Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 1 month ago
43 145281

Chapter 40
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Ogudomon rises | Chapter 38

“Heh, Digidestined, it’s nice to finally see you all again...” Barbamon smirked down at the group, who only glared back at him. “...Although I am a bit surprised you all decided to march onto our territory.”

“Shut up, Barbamon! I’m the one speaking now.” Taeka snapped at him, her voice turning to a low growl. “Were not scared of you anymore, and we came over here to finally take you out!”

Lily worriedly looks down at Kokomon, who had somehow Digivolved back to Lopmon, standing confidently. She then looks around Barbamon, eyeing the whole rocky land. “Where’s Lucemon?” Lily asks, raising her voice.

“Why don’t you look around, and take a guess?” Barbamon growls. Everyone carefully looks around, until they finally spot a gigantic, raised hole in the land.

“Not like it matters where Lucemon is sleeping, you won’t get close to him anyways.” Barbamon snaps his fingers, and in an instant, Daemon, Belphemon, the two Ghoulmon, and LadyDevimon land next to him.

“Wha...Belphemon, how’d you get here?!” Taeka asks, shocked.

“Look up.” Belphemon snarls, smirking. Everyone looks up at the ceiling...To realize there wasn’t a ceiling at all. Despite supposedly being underground, they could clearly see the sky above them.

“...Oh. Wait a minute, are you saying we seriously could’ve just flown here this entire time?!” A look of annoyance crosses her face, before shaking her head, quickly regaining her composure. “Doesn’t matter. Your numbers don’t scare us, we’ll still take you out no matter how many of you are here!”

“Barbamon...” Crescemon hisses, suddenly stepping forward, pointing her weapon at Barbamon. “I’m taking you out for what you did to Laylamon, and I don’t care if I die in the process.”

“You came here for her?! SERIOUSLY?! HAHAHAHAHA!!” Barbamon cackles loudly, his voice nearly shaking the walls. “Oh, this’ll be interesting...I wonder if you all really think you’ll be able to defeat us.”

“I don’t just think...I KNOW.” Taeka hisses, her and Dracomon looking back at the group.

“I don’t care who you all fight, but...” Taeka turns back around, glaring at Barbamon and pounding her fists together. “...Barbamon is mine.”

“Alright...” Daemon suddenly yanks his cloak off, revealing a different form.


“Let’s dance.” They all raise their claws, ready to attack.

“NOW!!” Taeka yells, everyone’s Digivices glowing simultaneously.





Chaos ensues as Digimon suddenly tackle and charge at one another, separating everyone into their own battles. Slayerdramon charged at Barbamon, Anubismon at Belphemon, Cherubimon at Daemon, and Mummymon, ExTyrannomon, and Crescemon all charging at LadyDevimon and the two Ghoulmon.

“LEGENDARY DRAGON BLADE!!” Suddenly, Hisyaryumon also comes charging in, attacking the Ghoulmon, as he flies close enough to the ground for Blaine to hop down.

“You’re not fighting without me.” Blaine nods to Axel and Cora, who nod back.

“HEAVEN’S JUDGEMENT!!” Cherubimon strikes at Daemon, doing a good amount of damage. Everyone else fights their own fights, varying degrees of winning and losing that was impossible to fully keep track of all at once.

“DARK INFERNO!!” Barbamon unleashed gigantic fires at Slayerdramon, who managed to swiftly dodge each one, but it got slowly more difficult over time.

“Slayerdramon, remember that Barbamon has both Beelzemon, and Laylamon’s data, so his attacks are extra strong!” Taeka calls. 

“DARK INFERNO!!” Barbamon suddenly strikes again. Slayerdramon, who didn’t have enough time to dodge, blocks the attack instead with his sword, only getting barely burnt.

‘This is difficult...’ Slayerdramon huffed to himself, already feeling sweaty and a bit tired. ‘How am I supposed to get close to him with getting burnt to a crisp?’

“Hahaha, you really think you can defeat us?!” LadyDevimon cackled, staring down at Crescemon and ExTyrannomon, who only glared back at her. “DARKNESS WAVE!!” LadyDevimon releases a bunch of bats, but Crescemon blocks most of them with her weapon, also protecting ExTyrannomon.

“SNAKE BANDAGE!!” Suddenly Mummymon comes through, using his bandages to tie LadyDevimon to the ground, unable to move.

“Let’s...All attack at once!” Mummymon states. “Finish her off together!”



“DARK ARCHERY!!” Crescemon fires dark energy arrows from her back, all the attacks finishing off LadyDevimon and poofing her to dust. ExTyrannomon and Mummymon quickly turn their attention then to Hisyaryumon, who was clearly struggling with the two Ghoulmon.

“He needs our help, let’s go!” ExTyrannomon says, he and Mummymon running over. Crescemon doesn’t move, instead turning her attention to the Slayerdramon and Barbamon fight, quickly hopping over to the two.

“ICE ARCHERY!!” Crescemon fires icy arrows at Barbamon, who barely feels anything from it.

“HA!! You really think your attacks will do anything to me?!” Barbamon cackles.

“Crescemon, you gotta be careful, you’re still only an ultimate level Digimon!” Slayerdramon warns.

“I don’t care.” Crescemon hisses, aiming her weapon at him. “He’s the one I really want revenge on.”

“DARK INFERNO!!” Barbamon fires at Crescemon, who gracefully dodges the attack.

“LIGHTNING SPEAR!!” Cherubimon fires at Daemon, hitting him directly in the chest.

“OW!! Ugh...SLASH NAIL!! SLASH NAIL!!” Daemon slashes mindlessly, Cherubimon gracefully dodging the attacks.

“GOLDEN RAY!!” Anubismon fires at Belphemon, not doing much since he blocks it with his arms. Belphemon suddenly then rushes forward and grabs Anubismon, slamming him to the ground.

“LIGHTNING HORN!!” Belphemon thrusts his head into Anubismon over and over again, doing a great deal of damage. Erik has no idea what to do, looking around nervously, until Blaine notices what’s going on from afar.

“Hisyaryumon!” Blaine calls to his partner, pointing towards Belphemon and Anubismon, as the two suddenly rush towards them to help.

“LEGENDARY DRAGON BLADE!!” Hisyaryumon slashes at Belphemon, causing him to let go of Anubismon, as Blaine protectively steps in front of Erik.

“Back off, Belphemon! I’m letting you hurt him anymore!” Blaine yells.

“HA!! I’M NOT AFRAID OF YOU, YOU’RE STILL ONLY AT THE ULTIMATE LEVEL!!” Belphemon cackles, grabbing Hisyaryumon with both arms, tightly squeezing his body.

“GIFT OF DARKNESS!!” Belphemon slashes powerfully into Hisyaryumon, sending him flying and crashing into some rocks...Reverting back to Ryudamon. Ryudamon, however, doesn’t seem very phased by it, only immediately standing back up.

“WHAT?! HOW ARE STILL ABLE TO STAND AFTER THAT?!” Belphemon stares, wide eyed and shocked.

“We’re stronger then you think, Belphemon...” Blaine hisses, glaring up at Belphemon. “The Digital World is relying on us to take you out, and if you think we’re going to go down that easily, you got another thing coming!!” Blaine’s Digivice and katana suddenly then start glowing brightly.

“EXPLOSION EYE!!” “EXPLOSION EYE!!” Both the Ghoulmon fire at Mummymon, as he slams back into the ground, reverting back to BlackGabumon.

“No!! Come on BlackGabumon, you gotta get back up!” ExTyrannomon nudges him, trying to lift him up.

“BlackGabumon come on, you can do it!” Cora cheers for him, Axel also adding into it. The three all cheer for BlackGabumon’s name, as he slowly tries to stand up.

“Come on, BlackGabumon! If you don’t get up now, the demon lords are gonna win, and shroud the whole Digital World into darkness! You have to get up!!” Cora cries out, as her Digivice, and the tag and crest around her neck start to glow...As BlackGabumon finally stands up.

...Simultaneously, then, both Blaine and Cora’s Digivice’s explode into rainbow colors, light enveloping BlackGabumon and Ryudamon’s bodies...











Blaine and Cora’s eyes sparkled, admiring their new partner’s forms. Ouryumon was even bigger then Hisyaryumon, holding two sharp swords in each hand. Pharohmon stood confidently, holding a big, golden tomb in one hand. Ouryumon and Pharohmon were both clad in golden armor, which shined brightly. Ouryumon circled around Anubismon, as he slowly stood up.

“Anubismon...” Ouryumon’s voice boomed confidently. “...Let’s take out Belphemon together.”

“Of course.” Anubismon nodded, the two glaring at the surprised demon lord.



“DRAGON KING’S BLADES!!” Ouryumon fires golden lasers from his blades, both the attacks knocking Belphemon back.

“EXPLOSION EYE!! EXPLOSION EYE!!” Both the Ghoulmon fire at Pharohmon, but he blocks both attacks with his tomb, like a sheild, preventing both him and ExTyrannomon from taking any damage.

“Woah! Be careful, Pharohmon!” ExTyrannomon nervously barks.

“...NECRO MIST!!” Pharohmon emits a black gas from his hands, engulfing both the Ghoulmon as it stings their bodies, before turning back to ExTyrannomon.

“Don’t worry, ExTyrannomon...” Pharohmon softly says. “...I’ve got this.”

“HEAVEN’S JUDGEMENT!!” Cherubimon strikes Daemon, doing a ton of damage, making Daemon now struggle to stay afloat in the air, his body shaking.

“Time to finish you off...” Cherubimon says, clasping her hands together.

‘Kabuterimon, please...Lend me your powers now...’ Cherubimon closes her eyes, focusing, before she quickly feels electricity pulsating in her hands.

“...ELECTRO SHOCKER!!” Cherubimon unleashes a huge ball of electricity, as Daemon screeches in pain...

...Poofing to dust.

“Yay! You did it, Cherubimon!” Lily cheers, Cherubimon looking down and smiling at her.

Barbamon suddenly then looks up at Daemon’s floating data, immediately catching his attention.

“DARK INFERNO!!” Barbamon quickly blasts at Slayerdramon and Crescemon, pushing them back as he flies up towards Daemon’s data, reaching his hand out and absorbing it.

“Hahaha, now I feel even more powerful!” Barbamon cackles, tightly clenching his hands.

“What?! Ugh, you’ve gotta be kidding me!” Lily groans. Barbamon ignores her, slowly turning to Crescemon and smirking.

“Heh, now let’s see how strong I really am now.” In a flash, Barbamon grabs Crescemon tightly by the neck, lifting her up...

“DARK INFERNO!!” And consumes her with flames, ones even bigger then before...Immediately poofing to dust. Everyone stares at this sudden defeat, with pure shock and horror in their eyes.

“You...Just...” Slayerdramon stammers, at a loss for words, as Cherubimon floats and lands next to him.

“Come on Cherubimon, let’s fight together.” Slayerdramon says, Cherubimon nodding.

“HA!! Your numbers don’t scare me!” Barbamon cackles. “DARK INFERNO!!” He blasts another huge attack, Cherubimon and Slayerdramon barely dodging it.

“FIST OF NILE!!” Pharohmon punches both Ghoulmon, knocking them back and crashing into the rough rubble. The Ghoulmon both look dizzy and weak now, struggling to stand up as their data starts to fade.

“Pharohmon, your necro mist attack makes their data fade!” ExTyrannomon says. “Use it one more time!”

“...You’re right, ExTyrannomon...” Pharohmon says, looking down at his fists, before looking back up.

“...NECRO MIST!!” Pharohmon fires one last time, the mist engulfing the two Ghoulmon...Both being poofed to dust.

“Yes! We actually did it!” Cora cheers, Axel and ExTyrannomon joining in.

“Hm...Who should we help out now?” Axel asks. He looks around, looking at the fight with Barbamon...And noticing how tired Cherubimon and Slayerdramon looked, who were struggling to stand up straight.

“Hahaha! Who’s really-“ Barbamon pauses his speech when he sees the Ghoulmon data swirling in the air, smirking and flying up towards it. 

“NO!! BLAINE, ERIK!!” Taeka screeched with all her might, calling attention to the two who were fighting Belphemon. The two quickly notice Taeka pointing to Barbamon, who then point it out to their partners as well, nodding in response.

“GOLDEN ARMOR!!” Ouryumon tackles Belphemon with a golden power in his power.



“BLACK MATTER!!” Multiple Digimon attempt to strike Barbamon, but he somehow manages to dodge every attack, flying upwards and absorbing the Ghoulmon data.

“HAHA, YES!! Now I have even more...ARGH!!” Barbamon suddenly groans loudly in pain, clutching his chest for a moment, everyone looking at him confused. Barbamon soon then brings his composure back...But it looked like his body was starting to move a bit slower.

“DARK INFERNO!!” Barbamon strikes Pharohmon and ExTyrannomon, the attack sending them flying and crashing, unable to get up. Cora and Axel run to their partners, trying to help them up. Meanwhile, Barbamon turns to the still weak Cherubimon and Slayerdramon, smirking.

“...You’re next. DARK...INFER-“

...Then, something unexpected happens. Barbamon suddenly freezes, his entire body not moving an inch, his fiery attack also frozen in the air. Cherubimon and Slayerdramon look in confusion, as Lily and Taeka help them up, allowing them to move out of Barbamon’s way...As he suddenly unfreezes, firing the attack but now completely missing.

“Ugh, what...” Barbamon grumbles, looking around confused. “Dark...Inferno...” Barbamon kept firing multiple times, but his attacks and body still moved so slowly, that even the very weak Slayerdramon and Cherubimon could dodge them, slowly starting to regain their energy.

“GOLDEN ARMOR!!” Meanwhile Ouryumon tackles Belphemon into some sharp rocks, as he gets weaker, and weaker. Ouryumon and Anubismon hover over the weakened Belphemon, readying one last attack. Blaine and Erik watch closely, clasping their hands together.


“PYRAMID POWER!!” Both their attacks at once...Poof Belphemon to dust. Blaine and Erik sigh in relief, but they then suddenly feel the ground rumble, everyone feeling the sudden shake. Barbamon looks up, noticing Belphemon’s floating data. He flaps his wings, ready to fly up.

“God, you better not...!” Taeka hisses, seething with rage as she watches Barbamon fly slowly up...But suddenly freezing again. Everyone look at him, confused, as Belphemon’s data slowly floats upwards...Disappearing.

“Why does Barbamon keep freezing like that?” Lily asks.

“Ooh, I know why!” ExTyrannomon suddenly chimes in, him, Pharohmon, and Cora and Axel suddenly popping up next to her. “He’s absorbed too much data, so now his body is lagging! He can’t move properly without all that data inside of him!” Everyone nods their heads, finally understanding.

“Ugh, what the...” Barbamon suddenly then unfreezes, slowly floating downwards as he looks around...Realizing he was surrounded, everyone now circled around him.

“You’re outnumbered here Barbamon...” Taeka hisses, everyone glaring at Barbamon. Barbamon looks at everyone, almost now starting to look nervous...But suddenly the ground rumbles again, even more powerful then before, as Barbamon suddenly smirks.

“Heh, heh...HAHAHAHA!!” Barbamon cackles loudly. “Listen to that...Sounds like Lucemon is finally ready to wake up! Even if you all kill me now, you’re too late...”

“We’ll see about that.” Anubismon says. Everyone looks between each other, nodding, as they ready their most powerful attacks, focusing...

...Slayerdramon, feeling the power of DarkTyrannomon...

...Anubismon, feeling the power of Raremon...

...Cherubimon, feeling the power of Kabuterimon...

...Ouryumon, feeling the power of Chamelemon...

...And Pharohmon, feeling the power of Bakemon.






“PRETTY ATTACK!!” All the attacks at once engulf Barbamon, causing a big explosion...And poofing him to a gigantic ball of dust.

“Is this...Finally over?” Axel asks, exhausted. Everyone stares at the huge ball of data, cautiously...But suddenly, the data starts swirling, stretching itself out and getting sucked into the giant hole in the middle of the land...The ground then rumbles again...As a smaller Digimon flies out of the hole.


“...Lucemon.” Everyone stares in horror, as Lucemon slowly opens his eyes, a rainbow of data swirling around his form.

“...Digidestined...” Lucemon speaks softly, a small smirk on his face. “Thank you all for this data. I wish I could stick around longer and get to know you all, but...We have to become our true form now. Goodbye.” Everyone stands frozen, in horror, as Lucemon and all the data quickly fly into the hole...

...The ground shakes even heavier, the sky turning pitch black. The Digimon hold onto their partners for protection, as the ground shakes...And shakes...


When suddenly, a gigantic, long leg that resembled a spider’s, stomped onto the ground.


...And another. One by one, seven legs slowly crawl out, the gigantic Digimon shrouded with darkness...

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!” The gigantic Digimon lets out a horrific screech, drilling through everyone’s ears...The force of it knocking everyone down...As they suddenly lost their consciousness.

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Everyone groaned, rubbing their heads that felt a splitting pain. As they finally sat up, they realized they were now in a completely different area, laying in grass, nearby a forest area...And everyone froze when they saw what was ahead.


“...Ogudomon...” Taeka spoke the name of the Digimon quietly. They all stared in horror, as miles away, the gigantic Ogudomon stomped all over the land, making the ground shake with each stomp. Just one of Ogudomon’s legs was the size of a skyscraper, the Digimon being bigger then any enemy they’ve seen before. The nearly pitch black sky made Ogudomon look like a shadowy titan...Making for the most terrifying sight they’d ever seen.

“Oh thank goodness, you’re all finally awake!” ExTyrannomon turns around, snapping everyone out of their thoughts.

“ExTyrannomon...What’s going on?” Axel weakly asks.

“Ogudomon knocked you all out, and then he ran over here, so we had to carry you all out here...” ExTyrannomon pauses, looking towards Ogudomon. “Everyone’s trying to fight him, but...” Everyone notices their Digimon all around Ogudomon, attacking him...But not doing much. Ogudomon suddenly then whacks Anubismon with one arm, sending him flying and crashing into some mountains.

“...We’re not doing much to him.” ExTyrannomon says worriedly. “And it doesn’t help that we’re all still weak from the last fight.”

“Anubismon...” Erik stares ahead at his partner, slowing feeling tears welling in his eyes. “We couldn’t...Stop this...” Everyone’s expressions scream horror and sadness, as they all slowly fall to the ground.

“What? Guys, come on, we can’t give up now!” Taeka was the only one standing up, trying to stay confident.

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!” Ogudomon suddenly then unleashes another screech, everyone covering their ears, as the pure force of it sends the Digimon flying.

“Taeka, can’t you see what’s going on?! HE’S GOING TO DESTROY THE DIGITAL WORLD!!” Cora snaps, clearly looking distressed as tears stream down her face.

“Wha...Cora, calm down! If our Digimon are still able to fight, then we should stay confident!” Taeka’s speech didn’t seem to affect anyone that much, Taeka worriedly turning to Lily.

“Lily, come on, you believe in me...Right?” Taeka comfortingly places one hand on Lily’s shoulder, who looks up with saddened eyes...Before blinking fast, slowly regaining confidence.

“...Yeah, Taeka’s right! We can’t give up now!” Lily runs forward a bit, looking up at Cherubimon.

“COME ON, CHERUBIMON!! YOU CAN DO THIS, I BELIEVE IN YOU!!” Lily yells as loud as she can, and despite being so far away, it looked like Cherubimon heard her, nodding in response.

“...ELECTRO SHOCKER!!” Cherubimon shocks Ogudomon, electricity flowing through him as his body shakes a bit.

“See?! We still have a chance here!” Taeka says, pointing to Cherubimon. Ogudomon then let’s out a low growl, roaring loudly as he stomps all his feet...Then swings one leg at Cherubimon, sending her flying and crashing next to the group.

“Cherubimon, no!” Lily runs to her partner.

“It’s alright guys, I’ve got this!” ExTyrannomon runs forward, looking up at Ogudomon. “PRETTY ATTACK!!” ExTyrannomon tries to attack, but completely misses. Taeka’s confident face then starts to fall a bit, eyeing ExTyrannomon, before turning back to Axel.

“Axel! Come on, can’t you get ExTyrannomon to Digivolve to the mega level?!” She suddenly snaps at him.

“Wh-What?! I don’t know, I...” Axel stammers nervously.

“Come on, you have to know! The Digital World is relying on us!!” Taeka angrily grabs Axel, shaking him roughly, before Blaine and Erik pull her away from him.

“Taeka, leave him alone, it’s not his fault!” Blaine scolds her.

“I...I’m sorry, I...” Tears well out of Axel’s eyes as he sinks to the ground, Erik soothingly rubbing his shoulder. “Maybe I could think of something, I don’t know...Just give me a minute...” Axel puts his head in his hands, trying to think as hard as he could. Everyone was silent, watching Ogudomon...

‘...Wait a minute...’ Until Axel suddenly thinks of something, remembering an object he had in his old castle.

“...The golden Digi-egg.” Axel mumbles.


“I remember it now. When I was building my castle, I found a golden Digi-egg and stored it somewhere in there. I could never get it to activate earlier but...”

“It could probably work now!” Taeka finishes, everyone looking a bit more confident.

“Cherubimon, could you fly us to Axel’s old castle?” Lily asks, Cherubimon nodding and standing up. Axel whistles and waves to ExTyrannomon. “ExTyrannomon, we’re heading to the old castle!” Axel calls. Him, ExTyrannomon and Lily hop onto Cherubimon’s back, as they fly into the air. They carefully fly away from the group and Ogudomon, flying for a few quickly minutes before they find the old castle, still nothing but a gigantic pile of rubble.

“How are we gonna find the egg underneath all this rubble?” Lily asks.

“We’ll figure it out somehow.” Axel says, quickly rushing to the rubble and digging at it. “It’s the only way...” Lily, ExTyrannomon and Cherubimon follow Axel, also digging. The four dig for a long moment, but find...Nothing. Axel starts digging slower and slower...Until he stops, his head slumping down.

“Aw, it’s ok Axel, we’ll find the egg eventually!” ExTyrannomon comforts, rubbing Axel’s shoulder.

“No, ExTyrannomon, it won’t be...” Axel sobs quietly. “Ogudomons gonna destroy the Digital World, and its all my fault...” Lily looks towards Axel, puffing her cheeks angrily as she stomps towards him.

“Axel!” Axel looks up...As Lily suddenly slaps him.

“Did you just...Slap me?” Axel reels back, looking more surprised then hurt by the light slap.

“Yes!! Stop blaming yourself for everything that’s happening! This would’ve happened whether or not you awakened Belphemon!” Lily yells at him, Axel turning away in embarrassment.

“I guess, but...Everything just seems so screwed now.” Axel mumbles. “At this point, it’s gonna take a miracle to save everything now.” Suddenly then, in the corner of their eyes, everyone notices a golden shine, coming from underneath the rubble. The second everyone turns their heads to it though, it disappears.

“Woah woah, where’d it go?” Axel quickly stands up, running to the spot he saw the glow in. “No no no, where was it?!” Axel hurriedly digs through the rubble, but can’t find it. “Come on, please shine again! I-no, we need this to save the Digital World! Please!!” Axel emotionally pleads, before the golden shine quickly appears again, brighter then before. Axel runs to the shining spot, digging it up...And finally finding the egg.


Axel lifted the egg, as it immediately absorbed itself into his Digivice.

“Ooh, it’s just like the other Digi-eggs!” Lily says excitedly. “I can tell you how to activate it!”

Axel stares at his Digivice’s screen for a moment, before nodding confidently.

“Sure, but...” He pauses, looking towards the faint view of Ogudomon in the distance. “...Not yet.”

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“Come on guys, you gotta get up!” Taeka tries to pull Slayerdramon up, but to no avail. All the Digimon lay collapsed in the grass next to everyone, as Ogudomon freely rampaged on the land.

“It’s no use, Taeka. They could dedigivolve any minute now...” Blaine mumbles.

“She’s right.” Axel’s voice cuts through, him and Lily standing before the group.

“How? What could possibly save us right now?” Cora grumbles. Axel maintains a smile on his face, as he pulls out his Digivice...

“...DIGI-ARMOR ENERGIZE!!” As he shouts, his Digivice, and ExTyrannomon’s body both glowing bright gold...






ExTyrannomon’s new mega form wasn’t much bigger, but shined with a a beautiful golden aura, which immediately caught everyone’s attention, standing up and admiring him.

“See...If a miracle like this is possible, then I know we can all save the Digital World...Together.” Axel smiles, stretching his hand out to the group.

“Yeah! We’ve all gone through so much together, and I know how strong we all all, so I know we can do this! I believe in all of you!” Lily chimes in confidently. Immediately then, Lily’s Digivice starts glowing, a beam of light shooting of out it, hitting Cherubimon. Cherubimon’s body then starts glowing, as all the cuts and scratches on her body disappear.

“Woah...I feel so energized now.” Cherubimon says, standing up tall.

“Yes, you’re both right!” Taeka says excitedly. “We have to be courageous or the Digital World will be destroyed...And I know we all the courage to do it together!!” Taeka’s Digivice then does the same thing Lily’s did, healing Slayerdramon as he stands up energetically.

“...They’re right.” Blaine adds in. “The Digital World is relying on me, and if I just sit here moping around, we’ll never be able to save it.”

“And not just the Digital World...” Erik adds. “Our friends...And family. We can’t just give up on them now.”

“I guess I can’t disagree with you all now...” Cora says, smiling. “Both worlds will be shrouded in darkness if we give up now.” One by one, everyone’s Digivice’s reenergize the Digimon, as they all fly up to Ogudomon, feeling more confident and powerful then ever.

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!” Ogudomon screeches loudly upon seeing the Digimon, but it barely seems to affect them this time.

“...We’re stronger then you think, Ogudomon.” ExMagnamon says. “MAGNA SHADOW!!” ExMagnamon’s pulls his shadowy form out of his armor, charging at Ogudomon as he falls back for a moment. 

“GOLDEN ARMOR!!” Ouryumon also attacks, everyone else tackling him as he nearly loses his balance.

“We all have something that Ogudomon doesn’t...” Taeka confidently states. “...Friends.” Everyone nods at eachother in understantment.

“DRAGON’S SWORD!!” Slayerdramon slashes at one of Ogudomon’s legs, causing that leg to stop moving, kneeling to the ground. “Everyone, attack this leg at once!” Slayerdramon yells. 

“TENRYU TORNADO!!” “LIGHTNING SPEAR!!” “GOLDEN RAY!!” “DRAGON KING’S BLADES!!” “NECRO MIST!!” “MAGNA BLAST!!” All the attacks at once create an explosion...As Ogudomon’s leg poofs to dust, causing him to screech in pain and lose his balance. ExMagnamon sudden then raises his arms into the air, as a golden aura appears in his hands...Forming a big, golden ring above his head.

“Everyone...Shoot your attacks into this ring...” ExMagnamon says. “Lend me your powers!”





“NECRO MIST!!” All the attacks at once swirl into the ring, the ring turning into a barrage of color as it grows bigger and bigger. ExMagnamon struggles holding the power, as he moves the ring slowly down, aiming it at Ogudomon...


ExMagnamon: “MAGNA...DESTROYER!!” 

ExMagnamon fires a gigantic beam of colors, the beam slicing right through Ogudomon...Ogudomon screeches in horror and pain. One by one, his legs slowly poof into data, until he has only one leg left...Screeching as mounds of data fade from his body, slowing corroding him...His data slowly gets sucked into a black hole that appears above him, slowly...Until he lets out one last roar, his body fully poofing...And all the data disappearing. The once pitch black sky then slowly goes back to normal, turning bright blue as a rainbow appears above them. The Digimon slowly float downwards, landing on the grass next to everyone.

“We...We actually...Did it.” A look of shock is on Taeka’s face, before forming a big smile, turning around and hugging the group. “WE ACTUALLY DID IT!!” Everyone giggles happily, tightly hugging one another and cheering.

“Looks like you all have finally completed your task.” A deep voice suddenly cuts through their celebration. “Good job.”