Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 23
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Metal empire | Chapter 21

Some days had passed by since the whole event with Gargoylemon, and the group was now heading towards the Metal Empire, thanks to a map that Kokuwamon wrote out for them. Everyone knew they were getting close to the empire by now so they kept an eye out, except for Taeka who was still upset from the situation, walking behind the others slowly and quietly, holding onto Babydmon.

“Kokuwamon said he had a friend there...” Erik says. “Said the Digimon’s name was Commandramon...”

“We’ll have to be careful, though...” Blaine adds. “Kokuwamon said Vademon used to lead that place, and now they’re pretty on edge ever since we...You know...”

“Yeah...We might have to find a way to sneak in there instead...” Erik and Blaine continued talking, while Cora and Lily had their own conversation.

“So, you really think that’s what Lopmon’s new armor Digivolution could look like?” Cora asks, chuckling.

“Yeah! It’d be like a cool version of Antylamon, but she has wings and can shoot lasers! Pew pew!” Lily giggles as she makes finger guns with her hands.

“I’ll take any new kind of armor Digivolution as long as it helps us defeat the Dark King.” Lopmon says.

“Well, no matter what kind of new Digivolution we find, I’m sure it’ll be great.” Cora says, smiling.

“Zeri! Zeri!” A high pitched peeping noise comes from Lily’s backpack, and she zips it open as Zerimon pops his head out.

“Aw, are you done with your nap little guy?” Lily scoops up the baby Digimon, placing him on her shoulder.”

“Wow, I almost forgot we had that little guy with us.” Cora says. “Wait a minute...How long has he been napping for?”

“I think since before we went to the Bakemon house? He takes pretty long naps...”

‘...Yeesh...’ Cora thinks to herself. ‘Wish I could take naps for that long.’

“Uh...Guys?” Blaine points faraway. “I can’t be the only one who sees that...” Sure enough, everyone easily saw what Blaine was talking about.

There was a massive city-like area atop the hill they were walking on. It was huge, spanning over tons of miles, and it resembled a massive power plant, but with steel buildings scraping the sky. The giant empire also had towering steel walls that surrounded the entire area.

“Wow...They don’t call it an empire for nothing.” Cora says, in awe.

“How the heck do we even get in there? I don’t even see an entrance...” Blaine says, his eyes scanning the steel walls.

“Only way to find out is to get closer.” Erik says as the group cautiously makes their way up the hill, walking up to the steel walls. Everyone looks the walls up and down, but see no sign of an entrance.

“GRENADE DESTROYER!!” Suddenly two missiles blast from behind them, hitting the ground next to everyone. The group turns around to see a robotic Digimon, with one arm outstretched.


‘Guardromon: Champion level, Virus. Machine Digimon that protects the computer network’s defense wall. Main attack is Grenade Destroyer, where it blasts missiles from its arms.’

“...Intruders detected. You have 10 seconds to retreat before you are obliterated.” Guardromon aims both his arms, ready to attack.



“Woah woah, hey, calm down buddy!” Cora defensively says. “We’re not here to fight, we just want to-“


“Are those...Humans?” Another robotic voice chimes in, revealing himself.


‘Mekanorimon: Champion level, Virus. Robotic vehicle Digimon that is incapable of moving unless it’s being piloted by another Digimon. Main attack is Twin Beam, where it fires a laser beam from the red circle on its chest.’

“Humans...Are intruders!” Mekanorimon starts to prepare an attack as well.


“Guys, I think we need to Digivolve...” Erik says.

“...Stop.” A deep voice cuts through the air, halting everyone’s movement. Everyone looks up to see another Digimon, attached to the sides of the steel walls.


‘Sealsdramon: Champion level, Virus. Cyborg Digimon that moves too fast to perceive with the eyes, easily assassinating its target. Main attack is Death Behind, where it strikes with a single blow from its knife.’

Sealsdramon lands on the ground in front of everyone, with a hard thud.

“...Humans. They might know what happened to Vademon.” Sealsdramon adjusts his goggles for a moment, thinking.

“Uh, look, we don’t want to cause any trouble, so uh...” Erik stutters nervously. “If we tell you what happened to Vademon, will you guys not...Kill us?” Sealsdramon and the other robot Digimon look between each other, thinking.

“...Acceptable.” Sealsdramon presses a few fingers to the side of his head, making some clicking noises. “Armormon needs to see this.” A rumbling noise reveals a big gate  behind everyone slowing opening up to a big entrance.

“Follow.” Everyone follows Sealsdramon through the entrance, finally entering the inside of the empire, where they could see all the steel buildings up close, the area also bustling with many different robotic Digimon, a few who turn their attention to the group.

One Digimon, who stood tons of feet tall, especially stood out from the others.


‘Armormon: Ultimate level, Virus. Android Digimon armed with special protection armor, as well as various weapons. Attack is Justice Strike, where it fires with both its firearms.’

Armormon also had a couple other Digimon by his side.


‘Zantamon: Champion level, Data. The champion form of Batamon, with razor sharp claws designed for combat. Main attack is Metal X, where it fires an X shaped attack from its claws.’

“...I heard your call, Sealsdramon. This better be important.” Armormon speaks in a deep voice.

“Yes, of course.” Sealsdramon looks back towards the group. “These human children know what happened to Vademon, and they’d like to tell you what happened to him.”

“What?!” Armormon looks down at everyone, menacingly aiming his guns at them. “...You will tell us what happened now, or you die.” Erik swallowed nervously, looking down the barrel of one of the guns.

“Err, ok, well...You see...Um...I, um...” Erik tried to speak up, but he only stuttered more and more nervously. “I-“

“It was me! I killed Vademon!!” Lily shouted, stepping in front of everyone.

“No, it was me!” Lopmon adds.

“N-no, it was me who did it!” Taeka butts in, everyone looking at her confused.

“What?” Armormon looks back and forth between the group. “This makes no sense. Who really killed Vademon?” Everyone looks back and forth between each other nervously.

“...It was me.” Taeka mumbles quietly.

“...Understood.” Armormon aims both his guns at Taeka. “It is time for you to die then.” All the other Digimon start to prepare their weapons and attacks as well.

“...RUN!!” Everyone quickly circles out of the way of the robotic Digimon, making a mad dash for safety. The group keeps running until they turn a small corner, finding a small, hidden door on the side of a huge metallic building. Everyone hurriedly tries to look for a way to open the door, until it automatically slides open by itself, everyone piling into the building.

“Yeesh, that was a close one...” Erik huffs. “I hope they didn’t see us...Come through here...”

“Taeka why’d you say that you were the one that killed Vademon?!” Lily asks.

“I-I don’t know, I...” Taeka stuttered, her voice sounding clearly upset. “I didn’t want Armormon to hurt you guys...”

“Something tells me they would’ve attacked us either way...” Ryudamon says.

“Is it just me, or have we been doing more running then fighting lately?” Cora asks.

“Yeah, you’re right...” Blaine says. “Hopefully when we find the other Digi-eggs we can start fighting again.” Everyone looks around the building, but it was too dark to see...

...Atleast, until the lights flickered on randomly, revealing a smaller Digimon standing in front of everyone.


‘Commandramon: Rookie level, Virus. Cyborg Digimon that’s able to camouflage itself, allowing it to easily silence its target before being noticed. Attack is M16 Assassin, where it fires with its assault rifle.’

“AGHH! D-don’t hurt us!” Everyone backs away, frightened by the Digimon’s sudden appearance.

“Guys, wait! That’s Commandramon!” Lily says, looking at her Digivice.

“You guys...Know me?” Commandramon looks confused for a moment, until he looks at everyone’s Digivices.

“Ah, I see...You must be the Digidestined kids. Uh...Any reason why you kids are here?”

“Yeah, Kokuwamon sent us here to talk to you...” Erik says. “He said you knew where the Digi-egg of Love is.”

“You guys know Kokuwamon?” Commandramon sounded surprised. “The Digi-egg of Love...Yeah, I know exactly where that is. You kids looking for the rest of the Digi-eggs as well?” Everyone nods yes in response. “Yeah, most of us can’t digivolve without the eggs, so we need them to defeat the Dark King...” Lopmon says.

“Ah, I see. I know where the egg of Love is, as well as a couple other eggs...” Commandramon looks around, thinking. “...I’ll help you guys out, just don’t tell the others, alright?” 

“OH thank goodness, thank you so much Commandramon!” Labramon says, smiling.

“Follow me.” Commandramon leads the group through the thin hallways of the building, all different types of heavy machinery operating all around them.

“Woah...What’s all this cool machinery for?” BlackGabumon asks.

“Generators. They keep all the energy in this empire running.” Commandramon responds. “I’m basically here just to keep this place running properly.”

“Zeri...” Zerimon pops out of Lily’s bag, looking at all the machinery in awe.

“This stuff is pretty cool, right Zerimon?” Lily holds Zerimon out, the baby Digimon’s eyes sparkling. Everyone follows Commandramon until he stops, pressing a few buttons  on a panel until it makes a clicking noise.

“Commandramon, could you help show us where all the Digi-eggs are?” Cora asks.

“Yeah, I have a friend who can take us to the Digi-egg of Love.” Commandramon says, motioning everyone to follow again. “And the other two Digi-eggs aren’t in this empire, but I still know where they are. There’s the Digi-egg of Friendship, which is located in a cave in the Frozen Tundras. Then after you cross the frozen mountains you’ll reach the small tropical town of Bayside, inhabited by the Gomamon. That’s where the Digi-egg of Reliabilty is. The Gomamon there are pretty friendly, so they should be able to help you find that egg. Both the areas are on the same straight path behind the empire, so they’ll be hard to miss.”

“The Digi eggs of Love, Friendship, and Reliability...” Erik counts the amount of eggs on his hand.

“Three Digi-eggs...Yay, that’s enough for all of us!” Lily says happily.

“This’ll be really helpful.” Lopmon says. “Thanks a lot Commandramon, we really appreciate your-“

“ZERI ZERI!!” Zerimon suddenly squeals loudly, stopping everyone in their tracks.

“Zerimon, what’s wrong?” Lily worriedly asks the baby Digimon, who was shaking uncontrollably.

“I think he senses something...” Commandramon looks around...

...Until Sealsdramon appears from nowhere, ready to attack.

“M16 ASSASSIN!!” Commandramon fires at Sealsdramon. “Run, this way!” Everyone runs through the building from Sealsdramon until they reach a door that opens revealing a station with a huge train-like Digimon.


‘Locomon: Ultimate level, Data. Locomotive Digimon who’s purpose is to transport data and other information in the Digital World. Most powerful attack is Wheel Grinder, where it throws spiked wheels at the enemy.’

“...Need a ride, Commandramon?” Locomon asks.

“Yes, take us to the station where the Digi-egg is, and hurry!” Locomon responds by puffing out some steam, some doors opening in his train cart.

“...Alright, get in.” Before anyone else can move, Sealsdramon appears again, ready to attack.



“BLAZING ICE!!” A bunch of the Digimon attack Sealsdramon, giving everyone a chance to hop into Locomon’s train cart, the doors shutting closed as Locomon speeds off, away from Sealsdramon.

“...Man, that was a close one!” Erik says, flopping down on some seats.

“I hope these next Digi-eggs are powerful...” Blaine says. “I’m tired of running.”

“Yeah, me too!” Lily agrees. Everyone sits down on the soft seats, quietly watching the scenery of the empire fly by.

But when Lily looks at Taeka, she notices that her posture is sadly slumped over.

“Taeka, are you ok?” Lily asks. Taeka is silent for a moment before answering.

“...We wouldn’t have to run away if I was able to control Gargoylemon.” Taeka sadly mutters.

“Wha...Taeka, you’re still upset about that?!” Lily looks upset for a moment, until she stands up on the seats, her face serious.

“Taeka, you can’t be upset about what happened because it wasn’t your fault at all! You didn’t know the egg of Light was that powerful, and you didn’t know it would make Dracomon so angry...It’s not you or Dracomon’s fault, so stop being all sad and mopey about it!!” Taeka was taken aback by what Lily said. “Uh...”

“Lily might not have worded that the best, but she’s right.” Erik adds. “You had no idea that the egg was that hard to control...It was just a mistake that we need to just move on from.”

“Yeah, and you know...” Blaine adds. “My Master used to tell me that if you make a mistake...You learn from it, and use what you learned from that mistake to better yourself for next time.”

“Yeah, they’re all right!” Babydmon says confidently. “Next time I digivolve into Gargoylemon I’ll know what to expect, so I can try and control my powers better! And no matter what kinds of problems we’ll face...” A soft light envelops Babydmon as he finally digivolves back into Dracomon.

“...We’ll face them together.” Taeka feels tears forming in her eyes as she tightly hugs Dracomon.

“You’re right. Thanks Dracomon, thank you everyone...” Taeka hugs Dracomon for a moment until she finally lets go, smiling and wiping her tears away.

“Friends! Friends!” Zerimon hops up and down happily. “Friends! Friends!” Zerimon continues bouncing happily...

Then a Digivolution light envelops him.


‘Gummymon: In-Training level, Free. Small, energetic Digimon that attacks with the hardened horn on its head. Also spits frothy bubbles to intimidate opponent.’

“We’re friends! Friends! Friends who work together!” Gummymon continues hopping happily.

“Woah, you digivolved! That’s amazing!” Lily hugs Gummymon tightly.

“...Well, if this doesn’t give me confidence then I don’t know what will!” Taeka says.

“Wow, you guys are able to Digivolve just like that?” Commandramon asks. “Hmm, interesting...I remember Kokuwamon used to be able to Digivolve like that too, but he was no longer able to sometime after the Dark King arrived here.”

“Wait, really?” Erik sounded surprised. “Hmm...” Commandramon looks forward at the train tracks. “We’re almost there, shouldn’t be to long now. After you grab the egg there’s an exit you can go through outside which should lead to your next path.”

Taeka suddenly stands up, her face determined. “...Alright then, I know what to do!

I’m going to go grab the Digi-egg with whoever wants to help me, and everyone else will go through the exit safely, alright?”

“Ooh, can I come with you?” Lily asks. Taeka nods in response, turning to Cora. “Cora, you wanna come with us?” Surprisingly, Cora nods no in response. “I’ll pass this time. I’m still a little freaked out about what happened with Gargoylemon.”

“Alright, I’ll come with you two.” Commandramon says, nodding to Lily and Taeka. 

Soon everyone felt Locomon skid to a stop, now seeing the station right in front of them.

“Alright guys, you ready?” Everyone nods yes in response. 

“...Let’s do this.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Taeka, Lily, and Commandramon ran through the station, their feet pounding against the metal stairs. When they reach the top, a metal door slides open, revealing a darkened room...


...With the Egg of Love sitting in the middle.

“There it is! I wanna go and-“ Before Lily can run and grab the egg, the lights flicker on randomly...

Revealing Armormon and Sealsdramon, standing right behind the egg.

“Looks like we have a traitor here.” Armormon points one gun at Commandramon.

“...New target acquired.” Sealsdramon disappears from thin air.

“...DEATH BEHIND!!” Suddenly Sealsdramon appears from behind, striking at Commandramon.

“No! Commandramon!”

“I’ll be fine guys, just get the egg!” Commandramon says, both him and Sealsdramon disappearing again.

“Lily, you grab the egg and I’ll distract Armormon!” Lily and Lopmon nod in response.



“DYNAMITE HEAD!!” Allomon instantly charges at Armormon.

“Lily, grab the egg!!” Taeka yells.

“NO!! I will NOT let you take that egg!!” Armormon aims at Lily and Lopmon.

“JUSTICE STRIKE!!” Armormon fires, but Lily and Lopmon quickly dodge the attack, flying right towards the egg...

...And grabbing it off its pedestal.

“NO!!” The egg instantly turns to light, absorbing into Lily’s Digivice.

“Yay! Lopmon, you ready for a new armor Digivolution?” Lily asks.

“...Oh course.”




“...PTERAMON!!” Everyone looked in awe at Lopmon’s new armor Digivolution, with strong metal armor, and a sharp beaks and talons.

“How dare you defy me?! You will pay for this!

JUSTICE STRIKE!!” Armormon fires again, but Pteramon effortlessly dodges the attack.

“BEAK PIERCE!!” Pteramon charges at Armormon with her beak, knocking him flat on his back.

“...Allomon, let’s attack him at once.” Allomon nods in agreement, turning to Armormon.


“MISSILE STORM!!” Pteramon unleashes a barrage of missiles from under her wings. Both the attacks knock Armormon back, chasing him to crash and break through the metal walls.

“Woah...Pteramon is AWESOME!!” Taeka says excitedly.

“Yeah, go Pteramon!” Lily cheers. Pteramon turns toward Lily, her face serious.

“...Hey Lily, wanna see one more attack?” Pteramon asks.

“Uh...Yeah!” Pteramon looks around, inspecting the area for a long moment.

“LIGHT RAY!!” Pteramon shoots a powerful beam of light at the wall, hitting and revealing Sealsdramon! Sealsdramon growls in pain, until he poofs to dust.

“Turns out you were right, Lily. I can totally shoot lasers.” Lily’s eyes sparkle, a warm smile on her face.

“...You’re the best, Pteramon.” Pteramon nods in response.

“Hop on guys. It’s time to get outta here.” Everyone hops on Pteramon’s back, Allomon dedigivolving back into Dracomon. Pteramon flaps her wings, taking off through the hole in the wall, flying down towards the others.

“Woah, is that Lopmon’s new armor Digivolution?!” Cora asks.

“Yeah, now hop on!” Lily says. Everyone squeezes onto Pteramon’s back as she flaps her wings again, taking off into the sky.

“No...GET BACK HERE!!” Armormon weakly gets up.

“You...You can’t escape...No matter where you go...We will find you and kill you...