Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 1 month ago
43 145281

Chapter 19
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Palmon’s village | Chapter 17

A day later...

Erik finally explained to the group why he and Lily decided to knock down the tower, explaining its connection to the Dark King, and trying to figure out its purpose. Everyone in the group completely understood, agreeing to head to Palmon’s town to figure out the purpose of the towers.

Now, the group walked along a dirt road in an open field, chatting about the towers.

“Yeah it makes sense, the Dark King must be building them for some reason.” Blaine says.

“Yeah, and even if we don’t find out their purposes, they’ll atleast be able to lead us to the King.” Cora says.

“So either way, these towers will be able to benefit us somehow.” Erik says.

“Well I’m glad we found these things, it finally gives us something to do!” Taeka says.

“Yeah, and then we’ll eventually be able to find the Dark King and kick his butt!” Dracomon adds excitedly, pounding his fists into eachother.

“Yeah, and maybe whatever Digimon is inside this egg could help us!” Lily says, staring intently at the egg in her grasp.

“Whatever Digimon is inside that egg is still going to be just a baby, though...” Lopmon says. “...But it could be possible.” Lily smiles down at the egg, rubbing it soothingly.

“Hey, look!” BlackGabumon points to something far away. When everyone squints their eyes, they see...Another tower in the distance. And they could also see a village coming into view, with tall wooden walls surrounding some small wooden houses.

“Yes!! Another tower!” Taeka hurriedly sprints over to the village, racing ahead of everyone.

“Taeka, wait!” Erik calls, running to catch up to her. “You don’t know if-“ Erik and the others quickly halted to a stop, noticing that Taeka stopped running when she reached the village entrance.


‘Ponchomon: Champion level, Virus. Said to be a Togemon that died from unknown circumstances, and was revived. Main attack is Tequila Knuckle, an explosive punch that disorients the enemy.’


‘Togemon: Champion level, Data. Cactus-like plant Digimon with strong punches and sharp needles covering its body. Main attack is Needle Spray, where it shoots the needles on its body at the enemy.’

Two cactus looking Digimon turned around to face everyone, creepily blank looks on their faces.

“Uh...” Taeka mumbles, awkwardly trying to back away.

“Woah woah, look at this!” Ponchomon says in a silly yet creepy voice. “Looks like we got some intruders here in our village!”

“This isn’t your village!” Taeka says angrily. “We know the Dark King took this place over and we’re here to take it back from you stupid looking trees!!”

“Taeka, shut it, you’re just going to make them angrier!” Blaine hisses under his breath. Ponchomon ignores them, turning to look at Togemon.

“Hey Togemon, whaddya think we should do about them?” Togemon steps forward, pounding their fists into eachother. “Don’t worry...I’ll take care of this trash!” Togemon says.

“Uh, I think we should...” Ryudamon mumbles, cautiously looking around. Everyone stood their guard, noticing that Togemon was preparing an attack.


“NEEDLE SPRAY!!” Togemon blasts all the needles on his body! Everyone quickly runs and ducks behind some nearby crates before they get him.

“There’s only two of them, why didn’t we just attack?!” Taeka asks, annoyed.

“I don’t know, would you rather have gotten impaled by those needles?!” Ryudamon responds sarcastically.

“Where did they go!?” Togemon angrily yells. “I’LL GET THEM!! NEEDLE SPRAY!! NEEDLE SPRAY!!” Togemon mindlessly sprays his needles again, the needles flying all around the crates.

“We can’t go out there now, we’ll all get impaled...” Erik says, worried. Everyone looks around, trying to figure out what to do.

“Hey look, I think those are humans!” Everyone suddenly hears a hushed voice from a nearby corner. Everyone looks around, trying to find the source of the voice.

“Yeah, I haven’t seen people in forever!” Another voice says. “And they have other Digimon with them, they must be...” Two heads then pop out from behind a building, revealing the source of the voices.


‘Palmon: Rookie level, Data. Plant-like Digimon that releases different scents from the flower on its head depending on its mood. Main attack is Poison Ivy, where it attacks with toxic vines from its hands.’


‘Gabumon: Rookie level, Vaccine. Timid reptile Digimon that wears the pelt of a Garurumon. Main attack is blue blaster, where it blasts a stream of blue flames from its mouth.’

“Hey look, that’s Palmon!” Lily says, pointing to the plant Digimon. Palmon looks away for a moment, looking embarrassed.

“Sorry, we didn’t mean to gossip about you all.” Palmon says.

“WHERE ARE YA’LL?! Ya can’t hide forever!!” Ponchomon yells, needles still flying through the air.

“Follow us, we know a good spot for you all to hide!” Gabumon says. Everyone carefully follows Palmon and Gabumon around a corner, until they reach a dead end. Then, Palmon carefully moves some boxes around, revealing a hidden trap door in the ground.

“Quick, get in here before those two find you all!” Palmon says. Nobody hesitates, opening the door and crawling down a small ladder one by one. After everyone crawls down the ladder and through a short dirt tunnel, they reach a big underground room, with other types of Digimon in the room, and crates and various items scattered around the room. “Whoa... Have you guys been hiding in here from those Digimon?” Taeka asks.

“Yeah, we built this place in case of any emergencies like this one...” Palmon says. “Uh, sorry it’s kind’ve a mess in here.”

“Hey Batamon, look!” Gabumon calls to someone. “We’ve found some kids out there!”


‘Batamon: Rookie level, Data. Bat like Digimon with a strong metal helmet. Main attack is Shadow Wing, where it charges at the enemy with shadow powered wings.’

A small bat Digimon turns around to face everyone, his eyes lighting up.

“Whoa, really!?” Batamon strides over to the group excitedly, looking back and forth between everyone. “Wow...So you must all be Digidestined then!” Batamon said excitedly. Everyone looked back and forth between eachother, as it was the first time they heard that phrase.

“Digi...Destined?” Taeka cocked her head, confused.

“Oh, have you all never heard of what a Digidestined is?” Gabumon asks. Everyone responds by nodding their heads no.

“...Well, all you Digimon digivolve to fight and defeat evil Digimon, right?” Gabumon asks.

“Oh yeah! We’ve beaten up tons of bad Digimon!” Labramon says.

“Alright, and you human kids also help these Digimon digivolve as well, right?”

“Yeah uh, we’re all partnered together with the Digimon.” Taeka says. “Or uh, somethin like that.”

“Yeah, and we all have these devices that help them digivolve as well...” Erik adds, pulling out his Digivice from his pocket.

“Yeah, that’s it! That’s a Digivice!” Batamon says, excitedly hopping up and down. Everyone’s eyes widen, looking back and forth between eachother.

“Wait a minute...You guys know what a Digivice is?” Cora asks. “How?”

“Oh, it’s a device that a lot of other Digidestined use!” Gabumon says. “There’s many other kids, including me and Batamon’s own human partners that use those to digivolve as well!” Everyone continues looking at eachother, eyes still wide. “Wait a minute...” Taeka kneels down to Gabumon’s level. “So you’re telling me that there’s OTHER kids out there just like us? That also fight evil Digimon?!”

“Oh yeah, there’s tons of kids, all around the world!” Batamon says. “Me and Gabumon’s partners live all the way in Japan!”

“Yeah, and there’s another Palmon like me that also has a human partner!” Palmon adds.

WHAAAAT?! Wait, so, if you two also have human partners, then where are they? And what about the tons of other kids as well?!” Taeka asks.

“Well, sadly, we all lost contact with our partners after our journies ended...” Gabumon says, looking down, everyone exchanging solemn looks.

“Yeah, and we can’t fight or digivolve without them...” Batamon says.

“...That means you all must be the only ones who can help us all...” Palmon says. “So...Will you?”

“Yeah, of course we’ll help you all out.” Erik says, reassuringly. “It’s actually why we all came here to the Digital World in the first place.”

“Oh, thank you all so much! Ok, so...” Gabumon, Palmon and Batamon all start to talk and explain what happened in the village, with the evil Digimon taking over. As they talk, Taeka looks behind herself, noticing that Lily hadn’t said much. “Hey, Lily-“ Taeka immediately freezes, noticing that the egg in Lily’s grasp...Was shaking and rumbling heavily.

“I think it’s going to hatch!” Lily says, her eyes wide with excitement.

“Really? When do you think-“ Taeka immediately stops talking when she sees cracks forming on the egg, light pouring out from them.

“Right now, looks like.” Lopmon says.



The egg’s shell cracks off, light pouring out from the egg. Everyone stops what they’re doing, noticing the light show coming from the egg...


And the new little baby Digimon in the palms of Lily’s hands.

“Oh my gosh...He’s so CUTE!!” Lily squeals, gently nuzzling the little Digimon. Everyone kneels down, all squishing themselves around Lily to see the new Digimon.

“Wow, nice job Lily!” Cora compliments. “He’s a little cutie...”

“Yeah, he sure is...” Palmon says. “I wonder what kind of Digimon he’s supposed to be?”

Lily pulls out her Digivice.

‘Zerimon: Fresh level, Free. Rare, twin Digimon with a docile personality. Spits acid bubbles to intimidate its opponent.’

“His names Zerimon...Aww little Zerimon, I’m going to take good care of you, alright? I’m going to be like your new mommy!” Lily gently pets Zerimon, a warm smile on her face.

“Zer...I?” Zerimon coos softly, curiously looking up at Lily.

“...This is why we fight.” Taeka says softly to herself. Everyone looks at her, confused.

“...THIS IS WHY WE FIGHT EVIL DIGIMON!! Life such as Zerimon and everyone else here are all too precious to watch get destroyed by the hands of the Dark King and his army...

...Which is why we have to knock down that tower, and defeat those evil Digimon!! Now who’s with me?!” Taeka’s short speech starts to fill everyone up with confidence.

“You’re completely right, Taeka. I’m with you!” Erik says, smiling.

“Yeah, im with you too.” Blaine says, nodding.

“Um, is it ok if I stay down here? I wanna keep Zerimon safe for now...” Lily asks.

“Yeah, I think I’m gonna stay down here too.” Cora says.

“That’s alright. But we’ll yell for you guys if we need backup, alright?” Taeka says. Everyone nods in agreement with the plan.

“Ok, let’s let’s go save this town!!”

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Gabumon lead Taeka, Erik, Blaine, and their Digimon carefully through the town and next to the dark tower, avoiding being seen by the Ponchomon and Togemon. 

Taeka poked her head around the corner of the tower, scouting for the Digimon.

Two Togemon, and one Ponchomon.

“Alright guys, heres the plan. Erik, I think that thing you did where you and Lily knocked down that tower and crushed that BlackGrowlmon was pretty dang cool, so I want you guys to do the same and crush all three of those Ponchomon and Togemon!” Taeka pounds her fists together, looking excited and determined.

“Taeka, are you sure about this? If we crush them all right now, we might not be able to figure out what these tower’s purposes are.” Erik says, sounding unsure.

“Oh, it’ll be fine! I’m just going to have Dracomon armor digivolve and distract them all while you guys knock down this tower, and then we’ll lead them all underneath! So either way, if the tower doesn’t crush all of them, then we can still figure out the tower’s purpose or whatever...”

Erik looks down for a moment, thinking about it.

“Er...Alright then...” Erik finally obliges.

“Yes!! Alright, you ready Dracomon?” Dracomon nods. “Yeah, let’s do this!”



“Labramon armor digivolve to...Kangarumon!!”

“Ryudamon armor digivolve to...Frogmon!!”

Taeka hops onto Allomon’s back, ready to charge into battle. “COME AND GET US SUCKERS!! WOO!!” Taeka screeches as Allomon runs past the Digimon. “Hey, it’s one of the intruders! Get back here!” One Digimon yells as they all start chasing Allomon.

“...This seems like a dumb idea.” Blaine mutters.

“Well, Taeka seems pretty confident in this plan...” Erik says, looking up at the tower.

“Yeah, I guess...So, how’d you and Lily knock this thing down last time?” Blaine asks.

“Well, Prairiemon was able to dig the dirt underneath it to break it off its hinges, so...”

I can do that!” Frogmon pulls out his leaf shurikens, flipping them in the air. “I can use these to dig through the dirt!” Frogmon wastes no time digging into the ground, also using the claws on his toes to help as well.

“Uhh...You sure this is gonna work?” Blaine asks.

“Yeah! Uh, it might take a bit though...” Erik, Blaine and Kangarumon cautiously look around themselves as Frogmon slowly digs through the dirt. Thankfully, they didn’t see Ponchomon or Togemon anywhere near them, but they did hear the sounds of Taeka loudly screeching insults in the distance.

“Can you hurry up with this?” Blaine asks impatiently.

“Don’t rush me Blaine, I can only do this so fast!” Frogmon says.

“Maybe if I kick the tower too I can help!” Kangarumon insists. “HIYAH!!” When Kangarumon kicks the tower, it starts to rumble and shake a little.

“Oh yeah, here we go! HIYAH!! HIYAH!! Hiiiiiii....

YAHHHH!!” With one last kick, the tower starts to rumble off its hinges.

“There we go! TAEKA!! OVER HERE!!” Erik yells for Taeka as loud as he can, and soon enough, Allomon comes charging into the distance, with Taeka on his back and the Ponchomon and Togemon charging after. The Digimon are so busy chasing Allomon that they don’t even notice the tower falling down...Which crushes all the Togemon.

“WOO!! WE DID IT!!” Taeka let’s out a victory screech.

“Um...Taeka?” Blaine points to the one Ponchomon that was still alive.

“Wait...” Erik points one arm out, motioning everyone to stop. “Now that the towers knocked down, let’s see what he does...”

“H-Huh?” The Ponchomon blinks rapidly, looking around with a confused look on his face. For a moment, he stands completely still...

“Hey, you intruders knock down my tower?! You’re gonna pay for that! TEQUILA KNUCKLE!!” Ponchomon lands a fast punch on Allomon, knocking him off his feet!

“Hey, get away from them!! JUMPING JAB!!”

“LEAF SHURIKEN!!” Before Ponchomon can attack again, Kangarumon and Frogmon attack him, knocking the cactus Digimon on its back.

“Taeka, I’m so sorry! Are you ok?!” Erik worriedly asks.

“Urgh...Yeah I’m good, just hit my head is all.” Taeka says, sweeping some dirt off her face, then turning towards Ponchomon. “Let’s just finish this guy off, alright guys?”

“Alright! DINO BURST!!”


“FROG BOMB!!” Everyone attacks the Ponchomon all at once, instantly poofing the Digimon into dust!

“Heeey, are you guys done ye-“ Gabumon pokes his head around a corner before freezing, his eyes widened. “Whooa, so you guys really did armor digivolve, didn’t you?”

“Uh, yeah...Wait you also know about armor Digivolution as well?” Erik asks.

“Oh yeah! Me and Batamon know a couple other Digidestined that can use armor Digivolution as well! Um, did the eggs that you guys used to Digivolve have these symbols on them?” Gabumon asks.

“Yeah, but we have no idea what they’re supposed to mean or represent...” Blaine says.

“Those symbols are called crests...They all represent special traits within a Digidestined...There’s courage, friendship, love, kindness, belief, hope...”

“Whoa wait, there’s really that many kinds of crests?” Taeka asks. “We’ve only been able to find four of them...”

“Oh yeah, there’s all different kinds! I even heard of rumor of another Digi-egg that’s hidden in a secret area in some woods...” Everyone looked back and forth between eachother, wide eyed.

“Wait, seriously?!”

“Yeah...You want me to tell you where it is?”


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“Aw, come on, now would’ve been the perfect chance to get them!” A smaller, purple Digimon says.


“Oh, relax Kogamon, you saw how easily they crushed those Togemon.” A multicolored cat Digimon says, turning to Kogamon.

“Yeah, and not to mention how effortlessly they vaporized that Ponchomon.” A second identical looking cat Digimon adds.

“Mikemon, Kogamon, relax...” A deep voice cuts through their conversation.

“...We’ll get them next time.”