Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 11
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Aerial attack | Chapter 9

The next day...

“You guys really think these chips are linked to the Digimon attacks?” Erik asks, inspecting the chip. Taeka, Lily, and their Digimon were also with Erik, and they were all walking in the park to a location they were all supposed to meet up in. 

“It makes the most sense.” Lopmon said. “Why else would they be attacking people and buildings like that?”

“Yeah, and they all look like they have an evil look in their eyes...” Labramon adds. “And trust me, I know an evil Digimon when I see one!”

Dracomon was silent, and seemed to be in rather deep thought. “Hey buddy, you alright?” Taeka asks.

“Oh, uh, yeah, I think so.” Dracomon responds. “I just keep thinking about that attack I used yesterday.”

“Oh yeah, it was called Fire Blast, right?” Taeka asks. “That attack was super awesome!” Dracomon thinks for a moment. “Yeah, but...I didn’t even know I could use that attack! Or atleast, I didn’t know Coredramon could use it.” Taeka goes silent for a moment. “Well, I’d just think of it as a miracle then.” Dracomon thinks about this for a moment. Soon, a smile starts to form on his face.

“Heh, yeah, I guess so.”

“Hey guys! Over here!” Cora calls to them from behind some trees, where Blaine, Ryudamon and BlackGabumon were also waiting. They all sit down on the ground next to them.

“You wanted to call us here to talk about the chips, right?” Cora asks. “Cause I brought the chip I found a few days ago...” Cora pulls out the chip from her cupped hands, and it looked just like the other chip, but with a slightly different shape. Everyone all gathered around her, looking at both the chips.

“Woah, they pretty much look the same...” Blaine says. “That came out of a Digimon you fought?”

“Yeah, I think it did...” Cora says.

“Hmmmmm...” Taeka tries to think for a moment. “Me and Erik were talking, and we think these chips are the reason behind the Digimon attacking. Or I guess, it’s the reason why they’re so aggressive?”

“That would make the most sense.” Lopmon adds. “I’ve never seen any other Digimon that have those in their bodies, plus all the Digimon we’ve fought seem to be particularly aggressive and...Evil.”

“That would explain why I feel such an evil power coming from them...” BlackGabumon quietly whimpers.

“That definitely would make the most sense...” Ryudamon adds. “But it makes me wonder...How’d they get inside the Digimon? And how’d they even end up in the human world anyways?”

“Well...How’d you guys get here?” Blaine asks. Ryudamon puts his hand to his chin, thinking. “It’s weird, I only just got here recently, but I barely remember... But I think I got here through some kind of portal? I don’t know where or how the portal appeared though.”

“I think something similar happened to me.” Lopmon says. “I remember seeing a portal come out of nowhere.”

“Hey, I think that happened to me too!” Labramon excitedly adds.

“So did we all go through portals then?” Dracomon asks. “Seems like it.” BlackGabumon adds. “I barely remember much when I’m Tsumemon, but I’m sure the same happened to me.”

“That’s interesting...” Erik rubs his chin, thinking. “You guys think the other Digimon got here that way, too, or does it have something to do with those chips?”

“I’m sure it’s probably the chips...” Taeka says, staring at the ground intently. “Makes me wonder if all the other Digimon we’ve fought have also had chips in them...”

“Ooh, Lopmon! You think that big bug Digimon we fought also had a chip?” Lily asks. “Kabuterimon? Yeah, I’m sure he had a chip in him. Or at least, all the Tentomon did...” Lopmon responds.

“That settles it then!” Taeka blurts out, suddenly standing up quickly. “We gotta go to all the places we’ve seen Digimon, and search for all those chips!” At first everyone looked at each other, confused, but soon they all started nodding, on board with the plan.

“Alright, then let’s split into teams! Me and Lily will search around the park, and...” Taeka points to Blaine and Erik. “You two will team up to search your areas! And, uh...” Taeka looks at Cora, thinking. “Maybe she can search the other places we’ve fought? Like where we fought that Apemon...” Erik says. “Oh, good idea!” Taeka agrees, quickly yanking out a paper and pencil from a pocket. “Here, you can search in the area where me and Lily fought those Omekamon!” Taeka hurriedly scribbles notes onto the paper, and hands it to Cora. “Oh, and uh, sorry you’ll have to go alone.”

“Oh, it’s alright. Gabumon will be with me, so I won’t be alone.” She smiles warmly at the little Digimon, who clearly smiles back. “Oh, you think you could search another area too?” Erik asks. “Yeah, sure.” Cora hands the paper to Erik, who starts writing.

“Alright Dracomon, lets go now bye guys!!”

“Right behind you boss!” Taeka and a Dracomon quickly run off in another direction before anyone can respond. “Heeeey, wait for me!” Lily calls out, picking up Lopmon and running after the two.

Taeka runs back and forth between the park sidewalks, Dracomon following after. She keeps pointing in random directions and going “That way!” Until Lily finally catches up to her, running out of breath while still carrying Lopmon.

“Ugh...Taeka, slow down! I know you don’t know where you’re going...” Lily huffs, annoyed. 

“Whaaaat? Of course I do! We’re going to the flower garden, which is, um...” Taeka points her finger back and forth between two paths, looking confused. “Uh...That way?” Lily simply rolls her eyes. “Aw come on, Taeka, you gotta stop and remember...” Lily looks towards a third path. “The flower gardens actually that way, follow me!” Lily hurries down the path, Taeka and Dracomon following after. Soon after some more twists and turns, they finally arrive at the flower garden. “Here we are! This is where me and Lopmon met and fought that Digimon!” Lily says cheerfully. The garden area still had some notable damage being fixed, with wet cement filling up the cracks in the sidewalk, with warning tape around it. The flower beds also had big patches of dirt where flowers were crushed, and some sprouts of new flowers were starting to pop up in those areas.

“Come on everyone, the chips gotta be around here somewhere!” Lily calls out. “Let’s split up!” The four all head into different directions, carefully inspecting all the areas of the garden, prodding and picking at the ground, but also being careful to avoid the wet cement and flower sprouts. 

They all spend at least 10-20 minutes looking around, but so far have seen no sign of the chip. “Maaan, where is it?!” Dracomon says, tapping one foot and crossing his arms, annoyed. “You think it’s probably buried in that cement?” Lopmon asks, peeking up from the grass. “Probably, it’s the only place we haven’t- woah!!” Dracomon suddenly trips and falls  on something. “Owww, what was that?” Dracomon moves the grass to the side and sees something small and slightly sharp sticking out of the dirt. “Is that the chip?” Lopmon asks, looking closer at it.

“Seems like it. Come on, help me pull it out!” Dracomon and Lopmon both grab at the object and start pulling it hard. They used all their strength to pull, but only barely got the object out of the ground. However, the more they got the object out, the more it started to look like one of the chips.

“Hey, whatcha guys doing?” Taeka asks, skipping over to the Digimon. She then notices what they were doing. “You guys need help with that?” She walks over and grabs ahold of the object, and with one strong, yanks the entire thing out of the ground.

“Whoa...” The object was much bigger then they thought it was, but it was definitely a chip. However, it looked much bigger then the others, and it almost looked like a bunch of little chips were put together. “Lily, over here!! We found the chip!” Lily runs over to them, admiring the big chip in Taeka’s hands. “Wow, it’s a lot bigger then the other ones...” Taeka says, looking it over.

“I think it’s cause of the Tentomon that digivolved together, right Lopmon?” Lily says.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Lopmon replies. “If the Tentomon all fused together, then it’d make sense for their chips to fuse together too...Then that means they all must’ve had chips in them.”

“Well alright, good job team!” Taeka says cheerfully, awkwardly stuffing the chip in a pocket. “Now all we need to do is-“

‘BEEP! BEEP!’ Both their Digivices go off.

‘WhoooOOOOoosh....’ In an instant a dark shape in the sky flies past them. “Uh oh, guess we’ll have to look for the other chip later. Let’s go guys!” Taeka runs towards the Digimon in the sky, the three following after.

“If he’s in the sky, then I gotta digivolve and fly after him!” Dracomon says. “Alright then, let’s go!” Taeka pulls out her Digivice.

“Dracomon digivolve to...”

“...BIG JAW!!”


“WAAAUUUGH!!” In an instant the Digimon grabs Dracomon with its jaw, flying into the air! 

“Dracomon, NO!!” Taeka stares in fear. “Lopmon come on, we have to help Dracomon!” Lily says.



“I may not be able to fly, but I can still do this!” Turuiemon hops high into the air, trying to take a stab at the Digimon, but it manages to fly out of the way of every stab. Lily and Taeka look around, unsure what to do. 

“WING CUTTER!” The Digimon, Airdramon, starts to flap its wings, forming blades of wind. Turuiemon blocks the attack with her gauntlets, but still gets slightly hurt.

“Ugh... GAUNTLET CLA-“ Airdramon quickly tackles Turuiemon before she can attack. He keeps flying back and forth quickly, tackling Turuiemon over and over again until she could barely stand up. Dracomon still tries to wiggle out of Airdramons grasp, but fails.

“NO! STOP IT!!” Lily yells at the Airdramon. “STOP HURTING HER!!” Taeka stands frozen, trying to think of what to do. ‘If only I could get close enough to...’ Taeka stares at the Digivice screen.

“Grrr...Ugh...” Turuiemon leans down on one leg, weak. Her body starts to tremble in anger, and starts to feel sparks of power from her arms. Soon, shocks of blue and yellow electricity begin to spark from her gauntlets. She slowly starts to stand up, growling in fury. Airdramon looked like it was about to attack, but stopped in confusion when he saw what was happening.

The electricity started to grow and spark more and more, and an electric energy was forming in Turuiemon’s arms. She clenched her teeth, trying to control the sparks until she couldn’t control it anymore.

URRRRGH... ELECTRO SHOCKER!!” A devastating powerful blast of electricity blasts out of Turuiemon’s hands! Despite Airdramon being high in the air, the shock directly hits Airdramon, shocking the Digimon powerfully. The Airdramon gets shocked so hard that he soon poofs into dust.

“WAUUUGHHHH!!” Dracomon starts to fall downwards fast, trying to flap his wings to stop, but with no sign of slowing. Turuiemon quickly hops into the air and catches Dracomon before he can fall, landing on the ground gracefully.

“Ohmygosh, Turuiemon! That was so awesome, you did it!” Lily congratulates. Taeka grabs Dracomon out of Turuiemon’s arms, before she degenerates back into Lopmon, leaning onto the ground, tired. “Are you alright, Dracomon?” Taeka asks, gently grasping him. “Heh, of course! It’s gonna take a lot more then that to defeat me.” Dracomon says, nodding. Lily picks up Lopmon as well, gently holding her. “You did so good Lopmon, now lets go home and take a nap, ok?” Lopmon nods in response, nuzzling into Lily’s chest.

“Yeah, we can look for the rest of the chips later.” Taeka says, starting to walk. “Come on guys, let’s go-“

“Are you serious?! Ugh, I can’t believe this!” Blaine’s voice suddenly interrupts them, him and Erik walking into view. They both looked very annoyed. Labramon and Ryudamon were both walking alongside, also looking annoyed, with Ryudamon covering his ears.

“Look, all I’m saying is we could’ve had an easier time if you had just listened to what I said!” Erik says.

“And I’M saying that I could’ve won without your help! I don’t need Mr ‘pretty boy’ over here telling me what to-“

“Whoa whoa whoaaa guys!” Taeka interupts the two. “What’s going on here?”

“We got attacked by a Digimon, an Airdramon.” Erik says. “We were barely able to defeat it.”

“And these two wouldn’t stop arguing the entire time...” Ryudamon says, rolling his eyes. “Woah, really? An Airdramon?” Taeka says, surprised. “That’s odd, we just fought an Airdramon too.” The four look at her, surprised. “Yeah, and he almost ate Dracomon!” Lily says.

“Wow, really? I’ve never seen two Digimon appear at on-“

“Hey, guys!!” Cora interupts Erik, running to them and panting heavily. BlackGabumon was in Cora’s arms, and he looked tired and beaten up. “We just...Fought...A Digimon! It was...”

“Did it happen to be an Airdramon?” Blaine asks. Cora looks up, surprised. “Yeah, actually...How’d you know?”

“We got attack by one, too. So did they.” Blaine says. They all look at eachother, shocked and confused.

“Geez, three Digimon at once? I’ve never seen that before...” Cora says, worry on her voice.

“Yeah, it’s a good thing we split up, I don’t wanna know what would’ve happened if we...” Erik’s voice trails off, thinking.

“...This isn’t good...”