Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 13
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Prophecy | Chapter 11

“Ugh...” Erik sadly walked over to his apartment door, slumped over, while Labramon trudged behind him. The second he opened the door his mom was already right there, racing right up to him.

“Oh god, Erik, I saw what happened on the News! Are you okay?! Did anything happen to you?!” She rapidly asks, her face full of worry. 

“Yeah mom, I’m fine...” Erik weakly says. “Oh goodness, that’s a relief! I don’t know what I would’ve done if you...” Erik’s mom sobs quietly, hugging Erik tightly. “Mom, it’s ok...” After a moment or so, she finally lets go, wiping her eyes. When she stands up, she then finally notices Labramon. “...Erik, honey, why do you have that dog with you?” Erik was shocked, not sure what to say. He was so exhausted after the Vademon attack that he didn’t even think about bringing Labramon home. “I’m Labramon, I’m a Digimon!” He blurts out confidently. “Woah, W-w-wa-w- Wait a minute-“ Erik stammers, not sure what to say. His mom leans down to look at Labramon, surprised and confused. “...Erik, please don’t tell me you brought the monster that attacked everyone here...” She says, getting worried.

“What? No, of course not!” Erik rubs his arm nervously. “To tell you the truth, he’s actually my friend...” His mom is shocked by this. “Erik! You seriously became friends with one of those monsters?!”

“No mom, he’s not a monster!” Erik blurts out. “He’s a lot different then the other monsters on the News...If it wasn’t for him, I probably wouldn’t have gotten out of there alive.” He looks down at Labramon, smiling lightly at the Digimon. “...My other friends also have Digimon too.” His mom continues eyeing Labramon, thinking hard for a while.

“...Well, you look pretty harmless.” She rubs Labramon’s head for a moment, then lets out a sigh. “Alright, he can stay. Just make sure he isn’t seen by anyone in the building.” The two both smile, Erik hugging her. “Thanks mom.” He says.

“Yeah, thanks so much mom!” Labramon cheerfully says. Erik’s mom giggles at this. “Please, you can just call me Ms. Field.” She says, smiling down at him. Labramon looks over to the TV playing in the living room. “You get your News on the TV too?” He asks. “Yes, of course, everyone does. They’re talking about the accident right now, in fact.” Erik and Labramon both walk over to it, sitting down on the floor. On the News they talked about mostly obvious stuff, and showing images of the wreckage. 

However, it was the headlines of the story that really shook the two of them to their core.

‘Unknown alien monster fatally attacks Coney Island. 21 people injured, 10 people dead.’

“...Dead?” That one word was enough to put Erik in a completely shocked state, barely able to move from fear and grief. “...It was because Vademon...Knocked down that Ferris wheel.” Erik’s body started shaking, and he could feel his eyes watering. “Oh god, of course that would’ve killed some people...” He covered his face with his hands, shaking even harder, tears now falling. Labramon rubbed his back soothingly, trying to comfort him. “...I’m so sorry...” Labramon whimpers. “I wish I could’ve helped more...” Labramon starts to slump down as well. Erik’s mom only watches in the distance, not sure what to say or do.

After a moment or so, Erik finally sits up, wiping some tears from his eyes. Labramon rests himself against Erik, still trying to comfort him.

“...How are we going to beat him, Labramon?” Erik whimpers.

“I...I wish I knew...”


‘DING!’ A noise comes from the Digivice. “Oh great...This better not be Vademon again...” Erik pulls out his Digivice, but rather then seeing a located Digimon, it instead shows some blinking text message.

‘For the one with the courage, leap to the light on the day of doom atop the highest point. Then, the true powers shall be unlocked.’

“...What?” Erik looks at the text, confused. “How...” Labramon hops up, reading the text carefully. “Whoa, it’s like a prophecy of some sort...”

“A prophecy?” Erik still looks confused. “But why is it on my Digivice? I didn’t even know this thing could receive messages...” They both continue looking over the message carefully. “Maybe It’s some sort of message from someone? Or something?” Labramon says. “It could be the answer to unlocking our Ultimate forms! Or maybe even Mega...”

‘RING! RING!!’ The telephone rings in the distance. Erik walks over to it, picking it up. “Hello?”

Taeka: “Yoooo Erik! You also saw that weird message on your Digivice?! It said something about the day of doom, or something...”

Erik: “Yeah, I did...Did everyone get that message?”

Taeka: “I don’t know, I haven’t asked Blaine or Cora yet, but Lily got the message too... Lopmon and Dracomon said it was some sort of prophecy, whatever that is...”

Erik: “Yeah, Labramon said that too... He said it could be the key to unlocking their more powerful forms.”

Taeka: “Woaahh, really?! Agh, they didn’t tell me that...”

“...Well, if that’s the case, then we gotta meet up tomorrow to talk about it, cause this is EXTREMELY important!! Lets meet at the park tomorrow, alright? BYE!!”

Erik: “Um...Bye...”

The next day...

Despite Taeka not being very specific about the time and location, they all managed to meet up at the Park at the right time. Blaine and Ryudamon were the last ones to show up. 

“Hey guys...I’m guessing you all saw what really happened on the News, right?” Everyone nodded. “Yeah, people actually died from that attack...I wasn’t expecting this to get so serious so fast.” Taeka said worriedly. 

“Don’t remind me...” Erik weakly says, slumping down. Everyone seemed to be feeling upset and worried, but Erik seemed to be particularly more upset.

“...So, we all saw that prophecy, right?” Ryudamon asks. Everyone nods in agreement. “Yeah, But we have no idea what it means...” Cora says, looking at her Digivice’s screen, which still had the message on it. “I know, but we have to figure it out as soon as possible, it’s the only way we’ll be able to defeat Vademon...” Blaine says. “And who knows how much time we have left before he shows up again...” Everyone looks at the message on their Digivice, thinking.

“...Agh, this is so annoying!!” Taeka says, ruffling her hair in annoyance. “Why couldn’t the message just say, ‘Hey! Do this and that and your Digimon will Digivolve to the ultimate level?!’”

“Maybe it’s a test of some sort?” Dracomon asks.

“Yeah, I think Dracomons right...” Ryudamon says. “Whoever, or whatever sent this message to us wants this to be something we earn, rather then gifted to us...” Ryudamon crosses his arms, thinking. “And I don’t think it’s just a coincidence, either, that we received this message just after we got beaten by Vademon.” Everyone was silent for a while, trying to take it all in.

“...I feel like this would all be easier if we could go back to the Digital World...” Lopmon adds.

“Me too...But we barely remember how we got here in the first place...So we don’t know how to go back.” BlackGabumon whimpers. 

“Well, remember that weird cube object that Vademon had?” Cora asks. “He instantly teleported away, you think that could be the way we get to the Digital World?”

“Yeah, I think that could work!” Labramon adds.

“Yeah, but for now we still have to figure out that prophecy...” Ryudamon adds. He looks over at Blaine’s Digivice, reading the message again. “Day of doom...What does that mean? Does that have something to do with Vademon?” Ryudamon asks. Lily scratches her chin, looking like she’s thinking intensely. “...Didn’t Vademon say something about getting rid of all humans?” Lily asks.

“...Yeah, you’re right Lily.” Lopmon says. “He said he had plans too...Those plans must have something to do with that. Vademon might be bringing an even more powerful Digimon with him...”

“Ah great...I hope it’s not a Mega level...” Ryudamon says. “I don’t know what we’ll be able to do if...” Ryudamon trails off.

“...Well, whatever Digimon we end up fighting, I know we’ll able to beat him!” Taeka randomly blurts out, standing up quickly. “If we were able to figure out the day of doom part, then I’m sure we can figure out the rest and get everyone’s ultimate forms!” Everyone was a little confused by her outburst. “Well, we haven’t exactly figured that part out yet...” Blaine says. 

“I don’t know, I think it sounds pretty accurate...” Taeka responds. “And if we figure out the rest one by one, then we should be able to figure it out pretty quickly! Right guys?” Everyone soon looked like they were on board with it, perking up a little. “Yeah, I agree with Taeka! I think we can do this!” BlackGabumon says cheerfully. “Yeah, she’s right, we just need to figure this out one piece at a time!” Cora adds. “We’ll think of it more as a puzzle then a test...” Everyone seemed to cheer up a lot more after this. “YEAH!! Everyone, lets split up and find out this puzzle!” Taeka commands cheerfully. “And we’ll only call each other unless we find something out, alright?!” Everyone nods in agreement, getting up and ready to leave.

However, despite everyone looking pretty happy, Erik still seemed to look pretty down.

“...Erik, you ok?” Cora asks, as everyone else was leaving. “You’ve barely said anything today...” Erik barely looks up for a moment. “Huh? Uh, yeah, I’m fine...”

“Uh, alright...Just talk to me if you need anything, ok?”

A few days later...

The kids pretty much spent all their time trying to decode the message. They didn’t really talk that much unless they found out certain clues or possible explanations.

“...Taeka?” Lily tried to talk to her. The two of them and their Digimon were all hanging out in the attic.

“Quiet. I’m on my thinking mode...” Taeka sat in a legs crossed position, thinking very hard. Lily looked down at some notes Taeka had written, but the words were very scribbly and hard to understand. “Ugh, I can’t understand her when she’s thinking like this...” Lily grumbles.

“Well, I can’t understand her when she writes like this...” Lopmon says, looking at the notes.

“Is this how humans usually write?” Dracomon asks. “No...” Lily shuffles through the notes one more time. “...This is probably why Taeka gets bad grades on all her tests...” Lily says, glaring at the notes.

“..Hmmmm...” Taeka hummed quietly to herself for a while, while Lily continued looking at the message still on the Digivice.

“Atop the highest point...I wonder if that means...”

‘BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP!’ A rapid beeping starts to chime from both Digivices. “I think it’s Vademon again!” Lily says.

“Oh no no no, I’m not ready yet!!” Taeka worriedly says, finally snapping out of her thinking mode. “The beeping sounds the same as last time, I think Vademon might be by himself..” Lopmon says.

“Yeah, and I think that ‘atop the highest point’ means a building, so I think he’s up on a high building!” Lily.

“...Yeah, alright! Dracomon, can you digivolve so we can fly to a super high building?” Taeka asks.

“Of course, lets do this!”

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Turuiemon, Taeka and Lily all rode on Coredramon’s back, flying through the city, until they finally spotted Vademon on a rooftop.

“There he is!” Taeka shouts, pointing to him. Vademon notices them, and simply glares at them as they land on the building. “Oh great, it’s you annoying brats again.” He pulls out his ray gun, aiming it at a nearby generator. “I have important things to do, so don’t get in my way.” The gun starts to suck out electricity from the generator in a stream.

“BLUE FLARE BREATH!!” Coredramon fires at the electric stream, temporarily stopping it. “What did I just say?!” Vademon spits.

“Shove it Vademon! We know about your plans!” Taeka shouts. “We know about your ‘day of doom’, and we’re here to stop it!!” Vademon raises his eyes a little. “You know about the MetalGreymon?” He asks.

“Whaaa??” Taeka looked confused and surprised. “Well, actually, I didn’t know about that part...” Vademon turns his head for a moment, clearly agitated. 

“Dammit...You kids tricked me, didn’t you?!” Vademon yells.

“What? No! I swear we-“ Lily gets cut off when Vademon fires a blast at them. “Hey!! Don’t hurt them!!” Turuiemon shouts. “GAUNTLET CLAW!!”

“STRIKE BOMBER!!” They both attack him at once, but both attacks barely phase him. Vademon simply smirks at them. “...Imbeciles. If all of you at once can’t even beat me, what makes you think only you two can win?” He says mockingly.

“Does it look like we care?!” Coredramon 


“Our only goal here is to stop YOU from hurting people!!” Turuiemon adds. “GAUNTLET CLA-“ Vademon fires at them again, knocking everyone off balance. 

“...And I haven’t even used my full power yet.” Vademon was silent for a moment, thinking. “...If you can’t beat me, then there’s no way you’ll be able to beat those two MetalGreymon! It doesn’t matter if you know my plans now, cause my the end of this month, everyone and everything in this and all the nearby cities will be GONE!” He then muttered something else under his breath, something along the lines of, ‘He...Take care of...the rest...’

“Wha...What...” Taeka stammered nervously, not sure what to say.

“...Well, I’d appreciate it if you get out of my way now, bye bye!” Vademon fires at Taeka and Lily. The blast misses them, but causes them to fall off balance, off the edge of the rooftop. “NO!!” Coredramon flies after them in a flash, Turuiemon jumping down as well. Luckily, Coredramon catches them all in time. However, when they fly back up to the roof, Vademon was already gone.

“Oh no...Everyone was right...Vademon is bringing another Digimon...” Lily whimpers. “Two of them...”

“Oh...my god...We have to tell the others!!”

The next day...

Taeka and Lily had just told the others everything that happened in the Vademon fight, and all the information he gave out. Now, Taeka and Lily we’re chatting with Blaine and Ryudamon on the phone about everything.

Ryudamon: “MetalGreymon?! Those things have the power of nuclear warheads...Forget the city, they could wipe out the whole state!!”

Taeka: “I know, that’s the problem...”

Blaine: “And he said it was by the end of this month? The 31st is this Friday, and today is Monday...We only have less then 4 days before they attack!”

Dracomon: “Yeah, but hey, at least we were able to figure out the day of doom Part!”

Blaine: “Yeah, good job on that one guys.”

Lily: “Thanks! And I think that ‘atop the highest point’ means a building...So I think we go to whatever building is the tallest in the city!”

Blaine: “Yeah, I think you’re right, that would make the most sense. I just can’t figure out what ‘leap to the light’ means. We have to jump to... A light? I have no idea what the light is supposed to be...”

Taeka: “Yeah, me neither...I haven’t talked to Cora and Erik about that, do you know if they figured that part out yet?”

Blaine: “No, Cora hasn’t found out yet, and Erik’s been way too mopey to help out at all...”

Taeka: “It’s weird, he’s been acting like that for a while now. I hope he’s ok...”

Blaine: ”Whatever...We just need to figure this out before Friday...And we have to find the tallest building around and meet there at the crack of dawn that day, alright?”

Taeka: “Yeah, alright...”

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For the next few days, the kids and their Digimon racked their brains, trying to figure out the final piece of the prophecy. They did manage to find the tallest building around, but sadly couldn’t figure out what the light was. A lightbulb? The sunlight? They weren’t exactly sure, but they were all still determined to figure it out, even if it was at the last moment. And now...

Day of doom...

Everyone was right outside the tall tower. It was so early in the morning that the sun hadn’t even risen yet.

“...Wow, this is definitely it.” Taeka said, admiring the building. “Yeah...” Blaine looked around for any sign of Vademon or any other Digimon, but nothing. “It’s a good thing we showed up before anyone else...” 

“Well...We should probably start going up now, right?” Cora says.

“Yeah..” Taeka and the others were ready to start going up, but Erik still wasn’t budging.

“...I’m not going.” Erik said quietly. “What? Why not?” Lily asks.

“...I don’t wanna see anyone get hurt. I just want me and Labramon to go out to the cities and protect everyone...And see if we can evacuate everyone...”

“...You really think you can evacuate everyone? There’s no way that’s going to work...” Blaine says. 

“Well I have to try!!” Erik bursts out, looking visibly upset. “...Let’s go, Labramon.” The two of them run off in another direction.

“...I don’t know what he’s thinking..” Blaine says. “If he runs around screaming about monsters attacking, nobody’s going to believe him.”

“Yeah...” Cora tries to think for a moment. “Maybe I could help him out? Except we’ll go in another area...”

“Yeah, and maybe I could Digivolve into Sangloupmon and scare everyone away!” BlackGabumon says. “Heheh yeah, that’s a good idea! Let’s go, we’ll see you guys later!” Cora and BlackGabumon run off in an opposite direction.

“I hope they’re gonna be okay...” Lily worriedly says.

“They’ll be fine...” Blaine looks up at the tower. “We should start heading up now, right...”  Taeka wasn’t paying attention at all. Her attention was fully focused on an area in the sky. Despite the fact that it was dark outside and the sun hadn’t risen, Taeka could see... A light? There was a small lit up area hidden behind the clouds. It didn’t look like sunlight, just a small ball of pinkish white colored light. 

“Leap to...the light...” Taeka mumbled to herself, her eyes still fixated on the light. “The light...”

Then, suddenly...

It clicked in her head.

“I KNOW WHAT TO DO!!” Taeka practically screeched. Lily and Blaine looked at her confused. She pointed up to the light. “That light! I have to go to the top of the building, and leap off of it...Into the light!”

Everyone looked shocked, not sure what to say. “What?! That’s crazy, you’re going to get yourself killed!” Blaine shouts. “Aw come on, it’ll be fine! I’ll be ok if I bring Dracomon!” Taeka says.

“Well of course, but-“

“Come on Dracomon, let’s go!” Taeka and Dracomon already start running into the building. “You two stay here and distract the enemies when they arrive BYEEE!!”

“W-Wait!” Blaine tries to speak again, but Taeka is already gone. “Ugh!”

“...Is she going to be ok?” Lily asks

“I don’t know. Whatever happens, it’ll be her own fault.” Blaine grumbles.

“Well, I think we should trust her.” Lopmon says. “If she really thinks this is what the prophecy means, then we should have faith in her.”

“Yeah, I agree!” Lily says. “Me too.” Ryudamon adds. “Even if she can be an airhead, she’s still our friend, and we should trust her.”

“Urgh, alright...” Blaine looks around, and still sees no sign of a Digimon.

“Look! Up there!” Lily points to a spot of clouds nearby that look particularly darker then average. They could see the wind start to swirl around the clouds fast, and it looked like some large shapes were beginning to form in the clouds. 

“We should probably Digivolve soon...” Ryudamon says.

“Wait...” Blaine focuses on the area in the clouds.

Soon, the shapes in the sky form into two massive Digimon!


“GRRRRR.... RAAAAAGHHHH!!” Both the MetalGreymon roar at the top of their lungs! Vademon also seemed to be with them too, floating alongside the two.

“Heheheh... Destroy them all, MetalGreymons!!” Vademon cackles maniacally.

“Let’s Digivolve, NOW!!”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Here we are! Man, I’m glad this place had an elevator...” Taeka says, looking out in the sky. “Look, I can see the light!” Dracomon points to the ball of light, which looked a lot bigger now that they were closer. “It’s pretty far away though...Are you sure about this?” Taeka looks carefully at the edge of the roof, looking at the distance between her and the light. “I think so... But the distance doesn’t matter. We have to do this...” Taeka slides her goggles over her eyes. “...Everyone is counting on us...If we don’t do this, everyone and everything here will be destroyed.” Taeka looks down at Ginryumon and Turuiemon, who were both distracting the two MetalGreymons. “We have to have courage...I know I can do this.” It was hard to tell, but the ball of light almost looked like it was starting to glow an orangish color.

Then Dracomon hops onto her back. “You ready, buddy?” Dracomon nods. Taeka takes a few steps back, preparing herself.

“3...2...1...” She counts slowly.

“...Ready for takeoff!” Taeka runs full speed, leaping off the edge with all of her might! Despite being so far away, she flew farther and farther to the light, almost as if it was...pulling her in. 

Her eyes were closed at first, but she slowly opened them, realizing she was then...Floating? 

She indeed was floating, and the ball of light was enveloping Taeka and Dracomon, the warm light soaking in their skin. They weren’t entirely sure since their vision was covered with light, but they thought they saw multiple beams of light shoot out of the sphere, flying in different directions...

“The light...” Dracomon was mesmerized by it. “Its...giving me power!” Dracomon’s body curled up, shaking from the amount of power being absorbed. In an instant, Dracomon was able to digivolve into Coredramon. “This light is so powerful...And warm...” Taeka let the light absorb into herself as well. The ball of light then soon started to grow bigger and bigger, bursting into an explosion of bright colors.





