Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q155. Which OC of yours likes (or would like) Westerns the most?

Dairoe was in the west when it happened and she's kind of fond of it? Something about the aesthetic really pleases her. I feel like Doritos would enjoy those tropes too!

Q156. Do you have any OCs who hate their job(s)?

Mmhh no one really has a formal 'job' that they hate. I mean, the ones at the bookshop might get bored and it might not be their dream job, but they don't hate it. However, the Ghost Hunter hated being a trophy girlfriend, Monty and Rafael dislike what Draneska does to them (Monty puts up with it and Rafael just assumes that's the best he's gonna get), Allegria knows the corporation that's manipulating her treats her like she's not human and while she agrees she still dislikes it, Penta doesn't hate being a police officer but thinks it's BORING and avoids it by being a monster hunter which is much cooler, Zareth doesn't really work but he's a shut in and won't go to work because of his memories and stuff.


Q157. Which OC of yours dislikes change the most?

I'd say Alma! She's really resistant to change when it comes to large-scale things and small-scale ones. She doesn't like moving, transitioning into new environments, or getting involved with strangers; she also doesn't like things like having to take different routes to get places, having to sit in a different spot because someone took hers, using different characters than usual in video games, when voice actors get replaced, having to eat a different brand of a specific food, growing out of her old clothes and having to get new ones, etc. Most forms of change will usually bother her at least a little (even if she doesn't vocalize it), but based on the severity of the change or just how emotionally invested she was to the norm her responses will range anywhere from sighing and accepting it to having severe panic attacks and dissociating.


Q157. Which OC of yours dislikes change the most?

I think Maeve probably does! She's already bad with technology because she refuses to learn, and most of what she is about would be more oldtimey if she weren't 37 and Extremely young in gorgon standards. Moke doesn't like change either, he's prone to react negatively towards the unknown but endures it because whatever the hell lately he's just doomed, he's numb.


Q157. Which OC of yours dislikes change the most?

That would probably have to be Priscilla. Most of the time when things change in their life, it's for the worst or it happened because of them. Change is a bad thing for them, and they rather would keep living forever in their room at their mom's house, looking after their little brother. They know that things will have to be different some day, but they desperately hope that day is never the present.


@Operia Don't worry, you'll definitely have some time to catch up soon! Might as well mention it now, but I'm moving this weekend and won't have internet (or cable.... rip food network star finale, sharknado 4, and steven universe ;__;) from around August 2nd to August 6th, give or take a day. Since I doubt Toyhouse will serve me well on mobile and I'd have to use up my data anyway, the thread will be going on a mini-hiatus until then!

Q158. Who's that OC who NEEDS their coffee in the morning to function?

Definitely Tigel. He's already a pretty grumpy and irritable person, but before he has his coffee in the morning all he's capable of doing is death glaring and wishing for death to finally come and take him. Nolan isn't as severe, but without that morning shot of caffeine it's hard for him to really get his day going. He's already fairly unmotivated in the morning, so not having anything to cover up his physical lethargy lets his mental lethargy fester.


Q158. Who's that OC who NEEDS their coffee in the morning to function?

This is a good opportunity to mention Kei's sleeping habits because they started when he thought he was being healthy. He would go to bed really late, wake up really early and take a nap during the day. Now he's been through the reality void for so long, in a place where sleeping or eating isn't a thing, that he forgets he needs to do these things. BUT now he's adapting to the human lifestyle again and simultaneously for the first time so he's starting to depend a little on coffee, he has a strong black coffee because he's taking care of himself, he suspects he's prone to become diabetic because of the amount of sugar in his body. That was really long but anyway! He doesn't really NEED it, he can go without it but he'll feel a little sicker than he already does if he doesn't have at least something, even if it's placebo, to make him feel like he can get through the day with that hectic sleeping schedule that he hasn't fixed.

Numai needs his starbucks but it doesn't help much, there's nothing that would help his night insomnia and forced morning schedule, but at least it tastes great and it's almost almost satiating like blood. Azira also probably drinks coffee so much that it's part of her bloodstream and if she stopped she'd get cold turkey at this point. She doesn't get cranky though because she doesn't feel emotions, but it damages her perfomance in general and that's unacceptable.


There's no way I'd be able to go back and catch up on every question SO FROM THE MOST RECENT IT IS.

Q158. Who's that OC who NEEDS their coffee in the morning to function?

I have a few! Irving drinks this bitter, nasty coffee that no-one else likes. When he's with other people (camping with them, so on and so forth) he'll make coffee that's actually palatable, but the stuff he makes for himself is... Phew. It's something else. Just one cup and he's good for the day. Moebius also needs coffee in order to fake being friendly. Covering up how much of a bastard you actually are takes a lot of energy. Palmer also needs his coffee because he's an old man (self-proclaimed). Aaand, finally, Bonaventure. Probably the worst of them for it. Palmer might need a few cups in the morning, but Bonaventure will keep drinking it the whole day. He's always wired... But he's Italian! So he has fancy gourmet coffees he usually sends out some of his subordinates to fetch for him several times a day. Basically: All my old guys + the guys who are old in heart and mind need coffee or else they'd probably snap you over their knees or just sprawl on a table somewhere whining (Palmer).



today's q was donated by 5inthemorning bc i love texting and am not particularly inspired by today being national scotch and national creme brulee day...... no offense to scotch and creme brulee

Q159. Which OC of yours texts the most? Which OCs would text each other the most?

Bonnie 100%... if he's not chatting with people online (or sometimes even if he is) he's almost certainly texting them. He even texts while driving, which has led to him getting into a number of accidents, including the ones that led to him running into (literally) Asthenopia's other main characters. Of course, this means that every time someone criticizes him for it he'll insist that if he didn't text and drive then the world would've been doomed... and then Zhirael confiscates his phone and just has Tigel drive instead.

He spends most of his time texting Ansaiele, Chalcedony, and Dicro, all of whom do plenty of texting on their own as well! Together they form ~Internet Squad~, a powerful group with the ability to... share a lot of nice memes with each other and scold Bonnie for breaking the law.


Q159. Which OC of yours texts the most? Which OCs would text each other the most?

Elten and Numai live roasting each other through texts. Sometimes they text each other when in the house in different rooms and Elten doesn't understand why they can't Talk (it happens more when Elten is in fire form. Numai avoids him subconsciously) but he still has fun, even getting upset about it is sorta fun because Numai is ridiculous to his eyes.

Alice and Kei along with Teru and Arabella (not mine) have a whatsapp group together and it's a riot. Haneul also texts people a lot since she enjoys using her phone in various apps and stuff!


Q160. Which OC of yours has your favorite name?

Maybe you're just really impressed with how meaningful you made it, maybe you just think it's a really nice name, so on and so forth!

Definitely Istra. I just really like the look and sound of it and it was a name I made that I was kind of saving for an OC I knew was going to be important. I'm really happy I wound up giving it to Istra, since they've certainly succeeded in becoming one of my favorite and most important OCs!

I'm also pretty happy with Laejizhar's name, since I feel like I really pulled up something weird and Eldritch just by throwing some syllables I neglected and figuring out what meshed well. I also like how Euanthe Audiveile, Euphesme Misericordia, and Agatha Thales work both rhythmatically and within the context of their characters, with the bonus that for the third I actually managed to come up with a Normal Human Name for once lmao

also i have to mention seems wright here because i mean... top notch naming

There are other names of mine I like a lot, but I'm only counting OCs I have uploaded here so far because otherwise we'd be here all day! I think Istra would still be on top either way, though.