Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 1 month ago
43 145281

Chapter 41
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Memories | Chapter 39

“Who was that?” Taeka and the others look around curiously, before spotting a smaller Digimon a close distance away.


“Umm...Who are you?” Lily asks.

“Hackmon.” The Digimon sternly responds. “I’ve been watching you all fight. You all look pretty exhausted.” Hackmon stares up at the Digimon, who slowly revert...Slayerdramon, Cherubimon, and Anubismon back to their rookie forms. ExMagnamon back to ExTyrannomon...


...Ouryumon to his fresh form, Fufumon...


And Pharohmon to his fresh form, Kuramon, the two baby Digimon falling into Cora and Blaine’s arms, cooing happily as they quickly fall asleep.

“They sure are.” Cora smiles warmly at her sleeping partner, gently stroking his cheek. “They’re the best partners, and now they deserve all the rest they can have.”

“Heeeeey! You guys!” Suddenly a familiar voice calls to them, as they turn to see Terriermon, and Silphymon running towards them.

“Terriermon! Silphymon! You’re both alright!” Lily excitedly runs towards the two, enveloping both in a tight hug.

“Woah, we thought you two got killed by Belphemon!” Dracomon states. “How the heck did you get outta there?!”

“Well, I obviously knew I couldn’t beat Belphemon, so I just managed to run away from him.” Silphymon says. “It wasn’t easy. He gave us a bit of a chase first, but we eventually got away.”

“When we got separated, I was so scared, but you guys actually defeated Ogudomon! That’s awesome!” Terriermon excitedly states, waving his hands in the air.

“Yeah, we sure did!” Lily giggles, tightly hugging Terriermon again.

“But, um...Hackmon, what did you mean when you said you were watching us?” Axel asks. “Did you mean the Ogudomon fight?”

“No, not just the fight. I work for Homeostasis and we’ve been watching all of your progress since you arrived in the Digital World.” Hackmon states.

“What the...Wait a minute, does that mean you’ve been stalking this on our journey this whole time?!” Taeka asks, looking creeped out.

“No, we’ve just been watching your every move from afar.” Hackmon says.

“Er...That’s literally the definition of stalking.” Cora says.

“It doesn’t matter what you call it. Homeostasis has eyes everywhere, and I’m only just one of those watchers.” Hackmon states. “I’m sure you know who MasterTyrannomon is. He works for Homeostasis as well.”

“MasterTyrannomon was working for someone this whole time?!” Blaine asks, surprised. “Wait a minute, who the heck is Homeostasis then?”

“Homeostasis is the digital lifeform that rules over the entire Digital World.” Hackmon states. “And...It’s also the one who created all of you Digimon.” Everyone gasps, looking at eachother with shocked, and confused expressions.

“Homeostasis wanted to craft Digimon specifically used and made to become powerful Digidestined, to protect the Digital World...And that’s when Homeostasis created all of you.” Hackmon states. “After Homeostasis created you all, many agents, including me, watched all your growth from a far, to make sure you all did well...”

“Woah...That explains why MasterTyrannomon was around me so much when he was Tyrannomon!” ExTyrannomon says.

“Well, actually...” Hackmon continues. “Homeostasis created only...Five of you.” Everyone then looks confused, all looking at each other. 

“Back many years ago, the Digital World was reset due to some issues I won’t get into...” Hackmon explains. “But one of you existed in the world before the reset.”

“Which one of us was it?” Lopmon asks. “Cause I don’t remember anything like that.”

“...Him.” Hackmon points...To Kuramon.

“Him? Really?!” Cora looks surprised, looking down at Kuramon, who looked equally surprised, squeaking curiously.

“Yes. He was a part of an experimental project we wanted to do, which luckily seemed to work out well.” Hackmon then opens up a bag attached to his side, pulling out a small glass bottle with liquid inside. “I need to talk to him, so have him drink this...” Hackmon hands the bottle to Cora, who brings it down to Kuramon, who quickly chugs it down...His body then starts quaking, as he digivolves to Tsumemon...Then BlackGabumon.

“Woah, that was quick!” BlackGabumon says, surprised. “But uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t remember being in the Digital World before this.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to. All Digimon from the past world had their memories wiped when it reset.” Hackmon responds. “But, despite the memory wipe...BlackGabumon, we have your memories stored...If you’d like to see them.” Everyone gasps, BlackGabumon looking shocked by this offer.

“Woah...You seriously have all my past memories? And I can see them right now?!” BlackGabumon starts to look excited, Hackmon nodding in response.

“Precisely. It’s our thank you gift for helping save the Digital World...That is, if you want it.”

“Yes, yes, I want it!” BlackGabumon excitedly hops up and down.

“Alright. Let’s go somewhere private then.” Hackmon points to a small nearby cave, making his way towards it.

“Cora, please come with me!” BlackGabumon grabs Cora’s hand, leading them both into the cave. The second the three are inside the cave, Hackmon pulls out a small device, with a pair of goggles attached to it.

“When you put these goggles on, you’ll see all your memories play out in front of you.” Hackmon states. “Just tell me when you’re ready. Cora will be able to see the memories as well.”

“Alright...Cora, I’m kind’ve excited... But also nervous at the same time!” BlackGabumon says. “Hey, it’ll be fine, buddy. I’m right here with you.” Cora smiles, patting BlackGabumon’s shoulder and holding his hand. BlackGabumon nods, slipping the goggles on.

“Alright...I’m ready!”

Click! Hackmon presses a button on the device...Playing the memories.

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BlackGabumon...In your previous life, you were...A Mummymon. You were close friends with an Arukenimon...In love with her even, but she always rejected your advances. Both you and Arukenimon were created by a lonely man known as Oikawa, who created you using his own human DNA, combined with data. You...Weren’t exactly a good Digimon before. You did lots of bad things. You destroyed destiny stones throughout the Digital World, causing it to nearly collapse. You fought various Digidestined children as well. And, it actually turned out that your master and creator, Oikawa, was actually possessed by an even more evil Digimon....Known as MaloMyotismon. Turns out, in the end, that your creator...Would also become your destroyer.

There were many scenarios, and memories playing through BlackGabumon’s head, but one stuck out to him the most...His death.




They were in a world of dreams. MaloMyotismon held onto a terrified Arukenimon, as he reached forward and chomped into her body...Immediately poofing her to dust.

“No...Arukenimon...” Mummymon’s body trembled with horror, upon seeing the brutal death of his friend. “You...You killed her...” MaloMyotismon didnt respond, only turning to Mummymon with a horrifying smirk on his face. “How...COULD YOU?! SNAKE BANDAGE!!” Mummymon fires at MaloMyotismon, who shakes off the bandages like it’s nothing.

“You really think you can defeat me with your useless attacks?! You scare me even less then these Digidestined children...” MaloMyotismon cackles, looking towards a group of Digidestined children, watching from a short distance away. Mummymon stared up at MaloMyotismon, his body trembling with anger as tears streamed down his face.

“...THEN I WILL TEACH YOU TO FEAR ME!! PLASMA GUN!!” Mummymon fires again, MaloMyotismon once again swiping the attack away. MaloMyotismon then grabs Mummymon with one hand, raising him high into the air, glaring at him.

“...Playtime is over...” MaloMyotismon stares at the struggling Mummymon for a moment...Before a creepy smirk forms on his face. “...Or maybe...Playtimes just getting started.” MaloMyotismon squeezes Mummymon’s body tightly, making it hard for him to breathe. “In the world of dreams, I can wish for whatever I want...And do whatever I want...With MY CREATION.”

“Wha...What...” Mummymon was at a loss for words, gasping for air.

“Maybe...I could wish for blood for you to bleed...And bones for me to crack...Wouldn’t that be fun?” MaloMyotismon then raises a claw, slicing a small gash in Mummymon’s neck...Then feeling a thick, black blood oozing from the gash.

“No...Don’t do this..” Mummymon hisses, feeling a burning pain from the gash. MaloMyotismon doesn’t respond, as he suddenly squeezes and puts extreme pressure on Mummymon’s legs...Feeling his legs start to crack...Then followed by a loud snap as he feels extreme pain surge through both legs.

“AAAGHHHH!! STOP! PLEASE!!” Mummymon screams in pain, as he feels his legs go completely numb, unable to move them.

“Ah, your screams of pain are so satisfying to me...” MaloMyotismon smirks, as he forms multiple cuts all over Mummymon’s body, more black blood pouring out of him like a faucet, forming a big puddle below them. Despite his whole body burning with excruciating pain, Mummymon used some willpower to slowly lift his gun, pulling the trigger...

“Plasma...Gun...” Mummymon fires, but somehow the electric blast conducts through MaloMyotismon’s hand...Electrocuting Mummymon instead. Mummymon screeches in pain as it shocks his whole body, which falls limp. His whole body burning with pain, feeling nearly drained of his blood...Mummymon could barely feel anything anymore. MaloMyotismon slowly lifted Mummymon up, smirking one last time...

“Heh. How fun.” MaloMyotismon quickly slams Mummymon to the ground...Completely crushing him under his hand...Poofing him to a pile of blood and dust.

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“...That’s all.” Hackmon speaks softly. BlackGabumon takes the goggles off, his arms shaking uncomfortably, as him and Cora had widened eyes and horrified expressions.

“I’ll give you both some time to process this. Just meet me outside when you’re done, I do have another mission for everyone.” Hackmon leaves the cave, as a silence fills the small area for a moment.

“Wow, uh...That was... A lot different then I expected.” Cora awkwardly clears her throat. “You know, your past life kind’ve explains a bit. Like how you can’t armor Digivolve like the others, and why you like Dokugumon so much, who must be Arukenimon...And, uh...That was horrible. What MaloMyotismon did to you.”

“Yeah...” BlackGabumon looks saddened, turning away from Cora.

“Hey, I know you’re feeling upset about your death, but-“

“It’s not that.” BlackGabumon interrupts, looking back at Cora. “I...I used to be a bad Digimon. I did so many bad things, and hurt a lot of people...” BlackGabumon’s voice cracks, nearly to tears.

“Woah, hey, you don’t need to feel bad about it!” Cora says, rubbing his head. “That was all in your past. That’s clearly not who you are anymore, you’re a good Digimon now...If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have helped us defeat Ogudomon, right? That’s more then enough to make up for it.” Cora says, giving a reassuring smile.

“I...Guess so.” BlackGabumon mumbles.

“And...” Cora adds. “I promise that I’ll always stick with you, so you don’t ever have to deal with the pain you felt in your last life...Alright?” Cora and BlackGabumon hug each other tightly, BlackGabumon starting to cheer up a bit.

“Thank you, Cora...I love you.” BlackGabumon says.

“...You too, buddy.” The two let go of the hug, looking outside the cave. “Now, wanna head back to the others?” BlackGabumon wipes a tear off, nodding as the two walk out of the cave, back to the group.

“Hey Cora, BlackGabumon, look what we got!” ExTyrannomon points to a bag Axel held out, which was filled with a big pile of teleportation cubes.

“We went out to the castle rubble and found a bunch of these while you two were busy.” Axel says.

“It’s a good thing you have those, because of the next task we have for you all...” Hackmon states, everyone turning their attention to him.

“What?! You’re saying we have to do even more stuff?!” Taeka huffs, annoyed.

“Don’t worry. This won’t be as difficult as your last, and it’ll be your very last task before you all split from eachother.” Hackmon states, everyone looking confused.

“Before we...Split? What’s that supposed to mean?” Erik asks.

“Wait...Are you saying we have to say goodbye to our partners after this is all done?” Blaine asks.

“Of course. There’s no reason for the Digimon to stay with you humans if there’s no danger.” Hackmon states, everyone giving eachother concerned looks.

“Alright, so your next task...Homeostasis has detected high energies of data in your world. In many of the cities in New York, to be exact. This means there’s many Digimon that lurk in the cities, and they need to be taken out before they do any...Major damage. Do you all understand?” Everyone turns to each other, nodding back and forth.

“Alright...Before you leave, do you have anymore questions?” Hackmon asks.

“Uh, I do, actually...Do any of you have paper and a pen?” BlackGabumon asks.

“Yeah, I think I do...” Axel digs through his bag, quickly pulling out a pen and paper and handing it to him, BlackGabumon turning around and quickly writing something. Then, he grabs a couple of teleportation cubes, handing them to Hackmon.

“Uh, Hackmon...Could you deliver these to my friend...Dokugumon?” BlackGabumon asks. “She lives in the Giga house.”

“Of course. I’ll deliver it as soon as I can.” Hackmon responds.

“Thank you.” BlackGabumon runs to the group, everyone huddled around Axel, who held out a cube.

“Alright, everyone ready?” Axel asks. Everyone nods, as he presses the button...click!

...And everyone disappears.

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When everyone’s consciences are back, they land softly on some grass, on top of a hill that was overlooking the cities. Something, though, looked a bit...Off. The sun was starting to set, but there were no lights on in the city. And no noises of bustling cars, or any signs of people or Digimon. It looked...Too quiet.

“Huh...Where’s all the Digimon Hackmon was talking about?” Cora asks.

“I don’t know, but this looks a bit suspicious.” Blaine says. “We should probably split up and head home. Maybe then we’ll find something, and then we can call eachother with updates when we all get back safely.”

“That sounds good to me.” Erik adds.

“Alright Lily, let’s head back home then!” Taeka says, excitedly turning to her. “Then we can finally see mom and dad again!”

“Yay! Let’s go!” Lily says, her, Taeka, and Lopmon and Dracomon excitedly running off.

“...Cora, you also live in Holbrook too, right?” Blaine asks.

“Yeah, I do.” Cora responds.

“Alright, let’s go together then.” Blaine says, the two and their partners heading off. This leaves Axel and Erik alone, Axel awkwardly looking over at the junkyard he called home.

“Axel...Why don’t you stay at my house?” Erik asks.

“R-really? That wouldn’t be too much trouble?” Axel awkwardly asks.

“Not at all. I’m sure my mom would be fine with it if we explained.” Erik says. “Besides, I can’t let you sleep in this dumpster. We’ll find a foster home for you to live in later when this is all done.” Axel couldn’t help but smile to his offer.

“Alright then...Thank you.”

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Taeka and Lily waited at a bus stop at the edge of the city. Taeka tapped her foot impatiently, as they had been waiting forever, but no bus would arrive.

“Man, do the buses in your world usually take this long?!” Dracomon impatiently asks.

“No...Ugh, where the heck is it?! You’d think for saving both the Digital and our world, our bus could get here a bit faster!” Taeka grumbles.

“Yeah, and they should give us free cheeseburgers too!” Lily chimes in.

“Oh yeah, that’d be even better.” Taeka smirks.


Suddenly then, a bus falls from the sky, crashing roughly into the streets, everyone staring at it wide-eyed.

“...Something tells us the bus isn’t gonna help us today.” Lopmon says.

“Oh my god! There wasn’t anyone in that bus, was there?!” Taeka stares, horrified as they all run to the bus. Everyone hoists Taeka up the side of it, as she looks inside the windows, thankfully seeing no one inside.

“It’s empty.” Taeka says, her and everyone sighing with relief. Suddenly then, they hear screaming from a far distance...They run over to the source of it...


‘RoboZantamon: Ultimate level, Data. A robotic Digimon with a most of its body made with chrome Digizoid. Main attack is Robo Cannon, where it fires a metallic beam with its arms.’

...And see a RoboZantamon, lifting a bus full of people into the air. Three Zantamon were also circling around him. 

“No, he’s gonna hurt those people!” Lily yells.

“Come on Lopmon, let’s save them!” Dracomon says, Lopmon nodding.



“GAUNTLET CLAW!!” “STRIKE BOMBER!!” Both strike at RoboZantamon, causing him to drop the bus. Coredramon quickly catches it midair, slowly lifting it to the ground, as everyone runs out of the bus screaming.

“Thank goodness, they’re all ok...” Turuiemon sighs with relief.

“ROBO CANNON!!” RoboZantamon suddenly then fires at the two, who barely dodge it.

“...But were not done yet.” Coredramon hisses, glaring at RoboZantamon.


“WING BLAST!!” Wingdramon immediately strikes, then tackling RoboZantamon. Meanwhile, Turuiemon fought the three Zantamon on her own.

“GAUNTLET CLAW!!” Turuiemon stabs one Zantamon, throwing him to the ground...

“ELECTRO SHOCKER!!” As she strikes one last time, immediately poofing him to dust.

“METAL X!!” “METAL X!!” Meanwhile the other two Zantamon strike at her, knocking Turuiemon down.

“BLAZE SONIC BREATH!! DRAGON’S ARROW!!” Combined with two immediate attacks, Wingdramon poofs RoboZantamon to dust. He slowly falls to the ground, reverting back to Dracomon.

“Woo! Nice job, buddy!” Taeka cheers.

“Yeah, but...What about her?” Dracomon worriedly looks at Turuiemon, who gets knocked out by the Zantamon, reverting back to Lopmon.

“We’re too weak...To fight anymore...” Lopmon mumbles. Both the Zantamon glare at everyone, who look back nervously.

“Then we have no choice...” Taeka says, her and Lily cautiously picking up their partners. “...BUT TO RUN!!” Suddenly the two dash away as fast as they can, the Zantamon slowing following behind.

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Erik and Axel walked down a path in the empty streets, cautiously looking around as they got closer and closer to Erik’s apartment.

“So, your parents...Are they pretty nice people?” Axel asks.

“Well, I only have one parent, my mom...” Erik responds. “But she’s super nice.”

“Ah, alright...Wait, do most kids usually have one or two parents? Cause I thought it was usually two.” Axel asks.

“Yeah, it’s usually two, but I’ve always only had one. Never had a dad before...” Erik says. “I’ve never known why, but I’ve always loved my mom, so it never bothered me much.”

“Ah, that makes sense.” Axel says.

“Hey...You guys hear that?” Labramon asks. Everyone suddenly goes quiet and stops...Until they hear what sounded like a bunch of motors, somewhere around the corner. Everyone turns the corner of a building...


‘Kenkimon: Armor level, Data. Machine Digimon with heavy machinery that can complete any kinds of construction work. Main attack is Crazy Crane, where it swings the crane on its back.’

Multiple Kenkimon, at least five of them, were plowing through the streets. Destroying streetlights, parked cars...And one of them was about to plow right into Erik’s apartment building.

“Oh no...They’re gonna destroy this whole area!” Erik whispers. “We gotta stop them before they hurt somebody...”

“Let me armor-Digivolve to Togemogumon! Then I can defend this place!” Labramon says.




“HAIL MACHINE GUN!!” Togemogumon fires icicles everywhere, stopping the Kenkimon in their tracks.

“Hey!! Get away from that building! PRETTY ATTACK!!” ExTyrannomon strikes at one Kenkimon, knocking it away from the building. 

“CRAZY CRANE!! CRAZY CRANE!!” Four Kenkimon strike at Togemogumon...

“CRYSTAL GUARD!!” But he quickly blocks all the attacks, causing all the Kenkimon to whack themselves in the face instead.

“BLACK MATTER!!” ExTyrannomon strikes the one Kenkimon, poofing him to dust. He and Togemogumon turn to the four Kenkimon...


“PRETTY ATTACK!!” And strike at them all...Poofing every last one to dust.

“Wow...You guys did amazing!” Erik says, as Togemogumon reverts.

“Yeah, you two did great despite being outnumbered!” Axel adds.

“Haha, it was nothing!” Labramon says, as he turns to the apartment buildings. “That’s where you live, right Erik?” 

“Yeah...Let’s hurry and get inside...” He responds. “Before any more Digimon show up.”

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Cora and Blaine walked down an empty neighborhood, getting closer and closer to their houses. As they’re walking, Blaine suddenly stops, turning to some forest land behind some houses.

“Hey, Cora...Those forests...They have an easy shortcut for me to get home.” Blaine says. “Mind if I go there by myself?”

“Yeah, it’s no worries. You sure you’ll be fine, though?” Cora asks. “You can’t exactly, uh...” Both look down at Fufumon, who was still asleep in Blaine’s arms.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. The trees will prevent any Digimon from spotting me if we see any.” Blaine responds.

“Alright...Just, call me when you get back safely.” Cora says, as the two wave to eachother, walking in different directions.

“It’s kind’ve creepy...How empty this neighborhood looks.” BlackGabumon says.

“Yeah, usually even if the suns going down, there’s atleast somebody out here...” Cora says, looking around, and up at the darkening sky.

“So, is this like, the neighborhood you grew up in?” BlackGabumon asks.

“Nah, I’ve only been living here, for like...A year or so.” Cora responds. “I’ve always moved houses a lot growing up...I never knew why though.”

“Oh...Wait a minute, you see that over there?!” BlackGabumon points to the sky, as he runs forward...


‘Megadramon: Ultimate level, Virus. Cyborg dragon Digimon with wicked powers. Main attack is Dark Side Attack, where it fires multiple organic missiles.’

...To see a Megadramon, which was circling around a house...Cora’s house, to be exact.

“Oh no...Why’s he circling around my house?!” Cora stares, wide eyed, as the Megadramon looks down at the house, preparing an attack.



“SNAKE BANDAGE!!” Mummymon quickly ties bandages around Megadramon’s arms, stopping him from attacking.

“PLASMA GUN!!” He fires again, the plasma conducting through the bandages as it shocks Megadramon powerfully...As Mummymon uses all his strength to slam Megadramon into the concrete, away from the house. Mummymon then feels a powerful energy welling up in one claw...

“DARK CLAW!!” As he slashes powerfully through the Megadramon...Immediately poofing him to dust.

“...Whew. That was close.” Cora sighs with relief, as Mummymon reverts back to rookie form. “Come, let’s make sure my mom and grandma are ok.” The two walk to the door, slowly opening it...

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All the kids finally arrived at their houses. They each opened their doors, finally in the comfort of these familiar places...

Taeka and Lily: “WOO!!”

Erik and Axel: “We’re...”

Blaine: “Finally...”

Cora: “...Home.”