Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 28
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Crest of Darkness | Chapter 26

A day later...

The group had now split up from MasterTyrannomon, who held Gummymon under his care until they fulfilled their promise to stop Belphemon and the Dark King. The group made sure they were all well rested and ready to fight, until they finally found the entrance to the sewers, which was a small, metallic room with a downward ladder that led to the tunnels.

“Alright guys, we all ready to do this?” Taeka asks, full of determination.

“Heck yeah, I’m ready to fight whatever comes at us!” Dracomon says, pounding his fists together.

“I don’t know, I’m starting to feel a bit worried now...” Cora says. “What if MasterTyrannomon was tricking us, and secretly leading us into a trap?”

“Maybe, but I doubt he would’ve told us all the information that he did if we couldn’t trust him.” Ryudamon says.

“He seemed pretty nice, so I trust him!” Lily says cheerfully.

“I hope so, we did leave Gummymon in his hands...” Lopmon says. Everyone looks down the ladder into the tunnels, exchanging glances before they carefully climbed down. The tunnel was pretty dark, but they could still see just fine, walking alongside the sewer waters.

“So, what were those Digimon that MasterTyrannomon was talking about called that live down here?” Taeka asked. “Numemon, right?”

“Yeah, they’re these super gross champion level Digimon that live only in sewers!” Dracomon says. “They throw this nasty pink, uh...Sludge at people to attack. It’s pretty gross, but mostly harmless.”

“Ohhh, alright. We’ll take em down just fine if we come across them!” Taeka says confidently.

‘...Don’t tell them what that stuff actually is...’ One of the Digimon whispers to the other Digimon behind everyone.

“Huh? What are you guys talking about?” Taeka asks. Before anyone responds, everyone hears footsteps coming towards them from behind. Everyone turns around...


...And see a group of Numemon charging towards them, all looking pretty angry.

“JUNK ATTACK!!” All at once, the Numemon throw piles of pink sludge at the group, who all swiftly dodge it.

“Oh, I am not gonna stand here and take this.” Blaine grumbles, looking down at the sewer waters and gaining an idea.

“Me neither, let’s go Gabumon!” Cora adds.




“TORPEDO ATTACK!!” Tylomon fires a torpedo from his mouth, immediately sending a few Numemon flying.


...And both attacks already poof a few Numemon into dust, the other few left cowering in fear.

“Hey! W-we can still beat you, wi-will come back with the others, t-then we’ll defeat you!” One Numemon whimpers a weak threat, the rest of them scurrying away to the other direction.

“...Ok, that was kinda pathetic.” Blaine mumbles, seriously unimpressed.

“Yeah, but we should get going in case they bring back a Digimon that’s actually threatening.” Sangloupmon adds.

“Follow me, I think I can find the way.” Tylomon dives underwater, but only enough for his top fin to stick out. He swims in the other direction fast, everyone following behind before they reach a dead end. Then, suddenly Tylomon dives completely underwater, unseen from the others.

“...Tylomon? What are you doing?” Blaine calls for him, but receives no response. Everyone exchanges glances, before hearing a soft clicking noise...And see the sewer water start to drain, completely dry.

“Tylomon? Are you alright?” Worry starts to rise more in Blaine and the others as his partner stays silent for even longer...

...And longer...

...Until he finally comes up, everyone breathing a sign of relief, despite him now dedigivolving back to Ryudamon.

“It’s a good thing I pressed that lever, there’s no way we could’ve gotten in without it.” Ryudamon says, everyone looking a bit confused. “Follow me, I found the way into the castle.” Everyone obliged, following Ryudamon into a long, downward tunnel, before finally spotting a dark colored door. Everyone carefully opens it, revealing what appeared to be a small boiler room. They carefully opened up the next door in the room, revealing a massive, wide hallway, with a ceiling that stretched tons of feet high. The building material looked nearly the exact same as Vademon’s castle.

“...Looks like we finally made it.” Erik says. Everyone carefully looks down the hallway, which appeared to split into three different directions.

“Alright, guys...” Taeka faces everyone. “We don’t know exactly how big this place is, or where Belphemon and the Dark King are, so, let’s vote on something...You guys think we should split up or stay together?” Everyone’s silent for a moment, thinking.

“Might be a good idea if we split up.” Blaine says. “We can easily find much more if we do so.”

“Yeah, but what if one of us runs into Belphemon, and we’re completely alone?”

Erik says. “I seriously wouldn’t wanna think about what could happen...” Both sides go back and forth, each bringing up good points for their opinions. They all keep talking until everyone suddenly goes silent but Taeka, eyes growing wide.”

Hey, you guys see a ghost or something?” Taeka chuckles.

“Taeka...Look behind you...” Lily whimpers. Taeka obliges...



‘KnightChessmon: Champion level, Virus. Puppet type Digimon that’s unskilled in close combat, but has incredible leg strength. Watch out for its Knight Lancer attack, where it fires and charges its dart at the opponent.’

Multiple KnightChessmon, of two varying colors, stood before the group.

“Whoa! Um...Hello there...Fellas?” Taeka stutters nervously.

“...Seems like the kids have finally arrived.” One KnightChessmon mutters. “Looks like the perfect moment to finally take you all out.” Then, from the other 3 hallways, many, many other KnightChessmon come in, now doubling the amount. There were now at least 15-20 KnightChessmon staring down at them, readying their weapons.

“Wow, um...That’s a lot of KnightChessmon.” Cora worriedly mutters.

“...EVERYONE, DIGIVOLVE NOW!!” Taeka screeches.






Immediately the Digimon all attack, but quickly get overpowered by the sheer number of KnightChessmon against them.

“...Hey, maybe if we split into three different directions, we can split the group of KnightChessmon, and make it easier to fight them?” Cora whispers to the other kids. Everyone nods along in agreement.

“Works for me!” Taeka says. “EVERYONE, ATTACK AND RUN!!” The Digimon all attack at once, giving them time to run around them. Erik and Lily run into one hallway, Blaine and Taeka to the other, and Cora and Sangloupmon to the last. 

“SPLIT UP!! WE CANNOT LET ANY OF THEM GET AWAY!” One KnightChessmon yells, chasing the group. Unluckily for Taeka and Blaine, most of the KnightChessmon were after those two.

“Oh, come on! WHY ME?!” Taeka huffs. They keep running before reaching a dead end, now getting cornered by 5 KnightChessmon.

“...It’s ok Taeka, we can take them.” Blaine says, patting her on the shoulder.

“Yeah...You’re right.” Taeka calms down, feeling more confident. “COME ON ALLOMON, SHOW THEM HOW A REAL DIGIMON FIGHTS!!”


“LEAF SHURIKEN!!” Both Digimon attack, knocking the enemies down for a moment. 

“KNIGHT LANCER!! All the KnightChessmon attack at once, knocking Frogmon and Allomon back.

‘There’s too many...’ Taeka thinks to herself. ‘If we could find a way to distract them, then maybe...’ Taeka thinks for a moment, before an idea pops in her head, whispering it to Blaine.

“...Frogmon, attack the KnightChessmon directly in their eyes!” Blaine commands.

“Er, alright! LEAF SHURIKEN!!” Frogmon obliges, throwing multiple shurikens right at their eyes, causing them to yell out in pain.

“AAAAGHH! I-I CAN’T SEE!” One KnightChessmon yelps.

“D-don’t worry guys, I got this!” Another whimpers. “KNIGHT LANCER!!” The KnightChessmon attacks, but due to being blinded, completely misses, instead hitting another KnightChessmon, completely proofing it to dust.

“...Did I get them?” The big Digimon asks.

“...Well, you definitely got somebody!” Frogmon says.

“Ok, this was an amazing idea.” Taeka says in awe. “Alright guys, let’s-“ Taeka looks up at Allomon, but quickly goes silent when she sees him preparing another attack...His eyes had a fiery look in them, sparks of bright red flames spitting from his mouth...Until he couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“FIRE BLAST!!” A powerful stream of flames bursts out of Allomon, directly hitting the KnightChessmon. The four remaining enemies screech in pain, before immediately burning up into ashes and dust.

“Whoa! That was amazing, how’d you do that?!” Taeka asks, in awe.

“Heh, I dunno, it’s hard to explain, but I just felt this power rising in me!” Allomon exclaims.

“No, but seriously, haven’t we seen that attack somewhere before?” Blaine asks. “Lopmon has also used a similar attack before, that was also super powerful...”

“Yeah, and remember that attack I used back when we were in the underwater trials?” Frogmon asks. “That attack was pretty similar, and it also came to me randomly in a pretty serious moment!”

“Whoa, so it’s like we all have some super powerful attack that randomly comes to us when we really need it?!” Taeka smiles at the thought of it. “Man, that is so cool!”

“Yeah! I just uh, wish we could figure out how to use those attacks whenever we want to, heh...” Frogmon says. Blaine looks around the empty hallways, thinking.

“I hope the others are ok...” He says. “Should we go look for them?”

“Yeah, but maybe we should hide for a bit first?” Taeka looks and motions towards a small door next to them. “Then we could, uh, look around for anything useful as well.” Everyone obliges, the Digimon dedigivolving to fit through the door. When they open it...

...The door reveals a smaller room filled with pools and containers of black ooze, with tubes that connect between the containers and through the walls, pumping the ooze to whatever rooms was around it.

“Whoa...This must be that dark matter stuff that MasterTyrannomon was talking about!” Dracomon says.

“Yeah...The Dark King used this to build everything.” Ryudamon adds. “The towers, castles, dark chips...Even the teleportation cube we used to come back to the Digital World.” Taeka carefully inches towards a pool of matter, hovering her hand over the dark ooze.

“Taeka...Don’t do it.” Blaine strictly says. Taeka completely ignores him as she sticks her entire arm into the matter. She waits a few seconds before feeling a burning pain in her arm, yanking it out and yelping in pain.

“Taeka...In what universe did you think that was a good idea?” Blaine practically scolds her.

“Heh, I dunno...” Taeka gives off an embarrassed chuckle. “Just thought it wouldn’t hurt to try, is all.”

Meanwhile, with Cora and Sangloupmon...

The two seemed to be the luckiest out of everyone, seemingly getting away from the KnightChessmon unnoticed. Now they roamed through the dark hallways, looking for anything to help them.

“It’s kinda creepy roaming through these halls all alone.” Sangloupmon says. “You agree, Cora?”

“...Eh, not really actually.” Cora responds, Sangloupmon a bit surprised by her answer. “I know it sounds a bit weird , but I’ve always found creepy stuff like this to be really cool. In fact, if this place wasn’t overrun by evil Digimon, I’d love to live here.” Cora smiles, looking around the halls. “I’ve always found the darkness to be kinda comforting, too. Other kids at school have made fun of me for it, but I don’t really care.”

“Good, you shouldn’t care. That type of stuff makes you unique, and special.” Sangloupmon responds.


“...Thank you, Sangloupmon, I appreciate it. I don’t tell you this enough, but you’re a good friend.” Cora smiles warmly at Sangloupmon, who smiles back for a moment...

...Until they get distracted by a random, purple light, that was was glowing from behind a door next to them. The two exchange glances before carefully tiptoeing to the door, silently opening it...

...To reveal a small, almost empty and dimly lit room...


...The only thing in the room was a necklace, with a tag and crest in the middle, which was what the glowing was coming from. It was imbedded in the walls. Cora, mesmerized by the light, softly crept towards it.

“Whoa...The way it glows...It looks kinda familiar, doesn’t it?” Cora says, staring at the glowing item.

“Sure does...The symbol on it reminds me of the Digi-eggs as well.” Sangloupmon adds.

“Ooh, you think you could finally armor digivolve with this?!” Cora sounds excited just at the thought, walking even closer to the tag.

“Maybe...But it’s not a Digi-egg, so who knows..” Sangloupmon says. Cora intently stares more.

‘But the way it glows...I swear, I’ve seen everyone’s Digivices glow like that when...’ Cora starts thinking about how everyone else’s Digimon have already Digivolved to their ultimate levels...Except for her partner.

“...Either way, it looks like it could be useful.” Filled with determination, Cora wraps her hands around the tag, yanking it out of the wall.

When she does this, the dim lights in the room shut off, a soft beeping noise now coming out of the walls.

“...Whoops, hope that didn’t trigger an alarm or something.” Cora says, carefully backing away from the wall.

“...We should get outta here, just in case.” Sangloupmon responds. Cora nods along, slipping the necklace over her head, and tucking the tag under her shirt.

Meanwhile, with Lily and Erik...

Despite having a bunch of KnightChessmon after them, Lily and Erik, and Kangarumon and Pteramon, were able to win. It seemed like they got away successfully, ducking into another room...But they could hear many loud footsteps coming towards them, signaling that the fight wasn’t over just yet.

“Oh no...” Lily nervously ducks behind Erik.

“It’s alright Lily, these KnightChessmon are pretty easy to take down.” Pteramon reassures.

“Yeah, I’m ready for more, come at me!” Kangarumon pounds his fists together as the door opens...

...But their confidence fades a bit when they see the Dark King, ExTyrannomon, Matadormon, and another KnightChessmon appear.

“Well, well well, look what we have here.” The Dark King inches closer towards the group. 

“Real cute how you all thought you could just walk into my territory undetected.” Slowly he stretches one hand out and opens his palm.

“...I know you guys took my Crest of Darkness, so why don’t you just give it back and make this a bit easier for us all, yeah?” Lily and Erik look at each other, confused.

“We didn’t take anything from you guys...” Erik responds.

“DON’T LIE TO ME!!” The Dark King screeches in a sudden fit of anger.

“...I know one of you has it, so I won’t repeat this again...Give it up now or they’ll be big trouble.” The four stayed silent, not knowing how to respond.

“...Well, alright then.” The Dark King clicks his fingers together, pointing to Pteramon and Kangarumon.

“ASSAULT OF ARROWS!!” Matadormon fires a barrage of blades, which immediately hits Pteramon and Kangarumon, knocking them down. While the Digimon fight, ExTyrannomon runs to Erik, tackling him to the ground. This causes Erik’s Digivice to fall from his pocket, sliding across the floor as ExTyrannomon grabs it.

“Hey...Give that back!” Erik grumbles, holding his arm in pain.

“Hey, give that back you big bully!” Lily runs to ExTyrannomon, but he slaps her out of the way, causing her to fall down, her Digivice falling out of her pocket as well, ExTyrannomon grabbing it.

“Don’t you dare hurt her!!” Erik protectively runs in front of Lily.

“PRETTY ATTACK!!” But ExTyrannomon attacks, knocking the two on their backs. They wince and slowly get back up, only to realize that their Digimon were defeated, slumped down on the floor in their rookie forms.

“Only fair that if you take something of mine, I do the same, right?” Axel teases, ExTyrannomon waving the Digivices around mockingly. 

“...Now, why don’t you all just give it up now, and go catch your other friends, alright?” Looking around, Erik and Lily knew they were defeated, and had no choice but to give up, surrendering themselves.

‘Axel...’ Erik gritted his teeth in anger. ‘...You’re not getting away with this.’

Meanwhile, with Taeka and Blaine...

Taeka and Blaine walked down the hallways, Ryudamon and Dracomon following close behind. They continued looking for a place to go...

“...You guys having a nice stroll?” Until they hear the voice of the Dark King behind them, quickly turning to face him. Upon turning to him, they see the King and the Digimon alongside him, Matadormon holding Erik and Lily captive, the King holding both of their Digivices.

‘Is that...The same Matadormon from...?’ Blaine thought to himself, confused. ‘But I thought...Ryudamon...’

“...Let’s just cut to the chase here.” The Dark King snaps his fingers, Matadormon lowering one blade on his arm inches away from Lily’s neck.

“I want you two to come with me, and give me your Digivices...Or the little girl gets it, alright?” He smirks, making a cutting motion across his neck. 

“God...” Blaine grits his teeth in anger. “I knew you were evil, but I never thought you’d do something like this. Taeka-“ Blaine turns to Taeka, who had a visibly upset and defeated look on her face as she silently took out her Digivice, dropping it on the floor.

“Take it, just...Please don’t hurt my sister, alright?” Taeka mumbled weakly, Blaine surprised by her sudden feat of defeat. He looked behind at Ryudamon and Dracomon, who both looked equally worried, until he sighed heavily, also dropping his Digivice on the floor.

“...Good choice.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Dark King, now only accompanied by ExTyrannomon and Matadormon, pushed the group into a big room, hard enough to even make Taeka fall to the ground.

“Ow! Ugh...”

“...Taeka?” Dracomon whimpered nervously. “Please...Look up...”

“What...Is i-“ Taeka stood up, immediately freezing in shock when she saw it...


 Many feet away stood a towering Digimon that stood tens of feet tall, almost the size of a building. It’s eyes were closed, appearing to be asleep.

“...That has to be Belphemon.” Ryudamon growled. Everyone cautiously backed away from the giant Digimon, until turning to face the Dark King, who had an angered look on his face.

“I’m done playing games here.” The King growled. “I know one of you took my crest of Darkness, so hand it over now!!”

“I wasn’t lying earlier, none of us have taken anything from you!” Erik pleads. The Dark King suspiciously looks back and forth between the group...Until his eyes widen.

“...Wait a minute. I’m missing one of you, aren’t I?” He asks.

“We don’t know what you’re talking about.” Blaine says sternly.

“You’ll never find Cora!!” Taeka blurts out. Everyone glares at Taeka for this, as she clamps her hands over her mouth in embarrassment.

“...So that’s her name, Cora? Jesus, she must’ve been the one who took it!” The Dark King angrily grumbles, before walking over to a speaker and picking it up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —

“So, if you could, would you live here by yourself?” Sangloupmon asks.

“Nah, that’d be a bit too lonely.” Cora responds.

“Heh, you could be like the Queen then, ruling this place with your King.” Sangloupmon chuckles.

“...Or maybe another Queen instead?” Cora smiles, at the thought of it.

“Heh, whatever makes you happy.” Sangloupmon smiles back.

“Ooh, and maybe-“ Cora is interrupted by a loud ringing noise in the hallways, sounding like a loudspeaker, before hearing a familiar voice.

“...Cora.” They could hear the Dark King’s voice through some unknown speakers. “I know you have my crest of Darkness. I have all your friends with me, so let’s make a deal. I know my castle is pretty big, so I’ll give you an hour to find the main room where we are, and give me back my belongings...Or I’ll have to make things a bit more difficult for everyone.” A clicking noise is heard as the King’s voice goes away, Cora and Sangloupmon looking at each other wide eyed.

“He’s...Got our friends captive.” Sangloupmon grumbles nervously. “What...Should we do?”

30 minutes later...

The King impatiently paced back and forth, waiting for Cora to show up...Until he threw his hands up in anger.

“Ugh, this is taking forever!” He shouts. “I know I said 1 hour, but I should just-“ His voice is cut off by the heavy front door opening, Cora and Sangloupmon cautiously walking in.

“Ugh, finally.” The King stretches out one arm, opening his hand. “...My crest. Give it.” Cora glanced back and forth between the King’s face and hand, silent for a moment.

“...What crest?” She sarcastically lies, but the second she spoke those words, the crest started to glow from underneath her shirt.

“Ugh, you know what?” Cora grabs the crest and pulls it out of her shirt, revealing the bright glowing item to everyone. “This crest reacts to me when I talk to it or touch it, and that’s enough to know that this crest should belong to ME!!” She took one step forward, her face serious.

“...And besides, you’ve taken so much from the Digital World already, that it shouldn’t be a problem if I take something from you.” Everyone, especially the Dark King, had looks of surprise on their faces, until the King’s face quickly twisted into rage.

“GET THAT CREST, MATADORMON!!” Matadormon takes one step forward, but Sangloupmon quickly leaps in front of Cora.

“You better step back little pup, before you get your insides slashed open.” Matadormon threatens.

“...I think you’re the one who should step back.” Sangloupmon growled, as a dark purple glow that matched the color of Cora’s crest began to glow around the wolf Digimon’s claws.

“DRAIN SLASH!!” Sangloupmon slashed at Matadormon, the attack doing a surprising amount of damage, causing him to stumble back.

“...We can’t let them win, Sangloupmon!” Cora looked down at the crest, which was now glowing bright enough to nearly blind everyone in the room...Everyone except for Cora.

“The darkness...” Cora muttered quietly to herself. “...Is my home.”

“It’s not evil...

...And it’s only a bad thing if you let it be.” The second Cora spoke those words, the crest, and her Digivice, exploded into colors, the light also coming out of Sangloupmon...And in that moment...

...Everyone knew exactly what was happening.





Everyone stood up and backed away, awed at BlackGabumon’s new form, which now stood close to the same height as Matadormon. Mummymon glared down at the Dark King, cocking his gun at Matadormon.

“...Your time is up, Dark King.” Mummymon says in a low, serious voice. The King looks back with shock in his face, until it twists into anger again.

“...GET HIM MATADORMON!!” In a split second, Matadormon and Mummymon charge at each other, ready to fight.

“ASSAULT OF ARROWS!!” Matadormon attacks, but Mummymon quickly deflects with his gun.

“PLASMA GUN!!” Mummymon fires back with a plasma ray that does good damage.

“SNAKE BANDAGE!!” Mummymon then flings bandages from its wrists, that entangle themselves around Matadormon. Meanwhile, everyone uses this fighting opportunity to back away from the King, no longer being enslaved.

‘Hmm...’ Erik thinks for a moment, realizing the King still had everyone else’s Digivices. He glances towards ExTyrannomon, who held Taeka and Blaine’s Digivices, and at the Dark King, who had possession of him and Lily’s Digivices. He continues thinking, until he turns to ExTyrannomon, his face serious.

“Those...are not...YOUR DIGIVICES!!” With a surprising amount of force, Erik tackles ExTyrannomon to the ground, hard enough to make him drop Taeka’s Digivice, which slides across the floor.

“Labramon! Grab it!” Erik calls as the puppy Digimon races to grab the device, picking it up with his mouth.

“Taeka! Catch!” Labramon throws Taeka’s Digivice to her, as she catches it gracefully.

“Hey! Give that ba-“

“NO!!” As the Dark King was about to reach for Taeka, Blaine quickly shouted, stopping him by tackling him to the floor.

“Alright! What should I armor Digivolve to, Taeka?” Dracomon says, ready to fight.

“Gargoylemon’s the only one who can really help us out right now.” Lopmon adds.

“G...Gargoylemon?” The violent memories from the last time Dracomon armor Digivolved to Gargoylemon flashed through her eyes, already getting nervous and shaky from the thought of it. She could only stand there frozen, watching all the chaos unfold around her as Matadormon and Mummymon fought, Blaine in hand-to-hand combat with the Dark King, and the rest of the group trying to wrestle Blaine’s Digivice away from ExTyrannomon.

“What...What are you going to do, Taeka?” Lily shyly asked. Taeka couldn’t answer, her hands and body becoming more and more shaky.


“You got this, Mummymon!!” Cora cheered for her partner, who looked to be winning the fight.

“PLASMA GUN!!” Mummymon fired again, Matadormon now stumbling weakly. Meanwhile, behind everyone, nobody noticed that Belphemon’s eyes had opened a bit, barely squinting at all the chaos going down.

“...RAAAAAAUUUUUUUGHHHHHHH!!” In an instance, Belphemon let out a horrifically loud ringing screech that was enough to knock everyone to the ground, stopping all the commotion, and even shaking the castle walls a bit.

“...ASSAULT OF ARROWS!!” Matadormon took this chance to attack Mummymon, scoring a direct hit and knocking him to the ground. Matadormon then steps one foot on Mummymon’s neck, pinning him to the ground as he lowers one blade towards him. 

“Time to say your goodbyes, Mummymon...” Matadormon says maniacally.

“Taeka, please...You have to armor Digivolve Dracomon now!” Cora weakly pleads.

“B...but...What if Gargoylemon...” Taeka weakly stammers, still frozen in fear.

“Taeka, at this point it doesn’t matter what armor Digivolution you choose...” Erik says. “You have to do something to save Mummymon!”

“Taeka, just digivolve me into Gargoylemon!” Dracomon pleads. “I know it didn’t work out so well last time, but I know what to expect from that power now, so I’ll do a better job at controlling it!” Dracomon looks up at Taeka with pleading, serious eyes that calmed her down a bit.

“Uh...” Taeka held her Digivice up, her hands still shaking a bit as she took a deep breath.




“FREEZING WING!!” Gargoylemon wastes no time firing at Matadormon, immediately knocking him off of Mummymon.

“Woah, thanks Gargoyl-“

“GARGOYLE FIST!!” Mummymon tries to thank Gargoylemon, who quickly tries to attack Mummymon, who thankfully dodges the attack at the last second.

“Gargoylemon, Mummymon’s supposed to be your friend!” Cora calls.

“Oh no...Not again..” Taeka weakly mumbles. 

Gargoylemon’s hands start to shake violently as the Digimon struggles to control itself.


“FREEZING WING!!” Mummymon and Gargoylemon both attack Matadormon at once as the Digimon screams in pain. Now, Matadormon struggles to get up, some of his data starting to disintegrate from his body. The Dark King watches this, as his fists shake with rage.

“...ENOUGH OF THIS!!” The Dark King presses a button on an odd device attached to his wrist, pointing it at Matadormon...

...As the device let out an electric current that zapped Matadormon, turning him to nothing but data.

...Everyone looked with confusion, and especially shock, when he also pointed the device at ExTyrannomon, zapping him as well. The shock didn’t poof ExTyrannomon though, only causing him to scream with pain, falling to the ground...


...As he dedigivolved into a slightly smaller Digimon.

The Dark King pointed the device, now pulsing with electricity, at Belphemon, firing the electricity at the giant Digimon, who absorbs the shocks...


“...” In an instance, Belphemon’s eyes shoot frighteningly wide open, his body starting to rumble violently.

“YES...MY POWER IS RETURNING!!” Belphemon roars and cackles manically as the chains around his body start to snap, his form morphing and growing even bigger...


His form was now so big that he broke through the castle walls, causing a strong quake that was causing rubble to fall from the ceiling.

“Hey! Be careful with my castle!” The Dark King shouts.

“SHUT UP!! Now that I have my powers back, I have no reason to listen to you anymore!!” Belphemon roars.

“Wait...What?” The Dark King’s face falls. “But...We had an agreement, you were gonna become my partner and help me destroy the human world after I brought you back!”

“WHAT?!” Everyone shouted at this statement in disbelief.

“HA! You seriously think I was gonna become your partner?! I’ve just been using you to get my powers back!!” Belphemon cackles maniacally as the King’s face falls into disbelief. “Once I get to the others, then I’ll really have all the power that I need!” Belphemon roars.

“The...Others? What are you...” Before the Dark King can finish, power starts to surge through Belphemon’s hands, ready to attack.

“THERES NO NEED FOR THIS PLACE ANYMORE!! GIFT OF DARKNESS!!” Belphemon lets out a slash attack from his claws, which cuts right through the castle walls, about to cave the whole place in.

“Grab the Digivices! We need to Digivolve to protect ourselves!” Ryudamon yells. Somehow everyone’s Digivices got scattered on the floor through the commotion, everyone quickly diving for them.




“RYUDAMON ARMOR DIGIVOLVE TO...FROGMON!!” The Digimon all hunched over their partners, ready to protect them from the crashing rubble, even Gargoylemon controlling himself enough to protect Taeka.

“Togemogumon...Protect him, too!” Erik says, pointing to the Dark King as Togemogumon obliges.

“Pteramon...We gotta help him as well!” Lily says, nodding to the former ExTyrannomon. Everyone was now under protection, bracing for impact as tons and tons of rubble crashed on top of everyone, now burying them in a huge pile of rubble. Everyone waited cautiously until they couldn’t hear any more rubble falling, before carefully digging themselves out of the pile. The Digimon all quickly dedigivolved back to their rookie forms, Mummymon even going back to his In-Training form, Tsumemon.

“Are you guys ok?!” Erik says, with worry.

“Yeah, it’s just...A lot to take that much rubble to the head...” Labramon huffs, exhausted.

“Yeesh, I bet. If you guys hadn’t Digivolved, that could’ve killed us all.” Blaine says.

“He...Destroyed everything.” The Dark King looked with horror and disbelief. Somehow, in a matter of seconds, Belphemon had destroyed the entire castle, reducing the huge building into nothing but a giant field of rubble. The King’s head slumped down in defeat, the mask shard starting to slip off his face as it crashed into the ground...Shattering into a million pieces. The King then saw something sticking out of the rubble, a teleportation cube, picking it up.

“Hey, what do you think you’re-“

“LEAVE ME ALONE!!” The King quickly presses a button in the cube, instantly disappearing out of thin air.

“...Guess we don’t have to worry about him anymore.” Cora says.

“Yeah, but...” Erik looks up into the sky. “Where did Belphemon go? And what did he mean when he said he was going to see...The others?” An awkward silence fell on the group, as they looked between each other.

Soon after, Blaine started walking away from the group.

“Blaine, where are you going?” Erik asked. Blaine turns to him, his face serious.

“Belphemon’s still out there. You think I can just stand around when a Digimon like him is wandering around?” Blaine responds.

“Blaine, I hate to break it to you, but...” Cora looks down at all the Digimon, who look exhausted. “Our Digimon aren’t exactly in battling shape right now.” Blaine looks down at Ryudamon, silent for a moment. “Ryudamon, are you alright?” He asks. Ryudamon was silent for a moment before answering.

“Y-yeah...I think so.” He responds.

“...Then we’ll be fine. You guys can meet up with me when you find Belphemon as well.” Blaine says. “Let’s go, Ryudamon.” With looks of surprise on their faces, the group had no idea what else to say as they watched Blaine and Ryudamon walk off into the distance.

“Wha...What should we do now, Taeka?” Dracomon asks.

“I...” Taeka looks down at her partner with worry in her eyes. “...I don’t know.”