Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 5
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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The flower field: Lily meets Lopmon | Chapter 3

The next day...

Taeka’s little sister, Lily, was sitting in her room, weaving a flower crown out of some blades of grass and small flowers she had picked herself. She reached down to grab another flower, but realized she was all out. ‘Aww, I don’t have enough to finish! I need to go back to the park...’ Lily thought to herself. She sat up and left her room, walking to her mom in the laundry room. “Mommy im gonna go to the park to get more flowers, ok?” She asks.

“I don’t know Lily, the news said that the park had some terrible damage done to it...I’m not sure if it’s safe.” Her mom says.

“Oh it’s ok! Im not going to that part of the park anyways, I’m just going to the flower garden to collect more flowers...Is that ok?” Lily says. Her mom tries to think for a moment, unsure. “Sure, I guess. Just be careful...” She says, giving in.

“HEY, can I come with too?!” Taeka shouts from her bedroom.

“I’ve already told you, Taeka, you’re not allowed to leave the house until you finish cleaning your room!” Their mom shouts back sternly. Taeka responds by groaning loudly. Lily walks over to Taeka’s open bedroom where’s she lazily sweeping. “It’s ok, you can join me after you finish cleaning your disgusting room!” Lily says happily.

“Wha- Is my room really that bad?!” Taeka asks, baffled.

Yup! Byeeeeee!” Lily skips cheerfully down the stairs, grabbing her backpack and heading out the front door.

Sometime later...

Lily was now at the park, but a different spot that had stone paths surrounded by flower gardens with all different kinds of flowers. Lily walked over to a specific area that was filled with pink flowers, and went to work picking some. While she was picking some flowers, she heard a rustling noise up in a tree next to her. She looked up and saw a small brown creature sticking out of the trees. ‘Is that a rabbit?’ Lily thought to herself. She stood up slowly, staring up at the tree. “Hey little rabbit, how’d you get up there?” She called. The rabbit creature was startled by her, hiding itself quickly into the leaves. The creature then accidentally drops a device that softly lands on some flowers. Lily walks up to the device, curious.


“Hey, I think you dropped this!” Lily calls to the creature, holding up the device. The Digivice then starts shining brightly, its light shining off the tree leaves. The little creature then popped out of the leaves, awed by the light.


“It’s shining, that means...” The rabbit creature said quietly to herself. “Whoa, you can talk?!” Lily asks in awe as the creature slowly climbed down the tree trunk. “Aww, you’re so cute! What’s your name?”

“It’s uh, it’s Lopmon...” The rabbit said. “What’s your name?”

“My names Lily! Wanna be friends?” She asks cheerfully.

“Uhh, sure of course.” Lopmon responds.

“Yaaayyyy, thank you so much!” Lily cheers happily, leaning over and hugging Lopmon tightly.

“Yeah, um of course...” Lily lets go of Lopmon after a moment. “So, what were you doing up in that tree? Bunnies are supposed to stay on the ground!” Lily says. “Well, first of all, I’m a Digimon, not a bunny...” Lily looks confused by this statement. “Also, if you’re curious why I was up there, well..”

 Lopmon ears suddenly perk up, and she goes silent. She looks up at the sky, with a serious look on her face. “What is it? Do you hear something?” Lily asks, also looking up. Soon enough, Lily starts to hear a buzzing noise in the sky, and a small bug Digimon comes into view.


The bug Digimon spots the two, flying down to land in front of them. “Tentomon, stay away from us!” Lopmon says sternly, stepping defensively in front of Lily.

“Tentomon?” Lily says, confused. The Digivice that Lily forgot she was still holding booted up, and Lily looked at the screen.

‘Tentomon-Rookie level- Insect type. Insect Digimon with a hard shell. Main attack is super shocker.’

“Tentomon, im warning you, stay back!” Lopmon threatens. The Tentomon stayed silent, ignoring the threat.

“SUPER SHOCKER!!” The Tentomon let out an electric shock at the two, who quickly step out of the way just in time. “Ouch, what was that for?!” Lily asks, shocked.

“Alright, I warned you! LOP PUNCH!!” Lopmon punches Tentomon with one of its ears, sending it rolling, but quickly getting back up.

“Looks like I’m gonna need the others for this one!” The Tentomon says. 

Tentomon then starts moving its wings fast, making an odd buzzing sound. “Lopmon, what’s going on?” Lily asks, scared.

“I think it’s a special call, he’s summoning his other friends!” By this point Lily was getting more and more worried. “I can’t let him do that! BLAZING ICE!!” Lopmon Spits out an icy blast at Tentomon, but he jumps out of the way in time. Soon a loud buzzing sound is heard in the sky, and the two look up to see a large group of at least 10 Tentomon, who all land in a circle formation, surrounding Lily and Lopmon.

“Group, I have found a target! It is time to merge!” The first Tentomon shouts, raising one arm.

“LETS MERGE!!” The Tentomon all say in unison, raising their arms. 

“W-why are you guys doing this?! We didn’t do anything to you!” Lily shouts, scared. The Tentomon all ignore her, jumping into the air together and swirling around each other.

“Oh no...” Lopmon says quietly,

“What, what’s going on?!” Lily asks.

“They’re digivolving!” Lopmon says worriedly.


“TENTOMON DIGIVOLVE TO...” The Tentomon all shout in unison, merging their bodies together to become a much bigger Digimon.


“KABUTERIMON!!” The now giant bug Digimon loomed over the two menacingly.

“Lily, you need to get out of here!” Lopmon says.

“No, I don’t wanna leave you!” Lily shouts, worried.

“ELECTRO SHOCKER!!” Kabuterimon lets out a giant electric shock from It’s arms, and Lopmon tackles Lily out of the way before it could hit them.

“Lily, im serious, Kabuterimon is strong and could seriously hurt you!” Lopmon says very worriedly.

“No! I’m your friend, Lopmon, And I don’t wanna leave you alone by yourself!” Lily says sternly.

“Oh, Lily...” The Digivice that was still in Lily’s hand started glowing brightly, the light shining warmly on Lopmon, and irritating Kabuterimon.




“TURUIEMON!!” Lily was amazed by Lopmons transformation. The little rabbit Digimon looked much different, despite not being that much bigger.

“Lily, im gonna need you to step back a little bit, alright?” Turuiemon says, turning her head back to Lily.

“Oh, um, alright...” Lily listens, stepping a foot back behind a tree. Turuiemon faces back to Kabuterimon, pointing its gauntlet claws at the giant Digimon. 


“NINJA KICK!!” Turuiemon leaps high into the air, landing a hard hit to Kabuterimon’s jaw! Kabuterimon falls back, growling in pain.

‘Woah, she’s so strong now!’ Lily thinks to herself.

Kabuterimon slowly gets up, grumbling in anger. “ELECTRO SHOCKER!!” Kabuterimon blasts Turuiemon, who gracefully leaps out of the way, the powerful blast cracking the stone path. “GAUNTLET CLAW!!” Turuiemon slashes at Kabuterimons leg with its gauntlet, causing Kabuterimon to fall back again.

Lily was still silently watching the fight from behind the tree. She was mesmerized by how powerful and graceful Turuiemon was, despite being much smaller then Kabuterimon.

“GRRRRR...I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY A PUNY RABBIT!!” Kabuterimon growls, angrily and recklessly tackling Turuiemon, who gracefully flips out of the way, making Kabuterimon hit the concrete path hard.

“He’s way too reckless, it’s time to finish this...” Turuiemon says quietly. Turuiemon hops a few times, then leaping high into the air. “GAUNTLET CLAWS!!” Turuiemon leaps on top of Kabuterimon striking both claws right into Kabuterimons neck! Kabuterimon growls in pain, black dust pouring out of the neck wound, before its whole body poofs into more black dust, some swirling into the air, and some absorbing into Turuiemon.

“Oh my gosh, you did it Lopmon! You’re sooo strong!” Lily cheers, Turuiemon hopping over to Lily. Lily hugs Turuiemon tightly, while she degenerates back into Lopmon.

“Uhh, can you let go Lily? You’re hugging a little too tight...”

“Oh, sorry!” Lily let’s go of Lopmon, smiling warmly at her. Lily looks at the Digivice in her hand, then holds it out to Lopmon.

“You can keep that, Lily.”

“Oh, why?” Lily asks.

“Because I want you to have it. We’re friends now.” Lopmon smiles slightly at Lily, who smiles back ecstatically.

“AWWW, thank you so much! You’re the bestest friend ev-“

Klink! A small object suddenly falls from the tree, hitting Lily’s head and falling onto the ground. Lopmon picks up the object.


“Ooh, pretty! Is that yours?” Lily asks.

“No, I have no idea where this came from...” Lopmon says, handing it to Lily. “Here, you can have it.”

“Yay thank you!” Lily takes the necklace, sliding it onto her neck, admiring the shiny heart shaped gem.

“So, do you have a home I can rest in?” Lopmon asks.

“Yeah, but I’m not sure I’m my mommy would let be bring a rabbit home though...” Lily scratches her chin, thinking. After a moment, a slight smile starts to form on her face.

“Ooh, I have an idea!” Lopmon cocks her head curiously.

“How good are you at sitting completely still?”

Meanwhile, with Erik and Labramon...

“I wanna see it again!” Labramon says excitedly.

“What, the bracelet?” Erik holds his arm up, showing a beaded bracelet.


“Why’d you wanna see it again? It’s just an a normal bracelet...” Erik says. “Yeah, but it fell out of the sky? Does stuff like that always happen in your world?!” Labramon asks excitedly. “No, and it fell out of a tree, not the sky!”

“Ugh, whatever, we’re getting off topic here. You remember what to do when you see other people, right?” Erik asks.

“Yeah...I’m supposed to act like the other dogs here, right?” The two were sitting in the reception office at the animal rescue.

“Yup, you’re right.”

“Awww, but I’m a Digimon, not a dog! Why do I have to act like one?” Labramon whimpers.

“Because, someone could take you away from me if they find out you’re from another world!” Erik says.

“Aww, alright...” Two people suddenly walk through the front door, looking around. “Ooh, here’s my chance!” Labramon says quietly, walking up to the two. “HI THERE, IM A DOG! BARK BARK!!” Labramon shouts at the two. The two looked horrified and confused by this, quickly running out the door. “So, did I do good?!” Labramon asks, looking back at a baffled and horrified Erik.

“Wha- No! You’re not supposed to talk and bark like-“

“Hey, look!” Labramon interrupts Erik, pointing at a small TV that was sitting on the front desk. Erik obliges, walking over to look at the TV. The TV was muted, but it had a News station on which showed overhead pictures of some major damage at a park, one area with burnt grass and trees, and another flower filled area covered with cracks all over the pavement.

“Whoa, what could have done all that?” Erik asks.

“Only another Digimon could have done that...” Labramon says, his tone suddenly serious.

“...We’re not alone then, are we?”
