Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 3
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Taeka meets Dracomon | Chapter 1

6 months later...

“Byeeee, mom! I’m gonna go to the park!” A young girl named Taeka shouts at her mom, whilst standing next to the open front door.

“Wait, honey, did you do your chores yet? Have you cleaned your room like I said?” Her mom calls from the kitchen. “Yeah mom, I totally did! I’m going now!” Taeka’s little sister Lily quickly walks over to her.

“Taeka, wait, can I play with you too in a little bit? I’ll play when I’m done doing something important!” Lily asks.

“Oh? What is it?” Taeka asks.

“It’s a secret~” Lily teases.

“Oh, really? I bet it has something to do with flowers...”

“You’ll see...” Lily teases again, lightly pushing Taeka out the door. “Now come out, go out and have fun!”

“Haha, ok, I’ll see you later. Bye mom!” Taeka shouts.

“Wait, Taeka, I don’t think you-“ Taeka quickly slams the door before her mom can finish.

Sometime later...

After some time of running and awkwardly dodging obstacles along the way, Taeka had finally arrived at the park. She was running so fast that she tripped over a crack on the path, falling flat forward. “Owwwww....” She stood back up, holding her nose. She wiped her nose quickly, then looked at her hand. “Eh, at least it’s not bleeding this time...” She wiped some dirt off her shorts, looking around at the park. The park was surprisingly empty today, with only a few people playing at the playground ahead. The sky also looked a little darker then usual, but Taeka didn’t seem to mind any of this.

“Eh, just means more room for me to run around without tripping into anyone!” Taeka sticks both her arms out to her sides as far as she can, and starts running down a path. “I’M AN AIRPLANE!! WHOOOSH!!!” She shrieks loudly, running as fast as she can. The few people at the playground stare at her wide eyed, one of them whispering to one of the friends. Taeka simply just ignored them, continuing running down the stone path as fast as she could.

Taeka kept running down the path, making airplane noises as she ran. She was now in a different part of the park that was secluded, and completely surrounded by trees. Just when she was starting to slow down, she looked up to the tree tops, and saw something odd. She saw a long, green tail that was sticking out of the tree’s leaves.

“What the...? Agh!!” Taeka wasn’t paying attention to where she was going, and tripped and fell forward. She quickly got back up, staring at the tree where she saw the strange tail. ‘What was that...?’ She thought to herself. She slowly approached the tree she saw it in, and saw light rustling in the tree leaves. ‘I need to find out what that is.’ Taeka quietly grabbed the tree trunk with both arms. ‘Quietly, Taeka. Don’t need to alarm the strange creature...’ She slowly climbed the tree, trying to be as quiet as possible. Finally, she grabbed ahold of a large branch, hoisting herself into the tree leaves.

‘Finally, now where is-‘


Taeka froze completely. On another tree branch right in front of her was a small, green dragon creature, who looked just as shocked to see her.


“AAAAAGH!!” Both the creature and Taeka fell out of the tree, surprised by one another.

“Owwwww...Ugh, I hate falling out of trees...” Taeka groaned to herself.

The little dragon stood up quickly in a defensive state. “How- how did you find me?!” The dragon creature asked. “I just saw your tail sticking out of the tree...” Taeka said, while sitting up. 

“You better not be a ninja here to defeat me or something!” The dragon says, taking a step back. “What, no! I’m not gonna hurt you...” Taeka suddenly notices a device wrapped around the dragon’s neck with a string.


“What’s that little gadget you have there?” Taeka asks, reaching towards it. The dragon takes another step back. “Don’t you dare to-“ When Taeka touches the device, a bright light shines out of the screen. “Whoa!” Taeka leans back from the light. The dragon looks down at the device, and back up at Taeka with its mouth wide open.

“Whoooa, the Digivice reacted to you!” The dragon says, quickly standing up. “You must be my partner then!” The little dragon walked towards Taeka, and stretched its arm out in front of her. “My names Dracomon, and I’m your Digimon partner! What’s your name?” 

Taeka grabs Dracomon’s hand, standing up. “My names Taeka, and- Whoa, what do you mean by partner? Does that mean you’re like, my pet now or something?” Taeka asks, excited by the idea. “Uhh, sure, if that’s what you humans call it!” Dracomon says cheerfully.

“Wooooow, I get to have a dragon as a pet?! This is the COOLEST THING EVER!!” Taeka shouts ecstatically. Dracomon loosens the Digivice from his neck and hands it to Taeka. “Here, this is for you! You can use it to help me digivolve!” Taeka grabs the Digivice, looking at the blank screen. “Digivolve? I don’t know what that means, but it sounds pretty cool!” Taeka turns the device around, still examining it. “Can I use this thing as a phone too?” She asks.

“What’s a phone?” Dracomon asks.

“Oh, uh, nothing important...” Taeka says, putting the Digivice in her shorts pocket. “So...You’re a Digimon, huh? Sounds pretty cool!”

“Yup! Us Digimon are pretty awesome! Especially me...” Dracomon boasts. “Yeah, you sure are...” Taeka rubs her chin, thinking. “It’s weird, I almost feel like I’ve heard that before...” She thinks for another moment, then puts her hands in her pocket. “Eh, but I can’t remember...I forget about a lot of things, heheh...” Dracomon looks up at Taeka. “Wow, really? I forget things all the time too!” The little dragon exclaims.

“Heh, nice, guess we have a lot in common then...” Taeka says, smiling at Dracomon. “Sounds like we’ll be pretty good partners.” 

Taeka and Dracomon stand around awkwardly for a moment, looking around. “So...What should we do now?” Taeka asks.

Dracomon seems to ignore Taeka’s question, quietly scanning the trees, on edge. Suddenly Dracomon starts cautiously taking a few steps back. “Almost forgot...

Dracomon mutters, still on edge. Taeka looks back at the trees. “Almost forgot what?” She asks. The wind seemed to be stronger then normal, and Taeka now noticed a strong rustling in the trees. The two stepped back cautiously  as the rustling seemed to get louder, and closer.

Suddenly a giant dinosaur Digimon popped out of the trees!


“RAAAAAAGH!!” The giant Digimon roared, letting out a strong stream of fire into the air! Taeka and Dracomon ducked from the strong heat.

“DarkTyrannomon...” Dracomon growled, getting in a defensive pose. “DarkTyranna- Whaaa??” Taeka asks. “Do you know him?”

“No, just- Take out the Digivice!” Dracomon shouts. Taeka obliges, quickly pulling out the Digivice, with a picture of the giant Digimon.

‘DarkTyrannomon-Champion level- Dinosaur type. A Tyrannomon infected by a virus. Fire blast attack is scorching hot.’

“Taeka, LOOK OUT!!” Taeka was too focused on the Digivices screen to notice that DarkTyrannomon was standing right over her.

“FIRE BLAST!!” The giant dinosaur aimed its fiery attack right at Taeka! Dracomon quickly tackled Taeka out of the way before the attack hit her. The blast caused some of the grass behind them to catch on fire. “Hey, don’t you dare hurt my partner!” Dracomon threatens. “BABY BREATH!!” Dracomon spits a ball of bluish-green flames at the DarkTyrannomon, which doesn’t seem to affect him. “RRRRRRRR...DESTROY...ALL...” The giant Digimon growls.

“What are you doing, little guy?! You’re no match for him!” Taeka shouts worriedly. “But I need to protect you! You’re my partner!” Dracomon says, spitting another attack at DarkTyrannomon. DarkTyrannomon then slashes at Dracomon, sending him tumbling. “IRON TAIL!!” DarkTyrannomon then swings its tail at the two, snapping a tree behind them easily. The two duck right in time to avoid it. “Taeka, you need to get outta here! He’s gonna destroy this place!” Dracomon shouts, spitting at him again. DarkTyrannomon blasts a large stream of fire in the air, charring some of the treetops. “What? No! I can’t let you fight him alone!” Taeka says, standing defensively.

“But, Taeka-“

“I said no! If you’re gonna stay here and fight, then I will too!” The Digivice in Taeka’s pocket starts to shine brightly, mesmerizing Dracomon. “Um, alright then.” Dracomon obliges, turning to face DarkTyrannomon, who was looming right over them.

“GRRRRRRR....MUST....DESTROY...” DarkTyrannomon growls, raising one of its claws up.

Taeka stares down the giant Digimon. “We’ll find a way to do this.”

“Together!” Suddenly light bursts forth from the Digivice, enveloping Dracomon in the soft light.

“Dracomon Digivolve to...



“WOAH!!” Taeka was mesmerized. The little green dragon had now turned into a big blue dragon Digimon, the same size as the DarkTyrannomon.

Coredramon suddenly grabs DarkTyrannomon, then hurls him across the stone path, hitting the ground hard. “BLUE FLARE BREATH!!” Coredramon fires a blast of blue flames at DarkTyrannomon, the dino Digimon growling in pain.


“RAAAAAAAGH!” DarkTyrannomon roars in fury, swiping at Coredramon’s legs! Coredramon falls sideways, falling on top of some trees. “Uh oh...” Taeka mutters. DarkTyrannomon stood right over Coredramon, holding him down with one foot, preparing to blast him again. “NO! Don’t hurt my friend!!” Taeka shouts, running to the two giants. DarkTyrannomon was about to blast Coredramon, but stopped when he felt Taeka kicking his foot. DarkTyrannomon was more baffled then intimidated by this. “HA! YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN HURT ME?!” DarkTyrannomon says, laughing. Coredramon takes this distraction to attack. “STRIKE BOMBER!!” Coredramon flings his tail upwards, smacking DarkTyrannomon right in the jaw! The giant dino Digimon falls backwards in pain. Coredramon gets up, standing over DarkTyrannomon. 

“FINISH HIM!! KICK HIS BUTT!!” Taeka shouts. Coredramon starts to build up a powerful attack in his throat. “BLUE FLARE BREATH!!!” Coredramon fires a blast directly at DarkTyrannomon! DarkTyrannomon roars in pain, until the blue fiery blast fully consumes him in flames, his body suddenly poofing into dust. Some of the dust swirls into the air, but some also absorbs itself into Coredramon.

“WOOO, YOU DID IT! GO COREDRAMON YEAHHHHH!!” Taeka shouts cheerfully. Coredramon smiles at Taeka, running over to her. Before he can finish running to her, a light envelops him, and he degenerates back into Dracomon. “Wasn’t that awesome, Taeka?! That was you who helped me Digivolve!” Taeka was impressed by this statement. “Wait, I helped YOU become that strong? Oh my gosh this is the COOLEST THING EVER!” Taeka squeals in delight. “Yup!” Dracomon throws his arms up cheerfully. “Your power helped me to Digivolve! Cause we’re partners!” Taeka smiles warmly at Dracomon. “Looks like we’re going to be pretty good partners.” Dracomon smiles back.

After a moment, Taeka looks around, suddenly noticing the damage around them. The grass and treetops had charred markings all over, multiple trees were snapped in half, and the stone path had cracks all over it. “Uhhhh...Guess I can’t hang out here anyone, huh?” Dracomon says, scratching his head. “Yeah, uh probably not...” Taeka looks up at the sky, which seemed abnormally darker then usual. “Geez, I should probably go home before my mom throws a fit.”

“Ooh, can I come with? I wanna meet your mom!” Dracomon says excited.

“Geez, I wish I could, but...” Taeka looks back for a moment. “My mom won’t even let me have a dog. Imagine how she’d react if I brought home a dragon!”

“Would that be scarier then DarkTyrannomon?!” Dracomon asks worriedly.

“Probably...” Taeka looks around the park for a moment, thinking. “Hmm, maybe you could just stay somewhere else in the park for tonight? And tomorrow, I can come back and find a better place for you to stay!” 

Dracomon perks up. “Alright, I can do that! I’ll just go and find another tree to hide in, simple! And then I can jump out when I see you!”

“Yup! Just make sure it’s me when you jump out, though. Don’t want you scaring the life out of some random person, haha!”

“Haha, I’ll make sure!” Dracomon says cheerfully. Dracomon looks behind him at the trees. “Well, I should probably find a tree before nighttime, goodnight Taeka!”

“Goodnight Dracomon, I’ll see you tomorrow!” The two wave goodbye, running in separate directions, both of them feeling happier then ever.