade, Ferrothorn and the star of his show: Ludicolo, for a nasty surprise for anyone who might have been trying to sweep him with all Fire types.
→ The third member of the Elite Four is Libra, who's cool demeanour belies how strong of a trainer he is. Specialising in Flying types, nevertheless he does his best to prepare for all kinds of challengers, to see that they're stopped at every turn. His team consists of a Talonflame, Hawlucha, Noivern, Pidgeot, Crobat and Xatu.
→ The fourth member of the Elite Four is Lili. His often fiery and caustic personality doesn't give away that he uses Water types. Tending to like cheap shots, he often poisons as many as he can with his first Pokémon: Tentacruel. After that, trainers will face his Swanna, Cloyster, Huntail, Crawdaunt and his strongest Pokémon, Milotic, who is about as bad-natured as her trainer.

And the Champion of Beech's PokéUniverse iiiis--

Aisuma! Don't be fooled by his young appearance. There's a reason he's made it to become the Champion. Ever covered up with his poncho, he might be a surprise to see for trainers who have conquered the Elite Four. And that surprise has won him several victories all from those who might underestimate him. However, one shouldn't be fooled by appearances. His team consists of a Houndoom, Chandelure, Exploud, Gigalith, Kabutops, and his strongest Pokémon is his Hydreigon.



Q161. Which OC of yours uses the most slang?
I'm gonna risk it and say Gauge?? I mean, I don't speak english so I don't really know much slang, and the 'slang' around here in latin america just varies among countries but I don't have characters that... Do that. Mostly out of embarrassment (Alice and Kei should know my slang but i'm not comfy about it idk) SO yeah Gauge deffo would look at 'fam its gonna be lit af' and reply accordingly, though they switch speech a lot, from a more mystic one to a slangy one. I'm sure some of my other characters would, but like I said, I don't know much slang and in general don't use it to shape my character's speech. I probably will at some point, but it's complicated haha

Q162. You have to form a Pokemon League with your OCs! Who are your 8 Gym Leaders, who are the Elite Four, and who's the Champion?
aaahh this is so difficult i don't have enough characters in one single universe to cover all these! the main element characters are too powerful to be gym leaders omg... i guess i'll just grab whoever regardless of the universe!

  • GYMS
    1. Flying - Haneul (she wouldn't be that good at pokemon, she's more of a beauty kind of gal. you meet her sister before and there's probably a small arc/mission sorta thing with both of them before the gym)
    2. Grass - Brevyn (it's a greenhouse! with very few challengers, no one knows who the leader is, but somehow whenever you defeat everyone you see him. it's a legend)
    3. Normal - Doritos (& Ruffles if you challenge after being the champion) (this is probably a hollywood sort of city with lots of reporters and celebrities in the gym)
    4. Water - Charo (this is probably a tribal gym, lots of waterfalls and lakes. u definitely will need surf for this)
    5. Ice - Dymka (she's good at what she does! she'd have a very OP froslass as her most powerful pkmn. her gym is somehow the most lawful one but it's Fun!)
    6. Bug - Monty (she's there probably because of draneska, just cos she wanted to have 2 things on her power maybe? she does not want to be there. her gym is almost a ghost one, it's creepy and she's in her human form obviously)
    7. Fire - Capsaicin and Gingerol (with a dash of poison/grass)
    8. Fairy - RAW (they seem powerful and they kinda are but they just cry, man. they cry a lot. it's not like they throw a fit, they just cry)
  • ELITE 4
    1. Psychic - Alice
    2. Steel - Draneska
    3. Fighting - Dairoe
    4. Poison - Gauge
    • Kei. probably. i don't know if he'd even be beatable, but i know he'd throw an awful fit if he ever lost to anyone omfg. hsi pokemon would be top notch it would be unfair

honestly the order is KKkkkind of random but it has its.. basis. i know it has. it's mostly because what kind of attitude they'd have. there are several ocs that would make good opponents but they really wouldn't be around in a gym waiting to defeat others haha


Q144. Have any of your OCs been in any of your dreams?

yaaaay another update on this one because i had another dream last night, this time featuring my favourite undead sleepyhead haimon! anyway, in the dream he was... alive for some reason, like how he was before he died and got brought back to life? and i was his sister i guess, but i wasn't winter, who is his actual sister. we were staying in this place that had a kinda similar layout to the caravan my family and i stayed in when we were on holiday a few weeks ago. at some point, hai was sleeping in one of the beds in one of the rooms (which tbh is what he'd actually do all the time haha), and for some reason, i... just stabbed him to kill him while he was sleeping, and somehow got away with it. i can't remember why, though. of course, hai actually died in a completely different way, but the whole dream has given me an idea for a new character or two.

i'd answer more questions, but i'd saved which ones i have and haven't answered onto my tablet, but i can't use that at the moment because the charger for it broke, so i don't know which questions i haven't answered already.


Howdy, folks! You may have noticed that there haven't been any questions in quite some time! I've alluded to this in a bulletin of mine a week or two back, but here's the important part:

[also of note due to my general, consistent unreliability i'm considering closing down my question of the day thread and asking any interested parties to make a new thread for them to manage (i'd also donate the question lists i have to them)... i love seeing people's answers and i love answering my own questions, but having to be in charge has just kinda become a point of stress and i'd much rather put the concept of a question of the day thread into someone else's hands and be a participant rather than the asker for once, ya feel??]

In essence, I'm looking for someone else to make a question of the day thread! I would donate them all of the questions people have sent me, but otherwise it wouldn't necessarily be related to this thread; I wouldn't have authority over it, people would be free to ask questions that were already asked here, and this thread would remain open for people to answer questions that they missed or re-answer them at their leisure. Whoever makes the new one doesn't really need my permission, and they could have multiple people in charge of the thread to prevent loads of downtime if one mod is having issues, etc etc. All they'd need to contact me about is getting question lists from me and letting me know they made a thread so I can advertise it here!

I'd really like for there to be some kind of question of the day thread around here, but I've been having difficulties running it reliably and would be more interested in being a participant and occasional contributer rather than the person in charge!

If you're interested in making a new QOTD thread, feel free to discuss it here or over PM! Until then I'll try and get back on the train updating this thread every day now that I generally have a lot of downtime at school, and hopefully someone will be willing to make their own QOTD before Q200. If not, Q200 will likely be the last question! But, for now...

Q163. Which OC of yours is the hardest to intimidate?

Bunny cannot be intimidated. He is Bunny.

...Him aside, though, I'd say probably Memen. She's taller than most buildings (and, really, she can be as tall as she'd like anyway, that's just her default) and has laid waste to the empire of a certain All-Conquering Overlord more than once. She's so powerful that no one knows how to defeat her for good despite millennia of research, forced to just lock her up behind the most powerful wards possible and placate her with sacrifices and internet access. Needless to say, no one is really a threat to her and she knows it. She knows that she could utterly destroy anyone who even attempted to intimidate her with a mere thought, and even those who can challenge her still can't beat her.

On the other end of the spectrum is Ouray, who's not particularly weak or anything but is impossible to intimidate because they just find everything so cool and fascinating! They see threats and intimidations more like flirting than anything, honestly. They're so carefree and so intrigued by the sinister and fearsome that nothing really fazes them.

Vermelhar is also practically immune to intimidation, though in their case it's because Verm is almost completely lacking in emotion and Elhar's true form (presumably) is some horrible Eldritch thing that fears nothing.


Tying into yesterday's question...

Q164. Which OC of yours actively likes intimidating others the most?

Barazia, hands down. Being the smug demon prince he is, he takes pleasure in watching others squirm before him. He loves nothing more than holding power over people, and the more easily someone is intimidated by him the more interested in them as a person he becomes. Muri is sort of similar, though in her case it's less that she really likes holding power over others and more because she thinks it's cute when people fear her. Just adorable!


oh hey it's fall now huh

Q165. Which OC of yours enjoys autumn the most?

Agatha, hands down, no question. She's trash for the autumn aesthetic. She loves fallen leaves, the changing color, the cool breezes, the holidays, the pumpkin spice lattes... it's her favorite time of the year! Hattie is also a noticeably large fan of autumn, but isn't as overtly and cheerfully enthusiastic as Agatha is. Granted, she's not overtly and cheerfully enthusiastic about anything...


Q163. Which OC of yours is the hardest to intimidate?

For starters Yellow and Azira because they don't feel things. Californio only gets intimidated by Asen, other things only surprise him but he takes action. Dairoe is way too Big and Strong to feel intimidated about stuff, though she does feel nervous around stronger people. Elten is also very knowledgeable and childish and knows he's powerful so he doesn't get intimidated. Gauge just is too excited to get fucked up to feel intimidated and Kei as well. Leppo may feel intimidated but every reaction he has is anger so it's very ambiguous. Monty only feels intimidated by predators. Penta only feels intimidated by people like Ghost Hunter who can kill her! Ruffles is also very hard to intimidate, though she knows her boundaries in those cases and even if she keeps tip toeing around it, she'll eventually retreat. Still, it's very hard to do so! Scixynn only feels panic when her existence is at risk, anything else won't phase her unless she wants it to. Aaannd Teeth is probably also hard to intimidate but she doesn't want trouble anyway.

Q164. Which OC of yours actively likes intimidating others the most?

Gauge, Leppo, Ruffles, Agni, Hong, Aelia, Kerae, Asen, Penta, Ghost HunterDraneska and Dairoe all like intimidating others to several degrees. Yellow does just to be powerful since he doesn't feel things. Clint, Teeth Monster, Azira, Monty, CalifornioCapsaicin and Dario intimidate others without necessarily wanting to, whether it's the way they are or just by accident, or they need to be.

edit HEY actual today's question!

Q165. Which OC of yours enjoys autumn the most?

Alice likes it a lot because Halloween!! Gauge likes it as well because the autumn aesthetic and food! The ghosts all feel excited around halloween as well, it's probably the most ghostly season. Numai likes it but he won't say it because it's too maaainstream. I'm sure others do, but I should properly experience at least one (1) autumn to tell HAHA