Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 32
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Thinking | Chapter 30






...He did it. Erik, without trying, was able to get Labramon to digivolve to his mega level, Anubismon. Anubismon now stood taller then Plesiomon, with a calm and graceful air to him, his shining golden wings barely flapping, but keeping him suspended in the air. The other Digidestined looked with mouths widened in shock, Plesiomon only barely raising an eyebrow at this sudden evolution.

“Hmm, a new evolution...” Plesiomon eyes Anubismon, keeping his calm composure. “Now this’ll be interesting.”

“Wha...HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!” Taeka yells, her mouth agape. Erik looks up at Anubismon with a surprised look as well, before regaining a serious expression again. “Anubismon...Take Plesiomon down.” Erik says, his voice low and serious.

“...My pleasure.” Anubismon speaks in a booming, but calm voice, flapping his wings and getting ready to fight.

“FIN ATTACK!!” Plesiomon slaps at Anubismon, but effortlessly gets smacked away with one hand. 

“SHAKING PULSE!!” Plesiomon let’s out a more powerful attack, sending Anubismon back a bit, but overall not being affected too bad.

“...My turn.” Anubismon sticks out his wings as they start to shine with a golden energy.

“LIGHT RAY!!” He then fires a gold ray from his hands, knocking Plesiomon back as he growls in pain.

“...Now that’s some power.” Plesiomon says, the two Digimon locking glares for a quick moment, before charging at each other, smacking and attacking back and forth.

“Seriously...How did he do that?!” Taeka asks, still in shock.

“He is a mega level Digimon...Right?” Cora asks, eyeing Anubismon.

“Yeah, he is, look!” Lily shows everyone the Digimon analyzer on her Digivice, which did indeed show that Anubismon was a mega level Digimon. Everyone didn’t know what else to do at the moment, besides watching the fight and hoping Anubismon would win, which luckily seemed like it was happening.

“LIGHT RAY!!” Anubismon strikes again, doing even greater damage to Plesiomon, who was now starting to become tired and defeated, breathing heavily.

“I...Will not...Lose to you!!” Plesiomon huffed angrily, now feeling rage build up. “SHAKING PULSE!!” Anubismon blocked the attack with his wings, quickly grabbing Plesiomon by the neck and lifting him out of the water, now leaving him to wiggle around defenseless.

“...You have no choice in the matter.” Anubismon’s voice boomed, the rings on both arms starting to glow. Then, with all his might, Anubismon chucks Plesiomon into the sky. In a flash, he then draws a golden pyramid in the sky...

“PYRAMID POWER!!” The golden pyramid shape ensnares Plesiomon inside, Plesiomon screaming in pain, as the pyramid shines brightly, staying suspended in the air for a moment...Until it finally dissipates...Taking Plesiomon’s data with it. Erik sighs in relief at the defeat.

“...Erik?” A voice calls for Erik’s name, him and everyone else turning around to see the source of the voice.

“...Blaine?!” Erik looks in disbelief, seeing Blaine standing before him, wide-eyed, alongside Ryudamon. “I...”

“How did you get Labramon...To the mega level?” Blaine asks, staring up at Anubismon. Erik ignores the question, walking up to Blaine with tears in his eyes...And suddenly hugging him tightly.

“I...I thought you were dead, Blaine.” Erik chokes, still holding tightly onto Blaine. “I thought Plesiomon did something to you...”

“Wow, um, I...” Blaine stuttered, surprised by Erik’s words. Erik finally lets go of the hug, holding out Blaine’s bloody headband. “I saw this on the ground, and I...” Erik stutters weakly, as Blaine stretches out one hand, showing the cut on his palm.

“Yeah, uh, I cut my hand on a rock while we were training, and I used that to stop the bleeding.” Blaine says, as Erik hands him back his headband. Erik smiles warmly at Blaine, hugging him once again. “I’m just glad you’re ok.” He says. The two stay embraced for a short, quiet moment before finally letting go. Anubismon’s body then starts glowing...


...Before turning into a very tiny Digimon, falling and bouncing into Erik’s hands.

“Pao! Pao!” The tiny Digimon chirps happily, bouncing up and down.

“Woah...Are you all the way back to your fresh level now?” Erik says, eyeing the little Digimon.

“Paomon! Paomon!” Paomon only chirps its name, still excitedly hopping.

“Digivolving to mega level for the first time took a lot out of him.” Ryudamon adds. “He’s only gonna be speaking in baby talk for now until he goes back to In-training.”

“...You digivolved all the way to mega level just for me, didn’t you?” Paomon nods happily, Erik smiling warmly.

“Thanks, Paomon. You’re the best.” Erik gently hugs the little Digimon, who nuzzles into his chest.

“I can’t believe you managed to even do that.” Cora chimes in. “How’d that even happen?”

“I don’t know exactly,, but...I just kept thinking about Blaine and how much I was worried and wanted to help him, and that happened...” Erik smiles in embarrassment, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s a little embarrassing that I thought he was dead though.”

“Hey, no worries. It just shows how much you care about me.” Blaine says, smiling.

“Blaine, uh, do you think you could come back to the group for now?” Erik asks. “I know you wanted to train on your own for a bit, but I’d really feel much better if you’d come back to us, even if it’s just for a bit...” Blaine was silent for a moment, pondering the question, looking down at Ryudamon who nodded.

“Uh, yeah, if you want me to, then I don’t mind.” Blaine responds, Erik smiling.

“Taeka...” Lily yawns, pulling at her sister’s sleeve. “I’m so tired, can we go find somewhere to sleep for the night?” Everyone looked at Taeka for her response.

“Uh...Yeah, sure.”

Afterwards the group managed to quickly find a cave that was big enough, but also out of sight if any of the demon lords would fly past them. Afterwards they set up a small campfire, and ate dinner, finally starting to feel the tension from earlier start to diminished. Then, they all set up sleeping bags in the cave, finally getting the rest they all well deserved.

The next morning...

The sky wasn’t fully lit up by the sun yet, still being a bit dark outside, but a few of the kids had already woken up. Blaine was just now starting to crack his eyes open, rubbing his eyes and yawning as he sat up. He looked to one side, where Taeka was gone from her sleeping bag, but everyone else was asleep. Then he looked right, noticing that Lily was also awake, looking up and him and smiling.

“Hi, Blaine, did you sleep well?” Lily asks.

“Uh, yeah, I slept fine.” Blaine yawns again, as Lily suddenly embraces him in a hug.

“I’m glad you’re back with us.” She says. “I was really worried about you.”

“...Woah, uh, was everyone really that worried about me?” Blaine asks, surprised.

“Yeah, we’re all friends and care about you a lot!” She says. “Especially me. I’ve never told you this before, but you’re super helpful and kind. You’re kind’ve like a big brother to me.”

“Woah, really?” Blaine was surprised by Lily’s sudden sentiment. “I’ve never really thought of myself...As like a big brother to anyone...”

“Really? Well, I think you’d make a great big brother to anyone...” Lily says, as Blaine smiles, the two hugging each other a bit tighter.

“Thanks Lily. I appreciate it.” The two stay embraced for a bit until the hear some rustling, looking over to see Dracomon now sitting up, awake.

“Where’s Taeka?!” He asks, looking around for her as Blaine motions for him to be quiet.

“I don’t know. Probably went out for food or a walk or something.” Blaine says, Dracomon stands up, walking out of the cave.

When he walks out, he immediately spots Taeka, who was sitting at the edge of the cliff.

“Taeka, what are you doing out here?” Dracomon asks. She was silent for a moment before answering.

“Just...Needed to think for a moment.” Taeka motions to Dracomon, who walks over, sitting down next to her. “Well, what are you thinking about?” He asks, Taeka looking at him to reveal a more worried expression.

“Dracomon, be honest with me...” She says her voice serious. “On a scale of 1 to 10, how big of an idiot have I been acting like lately?” Dracomon was silent a quick moment, pondering.

“Hmm, I don’t know. A lot, but not too much. Maybe like an 8?” Dracomon answers, Taeka sighing heavily.

“...I don’t know, Dracomon. We’ve always been fine before doing everything fast without thinking, but now that it’s not working I just look selfish and stupid now!” Taeka says in frustration, Dracomon silent for a moment.

“...I guess you could try thinking on plans for a bit longer.” Dracomon says. “Is that one of the other reasons you’re out here?”

“...Yeah. I wanna try attacking one of the demon lords again. We still don’t know how long it’ll be before they try and form Ogudomon, so I still wanna do this quickly, but...I just really wanna think of a better plan, first.” Taeka looks back out at the sky, a long silent moment between the two again.

“Hey, Dracomon?”


“Whatever plan I come up with...You’ll support it, right?” She asks, still with worry in her eyes.

“Duh, of course I will!” Dracomon says excitedly. “I know your plans are already good when you don’t think much, imagine how good it’ll be when you do think about it!” Taeka smiled at Dracomon’s enthusiasm, chuckling a bit.

“...Thanks, buddy. I really appreciate it.”

Later that afternoon...

The group took most of the day to continue resting, as Taeka continued thinking on her own. Finally, after a while, Taeka called the group together, finally figuring out a plan.

“Alright guys, so...” Taeka took a deep breath, running the plan through her head once more.

“First off, I just wanna apologize if I done anything stupid recently that’s hurt any of you guys. I know I’ve been, uh, rushing us all into fights without thinking, but I just, uh, wanted to make a better plan that’ll hopefully not get us into trouble this time...” Taeka awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck, everyone listening with hopeful ears.

“Ok, so...Tonight, I want us to break into Laylamon’s lair again, since we don’t know where the other demon lords are as of now. I decided that if we manage to sneak in there quietly, and take out any of her army members without warning Laylamon, we can try and fight Laylamon without too many distractions.

...So, what I’m thinking is that we have Mummymon use his snake bandage attack to tape any enemy’s mouths shut, then everyone else quickly takes them out. Then, Wingdramon can attack any enemies that are in the sky. If we do this all correctly, we should be able to fight Laylamon with little to no distractions. How does that sound, everyone?” Taeka looked a bit nervous finally finishing speaking her plan, but everyone seemed pretty good with it, all nodding at each other in approval. 

“Yeah, that sounds like a pretty good plan, actually.” Cora says, everyone nodding in agreement. Taeka smiled lightly in response.

“Good. We’re heading out when the sun goes down.” Taeka says. “And Erik, uh, you can choose if you want to come with or not, since, you know...Paomon can’t fight right now.” Erik thinks for a moment, looking at the tiny Digimon that was resting on his shoulder.

“I guess I’ll stay back for this one.” Erik responds. “Maybe I’ll stay at the Bakemon house, see if they can help Paomon digivolve.”


Sometime later...

As the sun was now set and the sky finally darkened, the group, minus Erik, made their way to Laylamon’s lair, being as careful as possible to hide in the bushes. Taeka had split into another direction, while Blaine and Frogmon, Lily and Antylamon, and Cora and Mummymon waited in the trees, ready to attack a ShadowWereGarurumon that was patrolling. They waited silently until the Digimon had its back turned.

“...You ready, Mummymon?” Cora whispers, Mummymon nodding in response. Silently, Mummymon approaches the ShadowWereGarurumon...

“Snake bandage!!” As he slings the bandages over ShadowWereGarurumon’s snout, silencing him...

“Plasma gun!!”

“Bunny blades!!”

“Leaf cutter!!” As they all attack at once, instantly dissipating the wolf Digimon to dust. Everyone crouches and tiptoes through the darkness, hiding behind some buildings...Until they suddenly run into another ShadowWereGarurumon, who luckily wasn’t facing their direction.

“Snake bandage!!” Mummymon used his bandages again, everyone once again attacking and taking him out. They all continued walking amongst the buildings, now getting close enough to see the tower in the near distance. Everyone continued walking...

...Until yet another ShadowWereGarurumon suddenly crept from the corner, immediately spotting the group.

“What the?!”

“Snake bandage!!” The wolf Digimon looked in surprised as Mummymon quickly silenced him, but not fast enough for a Karatenmon to notice what was going on. The Karatenmon flapped its wings, ready to fly down...

...Before Wingdramon suddenly flew into sight, wings flapping loudly as he grabbed the Karatenmon with his mouth, flying back into the trees as the group quickly took out the ShadowWereGarurumon.

“Wingdramon is so much bigger then us...” Antylamon mumbles. “Are we sure he’s not gonna attract some attention?”

“Hopefully not.” Blaine responds. “Just in case, we should hurry to the tower. We’re getting pretty close to it now.” He points to the tower as everyone continues making their way over, now not spotting any more Digimon. They kept getting closer and closer...

“WE KNOW THERE’S AN INTRUDER HERE! COME OUT NOW!!” A Karatenmon screeches out of nowhere, flying into view. Everyone ducked down and held their breaths, as they could hear the Karatenmon flying closer...

...Until Wingdramon suddenly flies into view, tackling the Karatenmon as the two crash into the tower.

“...Ok, there is no way that went unnoticed.” Cora says. Everyone sighs, standing up and peeking out as they notice Taeka running towards them.

“Taeka, did you seriously think nobody would notice that?” Blaine says, looking up at Wingdramon.

“No...I was just hoping that’d go a bit smoother...” Taeka says, a worried expression as she also looks up. “I guess there’s no reason hiding now...” Everyone walks out from hiding, now in the open.

“WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THIS NOISE?!” A voice comes screaming out of the tower, revealing the voice to be of Laylamon’s. “All of you are interrupting my private-“ She suddenly stops when she sees the kids, narrowing her eyes at them.

“Oh, it’s you brats again.” She snarls. “Didn’t I tell you all not to step foot on my land again?! And out of all times, it had to be now?! A lady needs time to herself, and I don’t think you kids understand...” Laylamon proceeds to go on a long, useless rant, everyone either looking in confusion, or tuning her out.

‘Hmm...I wonder...’ Blaine pulls out both his katanas, thinking. ‘She’s too caught up in her own rant, I bet I could attack...’ Blaine then charges forward, jumping at Laylamon with both blades drawn...

...But Laylamon stops him midair, grabbing him by one of the blades.

“Weren’t you listening to what I said, boy?” Laylamon tightens her fist, cracking and shattering the katana to pieces. She then grabs Blaine by the neck, narrowing her eyes at him. 

“...You’re actually kinda cute though, for a human. Maybe I could keep you as my new pet, as payment for taking out a few of my army members.”

“Your...What?!” Blaine widens his eyes in shock, as Laylamon shifts Blaine to one side, holding onto him with one arm.

“WHAT?! NO, YOU’RE NOT TAKING MY PARTNER!!” Frogmon screams, running towards Laylamon as she grabs him as well.

“...And who’s gonna stop me? A dumb looking frog?” She snarls, power welling in her arm.

“RAZOR NAIL!!” She slashes, sending Frogmon flying and causing him to immediately dedigivolve. She then looks up at Wingdramon, readying another attack.

“EMPRESS EMBLAZE!!” She strikes, Wingdramon collapsing to the ground and dedigivolving as well. Everyone can only look in horror as she steps forward, eyeing Mummymon and Antylamon. She glares at Mummymon, silent for a moment.

“...You’re a virus Digimon. I bet you’d make a nice addition to my army.” She says, Mummymon only looking in confusion and shock as she steps towards Antylamon.

“...You’re last up, prepare for your end.” She says, preparing another attack.

“Wait!! You can’t kill her!!” Mummymon pleads, stepping in front of Antylamon.

“Hm? And why is that?” Laylamon asks, lifting one eyebrow.

“Because, um, I’m...” Mummymon sweats nervously, thinking of a good response. “I’m...In love with her?”

“...WHAT?!” Everyone shouts, shocked in unison.

“In love? Oh, now this is interesting...” Laylamon is silent for a moment, thinking.

“...Well, alright then. Guess I can take you in too. Your kind can become a virus type too...” Laylamon says, looking at Antylamon as she steps forward, now looking at the kids.

“Wait...You can’t take my partner!” Cora says.

“Antylamon...No!” Lily whimpers. Laylamon ignores their pleads, readying another attack.

“You all had to be punished somehow.”

“EMPRESS EMBLAZE!!” Laylamon fires at the group, sending them flying into the sky, away from Mummymon, Antylamon, and Blaine, the three who could do nothing...

...But watch their friends slowly disappear from their eyes.