Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 43
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Ebemon’s last stand | FINALE

“I...Can’t see!” Lily and Lopmon walked into the living room, after just waking up, but the room was pitch black, unable to see where she was going. But for some reason, she could hear what sounded like...Whispering. From multiple people, in the kitchen.

“Where’s the light switch?” Lopmon asks. Lily touches her hand on the walls, until she can finally feel the light switch underneath it. “I think I found it!” Lily says, as she switches on the lights...

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” Taeka, Dracomon, and both their parents suddenly scream aloud from the kitchen, Lily gasping with genuine surprise.

“Wha-What the heck?! Is today really my Birthday?!” Lily asks, eyes widened as she turns to the calendar on the wall next to her. The date: October 5th, was circled with red marker, which read: LILY’S BIRTHDAY.

“Oh my gosh, I totally forgot! Yayy!!” Lily giggles happily, running to everyone in a group hug.

“Here, this is for you!” Taeka walks to the counter, picking up a cupcake and happily handing it to Lily.

“Sorry honey, but that’s all we could get with all this Digimon stuff going on.” Her mom sighs, eyeing the cupcake. “But we promise to throw you a party once everythings back to normal, and get you a bigger cake.”

“Ooh, yeah! I wanna invite our friends too!” Lily say, happily taking bites of her cupcake.

“Lily, if you don’t mind me asking...” Lopmon steps next to her. “But what exactly is a Birthday?”

“Oh, it’s like a day you have each year to celebrate you becoming a year older!” Lily says. “Like, since October 5th is my 9th Birthday, it means I’m 9 years old now!” Lopmon nods in understandment, as Taeka looks at the clock, which read: 11:34 AM.

“Oh man, we gotta leave now or we’ll be late!” Taeka points to the clock, as Lily hurriedly scarfs down the rest of her cupcake, the two grabbing and putting on some jackets and waving bye to their parents.

“Bye girls! Good luck with your fighting today!” Their dad says, as they open the door, leaving and quickly closing.

“Come on, everyone...” Taeka says, as they all run. “Let’s get to Blaine’s house...Before...”

“Hey! Lily!” A voice suddenly calls to them, as they run past a house. The Digimon duck behind the two, as they turn to where the voice was coming from.

“Jake! Is that you?” Lily asks. They turn to the fenced backyard next to their house, and see a little blond haired boy, who was Lily’s best friend, sitting atop the fence.

“Lily! I almost forgot to say but Happy Birthday!” Jake calls. “Do you know what the heck is going on with all the monsters on TV? It’s kind’ve scary, but also a little cool!” Jake rambles, as Lily and Taeka nervously step away, trying their best to hide Lopmon and Dracomon.

“Uh yeah, and I totally have no idea what they’re called!” Lily nervously lies. Jake stares at them silently, squinting at them.

“...Where the heck are you two going? Mommy and daddy say we’re not supposed to go anywhere!” Jake asks, the two sweating nervously.

“It’s, uh...Kind’ve hard to explain...” Lily lies.

“Woah, look at! It’s a squirrel!” Taeka lies, pointing in a random direction behind Jake.

“Huh? Where-WOAH!!” Jake suddenly falls off the fence, a loud thump as he lands into his backyard, now out of sight.

“Uh, is he ok?” Lopmon asks.

“Yeah, but uh...” Taeka says, her and Lily scooping up their partners and walking away. “Let’s just get outta here...Before he sees you two!”

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Knock knock!

Blaine opens the door to his house, as Taeka and Lily quickly run inside.

“We’re not...Too late, are we?” Taeka huffs in an exaggerated manner.

“Nah, you’re here on time. Everyone else is here.” Blaine says, as he leads them to a small living room, everyone sitting in different spots, as well as Commandramon being there.

“Hey! Taeka, Lily, Axel has something cool he wants to show you!” ExTyrannomon pints to Axel, who was sitting on the floor, a computer on his lap that was plugged into a nearby outlet. The two sisters sit on the floor next to him, as Dracomon and Lopmon plop onto the couch.

“Look, I found an easier way for us to track Digimon!” Axel smiles, excited as he pulls out a wire, connecting one side to his Digivice, and the other into his computer. Suddenly then, a big map pops up on the computer screen, a big map of the cities, that had various colored dots scattered around the map.

“Whoa! Is that a map of New York?” Lily asks, in awe.

“Heh, sure is. When I connect my Digivice to my computer, it greatly improves the use of the Digimon tracker, and allows us to see all the cities around us, and any Digimon and their locations.” Axel explains. “The dots are the Digimon, and their colors represent their levels. For example, white dots are rookie level Digimon, or any level below that. Yellow dots are for champion Digimon. Orange is for ultimate. And red...That’s for mega.”

“Whoa...” Lily traces her finger on the computer screen, pointing to all the different dots. For the most part, all the dots were either a yellow, or orange color. “It’s mostly champions and ultimates!”

“Well...For the most part.” Axel frowns, his face turning serious. He unplugs his computer from the wall, moving it to the coffee table, so everyone could see it. “First off, you see this area right here?” Axel points to a spot on the map, with 6 white dots, and one orange. “That’s where we are. And...” He scrolls the map, until he finally finds a spot...With two red dots.

“There’s...Two megas in that spot.” Blaine says, his voice low.

“That must be where the Master Plan Digimon are at.” Commandramon chimes in, everyone turning to him.

“Commandramon, could you please tell us what the Master Plan is?” Erik asks, Commandramon nodding.

“Well...Our Empire found a new leader to rule over us, and they had made a plan to unleash an ultra powerful Digimon onto the cities...To completely destroy it.” Commandramon explains, everyone gasping quietly.

“Who’s the new leader supposed to be?” Lopmon asks. “And who’s the ultra powerful Digimon?”

“I wouldn’t know, Armormon is actually the only one who knows the identities of both Digimon.” Commandramon responds.

“Aw man, but me and Lily already took him out!” Taeka groans, facepalming. “Now we’ll never be able to figure it out!”

“It’s ok, as long as we can figure out where the two megas are at, we can still save the city.” Axel says. Axel scrolls back and forth on the map, whispering to himself. 

“Nows, let’s see...It seems like the area they’re in is around an hour away from us...” Axel speaks to himself. “And the only big building...That can easily hide a Digimon...Thats around there...Is...” He opens up a tab, typing...Until the name of a building pops up...

“Fieldson’s Laboratory. It’s a high-security lab, seems like the perfect place to hide any secret plans.” Axel says.

“They must’ve taken over the lab then...” Cora says.

“Yeah, and if we can get inside that lab, and take out those two mega Digimon...Then we can clean up and take out any other Digimon that lurk anywhere else...” Axel states. “And finally save this city.”

“Sweet, we finally got the perfect plan then!” Taeka says. “Thank you, Axel.” Axel smiles.

“If the place is over an hour away, we might as well get going right now.” Blaine says. Everyone scatters to different directions, as Axel stares at his computer screen for a moment. He looks at some of the dots on the map, and for some reason, sees a couple of them disappear.

‘Hm? Why are some of them going away?’ Axel thinks to himself. He quickly shakes it off, closing his computer and getting ready as well. By now, everyone was getting ready, except for one person, who sat looking down at the ground.

“Taeka, you ready to beat up some bad Digimon?!” Dracomon excitedly says, but his face falls when he looks at her. “Taeka, are you alright?” Taeka is silent for a moment, before sighing.

“...You remember what Hackmon said to us? Before we left?” Taeka asks, Dracomon cocking his head, confused. “He said after this fight...That’d we have to say goodbye to eachother. Does this mean...We’ll never see each other again?”

“What?! No! Well...” Dracomon tried to protest, but couldn’t find the right words to speak, only looking away nervously. An awkward silence forms between the two for a moment, before Dracomon shakes his head, his face serious.

“You know what? No! I don’t care what Hackmon said!” Dracomon says, Taeka turning to him. “I’m not saying goodbye to you, and I’m not leaving you! Even if all the others return back to the Digital World, I want us to stay together...Forever.”

“Really? Wow, Dracomon...” Taeka wipes some tears off that were close to forming in her eyes, a new determined smile on her face. “Then let’s promise to always stick together, alright buddy?”

“...I promise.” The two smile, embracing each other tightly.

“Hey, you two coming?” Blaine suddenly calls from the front door, interrupting their moment. The two let go of each other, hurriedly running to the door.

“Heh, yeah...Sorry to make you all wait.”

Sometime later...

The group had spent over an hour walking, tired but happy to finally see the gigantic lab come into view, as they walked down an empty dirt path that had led them out of the city. The lab was huge, reaching many stories into the sky, with a big, metal fence that was equally as high. Oddly enough though, there was no one around.

“Is it just me...Or does this place seem strangely empty?” Cora asks.

“I know, it seems a bit too convenient for such a high-security lab.” Ryudamon adds.

“This could be a trap guys, let’s be careful...” Taeka says, as everyone cooks around them, cautiously stepping forward. Axel looked down at the tracker on his Digivice, showing how close the two mega Digimon were to them.

“...Maybe we should split up then.” Axel says. “If there’s two megas, and we split into two groups, we can take them out much faster.” Everyone nods in agreement with this plan. “Three go after the leader, which is farther into the lab, and the rest go after the ultra powerful Digimon.”

“If you all don’t mind, I’ll stay back here.” Commandramon says. “And keep a look out.”

“Ooh, I wanna go find the leader!” Taeka adds. “I wanna be the one to kick his butt!”

“I’ll go after the ultra powerful Digimon.” Erik says. “I can’t let them hurt anyone.”

“I’ll go with Taeka.” Blaine adds.

“I wanna help Erik.” Cora adds.

“I’ll stick with Taeka and Blaine.” Axel adds.

“Then I’m with Erik and Cora!” Lily chimes in. 

“Alright, everyone...” Taeka says, everyone nodding confidently. “See you all on the other side.”

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Taeka, Blaine and Axel, walked silently down a long hallway, their footsteps softly echoing on the metallic floorings. Axel kept his eyes fixated on the Digimon tracker, as they got closer and closer to the Digimon.

“We’ll reach them. Any second now.” Axel says, lowering his voice.

“Hey, maybe we should sneak up on them from behind!” Taeka says, pounding her fists together.

“Yeah, like a sneak attack!” Dracomon adds.

...Click! Suddenly then, what sounded like a loudspeaker clicked, echoing through the hall. Everyone stopped, turning their attention to a speaking on the side of the ceiling.

“...I’m afraid that’s not gonna happen.” A robotic voice speaks in a mocking tone, over the loudspeaker...


Suddenly, two heavy doors slam down, trapping everyone in a small space.

“What the?! How did you...” Taeka stutters in shock.

“I hear everything. But hey, don’t you worry. You’re all safe in this little space here. You’ll be getting off easy compared to the others...Especially when they run into him.” The voice mocks, shocking everyone to their core.

“Oh no...This was a trap!” Axel whimpers.

“Erik and the others are in danger...” Blaine says. “We gotta get outta here!” The Digimon try attacking the walls, but do nothing, the blasts simply bouncing right off.

“Come on, guys...We gotta digivolve!” Dracomon says.





...But nothing happens.

“Hey, why aren’t you guys digivolving?!” Taeka asks.

“I...I don’t know. It’s not working for some reason!” Dracomon says. Everyone’s eyes fill with worry, as they look around, in complete and utter panic.


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Erik, Lily and Cora all stumbled down a pitch black hallway, barely even able to see anything in front of them.

“Man...I can’t see a thing in here!” Cora says. Lily and Lopmon feel the sides of the walls, until they feel what felt like an opened door.

“Hey, I think there’s another room over here!” Lily says. They all follow her voice, until they walked into another room, which was also dark, but the echoes indicated that it was a pretty big room.

“Alright...” Erik feels the walls, looking for a light switch. “Now let’s see if we can fight the-“

Click! In an unexpected turn, the lights suddenly switch on, now revealing the huge room that stretched many stories, and many feet wide. Surprisingly, it was mostly empty...


...Except for a gigantic Digimon, who looked like it was asleep. 

SLAM! The door behind them suddenly slammed shut, as Cora and Lily tried to open it back up.

“It’s locked!” Cora says. 

“But...How is that...” Erik stares up at the big Digimon, in horror.

“...Kill them, Machinedramon.” The voice booms on the loudspeaker, echoing throughout the room. Then, Machinedramon’s eyes light up, his previously sleeping form standing up tall, slowly creeping towards the group, who only stare up in shock.

“It’s ok, guys, we got this!” Labramon confidently barks, him and the other Digimon stepping forward.





“...Uh, what’s going on?” Erik asks.

“I don’t know, it won’t work!” Labramon says.



“What, why is BlackGabumon the only one who can digivolve?” Lopmon asks.

“PLASMA GUN!!” Mummymon strikes, but Machinedramon doesn’t move an inch.

“Mummymon, I really don’t think you can defeat him on your own!” Cora whimpers.

“Oh no...SNAKE BANDAGE!!” Mummymon tries to restrain Machinedramon with the bandages, but it doesn’t work, as he effortlessly rips them off.

“...EVERYONE, RUN!!” Labramon yells, as they all take off running to the other side of the room. Machinedramon slowly stomps after them, until he quickly corners everyone, who all back up until their backs are touching the cold walls. Machinedramon raises a claw, ready to attack...

Pound! POUND! 

...But a loud pounding is suddenly heard on the outside of the wall. Machinedramon freezes, turning his attention to the noise, which only got louder, and more rapid...

Pound! POUND! POUND!!...CRASH!! The wall suddenly explodes...

“STATIC FORCE!!” As Silphymon hops into view, attacking Machinedramon’s feet, sending him stumbling back.

“Silphymon?! What are you doing here?!” Lily asks, wide eyed.

“HEEEY! Lily!!” Then, Terriermon suddenly hops into sight, jumping onto Lily and hugging her. 

“What the? Terriermon too?!” Lily says.

“Yeah! Lily, you never said goodbye to me!” Terriermon says, angrily puffing his cheeks.

“I...Sorry Terriermon, we didn’t have the time!” Lily apologizes, hugging Terriermon back.

“But, I don’t understand...” Erik stutters, wide eyed. “Why are you guys here...And how did you get here?!”

“We heard you guys were fighting more Digimon in this world.” Silphymon says. “And we wanted to help you. After all you did for the Digital World, it’s the least we could do...Dokugumon told us about this.” And, on cue, Dokugumon hops into view...

“DOKUGUMON DIGIVOLVE TO...ARUKENIMON!!” And digivolves into a new form, which stood at the same height as Mummymon.

“D-Dokugumon?! Did you just...Digivolve?!” Mummymon stutters, wide eyed.

“Yes...I saw your message, Mummymon.” Arukenimon says. “After reading that, I knew I had to come here and help you. And...” She turns to the hole in the wall. “I brought your other friends too.”

Then, Soulmon hops through the wall...




“Wha...Soulmon? You can Digivolve too?!” Lily asks.

“Yes...Thanks to all my training, I finally have the strength and confidence to Digivolve!” Phantomon says. “Now join me, my family. L-let’s take this evildoer down!” Phantomon raises his scythe, as a hoard of Bakemon from the Bakemon house float down in view...

...Next Digimon hops down.

Everyone: “MasterTyrannomon?!”

Next...Multiple Snimon, and two Roachmon, from the Giga House.

“Heya, told ya’ll we’d help with whatever ya needed!” One Roachmon says, giving a thumbs up.

Next...MarineAngemon, from Blaine’s Underwater trial.

“Prepare to face my wrath, evildoers!” MarineAngemon squeaks.

Next...Another smaller Digimon, but it was a face they didn’t recognize.


“Uh...Who are you?” Cora asks.

“Oh, right...You don’t recognize me in this form!” The Digimon giggles. “I’m Aruraumon! Remember the Tanemon that helped you guys out a couple of times? That’s me!”

Everyone: “Ooohhhh, that makes sense!”

Next up...Coronamon and Doumon.




“Coronamon, you too?!” Mummymon stutters.

“Haha yeah, told you I was pretty strong!” Firamon smirks.

Next up...Keramon?!




“Huh, Keramon? But I thought you...” Mummymon eyes Chrysalimon suspiciously. 

“I...I’m sorry for what I did. For working for...Barbamon...” Chrysalimon says. “But I’m here to make up for it.”

...And last up, Commandramon hops into view.

“Alright, everyone...” Commandramon aims his gun up at Machinedramon. “Together...We can take him out.” Every Digimon flares up at him, as Mummymon reverts back to BlackGabumon...


“Hey Lily, Erik...You two can get outta here. And go find the others.” Cora smirks, pointing towards the door they originally entered from.

“Wha...Are you sure you’ll be fine?” Erik asks.

“Yeah...We’ve got this.” Cora says, glaring up at Machinedramon. Erik and Lily nod to eachother, as the two, Lopmon and Labramon following, run past Machinedramon, out the door. Machinedramon finally starts to move again, taking a step towards everyone as he raises a claw...

“I don’t think so! NECRO MIST!!” Pharohmon quickly attacks...

“STATIC FORCE!!” As Silphymon does next...

“Alright, everyone! Combined attacks!” Terriermon shouts.

“COMBINATION...ATTACK!!” Everyone’s attacks combined created a huge, powerful rainbow colored beam, the attack knocking Machinedramon off his feet.

“Yeah, we did it!” Terriermon cheers, but Machinedramon quickly stands back up...

“GIGA CANNON!!” Machinedramon fires a huge beam, but Pharohmon quickly steps in front of everyone, blocking the attack with his tomb, thus protecting everyone.

“One more time, everyone! We can do this!” Cora cheers.

“COMBINATION ATTACK!!” Everyone attacks once again, sending Machinedramon crashing into the wall. Well, everyone except for Pharohmon, who prepared a powerful attack...He felt a dark energy surging through both hands...He raised both up slowly, as two, dark, gigantic energy claws formed in the air...

“DARK CLAW!!” The claws sliced through Machinedramon...As his body collapsed to the ground, poofing to dust.

“...WOO! WE DID IT!!” Everyone cheers, Cora running to Pharohmon and hugging him. The group of Digimon look outside through the hole in the wall, as some of them start jumping out.

“Hey, where are you guys going now?” Cora asks.

“We know there’s more bad Digimon in the cities...” Silphymon says. “So we’re gonna take out the rest for you guys.”

“Woah, seriously? You sure that’s not too much trouble?” Pharohmon asks.

“Heh, of course not! It’s the least we can do for you guys saving the Digital World!” Terriermon smiles, hopping onto Silphymon’s shoulder.

“Wow, you guys are amazing...” Cora gives a warm smile. “Thank you.” Silphymon and Terriermon nod, as they hop out of sight, now leaving Cora and Pharohmon alone.

“We should go find the others now.” Pharohmon says. The two look around, noticing another door that nobody had entered yet.


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“UGH! COME...ON!!” Taeka groaned loudly, her and Dracomon kicking the metal doors repeatedly.

“Taeka, you seriously think that’s going to help us?” Blaine scoffs. “All you’re gonna do is just hurt your feet.”

“Well, we gotta get outta here!! I can’t stand being trapped in here, I feel like a caged animal!” Taeka yells.

“Guys, you gotta come take a look at this!” Axel says, as he laid sitting on the floor, looking down at his computer. Everyone quickly surroundeds him, looking at the Digimon tracker...The dots all around the city rapidly disappearing.

“Woah, why are they all disappearing like that?” Blaine asks.

“I don’t know, they’re either fighting each other, or somebody out there is helping us out!” Axel says. Everyone watches the screen for a moment. All the dots were disappearing, and besides seeing their partners and allies on screen, everyone was gone...Except for one red dot.

“...The leader. That’s all who’s left now.” Axel says, his voice serious. Blaine and Taeka stand up, both eyeing the metal doors again.

“...Ugh, but we still can’t got outta here!” Taeka grumbles, as she resumes kicking the doors. Blaine stands still, as thoughts start to flow through his head.

“Hey, what if there’s something here that’s preventing us from Digivolving?” Blaine says. “You know, like when we first went to the Digital World?”

“If that’s the case, then we could get outta here using...” Ryudamon says.

“...Armor Digivolution.” Dracomon finishes.

“...Taeka, you should armor Digivolve to Gargoylemon, he’d be strong enough to break through the doors.” Blaine says.

“Yeah, but you think any of us wanna be trapped in a room with him?” Taeka scoffs.

“...True.” Blaine grumbles. Axel slips his computer back into his backpack, standing up.

“Guess it’s up to us, then, ExTyrannomon.” Axel says, ExTyrannomon nodding.



“MAGNA BLAST!!” ExMagnamon fires beams through both doors, blasting big holes through both. Everyone immediately climbs through one, to the direction they were originally heading to. They ran as fast as they could, feet rapidly pounding on the metal flooring. The hallway got darker and darker, until they finally skid to a stop, in a pitch dark room.

“I...Can’t see a thing!” Taeka grunts.

“Haha, Digidestined, it seems you’ve finally found my...Headquarters...” The same voice that was on the loudspeakers, mocks them in the darkness, the voice sounding like it was in the middle of the room, nearby...

Click! As the lights suddenly switch on, Erik and Lily right behind everyone, standing next to the light switch...


...As the lights finally revealed the voice of the Digimon.

“Dammit!! How dare you ruin my mysterious air?!” The Digimon angrily groans. Everyone looks around the room. Ebemon was standing in the middle of what looked like a giant tube, but was mostly shattered, with bits of sharp, broken glass sticking out. On the floor around him, laid...What looked like a bunch of lab workers. Many of them, which laid flat on the floor, looking like they were knocked out. Everyone glares at the Digimon, stepping forward...

“Take one step closer, and I kill them all.” The Digimon threatens, aiming his weapons down at the people. Everyone steps back cautiously, nerves shocked from the horrid threat. Everyone looks around the room, as Lily looks up...

“Hey, look at that!” She points at the ceiling, as she pointed at what looked like an odd crystal-like object hanging. It was spinning rapidly, and the material it was made from looked similar to the Dark Chips.

“Whoa...That must be what’s preventing us from Digivolving.” Lopmon says.

“Heh, maybe so, but-“

“NECRO MIST!!” Before the voice can finish, Pharohmon and Cora pop out on the other side of everyone, striking the crystal object. The mist makes the crystal sizzle, as it falls off the ceiling and crashes, shattering into a bunch of pieces. Then, everyone’s Digivices start to glow brightly.




“RYUDAMON WARP DIGIVOLVE TO...OURYUMON!!” All the Digimon were now in their mega forms, circled around the Digimon.

“Oh, come on!! First you destroy Machinedramon, and my crystal, and now you ruin my revenge plan?!” The Digimon shouts furiously.

“Revenge plan...? Are you talking about revenge on...Us?” Erik asks.

“But we have no idea who you even are.” Anubismon adds. The Digimon doesn’t respond, giving a light, robotic chuckle.

“...The names Ebemon. None of you recognize me in this new form, but I’m sure something about me must be familiar.” Ebemon chuckles, everyone looking confused. Ebemon turns to Lily and Cherubimon, giving a fierce glare.

“I’m sure you recognize me. You gave me a pretty good defeat when you were Antylamon.” Ebemon growls.

“Antylamon...Defeated you? Hm...” Thoughts flowed through Lily’s head, trying to remember. Taking in Ebemon’s form, and somewhat familiar voice...Thinking...

...Then, it clicked in her head.

“...Vademon?!” Lily stares wide eyed. Ebemon nods, everyone gasping in pure shock.

“How is that...Possible?” Ouryumon asks. “If you died...In this world?”

“Ahh, it wasn’t easy. Antylamon gave me a pretty good beat up...” Ebemon explains. “But when I turned to dust, I managed to use the last of my will to absorb myself into a powerful computer system...A system right here inside this lab, in fact. One of the scientists, who, ah...Doesn’t matter now. He managed to manifest my data back to life. Also experimented with it, adding and taking data and components to my body...Which finally allowed me to achieve this new form. I don’t think they realized how powerful I am, though. After that, it was pretty easy to take over this entire lab, which I also used to send a message to my old Empire...To finally enitiate my revenge plan. I’m pretty damn powerful now, and I no longer require the Dark King’s help...” Ebemon pauses, turning to Axel who only glares back at him.

“Honestly, I should probably be thanking you all. Things worked out better then I thought, and now I can finally initiate my REAL Master Plan.” Ebemon growls in a low tone.

“Not if we can help it...” Taeka grumbles. The Digimon raise their arms, ready to attack...

“Everyone, stop. If we attack, we might hurt the lab people.” Blaine says. Everyone halts their movement, looking down at the still collapsed people.

“Ugh...What are you even talking about when you say real master plan?” Pharohmon grumbles.

“...It’s right behind you.” Ebemon says, turning to Cora and Pharohmon. The two turn around, only now noticing what looked like a big tank behind them, but it was pitch black inside. Ebemon clicks a switch next to him, lighting up the tank...


...And see a gigantic Digimon resting inside of it, it’s body collapsed as it floated inside of the tank, with multiple wires connected to its body.

“Ahh, Apocalymon...” Ebemon eyes the big Digimon. “Now that I’ve managed to capture you, we can finally fuse...Then I’ll have all the power that I could possibly need...” He cackles quietly, everyone staring at Apocalymon in fear. Everyone backs away nervously, except for Axel.

‘...Wait a minute...’ Axel steps closer to Apocalymon’s tank, eyes squinting at the mask covering part of his face...The odd line work on it looking...Too familiar. The mask having what looked like a small shard taken out of it...

‘That mask...It looks like the one that took me over...When I was the Dark King...’ Axel thinks, when it quickly clicks in his head.

“Apocalymon...You’re the one that took me over. The one that turned me into the Dark King!” Axel shouts out loud, everyone gasping. “You’re the one that made me...Do all those horrible things.” Ebemon doesn’t respond, only cackling loudly, as everyone glares fiercely at him.

“It’s too late to stop me now, Digidestined...” Ebemon presses a button, as the tank slowly opens up. “Now, Apocalymon...” Ebemon attaches two tentacles to Apocalymon’s form. “GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR POWER!! HAHAHAHAHA!!” The building starts to rumble violently, as everyone falls down, the lights switching off as everyone’s vision goes black...After a moment, the rumbling stops, as it feels like their bodies are...Floating. Everyone opens their eyes, and to their surprise, are now in a completely different place.


They looked like they were now floating around in what looked like dark space, with nothing but vast, empty darkness surrounding them.

“Wha...Where are we?” Erik asks, looking around.

“This is...The Darkened area. The space that exists between both our worlds.” A loud voice booms and echoes out of nowhere, feeling like the pure volume of it was surrounding everyone. Then, a huge, looming figure floats down...The fusion of Ebemon and Apocalymon. The lower half of Ebemon’s body was melded into Apocalymon’s Ebemon looking odd, like an ant compared to Apocalymon’s tremendous size. The rest of Ebemon’s body was half fused into Apocalymon’s top half. Ebemon’s glass face was cracked and shattered, revealing some pink flesh that pulsated oddly. The whole body was trembling uncomfortably, everything making for a sight that made everyone tremble in disgust in fear.

“Aww, what’s the matter, don’t like my new form?” Ebemon cackles, his voice now even sounding like two melded into one. “Well, don’t worry...You won’t see it for much longer. DEATH CLAW!!” With multiple claws, he slashes at each Digimon, with incredible power. The Digimon immediately bounce back, charging at Ebemon.


“NECRO MIST!!” Pharohmon and Anubismon try to attack, but are quickly swept away by Ebemon’s claws. He quickly then grabs the two, as he starts squeezing their bodies tightly.

“No...HEAVEN’S JUDGEMENT!!” Cherubimon strikes, trying to free Pharohmon and Anubismon...

“NEURO DESTROYER!!” But Ebemon strikes back, as he grabs and squeezes Cherubimon too.


“MAGNA BLAST!!” Ouryumon and ExMagnamon strike next, but Ebemon quickly swipes them both away, slamming his claws roughly down on both. He then tosses all three of the Digimon he’s holding, as they slam into the other three, sending everyone flying.

“Ugh, he’s just swatting them away like flies!” Cora grumbles. “What do we do?!” She was right. Ebemon was fighting all six of them effortlessly, and was barely breaking a sweat. Nobody had any idea what to do. Taeka stared at Slayerdramon as he fought. Of all the Digimon, he looked the least hurt, dodging most of the attacks, but still panting heavily, clearly tired. She knew he was trying his very best.

‘Oh, Slayerdramon, I know you’re trying your best.’ Taeka tightly clutches her Digivice to her chest. ‘I...Wish I could help you. Fight alongside with you...Somehow. As one.’ Her Digivice glows a soft, warm rainbow color.

“HAHAHAHA!! IS THAT REALLY THE BEST YOU’VE ALL GOT?!” Ebemon cackles loudly, mocking the beaten Digimon, who all struggled to stand. Taeka suddenly felt a flow of determination through her, running to Slayerdramon’s side.

“Slayerdramon, don’t give up! You can do this!” Taeka reassures him.

“But I...Feel so weak against him...” Slayerdramon weakly grumbles, trying to stand up.

“It doesn’t matter. I know you’re strong enough to beat him, and even if you feel like you can’t...I’m staying right here with you, buddy.” Taeka smiles, her Digivice glowing even brighter. She helps Slayerdramon stand up. “Remember our promise? We stick together...” Taeka states.

“...Always.” Slayerdramon finishes. The two hug eachother tightly. Closing their eyes, and feeling their embraces sink into eachother, a warm, ball of light engulfs the two...Their forms disappearing, and the light transforming into a huge shape...


Then, the light dissipated, as a gigantic dragon Digimon, that was over ten times Slayerdramon’s size, appeared in the two’s place.

“Wha...Did Slayerdramon just Digivolve...Again?!” Cora says, her and everyone staring at the new form in shock. 

“Uh...Where’s Taeka?” Axel asks, looking around.

“...I think that is Taeka!” Lily says, pointing at the Digimon.


“Wha...How?! Did she fuse with Slayerdramon somehow?!” Blaine asks.

“It must be like DNA Digivolution...” Ouryumon says. But I didn’t Digimon could fuse with...Humans...” 

The dragon Digimon flapped its wings softly, creating a big breeze.

“Taeka, I...I can feel your powers.” The Digimon’s voice boomed, echoing loudly. “Now we can fight as one...As Examon.” Even Ebemon looked shocked, but quickly shook his head, regaining his composure.

“Pfft, you really think your new form scares me?! NEURO DESTROYER!!” Ebemon fires a beam, but Examon swipes it away with their lance like it’s nothing.

“Don’t worry, everyone...” Examon turns back to the group. “...I’ve got this.”

“LIKE HELL YOU DO!! DEATH CLAW!!” Ebemon rages, trying to attack while Examon has their back turned, but they quickly dodge the attack...

“PENDRAGON’S GLORY!!” And fires a huge orange beam from their lance, hitting Ebemon and doing a lot of damage.

“DRAGONIC IMPACT!!” Examon roughly tackles Ebemon, knocking him back.

“Wow...They’re so powerful...” Erik says, in awe. Everyone stands together and watches, as Examon and Ebemon fight, Examon clearly overpowering him.

“Yeah...It’s amazing...” Lily says with sparkles in her eyes.

“PENDRAGON’S GLORY!!” Examon fires again, Ebemon now clearly looking beat up and exhausted.

“...NO...” Ebemon huffs, breathing heavily. “I...Will not...LOSE!! DEATH CLAW!! DEATH CLAW!!” Ebemon screches like a madman, mindlessly swiping and attacking in all directions, Examon calmly moving out of his way.

“Enough of you, Ebemon...” Examon growls, raising their lance which fills up with power. “It’s time to finally finish this. AVALON’S...GATE!!” Examon stabs right through Ebemon. Ebemon screeches loudly in pain as his body starts to crack, slowly falling apart...As it finally poofs to dust...

...Oddly though, the dust starts to swirl, and what looks like a portal forms in its aftermath. A portal...To the Digital World. All the Digimon stand up, staring through the portal, before looking back at their partners.

“I think now is the moment where we finally have to say goodbye.” Ouryumon says, the Digimon nodding.

“Really? Right now?” Erik asks, sadness in his eyes.

“But...I don’t want you to leave, Cherubimon!” Lily whimpers. 

“I’m sorry Lily, but...The Digital World is where we belong. We have to go.” Cherubimon says, a soft tone.

“But...We have to ask you for one more thing, before we leave.” Anubismon says, everyone looking confused. All the Digimon look down at everyone’s Digivices, nodding at each other. “If you lend us the power of your Digivices, we can stay in our mega forms and protect the Digital World, so no more harm will come to it.” Anubismon states. “Are you all able to do that?” Everyone nods in agreement, as they step closer to their partners, one by one...

“ExMagnamon, I...I really wish we didn’t have to say goodbye like this...” Axel sniffles. “I have so much more...I wish I could say to you...”

“You don’t have to. I already know.” ExMagnamon nods. 

“You were...The first person to ever show kindness to me. I’ll never forget that.” Axel smiles, despite tears running down his face. He points his Digivice up to ExMagnamon, as a beam of light pours out of it, absorbing into ExMagnamon.

“Pharohmon...I...I love you so much.” Cora sobs. “Please...Stay safe in the Digital World, ok?”

“Of course...You’re the reason I’m able to become this strong in the first place. I love you too.” Pharohmon nods, as Cora wipes some tears off, giving her Digivice’s power next.

“Ouryumon, I...” Blaine was trying his best to keep a straight face, but couldn’t, as tears began to form in his eyes too. “I know I’m not that easy to get along with, but I’m glad you still stuck with me regardless.”

“Of course. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner.” Ouryumon nods, Blaine giving next.

“Anubismon...” Erik whimpered, also tearful. “You’re my best friend, I really don’t wanna leave you...”

“It’s ok, Erik...I’m sure we’ll see eachother again someday.” Anubismon gives a warm smile, Erik giving the powers next.

“No, Cherubimon...” Lily sobbed the loudest, hugging Cherubimon. “I don’t want you to leave!!”

“Lily, it’s gonna be ok...” Cherubimon reassures. “We’ll reunite again someday.” Lily sniffles, letting go of her. “You...Promise?” Lily says. 

“I promise.” Lily wipes some tears off, giving her powers up last. All the Digimon turn around, moving closer to the portal, alongside Examon.

“Wait...Taeka, you’re not leaving too, are you?” Lily asks, running to Examon.

“Sorry Lily, but I have to. I have to stay in this form to protect the Digital World.” Examon says.

“What?! No!! You can’t leave me! It’s already bad enough I have to say goodbye to Cherubimon! Not you too!!” Lily cries. Examon turns away from her, looking a bit guilty.

“I’m sorry Lily, the Digital World needs me.” Examon says. Everyone gets closer to the portal...

“Say goodbye to our parents for me. Goodbye now...”

“NO!! DON’T GO!!”

All the Digimon fly through the portal, as it shrinks. The dimension around everyone starts to slowly fade away. Their bodies slowly fall to the ground, as they softly land on a hard flooring. Back in the laboratory...The Digimon now all gone. Everyone looks between eachother, looks of concern on each face.

“Wow, is that really...It?” Cora mumbles. “That’s...All there is?”

“Seems like it...” Axel says back. Suddenly the collapsed lab workers on the floor groan and start waking up. A big group of police officers suddenly run into the room, as they all grab the kids, ushering and leading them out.

“NO!! I DON’T WANNA GO!! I WANT MY SISTER BACK!!” Lily was the only one who resisted, as she sobbed, kicked and screeched, but was still carried out of there. “TAEKA, NO!!” As everyone was getting lead out, Erik and Blaine looked at eachother, sharing the same looks of pain.

“I can’t believe Taeka just left like that...” Blaine says. “And all our Digimon partners. Erik...Do you think we’ll ever see them again?” Thoughts swirled through Erik’s head, as he tried his best to search for the right answer. He sighed heavily, breath getting shaky.

“I...I don’t know. I...”

“...I hope so.”