Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 25
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Underwater trial | Chapter 23

(This is a pretty repetitive and lengthy chapter you can skip if you’d like lol)

Around a day later, the group followed Gomamon out of the ice cold Frozen Tundras, now arriving at the small town of Bayside, inhabited by many other Gomamon. The town was next to the ocean, with a warm tropical breeze, which was definitely a nice change of pace compared to the Frozen Tundras.

“Ahhh, feel that warm breeze!” Taeka stretches her arms out, feeling the warm, gentle air on her skin.

“Pretty impressive, right?” Gomamon says. “Our towns not that big, but you guys can stay as long as you like! And none of the Dark King’s goons come out here, so you should all be safe here!”

“Hmm...” Blaine looks around the area for a moment, thinking. “Hey Gomamon, where exactly is that Digi-egg you were talking about earlier?”

“Huh? Ohhhh, right!” Gomamon looks through the town at all the other Gomamon. “I gotta find my friend Betamon first, he knows where it is!”

“HEY, BETAMON!! WHERE ARE YOU?!” Gomamon screeches, until a moment later everyone sees a little Digimon pop out from a nearby house.


‘Betamon: Rookie level, Virus. Amphibian Digimon with a docile personality. Main attack is Electric Shock, where it generates a volt of electricity.’

“Betamon, Betamon! Over here!” Gomamon waves and calls for Betamon until he hops over to everyone.

 “Heyy Gomamon, what’s up?” Betamon asks cheerfully.

“These human kids really need the egg of Reliability really bad so they can like, save the Digital World or whatever, and you’re the only one who knows where it is, so..”

“Oh yeah, the underwater trials!” Betamon looks up at everyone. “One of you follow me, I’ll show you where it is!”

“Well alright, we’ll just complete those underwater trials or whatever, grab the egg, and relax on the beach!” Taeka looks confidently, starting to follow Betamon...

“HOLD IT!!” Until Betamon raises one arm, stopping everyone in their tracks.

“Only one human and Digimon is allowed in there at a time!”

“...WHAT?!” Shock and confusion fall onto everyone’s faces.

“The trials are only meant for one at a time...” Betamon says. “And besides, it would be WAY too easy if all of you went! We make these trials difficult for a reason!”

“Well, this is going to be harder then I thought.” Cora says solemnly.”

“If only one of us can go at a time, then it has to be someone with only one egg, or none at all.” Erik says, thinking. “In that case, the only people who should go would be...” Everyone falls silent for a moment...

...Until everyone’s eyes land on Cora and Blaine.

“...Cora, is it ok if I go first?” Blaine asks, his voice serious. “It’s hard to explain, but it feels like something important I need to do. You can go next if I fail.”

“Oh, uh, yeah...That’s cool with me.” Cora responds. “You fine with that, BlackGabumon?”

“I’m fine with that! I’m not a very good swimmer anyways, heh...” BlackGabumon responds sheepishly.

“Then it’s settled!” Betamon says. “Then follow me young hero, I will lead you to the underwater trials!”

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While everyone else stayed back at the Gomamon’s town, Blaine and Ryudamon followed Betamon until they all eventually reached an entrance to a cave, with a pool of water inside.

“Welcome...To the Underwater Trials!” Betamon says, holding one fin up. “You will be facing 6 areas until you reach the final room with the Digi-egg of Reliability! Each room will feature one or more Digimon who become more powerful as you progress...If you think you are powerful enough to complete the trials, then go forward!”

“Are all these areas...Underwater?” Blaine asks.

“Nope, only three of the rooms are actually underwater! There’s caves underneath that you can successfully breathe in!” Betamon responds.

“Well, atleast I won’t drown then.” Blaine says, looking down at Ryudamon. “Guess it’s just gonna be us, you ready buddy?”

“Of course, I’m with you.” Ryudamon responds, nodding. “Frogmon can breathe underwater, so we should be good.”

“Alright then, let’s go. DIGI-ARMOR ENERGIZE!!”



“Good luck heroes!” Betamon cheers for them as they both take a deep breath, diving into the pool of water! The water turned out to be a fast traveling tunnel of water, which quickly carried them into the first area, which was a small, cavern with water dripping off the cave walls. 

Blaine and Frogmon looked around, until they spotted another Digimon.


“Greetings, and welcome to the first trial. I am Archelomon, and I will be your first opponent. We will both fight until one of us cannot stand up any more. Are you ready?” Blaine and Frogmon look at eachother, determined.

“...Of course. Take the first hit, Frogmon!”

“LEAF SHURIKEN!!” Frogmon attacks Archelomon, the attacks bouncing off his shell.

“FIN CUTTER!!” Archelomon strikes Frogmon with its sharpened fins!

“Er...GUN GUN!!” Frogmon fires its guns, but once again the attacks bounce off the shell.

“His shell deflects the attacks!” Blaine says. “You gotta attack his head!”

“Alright then...GUN GUN!!” Frogmon fires at his head, but Archelomon deflects it with his fins. The two of them keep throwing attacks at eachother, and while they’re fighting, Blaine notices how slow Archelomon is compared to Frogmon.

“Frogmon, you should run and attack from a distance! You’re much faster then him!” Blaine calls out. Frogmon dashes to the other side of the cave, Archelomon awkwardly trying to catch up.

“LEAF SHURIKEN!!” The attack smacks Archelomon, knocking him flat on his back.

“FROG BOMB!!” The bombs stick right to Archelomon before quickly exploding, sending him flying and crashing right against the stone wall.

“Alright, time to finish you off!” Frogmon says, readying another attack. “FROG BO-“

“WAIT, STOP!!” Archelomon calls before Frogmon attacks. “I give in, alright? You win. I don’t want my data turned to dust.” Blaine and Frogmon look at eachother, nodding, before running over to help Archelomon.

“You’re pretty strong for such a little Digimon. Good luck with the next trials.” Archelomon says before going off into the water tunnel entrance.

“...That didn’t seem too hard.” Blaine says.

“True, but this only the first trial!” Frogmon says. The two walk to the other side of the room, looking down at a water filled tunnel. “Didn’t Betamon say that three of the rooms were...Underwater?” Blaine looks down into the tunnel, with a concerned look. “I’m sorry, but...I don’t think I’ll be able to help out here, Frogmon.”

“It’s ok, I think I’ll be fine!” Frogmon says, grabbing a snorkel from behind his back. “Here, atleast use this so you don’t have to hold your breath.”

“Thanks, I needed that.” Blaine grabs the snorkel, adjusting it on himself.

“Hey, Blaine...I have a question?”


“Earlier when Betamon said only one of us could go in, and you offered to go in first...You said this was something you felt like you needed to do. What’d you mean by that exactly?” Blaine was silent for a moment, pondering the question.

“It’s kinda hard to explain...Can we talk about it later?” Blaine asks.

“Oh, alrighty then...” The two look down at the pool of water, before nodding at eachother, ready.

They both dive in at the same time and swim down. It was a more smaller, narrow cave area, but it was filled with water. Blaine clinged onto a nearby rock, as Frogmon looked forward...Spotting the next opponent.


‘Seadramon: Champion level, Data. An aquatic Digimon with a long, serpent like body, which it uses to suffocate enemies. Main attack is Ice Blast, where it fires an ice cold stream from its mouth.’

Seadramon roared the second he spotted Frogmon, ready to attack.

“ICE BLAST!!” Seadramon fired at Frogmon, who barely deflected the attack with his leaf shurikens. Seadramon charged forward at Frogmon, suddenly grasping him in his jaws! Frogmon tried to swipe at him with the shurikens again, but to no avail. Seadramon then proceeded to wrap itself completely around Frogmon, starting to slowly suffocate him. Blaine had no idea what to do. He couldn’t speak underwater, couldn’t swim over to help, as the current would blow him away. He didn’t know what to do except watch in horror.

...Atleast, until Frogmon started rumbling under Seadramon’s grasp, the serpentine Digimon looking confused. 

“Leaf...CUTTER!!” Suddenly Frogmon burst from Seadramons grasp, his leaf propellers spinning wildly! Seadramon looked taken aback before its fave twisted into anger, swimming after Frogmon. This time, however, Frogmon used the propellers to quickly propel himself away from Seadramon, turning the match into a chase session. Now Frogmon was darting around back and forth, and Seadramon was getting angrier and angrier, swimming so wildly that he was injuring himself by crashing against the rock walls multiple times.

After a moment, Seadramon stopped swimming, catching its breath. Meanwhile Frogmon was on the other side of the room, readying an attack.

...Then suddenly Frogmon charged forward...

“...LEAF SHURIKENS!!” Before Seadramon could react, Frogmon sliced through its body with the shurikens! Seadramon had a look of pure shock on its face, before poofing into dust. Blaine eyes widened at Frogmon’s powerful attack, before Frogmon grabbed Blaine and swam over to the other side of the room. going down a rushing tunnel that led them to the next room, which thankfully was another waterless area.

“Gah!” Blaine took the snorkel off, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. “Wow, Frogmon...You did pretty good there. That was smart using your leaf propellers like that.

“Really? Awww, tha-“

SMACK!! Suddenly a fin appears from nowhere, smacking Frogmon right across the face!

“OW!! What the-“


“Heya, the names Orcamon! You right to fight?!” Orcamon says, a cocky look on his face.

“Ow...Yeesh, you could’ve given us a warning first!” Frogmon spits.

“Oh come on, you’re on the third trial, you should know what’s going on by now!” Orcamon giggles before also smacking Blaine across the face, knocking him back.

“Hee hee, come on, try and catch me if you can!” Orcamon quickly runs away.

“HEY!! No one hits my partner!” Frogmon growls, running after Orcamon.

“LEAF SHURIKEN!!” Frogmon tries to strike at Orcamon, but he quickly dodges the attack.

“Er...GUN GUN!!” Frogmon fires, but once again Orcamon dodges.

“Hee hee, you’re gonna have to try harder then that!” Orcamon giggles, continuing to run away from Frogmon.

“Stop...running...away!” Frogmon was getting tired from all the running, growing more and more annoyed.

“Ergh...FROG BOMB! FROG BOMB! FROG BOMB!!” Frogmon, in a blind fury, carelessly threw multiple bombs everywhere, but Orcamon continued to dodge each and every one.


“Frogmon, chill out!!” Blaine calls. “He’s trying to tire you out, you need to calm down!” Frogmon couldn’t hear Blaine over the sound of the bombs exploding.

I see what his strategy is...He’s trying to tire Frogmon out...’ Blaine thinks to himself, silently watching the fight. ‘He’s only paying attention to Frogmon though...I wonder if I could...’ Blaine silently draws one katana, keeping a close eye on Orcamon.

“Haha! Missed me, you missed me, now you gotta-“

WHAP! As Orcamon runs, Blaine quickly sticks his katana out, Orcamon smacking into the blade and falling down.

“OW! Hey...”

“Nows your chance, Frogmon! Get him!” Blaine shouts.

“Oh no you don’t! ULTRASONIC CRUSHER!!” Orcamon suddenly lets out a high pitched supersonic cry, knocking everyone off their balance. Then, Orcamon grabs Blaine, restraining him.

“Now if you attack me, you’re gonna hurt your human friend too!” Orcamon giggles maniacally. Frogmon growled, seething with rage.

“WHY, YOU...”

Great, now I made things worse...’ Blaine thinks to himself, eyeing his katana that he dropped.

‘...Atleast I still have my other one.’ Blaine struggles, silently trying to grab the other katana on his back.

“...YAH!!” Blaine strikes at Orcamon, knocking him on his back and quickly running away.

“Nows your chance Frogmon! GET HIM!!”

“FROG BOMB!!” Frogmon throws one more time, and the bombs directly hit Orcamon, the blast throwing him against the stone wall.

“OWWWW!! Ok, ok I give up!! I don’t wanna di-“


“FROGMON, STOP!! He’s given up!!” Frogmon suddenly stops, realizing that Orcamon was down.

“I’m sorry for teasing you, alright?! It was just for fun, don’t kill me!” Frogmon takes a few deep breaths, calming himself down.

“Oh...Ok...Sorry” Frogmon huffs.

“Wow, even when I played dirty, you guys still beat me! Good luck with the next trials!” Orcamon says, before swimming away in the entrance.

“You look tired, Frogmon...Wanna sit for a minute?” Blaine asks, Frogmon nodding as they plop down on the stone floors. They both sit in silence for a few minutes, Frogmon catching a few breaths.

“Sorry I got so...Angry, Blaine.” Frogmon says sadly. “I just got so scared when he grabbed you, I thought he was gonna hurt you...” 

“It’s ok, I understand buddy...I’m ok though, you don’t have to worry.” Blaine says, giving a warm, comforting smile. Frogmon smiles back, finally looking content.

“Now that we’re alone, and we have nothing to do...” Frogmon shyly says. “...Could you tell me why you wanted to face these trials? If it’s personal, I’ll make sure not to tell the others!” Blaine looked down for a moment, thinking seriously.

“Its, uh...Hard to explain, but...

...It almost feels like the others have done or accomplished more then us. Taeka figured out that prophecy and was the first to Digivolve to ultimate...Erik Digivolved to ultimate as well and crossed those frozen tundras...Lily got ultimate as well and defeated Vademon...And Cora is somehow able to get BlackGabumon to Digivolve normally.”

”...I don’t know, this just felt like something I needed to do so I could accomplish something important. I really wanted to make sure we were all powerful enough to defeat the Dark King, and I thought doing all this would help.” Silence hung in a air for a short moment as Frogmon pondered over Blaine’s words.

“Ahhh, alright, I get it!” Frogmon says. “I’ve felt the same way too, almost everyone has Digivolved to ultimate except for me! I think though if we get this new Digi-egg, we’ll be powerful enough to take on the Dark King...So no matter what happens, I’m with you, alright?” Frogmon smiles warmly at Blaine, who couldn’t help but smile back.

“...Thanks, I really appreciate it.” Frogmon then noticed something...One of Blaine’s Katanas was glowing a soft...green color? It was very faint, but he could still noticed it.

“...Anyways, we should probably get going to the next area. You think you’re rested up now?” Blaine asks, getting up.

“Huh? Ohh yeah, us Digimon heal quickly!” The two walk over to the next tunnel. Noticing that the next area was underwater, Blaine adjusted his snorkel on again.

“I’ll try not to get in the way this time.” Blaine says, as Frogmon nods along, the two diving into the water.


‘Manbomon: Champion level, Vaccine. Mutant fish Digimon that is rare, barely seen even in the net ocean. Main attack is Combo Gloves, where it strikes with a combination of fast punches.’

Frogmon immediately spotted the next opponent...And this time there was not just one...But two of them.

“COMBO...GLOVES!!” Both the Manbomon immediately strike at Frogmon, who tries to deflect with his leaf shurikens, but fails. They keep punching and punching, not giving Frogmon the chance to attack.

I know I said I wouldn’t get in the way, but...’ Blaine pulled out both katanas. He knew he couldn’t let Frogmon keep getting attacked like this.

Before the Manbomon could strike again, Blaine quickly thrust the katana in front, stopping the attacks.

“LEAF SHURIKEN!!” Frogmon quickly attacked, knocking them back. Both the Manbomon shook it off, ready to attack again.


“LEAF CUTTER!!” Before the Manbomon can attack again, Frogmon propels himself away. Frogmon then attaches himself to a rock, the leaf propellers spinning wildly to protect himself. The Manbomon tried to strike again, but only hurt themselves on the propellers. Soon the Manbomon started getting weaker, slowly floating away from Frogmon.

“...FROG BOMB! FROG BOMB! FROG BOMB!!” Frogmon took the chance and thre multiple bombs at the Manbomon, hitting them all at once! Multiple blasts went off at once, and once the blasts dissipated, the Manbomon were gone, reduced to dust.

Frogmon quickly swam over to the next tunnel, Blaine swimming behind. The water tunnel once again led them to another room, with no water.

“Are you...Ok Frogmon?” Blaine asks, noticing how tired Frogmon looked.

“Yeah, but...I think I’m out of-“

WHAP!! Suddenly a large tentacle smack Frogmon, sending him flying. Blaine looks up at their new opponent.


‘Gesomon: Champion level, Virus. Giant squid Digimon that lurks in the depths of the net ocean, attacking anyone who invades its territory. One powerful attack is Deadly Shade, where it spurts a powerful ink that can numb the opponent’s vision.’

There was also two Gesomon, who both stood over the two, fangs bared.

“...Of course there’s two of them.” Blaine mumbles.

“Frogmon, use your frog bombs!!” Blaine calls.

“I, I can’t, I...I’m all outta bombs!” Frogmon weakly grumbles.

“What? But how...”

“Guess I gotta...GUN GUN!!” Frogmon fires at both the Gesomon, only slightly damaging and angering them.

“DEADLY SHADE! DEADLY SHADE!” Both the Gesomon fire blasts of ink at Frogmon, completely covering him in ink as he screeched in pain.

“Frogmon, NO!!” Blaine tried to strike at the Gesomon, but one held him back with a tentacle, the other Gesomon smacking Frogmon across the room.

“Ugh...No...” Frogmon tried to get up, but stumbled weakly, slipping on the sludgy ink that covered him. Soon he collapsed on the floor, sadly dedigivolving back to Ryudamon. Both the Gesomon towered over Ryudamon, readying another attack.

“No...” Blaine eyes widened, terrified that Ryudamon was seconds away from getting crushed, tears starting to well in his eyes.

“...NOO!!” Blaine quickly dived between the Gesomon, defensively standing in front of Ryudamon, both blades raised. The Gesomon grabbed the katanas, trying to pull them away, but Blaine continued to stand his guard.

“Blaine...No...” Ryudamon mumbled weakly.

“I’m not letting them kill you, Ryudamon!!” Blaine yelled, still trying his best to block the Gesomon.

Even when I’m defeated, he’s still able to fight...Defending me...’ Ryudamon looks up at Blaine, who was still standing his guard. Ryudamon tries to force himself up, weakly stumbling but falling onto one knee.

‘I can’t...Let him fight alone...I’m supposed to be the one who fights...’ Suddenly Blaine’s Digivice started glowing, an all familiar, soft light. The light fixed in with the soft glow of Blaine’s katana...And it was reenergizing Ryudamon.

I haven’t felt this light...In a while...’ Ryudamon stumbles, finally standing up fully.

“I...No, we can’t lose!!” Suddenly the Digivice’s light bursts, enveloping Ryudamon.



“We won’t lose to you! BOUJINHA!!” Ginryumon charges at the Gesomon, knocking them both flat on their backs. Blaine’s eyes widened, frozen in surprise.

“Wha?! How..” Blaine stood with his mouth open, questioning how Ryudamon Digivolved back to his original champion form.

“ERGH...DEADLY SHADE!!” The Gesomon tried to attack again, but this time Ginryumon quickly dived out of the way.

“PIERCING BLADES! PIERCING BLADES!!” Ginryumon released a barrage of spears upon the Gesomon, the two Digimon screeching in pain, falling on their backs again. Ginryumon’s body then started rumbling, squeezing his eyes shut. It looked like he was preparing another attack, but Blaine couldn’t tell which one.

“...HEAT EYE!!!” Suddenly huge lasers exploded from Ginryumon’s eyes, the streams piercing right through both the Gesomon! The Gesomon look down at the holes in their bodies, in shock, under their bodies poor into data.

“Wha...What the heck?!” Blaine’s eyes were wide at this display of power. “How did you Digivolve back to Ginryumon?! And what was that...Attack?” Ginryumon was silent for a moment, thinking.

“...I honestly have no idea. I just felt a sudden surge of power when your Digivice started glowing.” Blaine pulled out his Digivice and looked for a moment, despite the earlier glow now being gone.

“...Hm.” Blaine puts the Digivice away, looking down at the next water tunnel.

“...Well, atleast we can use this to our advantage. You ready for one last fight?” Blaine asks.

“Well, actually...Since this is the last room before we finally get the egg, I was thinking...

...Could we try and just...Go past the last enemy instead of fighting them? I mean...If it’s the last enemy and we just quickly swim by, I think we’ll be fine.” Blaine thinks the question over for a moment.

“I think that’ll be fine. You just want me to hold onto you, and you’ll quickly swim by the opponent?” Ginryumon nods in response as Blaine adjusts his snorkel onto Ginryumon’s face.

“...Are you sure you don’t need it?” Ginryumon asks. 

“Yeah, it’s fine. I think I’ll be able to hold my breath long enough.” Blaine hops onto Ginryumon’s back, taking a deep breath...Then giving a thumbs up.

Ginryumon quickly dives into the water, paddling as hard as he can...


‘MegaSeadramon: Ultimate level, Data. A more powerful Seadramon that Digivolved to survive the harsh environment of the Digital World. Main attack is Thunder Javelin, where it fires a powerful blast of electricity from the blade on its head.’

And of course, he spots another Digimon. MegaSeadramon roars the second he sees the two.


“BOUJINHA!!” MegaSeadramon tries to attack, but Ginryumon uses an attack to dive out of the way. Ginryumon swims around, trying to look for an opening to escape...It was hard to find at first since MegaSeadramon took up so much room, but he could eventually spot an opening between the sea Digimon’s serpentine body.

“BOUJINHA! BOUJINHA!!” Since Ginryumon couldn’t attack due to the snorkel covering his mouth and face, he could only propel himself forward through the opening, as MegaSeadramon only looked in confusion, until his face twisted into anger when he saw where they were going.

“THUNDER JAVELIN!!” MegaSeadramon attacked once again, but Ginryumon dodged, swimming downwards. This time the water tunnel was faster, and longer then ever, carrying them through the rushing water...

...Until they landed on solid ground, one last time. Blaine coughed, spitting out some water and taking many breaths.

The two regained their breath for a moment, until they looked around. The area was so much smaller and cramped, that Blaine and Ginryumon could barely stand tall.


The only thing in the room was another Digi-egg, proudly stood atop a pedestal. The two’s eyes lit up with excitement when they saw the egg.

“Yes, finally! Now we can-“

“Hold it right there!” Suddenly a voice comes from nowhere. Everyone looks around, until a tiny Digimon that could easily fit in the palm of your hands floated from behind the pedestal.


‘MarineAngemon: Mega level, Vaccine. A type of Angemon species that generally dislikes fighting. Main attack is Kahuna Wave, where it blows pink bubbles that make the opponent lose their fighting spirit.’

“I am the final opponent, MarineAngemon! Prepare to take your last breaths!” MarineAngemon shouts.

“Wha-You’re a Mega?!” Blaine was taken aback, his eyes and mouth wide. “But you’re so...Tiny!”

“The Digital World can surprise you sometimes.” Ginryumon says, carefully eyeing MarineAngemon.

“I’m going to eliminate you both! And throw your lifeless carcasses in the ocean!” The threat sounded very odd coming from the little Digimon’s high pitched voice. Blaine and Ginryumon looked at eachother, completely baffled.

“Hey, listen, why don’t we all calm down and-“

“KAHUNA WAVE!!” MarineAngemon blows a pink bubble at Blaine, who carefully steps out of the way of the attack.

“Hey! We’re not here to fight anymore, so can we please jus-“

“KAHUNA WAVE!!” Once again MarineAngemon attacks, and once again Blaine dodges.

“Look, we know we can’t beat you...” Blaine says. “But can you just let us take the Digi-egg already so we can use it to help save the Digital World?!”

“Why should I-Ohhhh, wait, you’re both Digidestined aren’t you?” Blaine and Ginryumon nod in response.

“OHHHH, OK! Sure! Just don’t try anything funny, or I’ll feed you both to the Seadramon!” MarineAngemon smiles, floating out of their way.

‘Atleast they changed their mind fast...’ Blaine thinks to himself. He carefully eyes the egg, placing both hands around it...

...And effortlessly picking up the egg.

Immediately Ginryumon Dedigivolved back to Ryudamon, nodding in response.




“...TYLOMON!!” Blaine admired Ryudamon’s new armor Digivolved form.

“Woah, looking pretty sharp!” MarineAngemon says.

“Thanks. Kind’ve a bit awkward when I’m on land though...” Tylomon says.

“Yeah...We should get back to the surface then...We can fight with this form later.”

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MarineAngemon helped the two get back up to the surface, as Blaine and Ryudamon walked back to the Bayside town...

However, when they got close, they noticed some commotion going on.

The Dark King was there, and he had a few Digimon with him. One was the familiar ExTyrannomon...


‘Devidramon: Champion level, Virus. Dark dragon Digimon that was summoned from the dark area, as the messenger of darkness. Main attack is Crimson Claw, where it slices up the opponent with sharpened red claws.’

And another Digimon that was new to him, two that were standing close to the Dark King. When Blaine and Ryudamon snuck closer, he could hear them arguing with the group.

“Yeesh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?!” Taeka retorts.

“SHUT THE HELL UP!!” The Dark King shouts, full of fury. “I don’t have to take this sass from the likes of you!!”

“Oh, I’m soooo scared...What are you gonna do, put a dark chip in me?” Taeka sarcastically remarks.

‘...I’ve had enough of this guy.’ Blaine thinks to himself, gritting his teeth. Blaine suddenly marches over to everyone, defensively standing in front of everyone.

“...You have no reason to be here. Why don’t you leave before you make me any angrier then I already am?” Blaine strictly says, everyone surprised by his sudden appearance.

“Blaine! Did you just complete those trials?” Erik asks.

“Yeah, but that’s not important now. What’s going on here?” Blaine asks.

“We were just having a relaxing time on the beach, until this guy decided to ruin our day like usual!” Taeka says.

“I’m tired of your sass, kid!” Dark King remarks. “You wanna lose your tongue, or what?!”

“Real funny how you call her a kid, when you’re also a kid too.” Blaine says. “At the end of the day, that’s all you are. Some weak kid that hides behind harsh lanaguage and innocent Digimon that actually want nothing to do with you.” The Dark King looked genuinely surprised at Blaine’s word for a moment, before his face twisted into anger.

“AGH!! I’m tired of you! ExTyrannomon, attack him!” He says, pointing to Blaine.

“The kid?! A-are you sure about this, boss?”

“Blaine, you need to get away from them!” Cora shouts.

“No. I’m tired of running away...It’s time to let them do the running for a change.” Everyone then started to notice that one of Blaine’s katanas was starting to glow a soft green color again.

“...AAAAAGHHHH!! First you destroy every single one of my dark towers, and now you stand here mocking me?!” The Dark King’s face was twisted into fury.

“Woah, did we really destroy that many towers?” Taeka asks, dumbfounded.

“Don’t play dumb with me! I know what you’re doing, but I still have more places that keep my dark energy around, and more and more powerful Digimon up my sleeve...” The Dark King smiles maniacally.

“Hey, Axel, why don’t we-“ ExTyrannomon tried to speak.

“DO NOT REFER TO ME WITH THAT NAME!!” The Dark King screeches, cutting him off.

“Axel? Is that your real name?” Erik asks, surprised. The Dark King said nothing in response, clenching his fists in anger.

“...KILL THEM!!” Suddenly the king and ExTyrannomon run, as the Devidramon bare their teeth.

“HEY!! Get back here you coward!” Blaine tries to run after, but the Devidramon step in front of him.

“Let’s go guys!” Sangloupmon growls. “STICKER BLADE!!”



“DINO BURST!!” All the Digimon attack at once, instantly knocking out the Devidramon and poofing them into dust.

“Yeesh...Did that guy really just run away again?” Cora huffs.

“He said he had more areas with dark energy...” Ryudamon says. “I guess we know what to look for next.”

“Yeah...” Blaine’s voice is quiet and serious.

“...And he’s not getting away next time.”