Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 1 month ago
43 145281

Chapter 15
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Believe in me | Chapter 13

Everyone who saw it couldn’t believe it, despite it happening right in front of their eyes. Erik was somehow able to make Seasarmon digivolve to his ultimate level, Caturamon. Now, Caturamon stood defensively between Sandiramon and his friends, refusing to budge.

“...You’re not gonna hurt my friends anymore.” Caturamon growls at the surprised Sandiramon. Caturamons tail then starts to form into a hammer made of light energy. “...TREASURE HAMMER!!” Caturamon whacks Sandiramon with his tail right in the face! Sandiramon was caught very off guard at first, before his face twisted into rage. Then, Sandiramon spit out a lance made of light, similarly to Caturamon’s tail.

“...TREASURE LANCE!!” Sandiramon strikes Caturamon with the lance! The two start going at it, going back and forth with their weapons of light.

“...How’d you get him to Digivolve to ultimate, Erik?” Cora asks.

“I...I don’t know.” Erik was just as surprised as everyone else. “I just...” Erik tries to think hard, looking down at his bracelet, which was still glowing bright pink. “Hmmm...”

“WHAT?! Are you kidding me?!” Vademon’s mouth was wide open, looking just as shocked as everyone else. Ginryumon took this distraction to slip out of Vademon’s grasp. “BOUJINHA!!” Ginryumon tackles Vademon, knocking him back. “Sangloupmon, come help me!” Ginryumon calls. Sangloupmon quickly follows, ready to attack Vademon. “Dammit, just screw off already!!” Vademon growls furiously, carelessly firing at the two.

“Shut up Vademon!” Ginryumon spits.

“Just admit that you’re done for!!” Sangloupmon growls. “DRAIN SLASH!!” 

“AGH!!” Sangloupmon strikes Vademon powerfully, knocking him back. Vademon was shaking with rage, his face twisted into pure anger.

“...NO!!” Vademon fires right at Sangloupmon, knocking him back! Vademon then pulls out another of those cube items, his fist shaking. “I will NOT lose to the likes of you...Inferior....URGH!!” Before anyone can attack him again, Vademon presses the cube, once again disappearing into thin air. 

“God, what a wimp...” Erik grumbles, rolling his eyes.

“For once, I actually agree with you...” Blaine adds, crossing his arms. Everyone looks over at Caturamon and Sandiramon, who were dueling with their light weapons, almost as if they were swords.

“...Should we help him?” Sangloupmon asks, watching the fight.

“...Nah, I think he’s got this.” Cora says. She was right, Caturamon seemed to be overpowering Sandiramon pretty well, almost knocking him back multiple times.

“GO CATURAMON!! You got this!!” Lily cheered for Caturamon, still clutching the weakened Lopmon in her arms. Everyone repeated after her, chanting Caturamon’s name and cheering loudly.

Then, soon after a few hits, Caturamon finally knocked Sandiramon’s weapon out of his grasp, the light weapon dissipating into the air. Sandiramons jaw dropped in shock. The giant snake then started to scoot away from Caturamon, who slowly walked towards him intimidatingly.

...Then, without warning, Caturamon leaped high into the air!

“HOWL OF THE HEAVENS!!” Caturamon let out a supersonic howl, knocking Sandiramon flat on his back! Caturamon then spun his body fast, aiming the light hammer at Sandiramon.

“TREASURE HAMMER!!” Caturamon’s hammer pierces right through Sandiramon’s body, cracking the hard shell on his back! Sandiramon hisses loudly in pain, his body slowly starting to dissipate. The giant snake Digimon wiggles and howls in pain until he finally vanishes into thin air.

A huge smile starts to form on Erik’s face, grinning in pure happiness. “Yes!! You did it Caturamon, that was amazing!” Erik runs over to Caturamon, who looks over and smiles back at Erik.

Then, he transforms into a small, puppy Digimon.


The little Digimon runs to Erik excitedly, leaping into his arms. Erik tightly hugs and pets him, while the little puppy wags his tail happily.

“...So, im guessing you’re in your in-training form now?” Erik asks.

“Yup, you’re right! I’m Xiaomon now!” He chirps excitedly. Erik smiles warmly at Xiaomon again. “...Well no matter what form you’re in, you’ll always be the best Digimon ever.” Erik holds Xiaomon closer to his chest, the little Digimon nuzzling close. Everyone then runs up to the two, congratulating the both of them.

“Heeeey, guys!!” Taeka called from another direction, running over to everyone. “I think I got some peo-“ Taeka stopped abruptly in her tracks, looking at Xiaomon, and the lack of Sandiramon. “Woooah, what happened here?! Wait, don’t tell me...Did Labramon digivolve to ULTIMATE?!” Everyone nodded in response, Taeka’s mouth wide open in surprise. “Woahhh that’s awesome! How’d you get him to do that?”

“Yeah, that’s a good question, how did you get him to Digivolve to ultimate?” Cora asks.

“Yeah, I thought Dracomon was the only one who could do that...” Blaine adds.

“Well, it’s kinda hard to explain, but...” Erik looked down, thinking. “All I could think about   was how much I wanted to help you all out, and how I didn’t want anyone to get hurt, and... My bracelet starting glowing pink?” Erik holds up his arm to show off the bracelet, although it was no longer glowing.

“Interesting...Where’d you find this bracelet?” Cora asks, inspecting the item.

“It’s gonna sound kinda weird, but... I think it fell out of the sky?” Erik says. “And it was on the same day I met Labramon...”

“Hey, that’s also how I found my necklace!” Lily chimes in, holding her necklace up to everyone. “I found it in a tree, but I think it came out of the sky as well!”

Blaine then pulls one of his katanas out from behind his back. “Weird, the same thing happened to me when I met Ryudamon. This katana fell out of a tree, it nearly took my head off.” Everyone admires the odd line work in the blade, while Erik feels the black cloth wrapped around the handle. It felt and looked the exact same as the cloth on his bracelet, feeling surprisingly soft and silky. “Hmm, interesting...”

“Ooh, does this mean Lopmon can digivolve to ultimate too?!” Lily asked, the simple thought of it making her very excited. Everyone stood in silence for a while, thinking, until Blaine answered her question.

“...Seems like it.”

A few days later...

It had now been a few days since the Sandiramon attack. Everyone seemed to be pretty relaxed since no other Digimon had shown up since then, but they were all still prepared for Vademon to most likely show up again. Babydmon had now digivolved back into Dracomon, but Labramon was still in his In-Training form.

Now, everyone was walking down the streets of the city, in a conversation about the Digimon and how they’re able to Digivolve to their ultimate forms. The normally busy streets they were on were pretty empty due to fear of more Digimon attacks, so all the partner Digimon were able to walk around freely, despite still wearing disguises.

“The necklace, the sword, my bracelet... They must all be the key to everyone’s ultimate digivolutions then?” Erik asks.

“It could be, but...” Blaine responds, thinking. “If that’s the case, then how come Taeka can get Dracomon to Digivolve to ultimate without one of those items?”

“Maybe it’s because of that prophecy she fulfilled?” Lopmon asks.

“Well, if that’s the case, then maybe your guy’s item...Are sortve like your own prophecies?” Taeka asks.

“That...Doesn’t make any sense.” Ryudamon responds.

‘If that’s really the case, then...Does that mean Gabumon can’t digivolve to ultimate?’ Cora thinks solemnly to herself, crossing her arms and looking down at the little black Digimon.

“Yay, that means Lopmon can digivolve to ultimate!” Lily says excitedly.

“Yeah! Which means we’ll definitely be ready next time Vademon comes back...” Dracomon says, pounding his fists into eachother. “I’m ready to teach that guy a lesson!”

“Yeah, me too!” Taeka adds, imitating Dracomon.

“Um, but we still don’t know if that’s really the case...ye...”

Blaine’s voice starts to trail of when everyone suddenly stops walking, seeing an odd black cloudy mass suddenly forming in front of them. Everyone backed away cautiously, the Digimon also ready to attack.

...Suddenly a thin arm pops out, grabbing Taeka by the neck!

“IV’E HAD ENOUGH OF YOU BRATS!!” Vademon appears from the black mass, screaming in mad fury! Vademon then quickly starts to float away from everyone, still holding onto Taeka.

“No, WAIT!! Dracomon digivolve to...” Dracomon runs after Vademon, trying to Digivolve, but instead he falls flat on his face. Everyone else tries to run after Vademon, but he quickly floats away in the distance, taking Taeka with him.

“...What just...Happened?” Cora says, in shock. Everyone was frozen in shock, still trying to process what just happened.

“Why did he...Take Taeka like that?” BlackGabumon whimpers.

...Before anyone can say anything else, Lily starts to run in the direction Vademon flew off in, Lopmon following close behind.

“Lily wait, slow down!” Erik calls for her.

“No! I’m not letting Vademon get away with taking my sister!” Lily calls out. “Vademons hurt too many people, and I’m gonna have Lopmon defeat him once and for all!” 

“...Hm?” Only Erik seemed to notice, but it looked like the string on Lily’s necklace was glowing? It was very faint, but it was definitely starting to glow a light gray color.

“H-hey, wait!” Before anyone can run after her, she runs off into the distance, away from sight.

“Hey, what are you waiting for? We gotta go help her!” Blaine says, trying to run after after, but Erik puts his arm out to stop him. “Hold on. I think she’s got this...”

“What? But she’s going off on her own...” Blaine says in disbelief. Erik looks back at Blaine, his eyes stern and serious. “...Just trust me, alright?” Erik’s straight, stern expression bore right through Blaine, finally caving him in.



Vademon stood next to the edge of a high building, looking down. He still had a tight grasp on Taeka, who was luckily unharmed, but she really didn’t appreciate the tight hold still on her neck.

“Let go of me, you stupid...Big headed...Idiot...” Taeka grumbled, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. Vademon narrowed his eyes at her. “...You really don’t want to piss me out, kid.” Vademon says, dangling her over the edge.

“Whoa whoa whoa...” Taeka finally starts to get really nervous. “Wha- Why do you even wanna kill me anyways?” She asks.

“Don’t play dumb kid, you know why.” Vademon grumbles, tightening his grip. “I’ve seen everything you’ve done, and it’s painfully obvious that you’re the leader of that group of yours. And if I get rid of you, then all your little friends and your Digimon will all fall like dominoes...” A big, manical grin forms on Vademon’s face. “And when you nuisances are finally out of my way, Belphemon will finally be able to take care of this place, and I’ll finally be able to rule over this wasteland for myself!!” Vademon starts to laugh very maniacally and creepily, while Taeka was shocked by what he just said.

‘Belphemon?!’ That was the first time Taeka had ever heard that name. “Belphemon?? Is that supposed to be the Dark King you mentioned before?” Taeka asked. Vademon simply rolled his eyes in response. “...You really don’t know anything, do you?” He grumbles. Taeka then glares at Vademon hard, trying to intimidate him. “...I’m not afraid of you, you big brained blowhard...” She snaps at him. Vademon is silent for a moment, then glares right back at her. “You know, I was gonna wait for your friends to arrive so they could watch you die, but...” Vademon tightens his grip even harder. “But it’s so GODDAMN tempting to crack your head open on the pavement right this second.”

He tightens his grip even harder, Taeka now feeling lightheaded.

“I’m....Still...Not afraid...Of you...” Taeka was trying her best to stand her guard, but in reality, she was absolutely terrified for her life.

‘Dracomon...Where are you?’


Lily and Turuiemon were walking back and forth between all the tall buildings and streets, but had seen no signs of Taeka yet.

“Hmmm, they’re not around here either...” Lily says, then looks over to another direction, pointing. “Let’s try over there then!” Lily starts to run in that direction, but Turuiemon simply stood still, in deep thought about something.

“...Lily?” Lily stops and looks back at Turuiemon. “...I need to ask you something.” Turuiemon says. “Hm? What is it?” Lily asks.

“You...Really think I can defeat Vademon...On my own?” Turuiemon asks. “I mean, I’ve never been able to Digivolve to ultimate before, and, um...We don’t have everyone else with us, and Vademon’s so powerful...” Turuiemon stammered nervously, getting a little worried thinking about it. “I- I just think it seems a little...Improbable to defeat him on my own. Especially if I can’t digivolve any further...” Turuiemon rubbed her arm nervously. Lily, however, didn’t seem worried or bothered by her question.

“You really wanna know why I think you can do it?” Lily asks. Turuiemon cocks her head curiously.

“Well, I’ve seen that no matter what kind of fight we’re in, you’ve always been able to defeat all of the bad Digimon!” Lily says cheerfully. “Like, remember Kabuterimon? He was so much bigger then you but you still kicked his butt!” Turuiemon looked up a little, suddenly remembering that fight. “Y-yeah, I guess so...”

“Oh! And also remember when you fought that Airdramon? We all thought you and Dracomon were going to get eaten, but then you suddenly attacked him with that super powerful electric shocker attack and instantly poofed him into dust!” Lily was getting super hyped just thinking about it, raising her arms up excitedly. Her excitement couldn’t help but make Turuiemon smile a bit.

“Well, um, the point is...I just think you’re a really cool and powerful Digimon, and I believe you can defeat any other bad Digimon no matter what level you’re at!” Lily smiled warmly at Turuiemon, who was now starting to blush from all her compliments. 

Then, the strings on her necklace started to glow a light gray again, but it was much more brighter this time. Lily looked down at the necklace, holding up the heart shaped gem. “...And besides, if what everyone said was true about your ultimate levels, then I know you’ll be able to Digivolve to ultimate!” Lily’s bright smile, and warm cheerful aura was enough to make Turuiemon’s worries almost fade away instantly, who smiled warmly back at her. “...Thank you, Lily. That really means a lot to me.” The two of them smile at eachother warmly in silence for a moment, until Turuiemon starts to look up at the buildings. “Hey... You wanna know a faster way we can find Taeka?” Lily cocks her head curiously, then Turuiemon motions her to come forward. Turuiemon then grabs and picks up Lily, circling one arm around her. “...Hold on tight.” Lily obliges, circling her arms around Turuiemon’s neck.

...Then, Turuiemon suddenly hops high into the sky! She jumps onto the side of a nearby building, grabbing onto the walls with her free gauntlet claw! She hangs onto the side of the building perfectly, before swinging and hopping onto another building gracefully. “Whoa!” Lily was at first confused and nervous, but was then excited seeing how gracefully Turuiemon could scale the buildings. Turuiemon looks back at Lily, a now confident smile on her face.

“...You ready to go save your sister?” 


Erik, Blaine, Cora, and all their Digimon, along with Dracomon, were all looking around the city as well, but have yet to spot Vademon or Taeka.

“But what if Lily finds Vademon before we do?” Cora asks, a little worried. “She could easily get-“ Cora and Blaine had both been nagging and questioning Erik’s motives on why he let Lily go by herself.

“Man, you guys really don’t believe in what I was saying earlier, do you?” Erik says, walking forward. Blaine and Cora only looked at eachother, confused, before continuing to follow him. They walk and sneak in silence until BlackGabumon breaks the silence.

“Over there!” He gasps quietly, pointing upwards, where Vademon was up on a nearby building, still holding onto Taeka, who luckily still looked mostly unharmed. Everyone quickly ducks into a corner where he can’t see them.

“Taeka! I gotta go up there right now!” Dracomon says, running towards the building. 

“Wait! Atleast let one of us come with you!” BlackGabumon says.

“Yeah, it’s pretty dumb to just rush in there by yourself...” Ryudamon says. Dracomon stops, crossing his arms and looking clearly upset. A part of him wanted to rush in there and save Taeka right this second, but he knew they were both right.

“Rrrgh, if I could digivolve back into Caturamon I would’ve already used Vademon as a chew toy!” Xiaomon growls angrily.

“Yeah, sorry buddy, guess we’ll have to sit out on this fight...” Erik says. Erik looks around before he notices something on a nearby building, then smiles to himself.

“...But it’s okay. We’re not alone.”


Turuiemon and Lily hung onto the side of a building, where they had finally spotted Vademon. Thankfully Vademon hadn’t spotted them yet. Erik was the only one who noticed them there, and he gave them both a quick thumbs up.

“...Let’s sneak up on him...You ready?” Turuiemon asks. Lily nods in response, giving a quick thumbs up. Turuiemon navigates herself around the buildings walls until they were parallel to Vademon, ready to attack.

“...NINJA KICK!!” Turuiemon lands a swift kick right to Vademon’s jaw! The shocking sneak attack caused Vademon to release Taeka, who quickly runs away from Vademon to the other side of the roof.

“HA!! Turuiemon totally kicked your butt!!” Taeka says mockingly. Vademon looks very angry at first, but quickly brushes it off.

“...Oh, really now?” Vademon mockingly says before firing his gun at Turuiemon, knocking her back.

“Taeka, you gotta get outta here!” Lily says.

“Really? But I can’t leave you here by yourself!” Taeka says, worried.

“Come on, it’ll be fine! Dracomon’s down there and he’s really worried about you! You have to go, now...” Lily says.

“Oh, ok...” Taeka obliges, heading down some stairs.

“What?! No! You’re not getting away!” Vademon shouts, trying to fire at Taeka, but Turuiemon takes the hit again, getting knocked back.

“Come on Turuiemon, you can do this!” Lily shouts. Turuiemon weakly gets up to attack again. “GAUNTLET CLAW!! NINJA KICK!!” Turuiemon attacks multiple times, but Vademon only seems barely fazed by the attacks. Vademon then fires at Turuiemon again, knocking her back once more.

“Lily...Im not so sure about this anymore...” Turuiemon says weakly.

“No, Turuiemon! I know you can do this!!” Lily shouts. “Vademon’s gotten away with too much, and we can’t let him win now! I think you’re one of the most powerful Digimon ever, and I know you can defeat him!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!” Lily’s pep talk gives Turuiemon enough strength to stand up weakly.

“Oh, save me the sentimental crap.” Vademon says, rolling his eyes. “Can I just finish you off now?” He says, aiming his ray gun again.

“...You’re right, Lily.” Turuiemon says, ignoring Vademon’s threat. “Vademon’s hurt too many people, and we’re not gonna let him get away this time!” Turuiemon looks back at Lily, confidence in her eyes. “And besides...

I can do anything when you’re with me.” The glow on Lily’s necklace glowed brighter then ever, and her Digivice also started brightly, the white and gray colors swirling into each other.




...They did it. Lily’s belief in Turuiemon was strong enough for her to finally digivolve into her ultimate form, who was now over three times the size, towering over Vademon. 

“Oh, you’ve GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!” Vademon shouts in pure anger, while Lily had a huge smile plastered on her face. “YES!! You finally did it!! I knew you could Digivolve to ultimate!!” Lily cheered, jumping up and down excitedly.

“I’m not dealing with this again...” Vademon mumbles, pulling out one of the cubes again.

“Not this time...” Antylamon says sternly, then, running over to Vademon in a flash, knocks the cube out of his hand! The hard slap almost knocked Vademon right off the building.

“I’ll take that, thank you very much!” Taeka was suddenly behind them, riding on Coredramon as she grabbed the cube object before it fell down below.

“What?! Give that back you little brat!” Vademon snarls.

“Yeah! Good job, Taeka!” Lily cheers. 

“No problem! We’ll be down here if you need help, good luck sis!” Taeka calls before flying back down to the ground. For the first time, Vademon actually looked scared, looking back and forth between himself.

“...What? You scared of me or something?” Antylamon says sternly. Vademon looks at Antylamon in fury and worry.

...Then, Antylamon’s hands form into axes. “BUNNY BLADES!!” Antylamon whacks Vademon hard, knocking him off the building! Vademon growls in anger, floating away, then firing at Antylamon, who falls back from the attack.

“I will NOT lose to the likes of you!!” Vademon growls, floating away.

“What a coward...” Antylamon says, while picking up Lily. “Come on, let’s go catch up to him.”

“Yeah! Don’t let him get away, Antylamon!” Lily says.

“Oh trust me, I won’t...” Antylamon says before quickly and gracefully hopping over to a nearby building. She hops back and forth between the walls and roofs of the tall buildings, looking around for Vademon. 

“Geez, he’s faster then I thought...Where’d he go?” Antylamon says, looking around. Suddenly she spots Vademon on a building directly across from them.

“I’ve been saving this attack for a special moment...” Vademon grumbles to himself.

...And nows that time.” Vademon puts one hand to his lips, readying an attack. 

“...EVIL’S KISS!!” Vademon blows a kiss to them...But nothing happens.

“Ewww...Was that supposed to scare us?” Lily says, confused and weirded out.

“Wait...” Antylamon mumbles, readying herself. Then, after a moment, they start hearing a loud rumbling in the sky...And see meteors!

“NO!” Antylamon covers Lily with her body to protect her before they get hit by a sudden meteor! 

“GAH!!” Antylamon takes the hit for Lily!

“Antylamon!! No!!”

“Ha ha, now I can make my getaway!” Vademon cackles.

“Antylamon, are you okay?!” Lily worriedly asks. “Y-yeah, I’m fine...” Antylamon weakly gets up, looking around, but notices Vademon’s gone again.

“Lily, I’m gonna need your help for a moment...” Antylamons ears stick straight up, as if she was sensing something.

“Vademon’s still around here somewhere...” Antylamon forms her hands into a ball, focusing into it. “If you can spot him for me, I think I can build up another of those electric attacks to knock him out once and for all...” Blue jolts of electricity start to surge onto Antylamon’s hands. “I just...Need to focus... Can you do that for me?” Lily nods her head yes, her face stern and serious. “Ok. Just tell me when you’re ready...” Lily says. Lily carefully looks around the buildings for Vademon, but it was hard to see with all the meteors still falling around them.

“Stupid meteors! I can’t see because of them...” Lily grumbles, still looking around.

“Just...focus, Lily...You got this...” Antylamon says. The electricity in her hands was getting bigger, now forming a small ball in her hands.

‘Ok...Focus...’ Lily focused as hard as she could, her eyes fixated on the roofs of each building, almost as if she was analyzing each rooftop. She looked up quickly to make sure no meteors were going to hit them...Then she looked at the meteors as well...

And saw something moving? It was quick, but she saw a tentacle quickly crawling on a slow falling meteor.

‘There! He’s hiding on that meteor!’ Lily fixes her eyes on that same meteor, keeping Vademon in her sight.

“Have you...Found hit yet?” Antylamon grumbles. The ball of electricity was huge now, and she was having a hard time holding it anymore.

“Yes! He’s over on that meteor! The slow moving one!” Lily says, fixating her pointed finger on the exact meteor. Antylamon turns to the meteor.

“...ELECTRO SHOCKER!!” She fires the ball of electricity, the ball cracking right through the meteor and turning it to rubble! The blast reveals Vademon, shocking him right to his core! “GAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!!!” The electric shock knocks out Vademon, causing him to start slowly falling to the ground.

Then, Antylamon quickly leaps to Vademon, quickly grabbing him and holding him tight. As Antylamon falls slowly, her skin starts to harden into metal, lines of orange and red crackling through her body.

“BUNNY BOMBER!!” Suddenly Antylamon explodes into a huge, fiery mass!

“ANTYLAMON!!” When the explosion dissipates...Vademon is gone, finally reduced into dust...

And a small Digimon fell from the dust.


“Antylamon!!” Lily runs down the building, finally back on the ground. Luckily, Coredramon had caught the little Digimon, so she was unharmed.

“Antylamon! Are you okay?” Lily grabs the little Digimon from Coredramon’s arms.

“Yeah, that attack just used up all my strength is all...” The little Digimon says. “Oh, and... You can call me Kokomon now.” Lily smiles warmly at Kokomon. “Oh Kokomon, thank you! You’re the best!” Lily smiles widely, hugging Kokomon tightly.

“No no Lily, I should thank you...” Kokomon says, embracing the hug.

“WOOOOOO!! HECK YEAH, YOU GUYS DID IT!!” Taeka yells and cheers, running over the two of them, hugging them both tightly. Everyone else followed close behind, also looking pretty happy.

“See? Told you guys she could do it.” Erik says, a cocky smile on his face.

“Well, ya could’ve told us what you were thinking, man.” Cora says, laughing. Everyone then walks over to Lily and Kokomon, congratulating and thanking the both of them.

“Hey, did’ya guys see what I got?” Taeka says excitedly, holding out the cube object that Vademon had.

“Yeah! Isn’t that the thing that Vademon uses to go the Digital World?” Lily says.

“Yup! Which means we can finally go the Digital World and stop all this once and for all!”

“Aw yeah! I’m ready to pound that Dark King into oblivion!” Coredramon says, pounding his fists into eachother.

“Yeah, but there’s one thing I’ve been thinking about.” Cora says. Everyone turns to her.

“...Will our parents be okay with it?”