Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 6
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Blaine meets Ryudamon | Chapter 4

Later that night...

It was the middle of the night, a kid named Blaine was rustling around in his bed trying to fall back asleep, but he couldn’t. After a moment or so he finally gave up, sitting up in his bed, thinking. ‘It’s kinda late, should I...?’ He thought to himself, looking at a clock by his bed.

1:16 AM.

‘Eh, screw it. It’s summer break, I have all the time in the world. I might as well.’ Blaine got out of his bed quietly, navigating himself through the darkness. He quickly slipped on a sweatshirt, grabbing his katana, and quietly sneaking out the house.

Sometime later...

After a few minutes of walking, Blaine had arrived at a small community center. Whenever Blaine couldn’t sleep, he sometimes walked over to the center, sneaking into the dojo to practice his sword fighting with his katana, despite the place being closed. He had a membership there, so he didn’t really think he was doing anything wrong.

Blaine was about to walk into the back door, but heard some rustling in the bushes behind him. ‘Eh, probably just a squirrel.’ He thought, brushing it off and walking through the door.

After a moment or so, a Digimon pops its head out of the bushes, looking around.


‘Good, I don’t think he saw me...’ The Digimon thought to himself.

“...Huh?” The Digimon pulled out a Digivice.


A small glow of light was beginning to form in the Digivice. ‘It’s glowing! Does that mean he’s...’ The Digimon stared at the back door for a moment, thinking. After a moment, he starts to form a plan.

“HYAH!!” Blaine strikes a training dummy with his sword hard, the loud clanging noise echoing in the dark dojo that was only lit up by a small flickering lightbulb. Blaine was trying to practice new moves and tricks, spinning gracefully while focusing on the blade.

“You’re pretty good, kid” Blaine freezes when he hears another voice. He looks to the back entrance and sees a small figure. He couldn’t make out what they looked like in the darkness, but they almost looked like they had a...Tail?

“Who are you?” Blaine asks.

“You can call me Ryudam- um, yeah, Ryuda.” The figure replies.

“Um, alright. Blaine tries to make out the figures face in the darkness. “Why are you here anyway? I’m usually the only one here this late...” Blaine asks.

“I’m here because I want to challenge you.” The figure walked over to a stand and grabbed a wooden training sword, Blaine eyeing them curiously. “You sure about this? You’re kind’ve, um...” Blaine says.

“Yeah, I got this.” Ryuda points the wooden sword at Blaine. “Do you accept my challenge or not, mr...?”

“It’s Blaine. And I accept your challenge.”  Blaine obliges, pointing the sword at them.

“Alright. First person to knock the sword out of the other persons hand wins.” Ryuda quickly takes a swipe, but Blaine barely budges. Ryuda swipes again and again with multiple fast hits, Blaine gracefully stepping and avoiding each attack, Finally, Blaine slashes hard, causing Ryuda to wobble, nearly dropping the sword. “You sure you wanna keep doing this?” Blaine asks sternly. Ryuda ignores the question, slashing hard at Blaine, causing him to step back for a moment.

Blaine stays in a defensive pose for a second, silent. Then, he starts slowly stepping back, Ryuda cocking his head at him in confusion.

“YAHHH!!” Blaine suddenly charges forward fast, jumping into the air. Ryuda tries to block him, but Blaine slashes at the wooden sword with great force, enough to knock it out of Ryuda’s hand. The loud clunk of the wooden sword hitting the ground rings throughout the room.

“Looks like you win.” A bright light starts to form from a Digivice hidden in Ryuda’s back, bright enough to let Blaine fully see who he was facing.

“What the? What are you?” Blaine asks, confused by the little creature.

“I’m a Digimon, and my name is actually Ryudamon. Uh, sorry I’m not very good at sword fighting. I was actually just testing you.”

‘Testing? What does he mean? And why do I feel like I’ve heard the name Digimon before...’ Blaine thinks to himself. Ryudamon reaches behind him, pulling out the source of the glowing light. “Here, I have something for you.” Ryudamon reaches the Digivice out to Blaine. Blaine reaches to grab it-

But a mysterious force knocks the device out of Ryudamons hand, sliding it across the room. 

“What was that?” Blaine asks, confused. Ryudamon looks around the room, tensing up. “I don’t think we’re alone...” He says, his voice quiet and serious.

Blaine looks around for a moment. “Alright, im gonna turn in the lights and we can surprise them.” Blaine whispers quietly. Blaine turns around and tiptoes to the light switch, Ryudamon carefully scanning the room. Blaine switches on the lights, finally illuminating the room. Ryudamon stands frozen, staring at the ceiling.

“What, what’s up ther-“


Blaine froze when he saw what Ryudamon was looking at. A giant lizard Digimon was resting on the high ceiling, directly staring at the two.

“It’s Chamelemon!” Ryudamon glares at Chamelemon. The giant lizard hops down from the ceiling, landing on the floor with a hard thud, fiercely glaring at them. “IAI BLADE!!” Ryudamon spits out a blade at Chamelemon, piercing right into one arm. Chamelemon seems unaffected by it, simply pulling it out of his arm with his long tongue, then tossing it across the room. “TONGUE WHIP!!” Chamelemon lashes his tongue at the two in the blink of an eye, but Blaine quickly blocks the attack with his katana. Chamelemon wraps his tongue around the sword, trying to pull Blaine towards him. “Don’t hurt him!! IAI BLADE!!” Ryudamon spits another blade at Chamelemon, But Chamelemon simply swipes it away with one arm. ‘Blaine’s in trouble, I can’t let him get hurt...’ Ryudamon thinks to himself. Ryudamon quickly looks around the room, trying to think of the plan. He suddenly spots his Digivice on the floor a few feet away, and gets an idea.

Ryudamon runs towards the device as fast as possible, grabbing it. “Here, CATCH!” Ryudamon shouts, chucking the Digivice at Blaine, who manages to catch it swiftly with one hand. The second he catches it, the Digivice bursts with light, the warm light glowing on everyone.





Ginryumon wastes no time charging at Chamelemon in his new form, slamming Chamelemon into the wall, making it move slightly. “Whoa, did this device do that...?” Blaine says quietly to himself, staring at the Digivice’s screen.

Chamelemon jumps away from Ginryumon, sticking himself onto the walls. Chamelemon suddenly disappears from sight. 

“He’s using his camouflage powers!” Ginryumon says, looking around the room. Blaine looks around carefully, trying to spot any clues for where Chamelemon was. Blaine turns around and sees a slightly blurred spot high on the walls, feeling an odd sensation from that area.

“Ginryumon, I think he’s right there!” Blaine calls, pointing to the spot. Sure enough, Chamelemon reveals itself.

“HEAT EYE!!” Chamelemon shoots powerful heat filled lasers from its eyes at Ginryumon, who carefully hops out of the way in time. “PIERCING BLADES!!” Ginryumon spits a bunch of spears at Chamelemon, the blades piercing right through The giant lizard, crashing him into the ground.

Ginryumon starts to charge up a final attack. “BOUJINHA!!” Ginryumon suddenly charges powerfully, slamming into Chamelemon hard! The force is enough to instantly poof Chamelemon into dust, swirling around Ginryumon.

“Whoa...” Blaine started in awe, running over to Ginryumon as he degenerated back into Ryudamon. “That was impressive, you’re very powerful, Ryudamon.” Blaine says, praising him.

“That was all thanks to you, Blaine. You also helped protect me, and you were somehow able to detect Chamelemon despite his camouflage. So, I thank you for that.” Ryudamon praises back, slightly bowing his head.

“Oh, um, you’re welcome. I’m glad to be of service.” Blaine says, bowing slightly. Ryudamon looks back for a moment, thinking. “Hey, you uh...Wanna come back home with me?” Blaine asks. Ryudamon snaps back into focus. “Uh, sure. I have nowhere else to go anyways.” Blaine and Ryudamon walk to the back door, and out the building.

While the two walk away from the building, a sword suddenly falls out of a tree, nearly hitting the two. “Jeez, where’d that come from?! That almost cut my head off...” Blaine grumbles, picking up the sword and admiring it.


The sword had an odd line pattern on the blade. “Is this yours?” Blaine asks. “No, I’ve never seen that blade before...” Ryudamon says, admiring the line work. “Might as well hold onto it, though, at least until we find the owner.

“Yeah, alright...” Blaine obliges, slipping the sword onto a holster on his back.

Meanwhile, the next day...

“Aw, comeone Taeka! You seriously haven’t found another place for me to live yet?!” Dracomon whines. 

“I’m sorry, man! I’ve looked everywhere around this park, and I can’t find anything that’s secluded enough!” Taeka whines back. “But Taeka, I don’t wanna live in this park! I hate constantly sleeping in trees! It hurts my back, and these stupid bushy tailed animals keep attacking me!” Dracomon grumbles.

“What, you mean the squirrels?” Taeka asks.

“Yeah, the squirrels! Why can’t I just live in your place?!” Dracomon whines. “Don’t we need to always be together in case another Digimon attacks someplace?!”

“I’m sorry, but my mom won’t let me bring any animals home! Let alone a dragon...” Taeka scratches her chin for a moment, thinking. “Unless there was a place in my house nobody ever visited...” Taeka thinks for a moment. After a moment of thinking, a wide grin starts to slowly form on Taeka. “Actually, I think I have an idea! Heheh...”