Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 39
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Two paths, one destination | Chapter 37

Everyone groaned, sitting up from the rock hard ground in pain...Looking at the rubble covered entrance, leaving everyone buried and trapped inside.

“Wha...Why...Why did Silphymon do that?” Cora asks, staring in shock.

“Silphymon was trying to help us..” Blaine says. “Since we weren’t listening to him...He had to force us in here.” Everyone stands up, Taeka quickly running to the rubble, kicking at it.

“...Taeka, I don’t think that’s going to work.” Blaine says, unamused.

“...Wait a minute. Terriermon? Where’s Terriermon?!” Lily looks around frantically, not seeing any sign of Terriermon.

“He must’ve gotten stuck on the other side with Silphymon.” Ryudamon says.

“Aw, great. Now both of our friends are stuck out there with three mega Digimon! What are we going to do?!” Taeka grumbles, plopping down on the pile of rubble with a loud sigh.

“...We might as well just look for Hellscape.” Cora says.

“What?! We can’t just let Silphymon fight Belphemon on his own!” Lily worriedly whimpers.

“I mean, she’s got a point.” Blaine says, everyone quickly turning their attention to him. “Silphymon did that for a reason. If we just sit here worrying about him then his sacrifice will be for nothing. So we might as well just hurry up and find Hellscape...And hope that Silphymon will be able to manage for now.” Everyone takes in Blaine’s words, looking back and forth between each other and nodding.

“Yeah, you’re right. The sooner we find Hellscape, the sooner we can prevent Lucemon from waking up.” Axel says.

“Uhhh, guys? We might have a bit of a problem with that!” Labramon calls to them from further down the path, everyone walking over to what Labramon was talking about...And see a split path.

“Aw man! Which path are are we supposed to go on?!” Taeka grunts, her eyes darting back and forth between each path.

“...Only way we’ll know is if we split up, and go both ways.” Axel says.

“...I’ll go on this path. By myself.” Blaine sternly says, pointing to the right path.

“What?! Why?” Taeka asks.

“Well...It’s pretty much the same weird feeling I had with Leviamon. This feels like something I have to do...On my own at least.” Blaine pauses, looking down the path. “I think it’s also a way for me to train myself one last time. To make sure I’m really ready for this fight.”

“Aww, but I don’t want you to split from the group again!” Lily whines.

“Hey, don’t worry Lily, Blaine will be fine.” Erik says, as he walks over to Blaine, standing closely to him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

“Blaine, just...Promise me you’ll be fine, alright?” Erik asks, with a pleading, serious expression.

“...Of course, man. I always will be.” Blaine gives a reassuring smile, as the two hug for a short moment.

“If the path I go on ends up being a dead end, I’ll just meet back up with you guys.” Blaine says. “Either way, I just want to let you all know you can rely on me.” Blaine and Ryudamon turn away, walking down the path...As everyone notices the katana attached to Blaine’s back glowing a soft light gray color.

“...Blaine’s a bit of a loner, isn’t he?” Axel says.

“Yeah, he’s kind’ve always been that way.” Cora responds. “I think he’s just more comfortable being on his own.”

“Yeah, but Blaine’s pretty much the toughest one in this group. He’ll be fine.” Erik says. Everyone turns towards the left path, starting to walk down the humid tunnel, which felt like steam was blowing out through cracks in the walls. Taeka slips her jacket off, tying it around her waist, as everyone walks silently for a few minutes.

“So, uh...How’s everyone doing?” Taeka says, trying to break the awkward silence.

“I’m doing fine. I’m pretty ready to finally defeat the demon lords once and for all.” Erik says.

“Yeah, me too!” Labramon chimes in.

“I’m fine, I just worry a bit about Terriermon and Silphymon. I hope they’re ok.” Lily says, looking at Conomon who was sitting on her shoulder, the baby Digimon smiling at her.

“I’m fine too, just a bit worried about how the fights gonna go down.” Axel says.

“Well, I’m ready to kick the demon lord’s butts!” ExTyrannomon excitedly says. “Especially Belphemon’s!”

“I’m doing pretty well!” BlackGabumon says. BlackGabumon looks up at Cora, awaiting a responses, but she says nothing.

“...Cora? You alright?” Erik asks. Cora stares with her head down, suddenly stopping walking.

“I don’t know, I just...I’m really worried about the fight.” Cora says, her voice weak. “I still have no idea how to get BlackGabumon to the mega level. What if I can’t get BlackGabumon to warp digivolve, and we end up losing the fight because of it?” Her voice cracks, sounding clearly upset. Erik slowly walks over to her, resting a hand on her shoulder.”

“Hey, Cora, try not to worry too much about it. These things happen on their own when the time comes, so try not to stress yourself out over it, alright?” Erik says.

“Yeah, and you’ll be able to figure it out when the time comes!” Taeka chimes in.

“And even if you don’t...” BlackGabumon softly adds. “I’ll still do my best as Mummymon to help fight, alright?” BlackGabumon gives a reassuring smile to Cora, who couldn’t help but smile back a bit, lifting her head up.

“Yeah, I guess so...Thanks, you guys.” Cora says, as everyone continues walking. Taeka then looks down at Dracomon, who had a confident stride to him.

“Dracomon, how are you doing?” Taeka asks.

“I’m doing great! I’m pretty ready and confident to finally defeat the demon lords!” Dracomon says, excitedly hopping into the air. “When I’m Slayerdramon, I feel like I can really do anything.”

“Yeah, me too! After seeing what Slayerdramon did with Laylamon and Leviamon, I know you’ll be able to-“

“Hey, I think there’s someone over there!” Taeka is cut off by Lily, who points further down the path.

“Wait a minute, is that...” BlackGabumon suddenly runs ahead of everyone, as Conomon hops off of Lily’s shoulder, also running ahead. The two keep running, until they stop in front of a beaten up Digimon, a face that looked familiar to the two...

“Crescemon?! What are you doing here?” BlackGabumon asks.

“Wait, BlackGabumon, you know this Digimon?” Cora questions.

“Yeah, she was a part of Laylamon’s army!” BlackGabumon responds.

“...Ugh...” Crescemon slowly squints her eyes open, grunting in pain, glaring at the group. “...Oh, it’s you...Digidestined.” Crescemon huffs, turning her head away from everyone who stared at her. “What are you...Staring at? You might as well just...Take me out now. It’s not like I have...Anything else to live for anymore...Now that Laylamon’s gone.”

“What?! No, we’d never do that! We’re your friends!” BlackGabumon says.

“Cono! Cono! Mon! Mon!” Conomon squeaks.

“What...I have no idea who you two are...” Crescemon huffs. “Or what that little one...Is saying.”

“Aw man...Conomon, she doesn’t recognize us in these forms!” BlackGabumon says. Conomon suddenly then squeezes her eyes shut tightly, almost looking like she was holding her breath for a moment...Before her body starts to glow, digivolving into Kokomon.

“Crescemon, it’s us, Antylamon and Mummymon! Remember?” Kokomon squeaks.

“What, you two?! Ugh...” Crescemon tries to stand up, but groans in pain, falling back down, and grabbing one arm that looked pretty scratched up. “Dangit...What, did you come over here just to mock me or something, while I’m down?” She huffs.

“What?! No! We came over to help you, your our friend, and you look pretty hurt!” BlackGabumon says, pointing to the scratches covering her body.

“Hey Lily, you still have that medicine from Silphymon?” Kokomon asks.

“Huh? Oh yeah, I think so...” Lily slips her backpack off, rummaging through it, and quickly pulling out the bottle of medicine. “Here Crescemon, this will make you feel better!” Lily hands the bottle to Crescemon, who looks at her cautiously, but eventually grabs it, chugging down most of the liquid.

“Crescemon, what happened to you? How’d you get so beat up?” Erik asks.

“Ugh...Well, I started marching down this tunnel, cause I wanted to find Barbamon and get revenge on him for what he did to Laylamon, but...These powerful Digimon attacked me, and, well...”

“Woah...What kind of Digimon was it?” Axel asks. Crescemon doesn’t respond, as everyone suddenly hears what sounded like...Heavy breathing, above them. Everyone looks up, to see a high ceiling...


‘Baboongamon: Champion level, Vaccine. Beast Digimon with a strong sense of territory, that builds its home in cliffs or underground. Main attack is Mount Rock, where it hurls the rocks on its arms.’

...To see three Baboongamon, attached to the ceiling, who suddenly land in front of everyone, with a loud thud that shook the walls.

“RAAAAUGHHH!! MOUNT ROCK!!” The three Baboongamon throw stocks at the group, who all nimbly dodge it.

“Come on guys, you gotta Digivolve!” Taeka says, as their Digivices start to glow.




“Alright team, let’s take these three out, and defend Crescemon!” Coredramon growls. “BLUE FLARE BREATH!!”

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“...Blaine, I still don’t really get it.” Ryudamon says, the two of them walking down the large, empty tunnel. “You said this was something you had to do, but I still have no idea what you meant by that.”

“I already told you I can’t explain it Ryudamon, so stop asking.” Blaine sternly responds. An awkward silence grows between the two, as Ryudamon thinks for a moment.

“...You just wanna be useful to the group, don’t you?” Ryudamon asks, making Blaine stop in his tracks.

“Well...Sort’ve, it’s something like that.” Blaine responds. “I don’t know, I just...I still haven’t been able to figure out how to get you to the mega level, and I still wanna be able to figure it out on my own, so I can be more useful.” Ryudamon nods in response to Blaine’s statement.

“...I understand, but don’t be afraid to also ask the others for help too, alright?” Ryudamon says. “Remember what happened with the Leviamon fight? We couldn’t have won that if we never gotten help from Taeka.”

“Yeah, I know. I just want the group to be able to rely on me, too.” Blaine says, Ryudamon nodding again, as he notices Blaine’s katana glowing again.

“Blaine, your katana...” Ryudamon points at it.


“It’s glowing.” Blaine slips the katana off of his back, but it immediately stops glowing the second he eyes it.

“...Doesn’t look like it is. Are you sure you-“

“RAAAAUGHHH!!” Out of nowhere, a Baboongamon suddenly crashes onto the ground, roaring loudly and spooking the two.

“...Time to fight, Ryudamon.”


“PIERCING BLADES!!” Ginryumon immediately shoots at Baboongamon, but he blocks the blades with his rocky hands, the blades only bouncing off of him.

“MOUNT ROCK!!” Baboongamon throws rocks at Ginryumon, who dodges all but one that hits his leg, causing him to fall down. Baboongamon steps closer to Ginryumon, raising his hands...

...But quickly stops, roaring in pain as he feels Blaine stab him in the back with his katana.

“BOUJINHA!!” Ginryumon quickly takes this chance to tackle Baboongamon, making him fall back. Baboongamon quickly then shakes Blaine off his body, sending him flying upwards, nearly hitting the ceiling as he grabs ahold of a pointy rock jutting out from the ceiling, to prevent himself from falling.

“Blaine...Hang in there! PIERCING BLADES!!” Ginryumon striked at Baboongamon, trying to move him out of the way so he could catch Blaine, but to no avail. Blaine felt his hand starting to slip, looking down at how far he was from the ground...Knowing the fall would definitely kill him if he slipped. He looked down at his other hand, which held onto his katana...And knew he had no choice. He dropped the katana, quickly grabbing a better hold of the rock as the blade smacked Baboongamon in the head and clanked onto the ground, Baboongamon looking around curiously.

“BOUJINHA!!” Ginryumon tackled Baboongamon one last time, sending him crashing into the tunnel walls, rubble starting to fall on top of him.

“PIERCING BLADES!!” Ginryumon took one last shot, the blades piercing right through him...Finally poofing the Baboongamon to dust. Ginryumon quickly then hopped onto some high rocks, as Blaine finally lost his grip and fell...Luckily getting caught by Ginryumon at the last second, the two landing safely on the ground.

“Wow...That was...A close one.” Blaine huffs, clearly exhausted.

“Sure was, but...Nice work there.” Ginryumon says, smiling.

“Yeah...You too.”

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“Come on Sangloupmon, finish him off!” Seasarmon and Coredramon growled, pinning down the last Baboongamon.

“STICKER BLADE!!” All the blades stab right through Baboongamon...Poofing him to dust.

“WOO!! Nice job, you guys!” Taeka cheers, as the three revert back to their rookie forms.

“Crescemon, are you feeling better now?” Lily looks over at Crescemon, who’s wounds looked like they were mostly gone now, as she managed to stand up fine.

“Yeah, I just...I don’t really understand why you would all help me like this.” Crescemon says softly.

“We told you, it’s because we’re friends!” BlackGabumon says.

“And, also...” Cora adds. “If you think about it, we both technically have the same goal here. To defeat Barbamon.”

“Ooh, yeah! How about you join, and help us with our big fight?!” Taeka says excitedly. Crescemon turns away for a moment, thinking...Before a small smile appears on her face.

“...Yeah, alright. It’s not like I could beat Barbamon on my own, anyways. Thanks.” Crescemon says, everyone smiling back at her, as the group continues walking.

“Man, that was a close one, though...I thought my data was gone for good there.” Crescemon says.

“Data...” Taeka looks up at the ceiling, thoughts swirling through her head. “You know, that’s always made me wonder...What exactly happens when you Digimon die? I know you’re all made up of data, but I always see Digimon’s data floating around in the air when they die, so...What exactly happens to your data?”

“Oh, their data gets sent back to the Primary Village!” ExTyrannomon responds. “Then their data gets turned back into a Digi-egg!”

“Wait a minute...Does that mean Digimon technically don’t die?” Erik asks.

“Yeah, pretty much, but most Digimon lose their memories of their lives when they get turned back to a Digi-egg. So in a way, it’s like a part of them technically dies.” Crescemon states.

“Wait a minute...Does that mean all the Digimon we’ve fought will come back someday?” Taeka asks. “Even the demon lords?!”

“It’s possible, but it’s too low of a chance to worry about it.” Crescemon says.

“Also, Digimon who die in the human world don’t come back, since there’s no Primary Village there.” ExTyrannomon states. “Unless they absorb themselves into another Digimon!”

“Absorb...Themselves? What does that mean?” Cora asks.

“I’ll explain it.” Crescemon states. “You know how when a Digimon dies, another Digimon can absorb their data and take their powers? Well, when a Digimon dies, they can use the last of their will to forcefully absorb themselves into another Digimon thats alive, even if the alive Digimon doesn’t absorb the data themselves. Then, if the alive Digimon dies in the Digital World, both of their data’s will separate, and they’ll both revert back to Digi-eggs, thus avoiding death for the absorbed Digimon.”

“Woah, I had no idea Digimon could do that. That’s pretty cool!” Lily says.

‘Take their...Powers...Wait a minute...’ Something clicks in Erik’s thoughts, making him think about something. ‘GrapLeomon said something about Labramon using Raremon’s attack, and...Wasn’t Raremon the first Digimon we fought together? When we first met?’ Erik pulls out his Digivice, looking up Raremon on the analyzer.

‘Raremon’s main attack: Breath of Decay.

“Hey, Crescemon, can I ask you something?” Erik asks. “When a Digimon absorbs another Digimon...Are they able to use the attacks of the Digimon they absorbed?”

“Sure can.” Crescemon responds. “It’s called an Absorption attack. When a Digimon likes the Digimon that absorbed them, they’ll lend their attacks to use them when they’re in a tough situation.”

“Woah, guys...That’s where our partner’s random super powerful attacks come from!” Taeka says, with realization. “Dracomons used a Fire Blast attack a couple times before, and thats DarkTyrannomon’s attack...Which is the same Digimon we fought on the first day we met!!”

“And Lopmon’s used the Electro Shocker attack a lot...” Lily adds in. “Which is Kabuterimon’s attack, the first Digimon we fought!”

“Me and BlackGabumon fought a Bakemon on the first day we met, but we haven’t used that type of attack yet...” Cora adds.

“Woah...You guys think Blaine has any absorption attacks as well?” Erik asks.

“Maybe, we can ask him and Ryudamon when we meet up again!” Labramon asks.

“Man...Absorption attacks...This is awesome! We can pretty much do anything now!” Taeka says excitedly. “Come on, Dracomon!” Taeka and Dracomon run excitedly ahead of the group.

“Hey, Crescemon...How the heck did you get beaten up so badly by those Baboongamon?!” Labramon asks. “They weren’t that strong!”

“Labramon, don’t be rude!” Erik says.

“Pfft, those Baboongamon weren’t the ones that beat me up.” Crescemon scoffs.

“Wait...What?” Everyone suddenly stops in their tracks. “Who...Was it then?” Erik asks. Crescemon doesn’t respond, only staring ahead at the path.

“...She’s about to find out.” Crescemon responds, pointing ahead to Taeka.

“...Taeka?” Erik calls for her, but she doesn’t respond, suddenly stopping in her tracks. Everyone hurriedly ran over to Taeka, noticing that she was looking up at something...


‘Groundramon: Ultimate level, virus. An earth dragon Digimon with giant arms on its back that allows it to dig through the ground. Main attack is Scrap Claw, where claws at the opponent with its huge claws.’

A gigantic Groundramon, that suddenly slams to the ground with a loud thud, roaring powerfully.

“Taeka, be careful!” Lily calls to her. Everyone runs over, ready to fight, but Taeka sticks one arm out, stopping them.

“Don’t worry guys...” Taeka looks back at everyone, smirking. “I got this.”


COREDRAMON DIGIVOLVE TO...WINGDRAMON!!” Wingdramon immediately tackles Groundramon, throwing him into the walls and sending rubble flying.

“WING BLAST!!” The shock wave from Wingdramon’s wings shake the entirety of the small room, nearly hitting everyone.

“Wingdramon, be careful!” Cora says, barely dodging a rock flying towards her. Wingdramon’s huge body could barely fit inside of the pocket area, and it didn’t help that Groundramon was nearly the same size as Wingdramon, the two practically forced next to one another.

“SCRAP CLAW!!” Groundramon clawed at Wingdramon, who was unable to dodge the attack.

“Come on, Wingdramon!” Taeka cheered to her partner. “You can do this!!”

“Hey, Crescemon...” Erik turns to her, whilst trying to shield himself from falling rubble. “Was there another Digimon that beat you up as well?”

“Yeah actually, there was a MarineDevimon up here earlier, but...” Crescemon says, staring at a small pool of water that was next to them. “...I have no idea where he went.”

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“Tylomon, are you sure swimming in that doesn’t hurt you?” Blaine walked alongside Tylomon, who was swimming next to him in a gigantic pool of lava.

“Nah, not at all.” Tylomon calmly responds. “It feels the same as water...It’s kind’ve nice actually.” Tylomon continues swimming, until he suddenly stops, feeling a rumble deep in the pool...

“HAHAHAHA!!” Until MarineDevimon suddenly pops his body out of the lava, cackling loudly. “You won’t get past me! DARK DELUGE!!” MarineDevimon blasts a large blob of black ink, but Tylomon swiftly dodges it, diving under the lava. 

“TORPEDO ATTACK!!” Tylomon fires multiple torpedoes, all hitting MarineDevimon and doing a lot of damage, knocking him back. MarineDevimon roars in anger, swiping at the lava mindlessly, but doing nothing, not seeing where Tylomon was.

“...HEAVY ANCHOR!!” Tylomon fires, but misses this time, the gigantic anchor flying past and hitting the wall, forming a big crack.


“HYDRO WAVE!!” Tylomon’s attack sends MarineDevimon out of the lava, crashing and landing on the ground.

“HEAVY ANCHOR!!” Tylomon strikes one last time, this time as the anchor slams into MarineDevimon, instantly cutting through him and poofing him to dust.

“Pfft, that was easy.” Blaine scoffs. Blaine turns around, suddenly noticing a red light filtering through the crack on the wall. Blaine runs over to it, as Tylomon slips out of the water and follows, reverting back to Ryudamon.

“This might be our way out.” Blaine says, as he starts kicking at the crack, which immediately crumbles, making a small hole. Blaine and Ryudamon duck, crawling through the small crack...

...And onto the other side. They ended up in what looked like a gigantic crater, on a spot where they were overlooking the entire land. The land was covered with jagged rocks, and pools of lava, which also circled around the entire area. The middle of the land also had a gigantic hole in it. Three, dark towers also stood amidst the landscape. 

“...This has to be Hellscape.” Blaine says, staring at his surroundings. He stares for a short moment, until Ryudamon suddenly tackles him down behind a rock...As Daemon flies past them, not seeing the two.

“...What do we do? I don’t think the others are here yet.” Ryudamon whispers. Blaine quickly peeks out from behind the rock for a moment, before ducking back.

“...Let’s wait for the others.” Blaine whispers back. “Then we’ll strike.”

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“We gotta get outta here, this rubbles gonna kill us before the demon lords do!” Axel shouts. Wingdramon and Groundramon were still fighting, but the rubble they were making fell to the ground like rain, making it impossible for the group to dodge much longer.

“...Over there!” Lily points to what looked like a big opening at the end of the tunnel, where light filtered out of it.

“Wingdramon!! Push Groundramon outside!!” Taeka calls.

“BLAZE SONIC BREATH!!” Wingdramon used his scorching flames to slowly push Groundramon out of the tunnel, everyone quickly running outside as rubble crashed down, burying the tunnel the second they got out.

“DRAGON’S ARROW!!” Wingdramon takes one last shot at Groundramon, poofing him to dust, as Wingdramon immediately reverted back to Dracomon.

“WOO!! That was a nice...Shot...” Taeka halts her speech when a dark shadow suddenly looms over the group...A familiar face looking down at them.

“Well, well, look who it is...” Barbamon stared down at them, smirking. 

“...The Digidestined.”