Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
|| Q1 || Q2 || Q3 || Q4 || Q5 || Q6 || Q7 || Q8 || Q9 || Q10 || Q11 || Q12 || Q13 || Q14 || Q15 || Q16 || Q17 || Q18 || Q19 || Q20 || Q21 || Q22 || Q23 || Q24 || Q25 || Q26 || Q27 || Q28 || Q29 || Q30 || Q31 || Q32 || Q33 || Q34 || Q35 || Q36 || Q37 || Q38 || Q39 || Q40 || Q41 || Q42 || Q43 || Q44 || Q45 || Q46 || Q47 || Q48 || Q49 || Q50 ||
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|| Q101 || Q102 || Q103 || Q104 || Q105 || Q106 || Q107 || Q108 || Q109 || Q110 || Q111 || Q112 || Q113 || Q114 || Q115 || Q116 || Q117 || Q118 || Q119 || Q120 || Q121 || Q122 || Q123 || Q124 || Q125 || Q126 || Q127 || Q128 || Q129 || Q130 || Q131 || Q132 || Q133 || Q134 || Q135 || Q136 || Q137 || Q138 || Q139 || Q140 || Q141 || Q142 || Q143 || Q144 || Q145 || Q146 || Q147 || Q148 || Q149 || Q150 ||
|| Q151 || Q152 || Q153 || Q154 || Q155 || Q156 || Q157 || Q158 || Q159 || Q160 || Q161 || Q162 || Q163 || Q164 || Q165 || Q166 ||

Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q4. Which of your OCs is the cleanest? Who takes the longest showers/baths, if it's not the same person?
If we're talking about normal magicless cleaniness then it's probably Haneul, followed by Alice. Neither take long showers, though I can see Haneul taking long bubble baths. Probably the one who takes the longest showers or at least uses the most water is Dario, but only when he knows he isn't in a hurry!

Q5. Which of your OCs has the biggest sweet tooth?
Elten! He likes chocolate and can eat everything because he's a literal magical void when he consumes things.

Q6. Which of your OCs stays up the latest? Who gets the least sleep, if it's not the same person?
Numai sometimes pulls all nighters cause he's nocturnal but he CAN fall asleep when he wants so Alice would be the one who gets the least sleep- sometimes he goes the entire day with little or zero hours of sleep.

Q7. Which of your OCs is the most forgetful?
Alice. He has memory problems, prosopagnosia, and a general distorted perception of reality, so remembering things in detail is really difficult for him. He generally forgets most things or thinks they just were part of his imagination.

Q8. Do any of your OCs have notable dreams, or at least any recurring themes that appear in their dreams?
Kei can dream about all of the realities and possibilities he's involved in. Whenever he gets a particularly horrible dream he's really stressed for a good while because he knows for a fact that it's a thing that is happening or will happen. Maybe not to him originally but to another version of him, or it can just be a possibility in his current reality. Sometimes it can be like future vision but most of the time it's not accurate but he can't tell.

Q9. Which of your OCs is the worst cook?
This is always a difficult question I don't know which oc i pick for this one whenever i get it haha, now I think about Asen because they only know how to make instant ramen, but i'm sure there are some others that are Really bad. I mean Californio would melt anything he cooks if it's not like super special cooking gear. And some of them don't need to cook so don't have the Skillz. Other honorable mentions are Haneul (she only cooks valentine's chocolates because that's cute and she has to be cute), Moke, Michael & Rafael (bc of his 'curse', cooking is too complicated)


Q148. Which OC of yours is the most likely to engage in retail therapy?

If you're not up to date on hip slang, retail therapy is when someone goes out and buys a bunch of stuff in order to make themself feel better!

Etoile is awful at dealing with her emotions because she kind of doesn't get that you need to get to the root of the problem in order to fix it, so whenever she's upset she'll usually just buy a bunch of stuff to distract her and cover up her underlying distress. Aedi is definitely better at dealing with her problems, but she's also pretty prone to going shopping whenever she's feeling down. Not quite as much, though, if only because she isn't nearly as wealthy as Etoile.


I'm so sorry this is huge. I have a lot of free time and bad internet today and gosh. this is fun

Q10. Which of your OCs is the best cook?
Alice usually eats disgusting combinations of food but he can make really delicious food if he wants, he really likes gastronomy and enjoys cooking! Nicanora is also very good especially when she works with vegetables and fruits, and Kei can make recipes as long as he doesn't have to get creative with them (the garnish part is pure agony) also he still feels weird about making desserts for obvious reasons lol. There's Imelda who's not on toyhouse yet but works as a prison cook and isn't that bad, she just has rly strong seasoning or none at all but on her kind's standards she's good! aaand I have sort of scrapped oc that isn't on toyhouse who was supposed to be a cook that was cursed so she could only make food with the local ingredients of, like, the Amazonas and anything she made would be delicious but anything else with any other ingredients would just explode in the making or something.

Q11. Which of your OCs is the laziest?
Alice.... Again... Yeah but he's slow and doesn't like anything that involves physical activity. The less energy he has to spend, the better. Charo is also lazy but she tries to get past it aaand Penta is just a reckless piece of shit and even though she's very active she procrastinates by being lazy.

Q12. Which of your OCs is the shortest?
Out of aaaall of them, Aelia is the shortest at 140 cm, followed by Kerae who's taller by 1 centimeter. However Elten is the shortest of his universe (cos Aelia and Kerae are rp characters) at 149 cm.

Q13. Which of your OCs is the most exuberant spender?
I'd say it's Draneska (she needs to buy expensive food in order to feel full when eating it, it's a curse), but really a good portion of my ocs have below average money management. Even the ones whose money saving is technically a plot point.

Q14. How do your OCs feel about Christmas?
The bookshop crew (Elten, Numai, Edelmira, Dario, Nicanora and Maeve) all gather during Christmas, I always take the opportunity to draw them in sweaters and such. They don't care about what Christmas really is but they like to spend time together without work haha. Other ocs feel like that as well, or are apathetic.

Q15. Which of your OCs is the stingiest with money?
Maeve all the way!! She's only less stingy when it's about fast food, otherwise she can even spend a whole night freezing before considering to buy a jacket or something. She's greedy in that aspect but at least can give in if someone yells at her enough.

Q16. Do you use the links feature between your own characters? If not, why not?
I try to! To be honest most of my newest characters don't have links b/w each other but I'd like to get to that at some point! I also try to have links b/w my friends' rp ocs and mine :D

Q17. At what rate do you tend to create OCs? How has this changed over time?
Gosh it comes like in waves at times. I remember like in 2015 I repeteadly told myself that It Was It. That I couldn't come up with any OC anymore. That I was done. But like in the past month I already made 5?? new ocs?? So yeah, it comes in waves. I'd say every 3 or 4 months! But please stop me I don't want any more OCs it's Too Many

Q18. Which of your OCs is your favorite, or who are a few of your favorites? Why?
Here, here, my top 5

  1. Leppo: he's just so awful. I hate him. But I love him
  2. Gauge: they're my role model and they're also awful and i dont aspire to become a murderer like them but their will to get past all the horribleness in their life is sort of inspiring haha. i just like them a lot
  3. Alice: there are many reasons, i also relate to him in an embarrassing way but he's fun to write, sometimes it's like he writes himself haha. he comes very naturally to me and i rly like that
  4. Asen: they're my first nb bby! i don't give them enough credit so it doesn't seem like they're one of my faves but they are! they seem all serious and angry but are tsundere and easily flustered underneath and that's endearing
  5. Nicanora: she's a punk rock gay fairy... do i have to say more.... no but really, her personality and aesthetic has always captivated me since i made her!

Lately I've been into Ruffles 'cause she's also terrible and I GUESS Kei deserves a highlight because i've been a long way with him, he's like his own person at this point.


reinapepiada good... GOOD

Happy Father's Day! Hopefully you don't relate too strongly to the next question...

Q149. Which OC of yours has the worst relationship with their family?

Whether their family members are important parts of the story or not! Who just gets along with their family the worst overall (i.e., they might still have one family member they're close too, but otherwise not so much... or maybe they get along with all of their family, but there's one person they have such a bad relationship with that they're worth mentioning).

Definitely Tigel, 100%. The details are better off left in his backstory section, but to make a long story short: his older sister died before he was born, his mother used him as a coping mechanism for losing his sister and abused him every time he did something that differed from her, his older brother enabled his mother's abuse and often berated Tigel himself because he was jealous that their mother only cared about Tigel, and his father abandoned the family early on in life. Needless to say, he's thrilled to be halfway across the planet from them now and intends to never interact with them again.

There are a few others worth mentioning, too! Aedi's dad is kind of threatening the life of her mother and brother to blackmail her, Alma's family is just very Yikes overall and she's happy to be away from them, Chalcedony's family spent their time either neglecting her or being passive-aggressive toward her for not living up to their expectations, Euanthe's family repeatedly kicked her down and restrained her from becoming the powerful magician she knew she could be on the basis that her being a woman meant she was arbitrarily Not Good Enough, Euphesme's only family member literally stabbed her in the back and now she haunts her as revenge, Lausac's family just kinda abandoned him because of weird species customs that he was justifiably bitter about, Loligo's only surviving family member is her father who killed her mother and almost killed her and her sister to keep them from ascending to a potentially horrifying plane of existence (which failed anyway and led to the loss of her sister) and so she's Kinda Salty about that, Orange's family constantly shunned his opinions on everything and his only surviving family member is hostile toward him for choosing to work for the man who indirectly caused the deaths of their family members, and Seems' parents always saw her as more of an object than a person.

Nolan is also sort of worth mentioning in that he had a pretty bad relationship with his dad for a long time... only to realize that the cause for the conflict between them was Nolan's father desperately trying to help him avoid an incredibly cruel fate. I mean, his feelings were justified and all, but he feels kind of bad that he didn't listen to him and now his father is dead and he spent the last years of his life being bitter toward him. Kinda sucks!

...i swear some of my ocs have good families


Alright, everyone! It's time for the Q150 hiatus! Like the Q100 one, this'll be a one or two week period in which I don't ask any questions, allowing people to take a breather and go back to some questions they skipped and to allow new people to answer as many questions as they'd like without having to worry about getting buried under new ones! So, here's Q150!

Q150. If you could only keep 10 of your OCs, who would you pick? Why?

If you have 10 or less, go with 5! If you've got 5 or less, then pick 1! If you've got 1, then... well, I guess you luck out, here. What happens to the rest of your OCs? I guess this is, like, some weird scenario where you're about to reincarnated and can only pick 10 OCs that you'd think up again in your next life? You just magically forget about the rest, I guess! That way you don't have to worry too much about your favs being from different stories, since you're probably gonna have to make up a new story anyway.

Here are my 10, just based off of the OCs I have uploaded here! In no particular order. (You can also cheat like me if you've got loads of OCs but only so many here.):

  1. Zhirael
  2. Dicro
  3. Azior
  4. Istra
  5. Memen
  6. Hellscream
  7. Piragua
  8. Remaelius
  9. Tsubame
  10. Bonnie

These are kinda based off of who I think I could make an all new story with, as opposed to just my favorites (though most of my favs are there, naturally)... it'd also be different if I was taking into account preserving OC ships, preserving my most popular OCs, keeping at least one story somewhat together, etc.

i'd elaborate on reasonings and the theoretical new story these pals would be part of but i've got really really bad vertigo right now so i want to stop writing argh so maybe later


Q126. If you could make one of your OCs really popular, which one would you pick?

i can't decide orz

hmmm... maybe haimon? the sleepy bab is like one of my favourite ocs. plus he's been all alone in a forest for years and he really needs some living body pillows friends.

Q127. Which OC of yours is the best leader?

uhhhhhhh... i don't know???

Q128. Which OC of yours tends to cause the most destruction, intentionally or otherwise?

i have several characters who could possibly be the one that has caused the most destruction:

  • kronan's definitely destroyed quite a lot of things during their life. of course, they're a lot less destructive now than they were before, but they still kill humans from time to time if that counts as destroying things.
  • hera is never not absolutely furious and has destroyed many things out of rage. r.i.p. to the many objects she's thrown at walls, out the window, into the window and at other people.
  • remember that demon i mentioned in a few questions that wants everyone to suffer? she's definitely caused quite a bit of destruction in order to achieve this.
  • athena wants to kill everyone because she thinks it's fun, so naturally she's destroyed a few things in order to do this. for example, she's burned some buildings down to kill people inside.
  • clumsiness + super strength = disaster. ...or rather, reese accidentally destroying a load of stuff.
  • also i have a deity that's known for having fucked like half the people in the demon realm along with several thousand from the human+monster realm, so if destroying people's virginity (and relationships cuz he never care whether or not said people were single) counts as causing destruction then he's done a LOT of that. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) pls forgive me for making such a sinful character that's so obviously based on the sin of lust

if i had to pick one, though, then kronan's probably caused the most destruction. i mean, they've been around for like centuries longer than some of the other characters i've mentioned, so...


Q19. Do any of your OCs have pets? If not, do they want any?
Alice has a pet boa constrictor named Snegg! Caprise has pet birds, because they're immune to her chemicals and it calms her. Draneska has Monty who's supposed to be like a sister but is still technically her pet familiar. Ceena is in charge of many rabbits used for biotechnology experimenting by the start of their story. Michael sometimes has a frog named Pepe.

Q20. Which of your OCs is the best at driving? Who's the worst?
Most don't know how to LOL only Elten knows how to but he can't really without the police stopping him every 10 minutes 'cause he looks 12. Penta also knows but she's a reckless piece of shit. Gauge doesn't know how to drive but boy do they try sometimes- I guess they'd be the worst one, but they don't really drive they just threaten people by stealing their cars and probably do kill them in the process.

Q21. Do you have any fan characters?
I have a gemsona, Rhodonite, and the fusions that go with her (highlighting Anyolite)!

Q22. Which of your OCs is the shyest?
Dario 'cause of social anxiety, but also RAW and Scixynn, if she's qualifiable.

Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest?
At humanoid scale, Dario! He's 188 cm tall! At non humanoid, I'd say Edelmira's dragon form (whose height i haven't... wrote down just yet but like.. she's a dragon she's gotta be the tallest), also Monty who's 200+cm tall in her praying mantis form.

Q24. How do you decide what to use for your characters' avatars?
I TEND to draw my OCs in pairs, so a lot of the time I have their avatars in pairs (like with Leppo and ClintNoneccie and AllegriaCapsaicin and GingerolElten and NumaiNicanora and Maeve, etc) otherwise or when I haven't gotten around to make pair art with them, I just pick the best looking art I have at the time. I try to update their avatars as often as I can ;v;

Q25. Which of your OCs likes the rain the most? Who likes it the least?
Dymka supposes she should like sunshine 'cos she's so positive but her powers and personality are more drawn to colder weather so she enjoys working outdoors when it rains and all! She doesn't feel cold so she's really chill with all that; she prefers rain over snow, too, and she's more drawn to dew. Dario also likes rain but he's cold blooded so he prefers to stay indoors if it's a cold rain. Edelmira dislikes rain because it's her opposite element and it makes her feel alone and sad if she's... Alone and sad and under the rain, of course. Elten dislikes cold weather when he's in water form, ironically, and that includes rain.
Q26. Which of your OCs is the jumpiest?
It depends, a lot of them can get jumpy if you treat them just right, but 'outwardly jumpiest' I'd have to say Dario because of social anxiety (again), but otherwise it'd be Charo. She responds with violence when she's scared, even if she and her kind are pacifists.
Q27. Which of your OCs likes sketching/drawing/painting/etc. the most?
Monty! It's the only thing that interests her at all, really.
Q28. Which OC of yours plays video games the most?
Nowadays, Elten and Nicanora. They are a pretty kickass team, but he shouldn't compete against her, no matter how much he plays she'll always kick his ass and he's childish and a sore loser.
Q29. Which OC of yours is the least punctual?
Penta. She might not even show up.
Q30. Which OC of yours is the most responsible?
Ohh Maeve tries so hard to be the most responsible! She's so lawful, they don't deserve her.
Q31. Which of your OCs is the youngest?
Aelia looks physically the youngest (8 y/o, along with Kerae who looks 9) but is far older because she's a demon! As of truly youngest, it's Michael at 14 years old!

Q32. Do you use tags? If so, what do you tag? If not, why not?
I use them only for the story characters (the ones on the californium 252 and main element folders) so I can easily tell what roles they have in their stories, PLUS a #ghosts tag 'cause I love me my ghosts ocs! I've been debating whether to tag other characters in their respective universes no matter if they're in the folders/main story or not, but I'll see that later... Character links have priority now *sweats*


Q146. Which OC of yours is the most affectionate?

Amadeus is a cuddle teddy. He loves hugs and cuddle more than what he would admit. 

Q147. Which OC of yours has the healthiest eating habits?

Several of my characters take care of their diet and have healthy eating abits. 
Alastyn mostly eats fish, and lots of vegetables. He never eats junkfood, cooked things, fat or sweet things... He only eats natural and fat-low things.
Eden, Arthur and Amadeus have good eating abits too, taking care of their health and what they eat, making sure to have a balanced diet. However, they sometimes eat things they should not, like crips or candies. But it just a bit, for some pleasure, then it does not harm their health. Oh, wait, I forgot how much Amadeus and Arthur love alcohol. Okay, forget about them.
Bleykasten mostly eat vegetables and barely ever eat meat. But he does not eat everyday as he tend to forget to feed himself... So yeah his diet is not that good.
So I'd say the healthiest would be Alastyn ?

Q148. Which OC of yours is the most likely to engage in retail therapy?

Probably Amadeus. If he ever could. But he is so broke he can barely buy food, then he cannot engage a retail therapy. But he sure would do if he had money. I feel like he would buy lots of zebras. And house stuff. And alcohol.

Q149. Which OC of yours has the worst relationship with their family?

Arthur had some serious problems with his brother (like, his brother tried to kill him) but they are kinda fine now? And he is fine with the other members of his family...
Eden haven't seen his father for years but they are not in a war neither. 
Maeda thinks his parents are monsters, and he ran away from the family, but they actually are not that bad, they just had no idea what to do with their kid.
Wes ran away as well because he could not stand his town's inhabitants anymore and his parents did not care much about him anyway.
So, I'd say, there is no truly hateful relationship, there are just parents who does not care much about their kid, and a brother who seriously hated on his sibbling, but at the present times, they all are quite fine. When they have problems with some member(s) of their family they just chose not to talk to them anymore. 


Q33. Which of your OCs like to cause trouble the most?
If just for the hell of it, and not for any other reason, then it's Michael! He's a prankster ;) but if it's because of grudges, because of wanting power, or like incontrolable urges, then it's LeppoGauge or Aelia & Kerae. I'm sure Anyolite causes trouble a lot, tho, just look at her face.

Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?
Doritos! He's my idol and he's a chill guy, we'd get along. I want his autograph.

Q35. If you could meet one of your OCs, who would you pick? This time they know you created them and defined their life!
Kei 'cos he already knows it and he could strangle me but I feel like he wouldn't get violent, not anymore. So I'd finally have the opportunity to have a talk with him and watch his true reactions *praying emoji*

Q36. If you had to be stuck in one of your stories/universes, which one would you pick? Which one would you least want to be stuck in?
The Main Element one could be our normal universe, but I'm a puny human so nothing would happen to me. I wouldn't want to be in the Californium 252 universe, but then again it's the Future so I'd still have like 20 years to live peacefully.

Q37. Which OC of yours is the worst with technology?
Maeve and Dario are awful!!! Hong is also bad, and Brevyn can't read yet so :(

Q38. Which of your OCs is the most gullible?
Without his powers, Alice is as gullible as he's manipulable. Fortunately he can read people's minds and know when they don't mean well, but when he can't- for any reason- he's easy to trick. Edelmira is so excited she can be gullible too! Rafael is gullible-passing because he might realize something but it's easy to abuse him because of his current state. Mauna and Californio are also gullible because of absence of memories. And there's Brevyn and RAW just 'cause they don't know any better :(

Q39. Which of your OCs get into the most (physical) fights?
Gauge loves to fight, they make friends by fighting! While some other ocs are good at fighting or like it as much as Gauge does, I think Allegria is the only one who follows up in the amount of physical fights she can get in at a time, though it's easier for her since she has two guns on her side (and Noneccie, too).

Q40. Which OC of yours is the most argumentative?
Kei loves to argue, he's a know-it-all and enjoys bringing up facts to watch how everyone else is dumber than him. He's bad.

Q41. Do you have any adopted OCs?
I co-own Circe with kirimorii@tumblr, and I have an adopt saved in my folders but I haven't gotten around to it and honestly I'm not really the kind to trade characters to begin with

Q42. How do you choose which OC(s) of yours to feature? If you don't use the featured character feature, why not?
I only have Leppo as the featured one because he's my fave. I should put some others at least to have variety but nah.... Nah...

Q43. Do any of your OCs sing?
Azira and Sayan are mermaids, their voices sound beautiful and they have a natural talent for singing. Rafael also has a good voice, and singing is one of the few things that aren't complicated enough for his curse. Alice has nice tuning on his voice but even if he didn't he likes to hum and sing! Haneul isn't very good but she wants to be a famous singer as soon as possible!

Q44. Do any of your OCs play an instrument or otherwise make music?
Haneul probably knows how to read a score and how to play the keyboard, and as previously stated, she wants to become a famous singer! Rafael can try to play instruments but really slowly, otherwise he's supposed to be a good singer on an indie band!.


Q150. If you could only keep 10 of your OCs, who would you pick? Why?

I guess I will not count my fursona here. I can't erase myself anyway. I always represented me with a black cat and will always do, this has nothing to do with a character. Same for the character who is a representation of my friend's soul/spirit/ghost/whatev. Then let's only focus on 'real' characters, like, characters who truly are characters, and not just an animal representation of a real person.
Also, I will not count my book characters, nor my inner ones, because they have nothing to do with Toyhouse, roleplay, OCs and stuff.
Then, let's only focus on roleplay/toyhouse characters. What we usually call "OCs"  (as my book characters are not OCs they are just, well, characters...)

I would probably go for some of the olders, the ones I used on this specific roleplay platform 6 years ago... Because this thing changed my life. Like, seriously. I got way more than characters. I got friends, a girlfriend, new passions, new aims, new dreams... I know it changed my personality and identity a lot. This is a reason why the characters I kept from these days are highly important to me. Then, I would keep Arthur, Eden, Wes and Amadeus for sure. Maybe Alastyn and Malédice too.

I would keep most of my Heodian characters as well. Because Heode is still a really important thing to me, and because I really love roleplaying and writing about the Pokemon universe. Then I would keep Maeda, Shiro, Esteban and Bleykasten. Gasp, that makes it up to 10 already. Let's be sure there is no one who may be more important than them.

I also want to keep Kaoru, because he is really important to me. Well, I guess I will replace Malédice with Kaoru. Because I won't do anything with that lovely dog anyway.

I could get rid of all of my feral lions (well, I'm selling them anyway) and probably all of my Verae characters too (I lost motivation for their world anyway) without too much mourning. I could get rid of Elska because I am doing nothing at all with her anyway. Kinda same for Alnitak. I could get rid of Wilfried because, while I have more and more ideas about him and his settings seems very interesting, he is too "new" for me to love him as much as I love others. I may get rid of Hyrokin if it really is needed to save the others. I would just create a new character for the real-life roleplay.

Then, here are the ten I would keep :
Wes (FK)
- Eden (FK)
- Arthur (FK)
- Amadeus (FK)
- Alastyn (FK)
Shiro (Heode)
- Bleykasten (Heode)
- Maeda (Heode)
- Esteban (Heode)
- Kaoru (UW)


Q45. Are any of your OCs dead, planned to die, or have been dead at any point (even if only briefly)?
All Of My Ghosts, obviously. That means, Dymka, Penta, Mauna/HazielZareth and LeppoKei has died multiple times too, in his original universe he could be reborn everytime he was baked again but now he dies and comes back to the reality void. Michael dies always in every one of his realities, he doesn't turn 16 by the time he dies. Sayan is dead before the main story of Main Element starts. Californio and Asen were probably dead at some point in the 5 years they were in the shady hospital, not that Californio remembers or Asen was awake at any of those points; nonetheless, Asen is on the border of death everytime they're away from Californio. Hong was almost dead when her demon companion found her!

Q46. Which of your OCs' looks are the most deceiving?
Aelia is the most deceiving, I think. She looks 8 and goes around asking for alcohol and that's bad enough already. She can't even get drunk, she uses it as her magic source, but yeah, it deceives people very well. Nonetheless, I'd say almost all of my ocs have deceiving looks one way or another!

Q47. Which of your OCs have the most regrets?
ClintKei and Moke. You can tell I like the sad boy aesthetic, but at least their regrets are justified af. Clint was cursed with immortality but before that he was a thief who separated himself from his family and now they're probably dead. Kei was overall an awful person with an awful personality and did a lot of awful things, and now he regrets everything. Moke is turning into a tree and he regrets driving all of his potential friends away and doing stuff that eventually lead him to jail ;(

Q48. Do you have any OCs who have radically changed from their original concept?
I rarely change my ocs so much but I'd definitely say Kei. I mean he went from dessert gijinka to angsty demi god so that's Something.

Q49. Do you have any OCs who have had their designs radically changed from when you first conceptualized them?
Clint is the first example I'd give! He was supposed to be a bird person at first, though his humanoid features weren't so different.

Q50. Which of your OCs like to answer questions about themselves the most?
Edelmira!!! Loves!!! Talking about herself!!! Kei also likes to overshare but he has trust issues and is not so open; Elten likes to answer questions about everything, not just himself.

Q51. Do you have any joke characters, or at least any characters who primarily serve as comic relief?
All of my characters are jokes. jk BUT i have an habit of making an oc because of an inside joke or giving them something that makes me laugh but it all turns serious and acquires worldbuilding and I can't help myself. Californio came to life 'cause I thought californium was a hilarious name for an element. Kei is the reflection of how much I liked my own key lime pies. Numai is a hipster parody. They all turned serious. I've shed literal tears over Kei's struggles. HOWEVER I'd say Leppo is a dark comic relief. Maybe a parody of a comic relief? I dunno, he's bad and edgy.

Q52. Which OC of yours is the most lustful?
Ruffles followed by Elten.

Q53. Which OC of yours is the most envious of others?
Numai!! He thinks people around him are unique enough to envy them! Even though they're going thru Some Shit he thinks that's better and if the people around him knew that they'd think that's problematic. Haneul is also very envious.

Q54. Which OC of yours is the most greedy?
Maeve! Her last name means money (literally) and he saves up too much. Gauge claims nothing is enough in life thus they'd be somewhat greedy too. Edelmira is greedy 'cause she likes shiny things and hoards a lot. Kei I guess is greedy to many extents, not just money.

Q55. Which of your OCs have the hardest time controlling their anger?
Alice, Nicanora, AsenCapsaicin and Gauge! Gauge has a literal hard time controlling their destructive impulses, so they try to let themself feel whatever. Alice is quick to get violent when angry, he has a lot of bottled up violence for some reason. Asen can get violent but they aren't given the chance. Capsaicin claims she doesn't have anger management issues but actually is faulty at impulse control and she's right but she's also angry a lot. Nicanora has a hard time staying put, but yea is very quick to violence when angered.

Q56. Which OC of yours has the simplest design? Who has the most complicated design?
Leppo has the simplest design imo, and I used to think Clint has the most complicated design. I guess nowadays Teeth Monster is very complicated too, or at least needs more brush strokes than Clint. But boy have I suffered with Clint's design...

Q57. How do you decide birthdays for your OCs (if your OCs have birthdays)?
I pick a date that has something to do with them, most of the time! For example, Leppo and Clint have their birthdays on opposites of the year!, Leppo's bday is on 1/1 and Clint's is on 30/6! Numai was born in halloween, and it's common for vampires to be born under supernatural dates like that. Some other dates I searched on wikipedia, and others were just 'cos I liked their zodiac that way.


Q20. Which of your OCs is the best at driving? Who's the worst?
Best driver is probably Eloni. Amy was a bad driver even before interference.

Q57. How do you decide birthdays for your OCs (if your OCs have birthdays)?
Honestly? They're literally the dates I first ever drew each of them hahah

Q60. Which of your OCs is the quietest?
Leo; he literally only talks outloud to like 3 or 4 people

Q74. Which OC of yours is the wealthiest? Who's the poorest?
Eloni is wealthiest; Leo is poorest

Q138. Have any of your OCs lost any of their loved ones?
Well, yeah, but not by death. Leo and Sadie can't really see or contact each other for a good while cause of Paula, and well, Mal and John have lost each other pretty hard

Q143. Which OC of yours makes the most videos or otherwise does the most video recording?
John is really into photography and taping things, usually that don't make any sense

Q145. Which OC of yours is the most likely to smile creepily?
Oliv can smile pretty intimidatingly

Q146. Which OC of yours is the most affectionate?
Mal definitely. Leo's also fairly affectionate but only to Oliv and sometimes Mal.

Q149. Which OC of yours has the worst relationship with their family?
None really have awful relationships with their whole families, but a few have issues with specific family members. Leo is probably worst though considering he literally ran away and only ever got along with Sadie.


Q58. Do any of your OCs like to dance (regardless of talent)?
Leppo takes dancing very seriously- he'd be a ballet dancer if he weren't an actor, though that would've made everything very different. Haneul thinks dancing gracefully is great but she doesn't have a lot of talent for it- she's trying to get better tho!. I'm sure Michael likes to dance as well!

Q59. Do any of your OCs' names have special meanings?
Most of them do! But also some of them are dirty puns (Kei's name comes from key lime -> key -> kei), and others have to do with them (RAW comes from raw fish, which is what they were mostly made from on their first universe)

Q60. Which of your OCs is the quietest?
Monty is pretty quiet, though her voice is guttural... So I guess it's a tie between her and Haziel, because he can't talk much.

Q61. Which of your OCs is the loudest?
Edelmira, Capsaicin, Gauge, Asen and Allegria are all very loud.

Q62. Are any of your OCs in relationships?
Yes! As for RP ocs, Alice is with Teru, and Kei is with Arabella. Unfortunately I'm not in touch anymore with the owner of Agni and Brandon's ships, as well as Hong's demon partner, but they're still there I guess. As for the others, in completely canon and solid relationships, there's AllegriaNoneccie and Dymka & Circe. Other potential ships are Totally a Ship but have to develop in their respectives stories yet!

Q63. Which OC of yours is the most prone to illness?
AsenCseren and Moke all can get really bad sudden attacks of asthma or something along with their current illnesses.

Q64. If your OCs were in a video game, what genre would it be?
Action!!! Adventure!!! Fighting but with storylines!! Gosh I'm so pumped up with it, imagine all the abilities!! Otherwise there's an actual game i made where Scixynn features along with my friends' ocs that is nothing of what I described. It's still cool tho

Q65. Which OC of yours does the most reading?
Ohh hard question. I'd say a tie between Kei and Elten? Kei reads a lot because he's Smart and Elten is a historian and is bound to research a lot of things! Other ocs like reading but it's like this normal almost casual thing you feel.

Q66. Which OC of yours has the best sense of direction? The worst?
Kei remembers places really well, so I'd say it's him! Alice is terrible at knowing where the hell he's standing

Q67. Do you have any OCs that are morning people? How about night owls?
Haneul, Michael, Nicanora, Ruffles, Brevyn, CeenaRAW and Dymka are morning people! Numai, ClintMaeve and Penta are night people.

Q68. Which OC of yours has the strongest sense of justice?
Dymka AF. justice is blind and she isn't in good terms with most of the cast, but she believes in being good for the world and she's sincere! She's just Too Lawful.

Q69. Which OC of yours is the most sexually active?
Elten was this a while back, but has been much quieter since he's in the real world. Ruffles probably takes the cake then, since she's hypersexual and all that. Kei is also sort of very sexually active as of now so I guess he qualifies!

Q70. Which OC of yours likes memes the most?
Kei, Michael, Elten, PentaGauge and Alice are Dirty Fucking Memers. Others are as well but never to that point.